Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Characteristics of weapons and legends[Season15] (by Arnemex)
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Now with changes of season 15!
This guide will be updated over time, as well as when changing the characteristics of weapons in the game, the guide will be amended accordingly.
[NEW!] Characteristics of legends
1. Bloodhound

Passive "Tracker":

-Clues will note how long ago they occurred, and vanish after 90 seconds.
-Scopes can be used to see clues further away

Tactical "Eye of the Allfather"

-Cooldown: 25 seconds ( 8 seconds)
-Time to activate: 1.8 seconds( 0.9 seconds)
-In a 125° cone in front of you, all enemies and traps are highlighted and tracked to be seen by you and your allies.
-The maximum distance it will highlight is 75 meters.
-The tracking lasts for 3 seconds on players.

Ultimate "Beast of the hunt"

Charge time: 3 minutes
-Lasts 30 seconds
-Downing enemies will add 5 to 15 seconds to ultimate.
-Increases your speed by 30%.
-Your vision turns black and white, except for enemies, which are highlighted in red,teammates are highlighted in blue.

2. Gibraltar

Passive "Gun Shield"

-Shield has 50 HP
-If broken, it has a 9-second cooldown before regenerating
-Any excess damage inflicted when destroying the shield will be transferred over to Gibraltar himself

Tactical "Dome of Protection"

Cooldown: 30 seconds
-Gibraltar revives allies 33% faster while inside his dome(4 sec).
-The dome has a radius of 6 meters and lasts 12 seconds

Ultimate "Defensive bombardment"

-Charge time: 4.5 minutes
-For 6 seconds, explosives continuously rain down on the area, dealing 40 damage per hit and shell-shocking players
-It has a radius of 24m.

3. Lifeline

Passive "Combat revive"

-Can revive two players at the same time,players being revived by Lifeline can cancel their revive.
-If a player is in the process of being revived by D.O.C., the revive will not be canceled when the last player in the squad is downed.

Tactical "D.O.C. heal drone"

Cooldown: 45 seconds
-Heals 8 health per second with an infinite healing pool, and lasts 20 seconds
-Healing radius 6m

Ultimate "Care package"

Charge time: 3.5 minutes
-Care Packages come with 3 item slots, and always guarantee an upgrade to the player's squad’s current loadout, if possible.
-Takes 15 seconds to land once called in.
-Do not contain supply drop weapons

4. Pathfinder

Passive "Insider knowlegde"

-Scanning a survey beacon also fully charges Pathfinder’s ultimate
-Using a survey beacon decreases Pathfinder’s Zipline Gun cooldown by 10 seconds

Tactical "Grappling hook"

Coodlown: 10-30 seconds.
-The maximum length of the grappling hook is 21 meters. There is a circle on Pathfinder's crosshair that turns blue to indicate when the surface you're pointing at is within grapple range
-The grappling hook can also attach to players, pulling the two of you together
-The cooldown's length scales based on the distance Pathfinder travels, with more emphasis placed on horizontal movement.

Ultimate "Zipline Gun"

Charge time: 2 minutes
-The maximum length of the zipline is 110 meters
-Up to 4 ziplines can be active on the map at once


Passive "Voices from the void"

-The player hears a spectral voice audibly warn the player if:
An enemy is taking aim
There are traps nearby
There are many enemies nearby
Many people have died nearby.

Tactical "Into the void"

Cooldown: 25 sec.
-Upon activation, Wraith enters the void for 4 seconds. While in the void, the player become invulnerable and will gain a 30% speed boost.
-Wraith plays two animations when activating this ability, which takes 1.25 seconds in total.
-While in the void, Wraith is unable to interact with some objects in the world, including doors and objects placed by abilities, but can use ziplines.

Ultimate "Dimensional rift"

Charge time: 3.5 minutes.
-If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%
-While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive a 25% speed bonus and can skip the Into the void 'Focusing' animation.
-Wraith can run roughly 75 meters before placing the other end of the portal


Passive "Double time"

-Grants a 30% increase in movement speed for 2 seconds
-Activates upon being hit, or when bullets/grenades barely miss you, while sprinting

Tactical "Smoke launcher"

Cooldown: 33 seconds.
-The canister's explosion deals 10 damage to enemies
-Upon landing, the canister splits into three, which land in a line perpendicular to where it was launched from. Takes 23 seconds to evaporate.

Special "Rolling thunder"

Charge time: 3 minutes.
Time to explosion: 6 seconds
-The missiles land in a 6x6 square, with the maximum distance of 70m ahead from the flare
-Each explosion deals 40 damage and slows enemies. This ability cannot damage squadmates, but it will still cause a slowing effect.


Passive "Nox vision"

-Caustic is immune to the effects of Nox Gas whether it belongs to him or an enemy Caustic.

Tactical "Nox gas trap"

Cooldown: 20 seconds
-The barrels have 150 HP and no set duration.If the trap has been activated, the gas will linger for 2 seconds after the destruction of the barrel
-A triggered trap lasts 11 seconds. After the barrel expires, the gas lingers for 2 additional seconds.Each damage tick deals 5 damage to start, then ramps up by 1 every other tick
-On downed enemies, this damage rate stays at a flat 5/sec.
-Bullets striking the top of a trap will also cause it to go off.Shooting the base will destroy it without releasing gas.

Special "Nox gas granade"

Charge time: 3 minutes
-Lasts 15 seconds
-Other than the wider area of effect, the gas's function is identical to that of "Nox gas trap"


Passive "Barricade"

-Doors can still be operated by Catalyst and her teammates.
-Abilities still damage doors as normal.
-Can reinforce up to 2 doors or doorways.
!Crypto's drone can be used to open enemy reinforced doors.

[New!]Characteristics of legends(2)
Tactical "Piercing Spikes"

Cooldown: 25 sec
-Has 2 charges. Can create a maximum of 3 patches.
-In the middle of the patch is a glowing orb with 400 HP that appears when enemies get close.Destroying this dissipates the patch.
-Patches last until destroyed or retrieved with the Utility Action button.
-Catalyst is immune to all Piercing Spikes, regardless of who created it.

Ultimate "Dark Veil"

Charge time: 2 minutes
-Scanning abilities will not apply scans to players on the other side of the wall.
-Catalyst is immune to the blind effect and slow of the Dark Veil, regardless of who created it.
-Enemies that try to cross through the wall will be slowed and blinded.
!Does not block bullets, ordnance, or abilities.


Passive "Now you see me..."

-Automatically cloak when using Respawn Beacon.svg Respawn Beacons and reviving teammates. Spawn a decoy when downed.
-Mirage will also flicker if he’s using this ability outside the Ring.

Tactical "Psyche out"

Cooldown: 15 seconds.
-When used, a hologram duplicate of Mirage is sent in a straight line to wherever the real Mirage targeted
-The decoy has 45 HP, and an icon will appear indicating where the enemy that damaged it is. This icon appears for Mirage's whole squad, and also indicates distance
-The decoy can be controlled by pressing the utility action button.It will mimic Mirage's actions.

Ultimate "Life of the party"

Charge time: 1 minute
-When activated, Mirage summons 5 decoys around him that mimic his movements.
-Turns invisible for 1 second before deploying decoys. During this time, his Holo Emitters will be visible to players who are less than 5 meters away.
-Afterwards, Mirage will blink in and out of cloak for 1 second.


Passive "Swift med"

-After avoiding damage for 6 seconds, Octane restores 1 health per second.

Tactical "Stim"

Cooldown: 1 second
-Costs 20 health (or all health but 1, if Octane has 20 or less health).
-On activation, stim removes all slow effects, except the intended slows players receive while healing. Slows that are applied after activation will only be reduced, not removed

Ultimate "Launch Pad"

Charge time: 1.5 minutes
-Launch Pads have 200 Health.
-Maximum 4 on map.
-Will send players in the direction they were moving when they touched the launch pad.
-Players cannot double jump while healing or while downed.


Body - 100
Legs - 100
Head - 300

RPM - 60
DPS - 100
Time to throw 0.4 sec
Weapons with light ammunition

-laser sight
-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary.
-modification "Hammerpoint rounds"
Number of cartridges:
-14 - base magazine
-16 - extended 1st level
-18 - extended 2nd level
-21 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-18 in the body, 27 in the head - without mod
-27 in the body, 41 in the head - with mod.
Damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement, without mod - 376.
TTK ~ 1,6
DPS - 126
Projectile speed - 18500 (462,5 m/s)

2.Alternator SMG

-laser sight
-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-19 - base magazine
-22 - extended 1st level
-25 - extended 2nd level
-27 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-16 in the body, 24 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 432.
TTK ~ 1,2
DPS - 160
Projectile speed - 19500 ( 487,5 m/s)

3.R-99 SMG

-laser sight
-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-20 - base magazine
-22 - extended 1st level
-25 - extended 2nd level
-27 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-11 in the body, 17 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body whith full improvement - 297.
TTK ~ 1
DPS - 198
Projectile speed - 21000 (525 m/s)

4.R-301 Carbine

-barrel stabilizer
-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-18 - base magazine
-20 - extended 1st level
-25 - extended 2nd level
-28 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
- 14 in the body, 25 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body whith full improvement - 392.
TTK ~ 1,04
DPS - 189
Projectile speed - 29000 ( 725 m/s)

5.M600 "Spitfire"

-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-35 - base magazine
-40 - extended 1st level
-45 - extended 2nd level
-50 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-18 in the body, 27 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 900.
TTK ~1,22
DPS - 162
Projectile speed - 27500 (687,5 m/s)

6. G7 Scout

-barrel stabilizer
-extended light magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-sniper stock
-modification of "Double tap trigger"
Number of cartridges:
-10 - base magazine
-15 - extended 1st level
-18 - extended 2nd level
-20 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-34 in the body, 60 in the head.
The damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 680.
TTK ~ 1,25
DPS - 136
Projectile speed - 30000 (750 m/s).
Weapons with heavy ammunition
1.C.A.R. SMG

-extended light\heavy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-20 - base magazine
-22 - extended 1st level
-24 - extended 2nd level
-27 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-13 in the body, 20 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 351.
TTK ~ 0,97
DPS - 202
Projectile speed - 18500(462,5 m/s)

2.Prowler Burst PDW

-laser sight
-extended heavy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-20 - base magazine
-25 - extended 1st level
-30 - extended 2nd level
-35 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-14 in the body, 28 in the head.
Damage from one turn is 70.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 490.
TTK ~ 1,05
DPS - 155
Projectile speed - 18000 (450 m/s)

3.Hemlok Burst AR

-barrel stabilizer
-extended heavy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
-modification of the "Boosted Loader".
Number of cartridges:
-18 - base magazine
-24 - extended 1st level
-27 - extended 2nd level
-30 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-20 in the body, 35 in the head.
Damage from one turn is 60.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 600.
TTK ~ 1,4
DPS - 128
Projectile speed - 27500 (687 m/s)

4.VK-47 "Flatline"

-extended heavy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-20 - base magazine
-25 - extended 1st level
-28 - extended 2nd level
-30 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-18 in the body, 32 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 540.
TTK ~ 1,1
DPS - 180
Projectile speed - 24000 (600 m/s)

5."30-30" Repeater

-extended heavy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-sniper stock
-"SkullPiercer rifling"
Number of cartridges:
-6 - base magazine
-8 - extended 1st level
-10 - extended 2nd level
-12 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-42 in the body,74 in the head -- without charging and without modification
-57 in the body,100 in the head -- with charging,without modification
-42 in the body,88 in the head -- without charging, with modification
-57 in the body,120 in the head -- with charging and modification
Damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement, without charging - 504
Damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement, each shot with charging is 684.
TTK ~ 1,7
DPS - 97
Projectile speed - 29000 (725 m/s)
Weapons with energy ammunition
1.Volt SMG

-laser sight
-extended energy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-19 - base magazine
-21 - extended 1st level
-23 - extended 2nd level
-26 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-15 in the body, 23 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 390.
TTK ~ 1,08
DPS - 180
Projectile speed - 23500 (587,5 m/s)

2.Havoc rifle

-extended energy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-24 - base magazine
-28 - extended 1st level
-32 - extended 2nd level
-36 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-18 in the body, 32 in the head.
The damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 648.
TTK ~ 0,98
DPS - 202
Projectile speed - 30500(762,5 m/s)

3.Devotion LMG

-barrel stabilizer
-extended energy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
Number of cartridges:
-36 - base magazine
-40 - extended 1st level
-44 - extended 2nd level
-48 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-15 in the body, 23 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 720.
TTK ~ 1,42
DPS - 225
Projectile speed - 33500 (837,5 m/s)

4.L-Star EMG

-barrel stabilizer
-extended energy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-standard stock
-17 in the body, 26 in the head.
The number of shots in a row before overheating :
- without an extended magazine - 24
- increased level 1 magazine - 26
- increased level 2 magazine - 28
- increased level 3 and 4 magazines - 30
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 510.
TTK ~ 1,1
DPS - 170
Projectile speed - 24000 (600 m/s)

5.Triple take

-extended energy magazine
-sights x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-sniper stock
-"Kinetic feeder".
Number of cartridges:
-18 - base magazine
-21 - extended 1st level
-24 - extended 2nd level
-27 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-to the body: 21 for 1 projectile. 42 - 2 projectiles, 63 - 3 projectiles.
-in the head: 37 in the head for 1 projectile, 74 - 2 projectiles, 111 - 3 projectiles.
The damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement and reduction for each shot is 567
TTK ~ 2,5
DPS - 76
Projectile speed - 32000 (800 m/s)

-shotgun bolt
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-"Hammerpoint rounds"
-45 in the body, 57 in the head - without modification
-60 in the body, 75 in the head - with modification.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 270.
TTK ~ 1,82
DPS - 99
Projectile speed - 10000 (250 m/s)

2. EVA-8 auto

-shotgun bolt
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-standard stock
- "Double tap trigger "
-56 in the body,72 in the head for 1 shot without modification
-112 in the body, 144 in the head for 1 shot with modification.
Damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement - 448.
TTK ~ 1,3
DPS - 129
Projectile speed - 16000 (400 m/s)


-shotgun bolt
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-"Kinetic feeder"
-99 in the body, 121 in the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 495.
TTK ~ 2,73
DPS - 73
Projectile speed - 16000 (400 m/s)

4.Mastiff Shotgun

-shotgun bolt
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-88 in the body, 104 in the head.
TTK ~ 1.82
DPS - 97
Weapons on sniper ammunition

-extended sniper mag
-Sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-"SkullPiercer rifling" \ "Boosted loader"
Number of cartridges:
-6 - base magazine
-7 - extended 1st level
-8 - extended 2nd level
-9 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-45 in the body, 97 in the head - without modification
-45 in the body, 133 in the head - with modification "SkullPiercer rifling"
Damage from the entire clip to the body when fully improvement is 405, if not charged with a "Boosted loader"
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full pumping is 495 if charged with a "Boosted loader".
TTK ~ 1,54
DPS - 117
Projectile speed - 18000 (450 m/s)


-extended sniper mag
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4,x6,x4-x8,x4-x10 legendary.
-sniper stock
Number of cartridges:
-4 - base magazine
-5 - extended 1st level
-6 - extended 2nd level
-7 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-70 in the body, 140 in the head - without charging.
-88 in the body, 176 in the head - if charged.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement is 490 if not charged with shield cells.
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full pumping is 616 if charged with shield cells.
TTK ~ 3,87
DPS - 44 ( 58 if charged with shield cells)
Projectile speed - 31000 (775 m/s)

3.Long Bow DMR

-barrel stabilizer
-extended sniper mag
-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4,x6,x4-x8,x4-x10 legendary.
-sniper stock
-"SkullPiercer rifling"
Number of cartridges:
-6 - base magazine
-8 - extended 1st level
-10 - extended 2nd level
-12 - extended 3rd and 4th levels
-55 in the body,118 in the head without "SkullPiercer rifling"
-55 in the body,138 in the head with "SkullPiercer rifling"
Damage from the entire clip to the body at full improvement - 660.
TTK ~ 2,31
DPS - 72
Projectile speed - 30500 (762,5 m/s)

4.Charge rifle

-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4,x6,x4-x8,x4-x10 legendary.
-sniper stock
-main shot 48, warm-up - 3 damage each.
-90 with a full hit in the body,116 with a full hit in the head.
The damage from the entire clip to the body with full improvement is 360.
TTK ~ 3,15
DPS - 39
Weapons in airdrops
1.Rampage LMG

-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x3,x2-x4.
-28 in the body, 42 in the head.
The damage from the entire clip to the body is 1120.
It comes complete with an x2 sight and a thermite grenade, which significantly increases the rate of fire.Ammunition - 220 rounds
TTK ~ 1,4 (1,08)
DPS - 140( 182)
Projectile speed - 26500 (662,5 m/s)

2. RE-45 Auto

-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x1 legendary
-in the body (armor): 18
-in the head (armor): 26
-in the body (without armor): 14
-in the head (without armor): 20
TTK ~ 0.92
DPS - 182
3. Bocek compound bow

-sights: x1,x1-x2,x2,x3/
-in the body with aiming: without tension - 25, with tension -70.
-in the head with aiming: without tension - 31, with tension - 123.
-in the body without aiming: without tension - 42, with tension - 84.
-in the head without aiming: without tension - 56, with tension -105.
It comes complete with an x3 sight and a modification of "Shatter caps". Ammunition of 80 arrows.
DPS - 125
Projectile speed -10000(28000) (250|700 m/s)

4. Craber.50-cal sniper

- <>
-140 to the body, 280 to the head.
Damage from the entire clip to the body - 1680
Comes complete with an x6-x10 sight.Ammunition 12 rounds.
TTK ~ 2,4
DPS - 58
Projectile speed - 29500 (737,5 m/s)
Especially for you!
Especially for the English-speaking community, I will add here the characteristics of some unique types of weapons that I will not add in the near future to the Russian-language guide. Thank you for your likes, comments, guide promotion and steam points!The more feedback from the community, the more and better the additions for the guide will be.

1. Rampart's Mobile Minigun "Sheila"

Charge time - 2 minutes
-sights 1.8x-3x.
-173 cartridges
While emplaced, Sheila has 350 health.
Magazine while emplaced:
-150 (173 with "Modded loader")
Delay before firing - 1.25 seconds.
-14 in the body, 28 in the head.
Fire rate - 20
Projectile speed - 25000 (625 m/s)
Deploy time - 5 seconds.

Distance to the target is shown in the holo sight.

2. Vantage's "A-13 Sentry" (Sniper's mark)

Charge time:
-40 seconds to gain 1 round.
-3 minutes 20 seconds to 5 rounds(max).
-sights 3x-8x.
-50 in the body,75(1.5x damage) in the head (on the first hit)
Subsequent hits from Sniper's Mark on a marked enemy will instead deal 2x damage and reset the mark to 10 seconds.Mark applies a +15% damage vulnerability from all sources
1-5 cartridges
-Can shoot on door handles to open doors.
-Can mark up to 5 enemies at a time
Fire rate - 3
Projectile speed - 34000 (850 m/s)
Deploy time - 1.5 seconds.

P.S. This guide will be updated over time.A lot of new and interesting things will be added here! Also, when changing the characteristics of weapons in the game, the guide will be amended accordingly. If you liked this "guide" or it helped you in some way, then you can like it to promote it.
23 条留言
Пивной FIKYS 2023 年 2 月 24 日 上午 10:04 
update for season 16
А мы тут ни при чём  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 29 日 下午 12:58 
Now legends and characteristics of their skills will be added to this guide!
А мы тут ни при чём  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 29 日 上午 1:28 
Thanks, I made the changes.
evening 2022 年 8 月 28 日 下午 8:21 
The "Sniper's Mark" description doesn't mention that marked enemies take 15% more damage from other weapons too (from your team I think, not sure if a third party also gets bonus damage on the marked target). Also, per the "Happy Birthday, Mara" loading screen, the formal name of the Sniper's Mark gun is "A13-Sentry".
John Pork 2022 年 8 月 28 日 下午 7:20 
MIRAPA10 2022 年 8 月 28 日 上午 6:33 
时间差不多啰 2022 年 8 月 28 日 上午 3:13 
А мы тут ни при чём  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 27 日 下午 1:07 
Now with the characteristics of the Rampart machine gun and the Vantage's sniper rifle.
А мы тут ни при чём  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 26 日 上午 3:32 
Now with the projectile speed
Mark 2022 年 8 月 25 日 上午 4:58 