Minion Masters
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Beginner's Guide
Автор: Arabriel
Due to the release of version 2.0 of the game, this guide will no longer be updated, although the bonus codes it contains should still work.
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1) About the game
The game, which is a real-time strategy using card game mechanics, currently has 279 different cards, including:
  • Common Cards - 81
  • Rare Cards - 65
  • Supreme Cards - 63
  • Legendary Cards - 70
The essence of the gameplay is fast (3-10min on average) network duels with other players, during which participants do not exercise direct control over the units they field.
    Note: Curious about the game's lore and world-building? Check the world map here.[]
2) News in the game
↳ Upcoming changes
    Are you curious about the upcoming changes to the game?
    Listen to what BadAsAFish80 has to say about it:
    You can also check out the full list of patch notes here. []
    Important: Remember that the current patch notes are not available until the day after the video is uploaded.
↳ New DLC for the game
Pick it up for free before: EXPIRED
Another free DLC will be available in: December
1) Main Menu:
    The Main Menu is place where we prepare for battle and it looks like this:
↳ Profile (point 1)
Profile - this is one of the most important places. It contains information such as:
  • the level of the profile and how much experience we lack to the next level
  • a list of rewards that we get for increasing the level
  • information about the rewards we get for gaining a new rank
  • information about the collection of cards (how many we have and how many are in the game)
  • replays of previous games
  • number of games won
  • a list of achievements to be earned (some of which will be visible as you progress)
  • Daily Quests (they are the main source of getting gold in the game)
  • Special Quests:
    - introductory quests (unlimited in time, once performed they will never appear again)
    - seasonal quests (limited in time, vary from season to season, give season pass levels or gold)
◦ A list of Introductory Quests:

    Note: For completing all the Introductory Quests, you additionally receive a random Supreme quality card.
◦ A list of possible Daily Quests:
    Note: Once a day, only one task can be exchanged for another.
↳ Deck Building (point 2)
Deck Building - the place where a deck is created. There you can also create new cards or upgrade those you have with shards.
◦ Creating new cards
    To create new cards, you need to:
1. Click the "Deck Building" button (marked with the number 2 in the Main Menu picture) to open the "Your Collection" window.

2. Click on the "Crafting" button below.

3. When clicked, the "Card Crafting" window will open, showing all the cards available in the game (the cards the player does not have are dimmed).
    Note: Cards that have more color (which the player does not have) have a blue glow.
4. After finding the card you want to create in the list, right-click on it (a window with statistics and description of the card will then open).

5. To create a card, click the button below.
    Note: Once the cards are created, the "Craft" button changes to "Promote" and the card takes on a color.
    Important: The cost of creating a card varies depending on the rarity of the card:
Production cost (shards):
◦ Upgrading cards
Upgrading cards is important, but not essential. It allows you to:
  • gaining more experience in Guild Conquest
  • gaining more experience for Season Passes
  • gaining extra shards when opening Power Tokens (only when the card has been upgraded to gold)
  • unlocking additional copies of the same card (so-called Wild Cards)
    The card's upgrade levels look like this:
    Note: Cards can only be upgraded with shards.
    To upgrade the card, you need to:
1. Click the "Deck Building" button (marked with the number 2 in the Main Menu picture) to open the "Your Collection" window.

2. After finding the card you want to upgrade in the list, right-click on it (a window with statistics and description of the card will then open).

3. To upgrade a card, click the button below.
    Note: For the card to change its border, the full threshold must be reached.
    Important: The cost of upgrading a card varies depending on the rarity of the card:
Cost of the upgrade (shards):
Number of shards needed to get a gold card:
↳ Challenges (point 3)
Challenges - this mode is something like an additional tutorial in the game, in which we have to face AI-controlled opponents. It consists of three difficulty levels:
  • Intro - in this level we have to face such opponents as:
      - King Puff
      - Ravager
      - Volco
      - Mordar

  • Hard - at this level we have to face such opponents as:
      - Stormbringer
      - Ratbo
      - Ravager
      - King Puff

  • Expert - at this level we have to face such opponents as:
      - Volco
      - Mordar
      - Ratbo
      - Stormbringer

    Note: Regardless of the difficulty level, we receive 50,000 experience points each for defeating any of the aforementioned opponents. In addition, for completing the entire difficulty level (defeating all opponents) we receive 2x Power Token.
↳ The Power Tower (point 4)
Power Tower - a place where you can get new cards along with a small amount of shards by opening collected Power Tokens.
    Note: Every fifth Power Token guarantees at least a rare card quality.
    Important: For opening Power Tokens, you receive a small amount of shards depending on the rarity of the card you acquire:
Number of Shards:
Additional Shards
(gold card only):
15 + 25 = 40
30 + 50 = 80
75 + 125 = 200
300 + 500 = 800
↳ Customization (point 5)
Customization - this place acts as a clipboard that allows you to visually change your account according to individual preferences. It includes:
  • captured masters.
  • acquired skins for masters
  • skins for arenas
  • emoticons
  • avatars

Important: You can also purchase at this location:
  • missing masters
  • missing skins for masters of any quality (except those appearing on special occasions (such as holidays) and those awarded for tournaments):

Note: The price of a skin depends on its rarity:

Price (rubies):
◦ Characteristics of the masters:
- Stormbringer (easy)
About the character:
A master archer who strengthens minions that attack from a distance. He uses his bow to take down weak opponents across the arena.

Hint: Use a lot of ranged units, while keeping in mind heavy units to protect them.


- Basic Attack - Attacks the nearest enemy with lightning arrows.

  • Damage: 35 (8,75 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Range: 20

- Long Shot - gains global attack range (when there is no enemy on the map attacks the enemy tower).

- Aerodynamics - ranged minions under your control gain Marksmanship.
    Note: Marksmanship: +2 range.

- Lightning Reflexes - Stormbringer attacks twice as fast.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - easy to use
    - good damage
    - long range of attack
    - forces the enemy to keep units on the battlefield to offset the damage inflicted on the tower
  • Disadvantages:
    - difficulty in repelling larger attacks or heavy units alone
    - low attack speed (before reaching perk 3)

    Note: This is a starter master. The player receives it for free.
- Valorian (easy)
About the character:
A warrior devoted to the light. He wields it to heal his allies and invoke righteous fury on his enemies.

Hint: Works well with groups of midrange health minions such Legionnaires, and use Searing Light to pick off weak enemies.


- Basic Attack - Valorian uses his heirloom blade for a slow but powerful attack.

  • Damage: 40 (20 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Range: 10

- Searing Light - Add a one-use Searing Light card to Valorian's deck every 25 seconds.

  • Searing Light:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    Valorian does 5 attacks in an area, each attack targeting a random enemy minion.

- Holy Light - every 5 seconds heals up to 5 injured friendly minions for 20 health.
    Important: Heals only own minions.

- Divine Light - Double Valorian's damage as well as healing from Holy Light.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - easy to use
    - good and frequent healing (especially on perk 3)
    - good damage (especially on perk 3)
    - good attack range
    - good attack speed
  • Disadvantages:
    - large area of Searing Light skill (due to randomness)

    Note: You can purchase this master for 500 shards or 300 rubies.
- Ravager (easy)
About the character:
Fierce master that summons giant beasts to its side and buffs friendly injured minions.

Hint: Time your attacks to match with Brutus appearing for a strong push.


- Basic Attack - Extremely fast claw attacks.

  • Damage: 10 (33,33 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 0,3 seconds
  • Range: 4,5

- Best Buds - Ravager summons (Mythic) Brutus.

  • Brutus:
    - DPS: 20
    - Health: 900

- Feeding Frenzy - Friendly minions gain Haste when their health drops below 50%.

  • Haste:
    - +33% Movement speed (Min. 1)
    - +33% Attack speed
    - Removes Slow

- TERROR BRUTUS! - Ravager summons its most powerful ally

    - DPS: 20
    - Health: 2.500

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - easy to use
    - good damage
    - very high attack speed
    - strengthens units having less than 50% health (through perk 2)
    - receives two free heavy units (the first on perk 1 and the second on perk 3)
  • Disadvantages:
    - very short attack range
    - defenseless against ranged units

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.000 shards or 525 rubies.
- Mordar (easy)
About the character:
The mad summoner, uses his tombstones to raise the dead and his staff to slowly kill all attacking minions in your arena.

Hint: Bring big minions to get the most out of your tombstones.


- Basic Attack - Mordar slams his staff into the ground, emitting a wave of rot unto all minions in his arena.
  • Damage: 10
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Start DPS: 2,5
  • Max DPS: 10
    Note: Damages all enemy minions in your arena.
    Important: Attacks faster and faster for as long as there are (enemy) minions in your arena.

- Tombstone - Add a one-use Tombstone card to Mordar's deck every 35 seconds.

  • Tombstone:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Place a charging Tombstone that resurrects the next minion belonging to Mordar that dies.
    The unit's health will be based on the Tombstone charge.
    It takes damage equal to half of the revived minion maximum health, but resurrects it with a health level equal to twice that value.
    - Activation delay: 10
    - Health: 500
    - Duration: 50 seconds
    Important: Stuns temporarilty prevent ressurections and reset the charge.

- Vengeful Dead - All minions raised by a Tombstone gain Haste and Spirit.

  • Haste:
    - +33% Movement speed (Min. 1)
    - +33% Attack speed
    - Removes Slow
  • Spirit:
    - Grant 40% Max Health to a minion (Min. 75 - Max. 350)
    Important: Minions cannot recive more than one Spirit at a time.

- Sepulchre - Tombstone has 1.500 health.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - large attack range
    - attacks multiple opponents at once
    - can resurrect units (only his own), through the use of tombstone
    - fairly good defense (by using tombstones to block attacks)
  • Disadvantages:
    - very low damage (it is practically defenseless against medium and large units)
    - low attack speed

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.500 shards or 775 rubies.
- Apep (medium)
About the character:
The mighty Slither God gifts your deck with random cards and can put down a Shield Totem that makes him Immune to damage.

Hint: Use his gifts of free cards to gain mana advantage, and use his Shield Totem to avoid damage.


- Basic Attack - Spits acid at up to two enemies.

  • Damage: 30 (12,50 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 2.4 seconds
  • Range: 10

- Gift of the Serpent God - Add a free one-use random 2-Mana minion or building card into Apep's deck every 33 seconds.
    Note: The card changes with each cycle.

- Shield Totem - Add the card Shield Totem to Apep's deck every 30 seconds.

  • Shield Totem:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Redirect all damage our Master recives to this totem.
    - Health: 400
    - Duration: 15 seconds
    Important: It does not block the damage inflicted by units that have so-called true damage.

- Greater Gift of the Serpent God - Add a free one-use random 4-Mana minion or building card into Apep's deck every 33 seconds.
    Note: The card changes with each cycle.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage
    - fairly good attack speed
    - good attack range
    - ability to block damage at any time (by using a totem)
    - free cards allow better management of mana resources
  • Disadvantages:
    - free cards are completely random
    - added free cards slightly slow down the rotation of the deck

    Note: You can purchase this master for 500 shards or 300 rubies.
- R3-KT (medium)
About the character:
Wielding dual 37-PR autoblasters, R3-KT poses a threat to any foe standing in its way. Using the secrets of the shadows it will enter the battlefield joined by illusions to take matters into its own hands.

Hint: Use Shadow Dance at the right time to keep him on the field for as long as possible.


- Basic Attack - R3-KT fires rapidly with its dual 37-PR autoblasters.

  • Damage: 20 (26,67 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 0.75 seconds
  • Range: 8
    Note: R3-KT gains +5% Attack speed for every 4+ Mana cost card in your deck.

- Shadow Dance - Add a one-use Shadow Dance card to R3-KT's deck every 20 seconds.

  • Shadow Dance:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    A Mythic R3-KT enters the field with a 150 health shield, accompanied by a Shadow Clone.
  • Shadow Clone:
    - Health: 2
    - Damage: 10 (26,67 DPS)
    - explode when killed for 50 damage
    Important: Looks like real R3-KT's to the opponent.

- Shadow Mastery - Reduce the cooldown of Shadow Dance by 5 seconds.

- One Punch Blast - Add the card One Punch Blast to R3-KT's deck whenever you cast Shadow Dance.
  • One Punch Blast:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    - Damage: 250
    - Range: 8
    - Deals True Damage (ignores shields)
    Important: The blast continues until it has dealt 250 damage and it is discarded when R3-KT returns to the Master Tower.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage
    - very good attack speed
    - good mobility (with proper use of shadow clones)
    - fairly good attack range
  • Disadvantages:
    - using Shadow Dance at the wrong time leaves tower undefended

    Note: You can purchase this master for 500 shards or 300 rubies.
- Settsu (medium)
About the character:
She is a bad-ass ex-soldier that never plays by the rules. She can enter the arena herself to annihilate enemies with superior firepower.

Hint: Settsu is an aggressive Master that can put pressure on the enemy Master. Use cheap spells to reload her rifle instantly.


- Basic Attack - Settsu fires a high-powered pulse rifle.

  • Damage: 40 (40 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Range: 10
    Note: After 5 shots she has to reload for 5 seconds.

- Blast Entry - Add the card Blast Entry to Settsu's deck.

  • Blast Entry:
    (Mana cost: 2)
    A Mythic Settsu enters the battlefield with 300 health shield and deals 50 damage to nearby enemies on impact.

- Combat Reload - When Settsu casts a spell, she instantly reloads her gun.

- High Powered Laser - Settsu's first shot after a reload deals double damage, pierces enemies and Stun them for 3 seconds.

  • Stun:
    Stunned Units are unable to move or attack.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - very good damage (especially on perk 3)
    - very good attack speed
    - good attack range
    - can jump to any place on the board
    - has a penetrating projectile (on perk 3)
    - with a well-created deck (on perk 3) large enemy units are no threat at all
  • Disadvantages:
    - long reload time
    - making a jump at the wrong time leaves the tower undefended

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.000 shards or 525 rubies.
- Morellia (medium)
About the character:
The Lich Queen, Ruler of the Cursed lands. She is a versatile Master that can choose spells from her Book of the Dead to deal with any situation as well as summon a powerful dragon to her side.

Hint: Morellia's book spells makes her flexible and can be played in most decks. Use them to survive until you are able to summon Nyrvir.


- Necrotic Touch - Channels a beam of necrotic energy at enemies.

  • Damage: 6 (20 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 0,3 seconds
  • Range: 10

- Book of the Dead - Adds the one-use Card Book of the Dead to the top of Morellia's deck every 27 seconds.

  • Book of the Dead:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Replaces your hand with 4 options:
    - Skeletons:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Summon 3 Skeletons
    - Spirit:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Give a random friendly minion Spirit (Grant 40% Max Health to a minion (Min. 75 - Max. 350))
    - Drain Life:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Drain 100 health from the closest enemy minion, transfering it to Morellia
    - Forbidden Knowledge:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    One of Morellia's 4+ Mana spells costs 1 less until played
    Important: Forbidden Knowledge does not stack.

- Unholy Bargain - Morellia unlocks the deepest mysteries of the book, empowering its effects.

  • Book of the Dead
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Replaces your hand with 4 options:
    - Skeletons:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Summon 6 Skeletons
    - Spirit:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Give 2 random friendly minions Spirit (Grant 40% Max Health to a minion (Min. 75 - Max. 350))
    - Drain Life:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Drain 100 health from the 2 closest enemy minions, transfering it to Morellia
    - Forbidden Knowledge:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Three of Morellia's 4+ Mana spells costs 1 less until played
    Important: Forbidden Knowledge does not stack.

- Queen's Dragon - Add the one-use Card Queen's Dragon to Morellia's deck that forces (Mythic) Nyrvir the Fallen to use his lethal breath on Morellia's enemies before entering the battlefield.
  • Nyrvir the Fallen:
    (Mana cost: 10)
    - DPS: 40
    - Health: 1.800
    Important: It attacks both ground and flying units..

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage
    - very good attack speed
    - good attack range
    - it can be played in many ways (through a book of spells)
    - has a strong heavy unit that attacks both ground and flying units (at perk 3)
  • Disadvantages:
    - use of Book of the Dead interrupts her attack
    - her heavy unit (from perk 3) is expensive
    - collecting the necessary mana for Nyrvir the Fallen makes us vulnerable for a time

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.500 shards or 775 rubies.
- Ratbo (hard)
About the character:
The infamous Scrat leader, summons Scrats to his side to overwhelm his enemies.

Hint: Fill your deck with cards that summon multiple minions and use MoreDakka! to take out big enemies.


- Basic Attack - Fires a barrage of bullets at enemies from his minigun.

  • Damage: 5 (16,67 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 0,3 seconds
  • Range: 10
    Important: It takes 2 seconds to charge it (minigun) to full speed.

- Scrats! - Summons a Scrat every time Ratbo or a teammate plays a minion card.

  • Scrat:
    - DPS: 10
    - Health: 15
    Important: Scrats summoned by Ratbo's 5+Mana minion cards also gain Barrel Shield.
  • Barrel Shield:
    - Health: +60

- More Dakka! - Add the card More Dakka! to Ratbo's deck.

  • More Dakka!:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    Ratbo fires a minigun salvo at the nearest enemy. It deals more damage for each of your minions in the arena.
    - Damage per minion: 40
    - Delay: 1 seconds
    Important: Damage is not affected by ally's minions (if playing in a group), additionally deals reduced damage to Masters.

- Scrats! Scrats! - Now summons 2 Scrats every time Ratbo or a teammate plays a minion card.
    Important: Scrats summoned by Ratbo's 5+Mana minion cards also gain Barrel Shield.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage
    - very good attack speed
    - good attack range
    - can deal very high damage with More Dakka!
    - each time you use any card that is not a spell (including a team member), it creates additional units
  • Disadvantages:
    - hard to play
    - attack speed requires additional time to reach full speed
    - good use of the More Dakka! ability requires skill
    - requires specific deck building using cheap, often weak units
    - not infrequently the skill of More Dakka! despite the fact that it has already set a goal can change it at the last minute

    Note: You can purchase this master for 500 shards or 300 rubies.
- Volco (hard)
About the character:
The hot-headed Volco inspires the rage within his allies, buffing your melee minions.

Hint: Hard hitting melee minions can cause havoc when they consume the Embers of Flame. Remember to bring Anti-Air Support.


- Basic Attack - Throws his mighty volcanic hammer at minions on the ground.

  • Damage: 50 (20 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 2,5 seconds
  • Range: 10
    Note: Deals damage to all minions in an area.
    Important: Cannot attack flying minions.

- Tempers Flaring - Summon an Ember of Flame every 20 seconds on a random bridge. When a friendly melee or ranged minion picks up the ember all nearby friendly minions gain Rage.
    Note: Rage: +50% Attack damage.

- Burn The Bridge - Add the card Burn The Bridge to Volco's deck.

  • Burn The Bridge:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    The closest (selected) bridge get covered in flames, dealing damage to ground minions.
    - Damage: 200
    - Duration: 5 seconds
    Important: While only one unit is affected, the damage increases by 100%.

- Tempers Burning - Melee minions now gain Berserker's Rage from Embers of Flame.
    Note: Berserker's Rage: +100% damage.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - very good damage
    - fairly good attack speed
    - good attack range
    - attacks several units that are close to each other
    - free rage (also for allies)
  • Disadvantages:
    - cannot attack flying units
    - raising Embers of Flame (a buff that gives rage) requires skill to get as many units as possible to receive it

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.000 shards or 525 rubies.
- Diona (hard)
About the character:
The Witch Hunter Diona uses a variety of traps to deal with any threat. Her trusty sidekick Ruffles fetches useful items from the battlefield for his master.

Hint: Diona is a defensive Master. Getting the most out of her traps is the key to victory.


- Basic Attack - Rapidly fires bolts from her dual crossbows.

  • Damage: 20 (20 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Range: 10
  • Lays a Bear Trap every 20 seconds
    Note: Bear Trap: damages and roots a minion in place (damage 50, duration 4 seconds).

- Art of the Hunt - Add a one-use Trap card to Diona's deck every 25 seconds. The card alternates beetween Crossbow Trap and Decoy Trap.

  • Crossbow Trap:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    Fires bolts at nearby minions.
    - DPS: 40
    - Health: 100
    - Duration: 20 seconds
    Note: When used, this card becomes a Decoy Trap.
    Important: Deals reduced damage to Masters Tower (50% of value)
  • Decoy Trap:
    (Mana cost: 1)
    Taunts nearby minions.
    - Health: 400
    - Duration: 15 seconds
    Note: When used, this card becomes a Crossbow Trap.

- Fetch! - Every 10 sec, Ruffles will run to an enemy minion killed in your arena or on the bridges and dig up a prize.

    Possible prizes:
    - 2 mana
    - 4 XP
    - 250 Master Health

- Thrill of the Hunt - Add another one-use Trap card to Diona's deck every 25 seconds.

    Important: Traps do not take over bridges.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage
    - good attack range
    - very good attack speed
    - fairly good control of the environment (through the use of traps)
    - free bear trap
  • Disadvantages:
    - using the traps requires a certain skill
    - Ruffles' low life points, making it hard to keep him alive

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.500 shards or 775 rubies.
- King Puff (hard)
About the character:
He is a trickster that buffs your minions and confuses your opponent.

Hint: Use cards of mana cost 4-7 to get more gifts.


- Basic Attack - A slow but powerful attack.

  • Damage: 75 (30 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 2,5 seconds
  • Range: 8

- Trick Swap - Add a one-use copy of Trick Swap to King Puff's deck
every 30 seconds.

  • Trick Swap:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Swaps the location of all minions on both bridges and Stun enemies for 4 seconds.
    Important: You can only have one Trick Swap at any time.
  • Stun:
    Stunned Units are unable to move or attack.

- Royal Gifts - Every 20 seconds, receive a Royal Gift that can be picked up by your minions. This cooldown can be reduced by half the cost of every 4 - 7 Mana card you play.

    Possible gifts:
  • Gift of Rage:
    Give up to 5 nearby friendly minions Rage (+50% Attack damage).
  • Gift of Shields:
    Give up to 5 nearby friendly minions Shield.
  • Gift of Spirits:
    Give a nearby friendly minion Spirit (Grant 40% Max Health to a minion (Min. 50 - Max. 350)).
  • Gift of Knights:
    Summon 2 Knight Puffs.
    - Knight Puffs:
    Using their magical weapons these majestic puffs will do anything in their power to defend the king's honor.
    - Health: 2
    - Range: 8
    - Damage: 40 (20 DPS)
    - Spawn with Shield
  • Gift of Spells:
    Add a random one-use 2-Mana spell to your hand.

- Send Forth The Horde! - Summon a Knight Puff for each friendly minion affected by Trick Swap (Max 5).

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - very good damage
    - fairly good attack speed
    - fairly good attack range
    - free bonuses every certain period of time (through perk 2)
    - gains additional attack power by summoning Knight Puffs (through perk 3)
  • Disadvantages:
    - hard to play
    - correct use of Trick Swap requires a lot of practice and focus
    - requires the use of a specifically assembled deck with cards with a mana cost of 4 - 7

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.500 shards or 775 rubies.
- Milloween (hard)
About the character:
Master of the arcane who can summon an Arcane Golem that becomes stronger whenever you cast spells.

Hint: Add cheap spells to your deck to power Milloween's attack and Arcane Golems.


- Basic Attack - Fires 3 arcane sparks at nearby enemies.

  • Damage: 10 (15 DPS)
  • Max Damage (8 sparks): 80 (40 DPS)
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Range: 10
    Note: For each spell used, Milloween recives an extra spark (Max. 5).

- Arcane Golem - Add a one-use Arcane Golem to the top of Milloween's deck
every 25 seconds (starts on death).

  • Arcane golem:
    (Mana cost: 2)
    - DPS: 23,08
    - Health: 300
    - Range: 4
    - Cannot attack flying units.
    Important: When played, consumes all sparks and gains +30 health and +5 damage for each spark used.

- Arcane Missiles - Add a one-use Arcane Missiles card to Milloween's deck every
25 seconds.

  • Arcane Missiles:
    (Mana cost: 0)
    Fires a volley of arcane missiles in the selected direction.
    - Damage: 150
    Important: Deals reduced damage to Masters Tower (10% of value)

- Xanian Construct - Doubles the stats received by the Arcane Golem for each spark (+60 health and +10 damage), and reduces the cooldown of Arcane Golem and Arcane Missiles by 5 seconds.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good damage (especially when we have all the sparks)
    - good attack range
    - good attack speed
    - has an Arcane Golem that is quite strong (especially on perk 3)
    - has a free spell (on perk 2) that deals up to 150 damage
  • Disadvantages:
    - must have a lot of spells in the deck
    - her basic attack (if there are several enemies nearby) is divided among them
    - using Arcane Golem at the wrong time significantly reduces her defensive capabilities

    Note: You can purchase this master for 1.500 shards or 775 rubies.
*NEW* Tronveir the RuneShaper
◦ Free rotation of masters:
Free rotation - it allows you to test some masters before buying without incurring unnecessary costs.
    Important: Masters currently available in free rotation are marked with a stamp:
    Note: The free master rotation changes weekly on Wednesday.
↳ Shop (point 6)

6. Shop - a place where you can purchase all kinds of goods with the help of the currency found in the game.
    Note: The store is divided into several tabs.
◦ Currencies:
  • Gold: The primary currency in the game. Used to purchase Power Tokens and some featured offers in the store.

    Note: The main source of acquiring gold in the game is Daily Quests. In addition, a small amount of gold is awarded for winning the game.
  • Shards: The most important currency in the game. It is used for:
    - creating new cards
    - upgrading the cards you already have
    - acquiring new masters

  • Rubies: Premium in-game currency used to purchase almost everything in the game (except tournament items or Adventure mode avatars).
    Important: It is worth saving 1.250 rubies for Season Passes, which are the most valueable purchase.
    Note: We can get small amounts of free rubies for:
    - gaining levels
    - earning achievements
    - some Season Pass levels (both versions)
    - gaining the rank of Diamond (any game mode).
◦ Shop tabs:
- Featured Offers!
Featured Offers! - this tab includes items that can be purchased individually, but also bundles that consist of several types of items.
    Note: Offers in the shop change every 24 hours.
    Important: Every day there is an offer in the shop that you can pick up for free.
    The tab looks like this:
- Power Tokens
Power Tokens - a tab where, using gold or rubies, Power Tokens can be purchased to acquire new cards and small amounts of shards.
    The tab along with the prices looks like this:
    Note: If you run out of a small amount of gold to purchase a power token after clicking on the purchase button, a message will appear asking whether to exchange the missing amount of gold for rubies.
    Important: The amount in rubies varies depending on how much gold is missing.
- Account Upgrades
Account Upgrades - a tab where you can find DLC for the game, which can only be bought with money (there is more DLC in the game, but the ones in the shop are worth buying).
    The tab with account upgrades along with DLC content looks like this:
    Note: DLC for the game is best purchased during the discount period.
    Important: Before purchasing All Masters Upgrade, it is recommended to buy as many masters as possible using shards. This will ensure that when you purchase the DLC, the masters you already own will be compensated with large amounts of rubies.
- Rubies
Rubies - a tab where you can purchase the game's premium currency (money only).
    The tab with rubies (along with prices) looks like this:
- Redeem
Redeem - this tab is used to enter bonus codes for the game. They provide players with additional items for the game.
    The tab for entering bonus codes looks like this:
    Note: The letter size when entering the bonus code is not important.

    A list of bonus codes:
Bonus code:
1x Random Legendary Card
5x Power Token
1.200 gold
1x Power Token
2.000 gold
1x Power Token
1x Power Token
1x Power Token
1x Rare Card (Spirit Vessel)
1x Rare Card (Crystal Sentry)
1x Rare Card (Banner Man)
1x Common Card (Battle Shi-Hou)
1x Common Card (Propeller Horde)
1x Common Card (Crystal Archers)
Winter Holiday Arena
↳ Guild (point 7)
Guild - place that allows players to play together by participating in Guild Conquest for additional rewards.
    The tab for both creating your own guild and joining an existing one looks like this:
    Note: For new players, it is recommended to join an existing guild to learn from a more experienced community.
◦ Creating a new guild:
When creating your own guild, you should:
  • enter the name of the guild (required, cannot be changed)
  • choose a guild emblem (can be changed at any time)
  • choose a region (can be changed at any time)
  • briefly describe the guild (can be changed at any time)
  • select one of three guild types (can be changed at any time):

      - Open - free admission, anyone can join

      - Request Only - guild application must be approved by the guild leader or guild officer

      - Private - guild becomes invisible in search list
    Note: The cost of starting a guild is 3.000 gold. If you run out of a small amount of gold to create a guild after clicking on the button, a message will appear asking whether to exchange the missing amount of gold for rubies.
    Important: The amount in rubies varies depending on how much gold is missing.
    The tab that allows you to set up a guild looks like this:
    Note: Guild description can be made in any color by adding: <color="color name"> before the message in the description.
◦ Joining the guild:
To find a guild, use the search engine provided for this purpose.

When searching for guilds, keep in mind that:
  • joining a guild that has a "Request" button will only happen if the guild leader or his officers accept the request (if your application is rejected, you do not receive notification)
  • joining a guild that has a "Join" button is instantaneous
    The tab used to search for guilds looks like this:
    Note: To see a description of a particular guild with a list of its members, click on its name.
◦ Guild Conquest:
Guild Conquest - a season pass intended only for players who are guild members.
    The tab for Guild Conquest looks like this:
    Note: A minimum profile level of 16 is required to participate in Guild Conquest.

About Guild Conquest:
    Note: After joining a guild that has already reached a certain level of Guild Conquest, it is impossible to collect rewards that have not been participated in (only rewards already obtained after joining can be collected).
    Note: The cost of resetting the cycle is 100 rubies (for the first reset in the cycle) while the cost of subsequent resets is 300 rubies.
    Important: Resetting the cycle also resets the earned (in this cycle) contribution.
    Note: If a given conquest cycle is started in a guild, after moving to another guild, you must wait until the next cycle to be able to earn contributions for new guild.
    Note: Using conquest cards is a good way for new players to test the card's performance before creating it.
    Important: In each cycle, each guild has different Conquest Cards.
    Note: The glory to guild conversion rate looks like this:
    (400 x <Number of Conquest Cards in deck>) + <Your Deck Glory>) + (<sum of the numbers of the previous brackets> x <Rank Multiplier>).
↳ Season Pass (point 8)
Season Pass - a tab where you can check the prizes that can be won during the current season, as well as purchase a Premium Pass (only for rubies).
    Note: The pass consists of 50 levels, while above this level the reward (in order) is:
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 250,000 profile experience (additional 250,000 for premium pass)
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 200 gold (premium pass only)
  • 1x Power Token (additional 200 gold for premium pass)
    The Season Pass tab looks like this:
    Note: The price of the pass is 1.250 rubies every season. In addition, after purchasing the pass, one level of the pass can be purchased for every 200 rubies (buying levels is not recommended).
    Important: With the start of the season, the player has 3x Battle Chest. It allows us to gain the pass level faster by adding up the value of our deck from three won matches and multiplying it x10 (one box is renewed daily).
↳ Leaderboard (point 9)
Leaderboard - the place to check:
  • the list of the best people from the previous season
  • the decks of the best people in the current season (new players can check how to build decks with good synergy)
  • which guild, currently leads the ranking
    Note: At the end of the season, the top 10 guilds receive a prize:
  • First place - 5x Random Legendary Card
  • Places 2 through 5 - 5x Random Supreme Card
  • Places 6 through 10 - 5x Random Rare Card
↳ Tri-Team Tourney (point 10)
Tri-Team Tourney - a tab that is a voucher for an additional prize, which will be received after collecting 15 keys (keys are earned during the games, after winning the so-called Prize Fight).
    Note: Getting the key additionally rewards with the amount of 100 gold.
    Important: You can only get one prize.
    The tab that is the Tri-Team Tourney coupon looks like this:
    Note: Previously, keys could also be obtained by watching game broadcasts on Twitch platform (this required linking your in-game account to your Twitch account), but at the moment this option is disabled.
    Important: The pool of masters in the teams changes each season.

Tri-Team Tourney coupon rewards can be:
  • Cards (Supreme, Legendary)
  • Hero skins (Rare, Supreme, Legendary)
  • Emotes (Supreme, Legendary)
↳ Friends List (point 11)
Friends List - the place where the player's friends list is located (it shows friends from both the steam platform and discord).

This tab allows you to:
  • invite a friend to play together
  • sending a private message to a friend on the chat in the game
  • watching a friend's gameplay
    Note: There is also a tab here with a reference link.
    The tab where the reference link to recruit a friend is located looks like this:
    Important: Since the game switched to a free-to-play model, the link does not work.
↳ News (point 12)
News - a tab where you can find all kinds of news about the game such as:
  • information on upcoming tournaments
  • information on upcoming changes to the game
  • information about discounts on DLC for the game
  • information about contests
    Note: All information found in this tab contains a link, which, when clicked, will redirect to more detailed information.
    The news tab looks like this:
    Note: This tab turns on automatically every time you turn on the game.
↳ Gameplay modes (point 13-18)
◦ Battle! (point 13)
Battle! - selecting this button allows you to search for a 1 vs 1 duel.
    Important: So-called Wild Cards cannot be used in this mode.
    The speed of mana generation in this mode is as follows:
Game duration:
Mana generation time:
0:00 - 0:39
2.62 seconds
0:40 - 1:19
2.4 seconds
1:20 - 1:59
2.18 seconds
2:00 - 2:39
1.96 seconds
2:40 - 3:19
1.74 seconds
3:20 - end game
1.52 seconds
◦ Team Battle! (point 14)
Team Battle! - selecting this button allows you to search for 2 vs 2 duels with a random ally.
    Important: So-called Wild Cards can be used in this mode.
    The speed of mana generation in this mode is as follows:
Game duration:
Mana generation time:
0:00 - 0:39
3.15 seconds
0:40 - 1:19
2.905 seconds
1:20 - 1:59
2.74 seconds
2:00 - 2:39
2.535 seconds
2:40 - 3:19
2.33 seconds
3:20 - end game
2.125 seconds
◦ Adventures (point 15)
Adventures - a mode of gameplay against bots (more advanced than in Challenges mode).
    Note: The price of a given campaign varies and depends on the number of chapters it contains.
    The tab describing the adventure mode looks like this:
    Note: The mode's currently released campaigns offer the choice of playing alone or in a team, while older campaigns only include the option to play alone.
This mode consists of two difficulty levels:
  • Normal
  • Hard (it is very demanding)
In it you can earn rewards such as:
    - cards (rare, supreme, legendary)
    - avatars (mostly obtainable only in this mode)
    - skins
    - shards
    The tab containing the currently available mode campaigns looks like this:
    Note: Older campaigns that will soon disappear from the list can be purchased for gold, with prices starting at 10.000.
    Important: Players who purchase the campaign before it disappears will have it available all the time.
◦ Draft (point 16)
Draft - a button that allows you to start a paid 1 vs 1 duel mode, which is characterized by the necessity of building a deck as well as choosing a master from a pool of randomly available ones.
    Important: The draft ends after 12 wins or 3 losses.
    The tab describing the mode along with the cost of admission looks like this:
    Note: You can get five free tickets for this mode for reaching profile levels.

    A list of prizes for a certain number of wins:
Number of wins:
Amount of gold (average):
Resource chest (quantity):
Common chest (quantity):
Rare chest (quantity):
Supreme chest (quantity):
Legendary chest (quantity):
    Note: Boxes may contain one of the following prizes:
  • Resource chest
    - gold (70 - 130)
    - shards (10)
  • Common chest
    - 1x Random Common Card
  • Rare chest
    - 1x Random Rare Card
  • Supreme chest
    - gold (1.000 - 1.500)
    - 1x Random Supreme Card
    - 2x Power Token
  • Legendary chest
    - gold (1.600 - 2.000)
    - 1x Random Legendary Card
    - 3x Power Token
◦ Mayhem (point 17)
Mayhem - a gameplay mode that can be played only in 2 vs 2 format (with random team member) distinguished by a bonus that changes every 3 days.
    Note: The cost of launching the mode is 750 gold with the first entry (in each installment) always free.
    Important: Once the mode is paid for, the deck and master cannot be changed until the game is completely over. The mode game ends after 12 wins or 3 losses.
    The tab with possible rewards in mayhem mode looks like this:
    Note: During the mayhem, all players receive same rewards (including cards).

A list of possible Mayhems:
    Note: Spawn a wave of Empyrean minions every half minute for both players.
    Note: You gain +20% faster Mana if your entire deck is of the same faction when starting the match.
    Note: All minions have Haste (+33% Attack speed and +33% Movement speed (Min. 1)).
    Note: The cost of two of your cheapest cards is reduced to 0 Mana.
    Note: Each time you play a minion, summon an illusory copy of it in the opposite lane.
    Note: Draft two "Adventure" Relics at the start of the Mayhem that gives you powerful bonuses.
    Note: Every 5 seconds, a random minion on both teams get a random Jinx: (Gor'Rakk Sacrifice, Spawn of Fury, Ardent Aegis or Lycanthropy).
    Note: Draft an "Adventure" Master at the start of the Mayhem.
    Note: You play as a random "Adventure" boss every match.
    Note: Whenever you play a minion, summon a Blood Imp.
    Note: Every time a spell is played, spawn a random minion of the same cost.
◦ Play with friends (point 18)
Play with friends - a button that allows you to create a lobby, in order to play together with friends or guild members (so-called Premade).
    Important: Premade Team Battle mode just like Battle! and Team Battle! has a separate ranking.
    The tab that allows you to create a lobby for the selected mode looks like this:
↳ Settings (point 19)
Settings - here you will find both game settings and links to the game's social media.
    Note: Settings are a matter of individual choice, but it is recommended to enable the Streamer Battle UI. This will make the user interface clearer during gameplay.
    The settings tab looks like this:
2) Gameplay Strategies:
In the game, there are several strategies for building a deck to win the game:
↳ Control (Controlling the environment)

The strategy focuses on building a deck to hold bridges for as long as possible while keeping the opponent at bay.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good control of bridges
    - well optimized deck
    - average mana cost of cards
  • Disadvantages:
    - slow gameplay (focused on Mana Frenzy)
    - lack of heavy units
↳ Swarming (Spam Deck)

This strategy involves building a deck in such a way as to overwhelm the opponent with the number of units thrown.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - good control of bridges
    - low mana cost of cards
    - good defense against some heavy units
  • Disadvantages:
    - low level of health of units
    - low unit damage
    - lack of heavy units
↳ Heavy Push

The strategy is to build your deck in such a way as to inflict as much damage as possible on your opponent in a single attack.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - high damage
    - short game duration
    - high level of health of units
  • Disadvantages:
    - poor defense
    - high mana cost of cards
    - a small number (or even none) of weak and medium units
↳ Support
The strategy focuses on supporting units by using as many spells as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages:
    - a wide range of options to support units
    - average mana cost of cards
  • Disadvantages:
    - a small number (or even none) of offensive units
    - using (some) offensive spells at the wrong time can harm an ally
3) Description of the arena zones
    Note: To open the picture in better quality, click here.[]
1) Streamer Reward Program
The developers of the game offer a Rewards Program for Streamers of the game, so you can earn rewards for your community, or even keep them for yourself.
    Important: People with the role of "Streamer" can apply for early access to information about upcoming updates (so that they can prepare some material about it).
↳ Joining the program:
To qualify for the Streamer Rewards Program and earn the role of "Streamer" on the official discord, you must meet the following conditions in the last month:
  • average number of viewers: 10
  • viewing time: 50 hours
    Note: You can check your statistics here.[]
    Important: After reaching the above goal, to get a role on discord, you must contact fdmfdm in a private message.
    Note: You can join the game's official discord here.[]
↳ Rewards from the program:
◦ Dwarf Pack
This package includes:
  • 10x Random Common Card (250 shards if the card is gold)
  • 3x Power Tokens
  • 1x Season Pass level
    In order to receive the code for this package, you must meet the various requirements:
  • with an average of 10 viewers:
    - 100 hours of watch time (per code)
  • with an average of 20 viewers:
    - 50 hours of watch time (per code)
◦ Big Dwarf Pack
This package includes:
  • 10x Random Rare Card (500 shards if the card is gold)
  • 10x Power Tokens
  • 1x Season Pass level
    In order to receive the code for this package, you must meet the various requirements:
  • with an average of 25 viewers:
    - 200 hours of watch time (per code)
  • with an average of 50 viewers:
    - 100 hours of watch time (per code)
    Important: This package previously included:
  • 300 Rubies
  • 15x Power Tokens
    Note: Codes containing rubies are still available from some Streamers, although they will be available ONLY until the stock, previously acquired by them, is exhausted.
2) Twitch extension
The developers are also offering those creating content from the game a special extension, allowing active twitch chat users to actively cheer on the creator during gameplay in the stands of a special arena (available only during the enabled broadcast).
    The gameplay with the extension enabled looks like this:
    Note: This extension can be installed here.[]
    Important: To make the username on the stands yellow, you need to purchase Bits.
↳ Twitch extension commands:
1) List of achievements:
↳ Part 1/2
Challenge accepted!
Complete 5 solo challenges
+10 Rubies
Challenge completed!
Complete 10 solo challenges
+25 Rubies
Ranked Winner
Win 3 Ranked Battles
+10 Rubies
Ranked Conqueror
Win 10 Ranked Battles
+25 Rubies
Ranked Annihilator
Win 50 Ranked Battles
+50 Rubies
Ranked Obliterator
Win 100 Ranked Battles
+100 Rubies
Ranked Master
Win 500 Ranked Battles
+500 Rubies
Apprentice Collection
Acquire a collection of 25 cards
+10 Shards
Novice Collection
Acquire a collection of 50 cards
+25 Shards
Master Collection
Acquire a collection of 100 cards
+50 Shards
Daily Winner
Complete 3 Daily Quests
+10 Shards
Daily Conqueror
Complete 10 Daily Quests
+25 Shards
Daily Annihilator
Complete 25 Daily Quests
+50 Shards
Daily Obliterator
Complete 50 Daily Quests
+100 Shards
Daily Master
Complete 100 Daily Quests
+200 Shards
Deck Maker
Create 3 decks
+10 Rubies
Tactics Study
Watch a replay
+10 Shards
Friend Challenger
Play a friendly challenge with 3 different friends
+25 Rubies
Close one
Win a Ranked Battle with less than 100 Health left
+10 Rubies
↳ Part 2/2
Common Crafter
Craft a Common card
+10 Shards
Rare Crafter
Craft a Rare card
+25 Shards
Supreme Crafter
Craft a Supreme card
+50 Shards
Legendary Crafter
Craft a Legendary card
+100 Shards
Complete 5 Achievements
1x Random Supreme Card
Complete 15 Achievements
1x Random Legendary Card
Legendary Royale!
Complete 30 Achievements
1x Random Legendary Card
Spell Slinger
Play 5 spells in a row during a Ranked Match and then win
+10 Rubies
Know it all
Win a Ranked battle with 8 different Masters
+25 Rubies
Defeat them all
Win against 8 different Masters
+25 Rubies
The Stone League
Reach the Stone League
+10 Rubies
The Bronze League
Reach the Bronze League
+25 Rubies
The Silver League
Reach the Silver League
+50 Rubies
Resource Gatherer
Buy 20 Shop Offers
+10 Shards
Resource Manager
Buy 50 Shop Offers
+25 Shards
Resource Master
Buy 100 Shop Offers
+50 Shards
Power Gatherer
Use 25 Power Tokens
+10 Rubies
Power Manager
Use 100 Power Tokens
+25 Rubies
Power Master
Use 250 Power Tokens
+50 Rubies
    Note: It may happen that despite completing all the achievements in the game there is still some missing on the steam platform. To fix this, type the command "/syncachievements" on the in-game chat.
2) In-game chat commands:
There are many chat commands in the game. Below are the most commonly used ones.
↳ Commands for sending messages:
  • /w <player name> - sending a private message to <player name>
  • /r - responding to a private message to the person who wrote last
  • /me <message> - sending a chat message as an emote
↳ Card deck commands:
  • /deck - paste the currently selected deck into chat
  • /stealdeck - overwrites the currently selected deck with the deck that was displayed in chat
  • /cud - copies the currently selected deck as text (for use on discord, for example)
  • /msgdeck <player name> - send the selected deck to the selected player as a private message
↳ Commands for chat settings:
  • /showtimestamps - enable timestamp with each chat message
  • /hidetimestamps - disable timestamp with each chat message
  • /setchatbackground <0/1> - enable/disable chat background
  • /setchatfontsize <number> - changes the font size in chat
  • /resetchat - resets the chat to default settings
    Note: After using the command, the game requires a restart.
  • /join <channelName> - join/create a chat channel
  • /leave <channelName> - leave the chat channel
↳ Chat emotes:
Various emoticons can also be used in in-game chat.
    Note: To use an emoticon, you need to type: :name of emoticon:
◦ Positive emotions:
  • hi
  • gg
  • wp
  • glhf
  • happy
  • wink
  • cool
  • wow
  • peace
◦ Negative emotions:
  • sad
  • angry
  • facepalm
◦ Flags:
  • austria
  • belgium
  • denmark
  • switzerland
  • estonia
  • finland
  • norway
◦ Other:
  • mean
  • sleep
  • greet
  • kp1
  • gm
  • contender
  • twitch
3) Beta Testing
Beta Testing - allows players to test and correct changes coming to the game before they are officially introduced.
    Important: Information about upcoming beta tests is published along with a poll on the game's official discord.[]

To participate in the beta test:
1. Right-click on the game in the steam library.
2. Click the "Properties..." button.
3. After clicking on the button, the settings window will open, which looks like this:
4. Click on the "BETAS" button on the left to open the tab.
5. After clicking on the button, a tab will open that looks like this:
6. Enter the code: "PTRDwarves22" in the space provided.
7. After entering the code, click the "Check code" button on the right.
8. Using the list above, change the game version to beta.
    Note: After changing the version, the game will start updating only after closing the window.
    Important: To restore the game to the basic version, select the "None" version in the "BETAS" tab.
4) A list of other useful guides:
──────────────────────THE END────────────────
Коментарів: 6
young_G8 ******* 4 серп. 2023 о 6:02 
bardzo rozbudowany i szczegółowy poradnik. Pozdrawiam
Pom 27 лют. 2023 о 1:08 
:pfox: !
Arabriel  [автор] 26 лют. 2023 о 23:07 
@Pom Thank you very much for your comments. An update has already been made on them.:feelings:
Pom 26 лют. 2023 о 20:31 
"Upgrading cards is very important"

They're called Masters, not Heroes
MAGIC 13 груд. 2022 о 10:05 
jestem pod wrażeniem ... musiałeś poświęcić sporo czasu
Cby 14 жовт. 2022 о 7:58 
Game changer :kao_the_kangaroo: