2V Hoverbike

2V Hoverbike

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2V Hoverbike Achievement Guide
By A_Phosphorus_Invention
This is a guide covering all the areas of the game along with the Bosses of each of those areas. I'll also cover all 12 Achievements you can unlock during the course of the game.
Hello and thank you for checking out the guide.

I am not a frequent flyer of the Shoot-em-Up genre, but 2V Hoverbike seemed like a cool, short entry that I thought I'd give it a try. I revisited recently as part of attempting YouTube guides and felt it might be a good idea to put together a more comprehensive guide about the whole game.

If you notice inconsistencies with the life or shield counters between screenshots following with what should seem like chronological order of this guide, please note they may be from entirely different playthroughs or I may have died QUITE often.

Hop on.
Let's get started.
Cumulative Achievements (50, 100, and 500 Kills)
These will come naturally over the course of playing the game.

Weapon Exhibition
Starting out or restarting after death will reset your Hoverbike to its default Blue Single Shot, pick up any Weapon Drop to attain both a Primary and Parallel ability.

There are 3 Main Weapons in the game. It's good to note that there will be an automatic Parallel attack. You can also let the power bar under your bike fill up and for each weapon it'll have a unique Full-Blast attack.

Blue Single Shot
Single Target Missile
Heavy Blue Shots
Yellow Triple Shot
Two-Shot Ricochet
Green Laser Burst
Red Heavy Beam
Single Target Lightning
Blue Lightning Ball

Try out each of the weapons over the course of the game and unlock the Weapon Exhibition Achievement.

Conditional Achievements (No Shield and Cheating Death)
Either or both of these two achievements may come naturally over the course of the game. Especially if Shoot-em-Ups are a favorite of yours. Or even if you're relatively comfortable with the genre. If you're not, or if this is your first taste of the genre, you may want to look at some of the early levels to take care of these achievements.

Before I decided to put this guide together on Steam, I made 2 videos describing how to get these two achievements together on either Level 1 and Level 3.

Level 1

Level 3

After you complete a level with never activating your Shield, you will get the No Shield Achievement.

Complete a level WITHOUT dying (losing 1 life) and you will be awarded the Cheating Death Achievement.
Area 1 & Titan Boss
Level 1
Level 1 is pretty straight forward. Since you're starting out, you'll want to take note of some things for the duration of the game.
1. Shoot the Eyeball Aliens to acquire a drop when destroyed.
2. There are 2 kinds of pick-ups.
A). Weapon Swaps.
B). +1 Life and +1 Shield.
3. The level will end with the 1st "sub-Boss" of the game.


These two spinning discs are linked by a beam tether. Each time they stop in a corner of the screen, they also pulse out short beam shots. These are slow, but be careful to stay out of their line of fire. This sub-Boss doesn't take much damage, just pace yourself with their rotation and lay damage into them as much as you can.

Level 2
Level 2 ratchets up the pressure a bit. You'll be faced with some larger squads of enemies and they'll spawn in new ways. Level 2 will also feature another sub-Boss and the first Boss of the game.


This sub-Boss will shoot the same bullets the spinning disc enemies from Level 1 shot. However, clearly, this guy will sprinkle them like it's confetti. Keep up the damage until it's vanquished and move carefully through them. Be mindful of the extra life it drops once beaten.

Boss: Titan
The Titan Boss has 3 Segments to its fight. You'll have a wave of fighters in-between attacking both of its "eyes" as well.
NOTE: When it appears on screen, you can actually get some early damage on its 3rd section.
Once you've dealt the final blow to its wave beam weapon, you'll unlock the Fallen Titan Achievement.
Area 2 & Mainframe Boss
Level 3
Level 3 isn't too much of note here. Just an introduction to the Jungle area. We'll be dealing with bugs here. And plants. Everything wants to kill you. Kill it first.

Something of note here. Enemies will now spawn in on your current screen as if cloaked. This means your reaction time will need to be sharp since you'll have a shorter window to shoot or dodge them. Since it's introduced here, be ready for it in future levels.

Level 4
Level 4 is similarly straightforward, but the clusters of enemies seem to spawn a bit more. There's no sub-Boss in this level, so take your time and deal with each spawn as it comes. Once you get to more open areas, be ready to move or shoot at a second's notice.

Boss: Mainframe
Not sure why there's a computer hanging out in the jungle, but here we are.
The Mainframe Boss has 4 major methods of attack.
1. Discs with 4-way Beam Cannons.
2. Massive Beam Shots.
3. Missile Barrage.
4. Confetti Shots.
Once it's destroyed, you'll get the Mainframe Unplugged Achievement.
Area 3 & Worm Boss
Level 5
Level 5 will introduce slow-moving enemies that take more damage to rid the skies of. I highly recommend using the Triple Shot for this level if you can, however the Heavy Beam can be great for when enemies are in a line formation. Use your best judgement for the situation or whatever you feel more comfortable with. You'll also be met with heavy ground resistance here and in multiple ways, so be wary of shots as well as enemies coming from below.

About half-way or so through the level, you'll see breakable parts of pillars. This is the first time you'll see parts of the environment as a means of defense. Blast these parts away and slip through. Watch for enemies that may try to come through the other side.

Level 6
Level 6 is more of the same from the previous level, but more compact. There's not going to be any downtime in this level. Once you get to the area with 3 breakaway walls, you'll soon be at the boss, but you'll be met with an ambush before.

Boss: Worm
The Worm Boss has 4 different attacks and it will move between each with very little downtime. You will absolutely have to keep moving for this boss.
1. Chained Orbs.
2. Lunge and Bite.
3. Debris Inhale.
4. Acid Beam.
Slay the beast and claim the Under the dunes Achievement!
Area 4 & Robot Boxer Boss
Level 7
Level 7 is tough. It starts with long straight lines of enemies and then a massive wave. This level will also be the first time you'll be forced to take narrow ventilation tunnels. Once you leave the vents, you'll be met with a strange unique enemy. I don't count this as a sub-Boss because this thing will spread its spinning shots twice and then it just leaves?

Level 8
Level 8 is short, but tough as well. There is another huge wave. Several pockets of ships will come from behind as well. This level can overwhelm you quickly. Stay alive, use your Shield if you have to, and once you clear the cavern exit and get outside you'll face the Boss.

Boss: Robot Boxer
I think the Triple Shot works best since at least 1-2 shots will hit the boss nearly during the entire battle.

1. Crescent Beam Rain.
2. Missile Rain.
3. Punch Wave.
4. Bullet Punch.
5. Close Attack. (This can be super quick!)

Defeat the Robot Boxer get the Knockout Achievement.
Area 5 & Twin Bikes Boss
Level 9
Level 9 features a lot of new enemy designs. It's a tough level. You're going to see a lot of different kinds of shots both seeking and spreading.
Watch out specifically for this guy, it'll show up before the beam rooms and after.

The beam rooms really are a prime place to time using your Shield to avoid taking damage here if you can't move quick enough.

The enemy I mentioned previously will return multiple times during the course of the level. I highly advise you using the Shield to protect yourself while focusing taking it on directly. Eventually it'll leave and the level will end.

Level 10
Level 10 is super, super short. Just a few sets of enemies here. You have the chance to change your weapons around here if you want.

Boss: Twin Bikes
I won't lie. This fight is rough. I highly, highly recommend using the Triple Shot. Mostly because of using the Full-Blast. Let your power bar fill and unleash it. It should only take you 4 times per bike, maybe less if you've landed normal shots too, but the fight becomes much easier once one of them is destroyed. The Shield itself will deal damage to the bikes. Use this to your advantage at any point you can, but definitely when one of the bikes moves to the center of the arena and does a spread shot.
They will spread out a massive array of shots covering like 80% of the screen. They will have a pattern where 1 will fly off and then diagonally return to position. They will often return together to the right side of the screen, but vary their attack patterns from both sides and also top and bottom. I highly advise watching their patterns closely and recognize how to react and when to activate your Shield if you absolutely need to.

Destroy them both and get the Twin Bikes Achievement.

Watch through the ending comic and credits to unlock Master of the hoverbike.
Again, thank you once again for stopping by and checking out the guide. This was a surprise project to put together and I had a good time going back over the game.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the game or the guide itself please let me know.

Game On.
