Minion Masters

Minion Masters

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Minion Masters, Minions Getting High , Sometimes really high
By Spooty
In this Guide you will see many if not all creature in this game get high, in fact , you'll enjoy it just as much as them as they sore to new heights and you get some kind of high multiplying bonus which gives more gold and guild contribution for your conquest.
So to get your minions high .....maybe you've earned some power tokens , this game is generous or buy a power token for 1000g , its not expensive go do some spins
now after many hours of game play my minions are quite high , so every spin is a joy for me as i watch them get higher.
If your minion is in the 2nd tier , then they are high , there is no doubt about it , you've got enough stars for them to make them high as ...fff rfruit cake.but when they hit 200 , yeah man thats what up, u know they high , celebrate this moment , you've worked hard to get your minions this high. now the journey to getting them super high and maxed out, most rolls are a joy , your already high minions are getting higher and on their way to getting super high at 400 , but know this , with every positive there is a downside , sometimes , ur minion gets realllllyyy high , 400 , max out , u got for a roll thinkin yeah im gonna get some minions high right now get some stars and earn some more cash , as is the concept of the game if im not wrong , please remember that i am talking about getting minions high uping their rank so that u may get more credit for playing them and do not misinterpretate this message , but it is the internet i know maybe this will happen , but my intentions are to help those who are wondering about the ranking system , " what does it do ?" why are my minions getting high" i dont understand where i am , im here to answer these questions and contribute to the community in a positive way. thank you, where was i? YES THERE IS A TERRIBLE DOWNSIDE TO DOING SPINS ONE THAT WILL LEAVE EMPTY INSIDE AND AND THINKING WHY DID I GET MY MINION SO HIGH I REGRET EVERYTHHING IN LIFE. thats right
You minion gets so high , they dont want no more stars
400 is enough man, u have more then 400 star u been spinning and getting high for ages u need a break
Your minon will just be like , here have some shards go get another minon high(i do no condone drugs and am just saying that these minions get high on stars and shards please do not misinterpretatate what i say , you may use these shards to increase a minions rank , its useful for say , ur playing 2v2 , and you new to the game , you have one copy of the warrior card , cuz ur new , u got that , but u dont have many shards, the warrior is a low rank green card, you can buy him cheap cheap because he is low rank , give him some shards , hell get high on some stars and you can wildcard him.and in 2v2 you can have 2 sets of the warrior card , they are 3 cost , sometimes good for taking bridges or sometimes good for distraction or tanking other targets.

I hope you all have enjoyed this guide and finding it useful and that maybe some new players to the game get to take something away from this.
How To Level up Your Minions and earn more points
This is to teach New players how to get their minions high levels by spinning the wheel , and sometimes they get real high , if u know what i mean , thats right , i mean they get stars , you get 40 of the these babies and u get a guitar noise and it adds a bunch of stars , when you get 80 ur upto 200 smackaroos with your minion , u get power tokens just by playing the game is generous. so one day after many a battle , your minions with be high as ff Fifty + copies. and remember u can always get your minions higher , by using your shards u get from spinning , game is also very generous about this , if u like a card , spend a shard , thats what they used to say back in ninteen diggadeedoo.

Here are some expamples are minions getting high , see how those past the 2 bar mark , they are high , those who are nearly there , well they will be high one day , you just keep working hard and spinning that tower, giving them shards and getting them high , thats the aim of the gamee:

Disclamer: Getting your minions high doesn;t have any effect , all the minons will still do the same damage, they are just earning you more points and getting high in the process , its a win win for every1 , masters and minions.

Minions getting high
Sorry this is my first guide , so the format or this guide is absolutley terrible.
Here are some minions getting high as i do spins at the tower.


Wow this boomer is high as FFFf forty stars, its actually 80 stars , and for some reason it boosts it upto 200!! , giving you more conquest points when you play it in your decks and something something else happens figure it out! .

Here are some bats who are quite high

These guys are real high , notice the stars.

These guys are all quite high

Please Give a Thumbs up if u like this guide and think that new player can learn alot , about spinning , about life , about minion masters , about minions getting high , about stars , ranking system, shards n stuff. the warrior card in which i went into much detail. please see this guide for what it is and try take something away from that.Ty
KO420 3 Apr, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
wow, that went really deep bro, i feel you! me and my minions are also very high..