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Dogma Guide
От The One True Morty
A guide of the 3 Dogmas, with all abilities in each identified.
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At the end of Mission 1 you get to choose a Creed for your followers. There isnt really any details about what the differences are or why you should choose one over another. This guide attempts to provide details between the creeds and the Dogmas they provide.
Crypto Commandments
No info
Resurrect the Prophet in a willing Follower
Updated Doctrine
The Prophet Himself uses His mind to continually reinstate the foundations of His religion, so that no lies of contradictions can ever linger in the Holy Doctrine. Highlighting the most subtle of nuances, He is able to cleanse His teachings of ideas that could prove to be harmful in the future.
Faith capacity of all Cultists is increased
Multithread Guru
The Prophet simultaneously talks with every cultist, often pushing his multithreading brain to the limit. Among His followers, no one is ever lonely.
The Prophet grants an additional population limit.
The Gods take no joy in seeing life taken away lightly. The Prophet follows their guidance, always offering His enemies a last chance to redeem themselves upon the verge of their deaths. Through a mask of benevolence, He uses intricate psychology leverages, convincing former enemies to join His Cult.
Converts an Enemy Unit that is below 30% of its HP
Death is an Illusion
No death may ever touch any of the Prophet's followers. The failure of their bodily shells is no more an end, as their consciousness are transferred to all other cultists, thus immortalizing their souls. They even pass on the wisdom to those still on earthly plane.
Faith of a fallen Cultist is not lost after their death.
The main goal of the cult is to show people the true way. Even those who have sinned by choosing other Gods need to be given a chance. Focusing on such lost sheep will make preaching more effective.
Lowers Conviction of all hostile Units.
God is With Us
Loyal followers will do anything and everything to impress their Prophet. His mere presence on the battlefield makes them shine as examples of commative fierceness.
Armor boost to all Units in a specified area
God's Ray
And thus said the Prophet: 'Fire at will'. And the screaming Gods unleashed their voices towards our enemies, silencing them in an ear-shattering exploision and blinding light. Only the echo of the blast resounded on the battlefield, where we now stood victorious.
Fires a powerful energy ray at the target position.
Military-grade enhanced Nanofibers are threaded winto the Prophet's muscles, providing them with a vast increase in strength and flexibility.
The Prophet's Combat Strength, Armor, and Health are permanently increased.
Seeing the Prophet enter the fray in person is always a spectacle to behold. The air around Him seems to tighten, the ground upon which He walks cracks, and the air is soon filled with that restless feeling, as if a lightning storm is just about to begin.
Temporary boost to the Prophet's Combat Strength, Armor, and Health.
Miracle of Mutation
Neurobiology is among the most recognized miracles of the Prophet. Thanks to the arcane truth of bio-engineering, the flesh of His followers mends itself, so that they might never know death.
All Units slowly regenerate their HP.
Cyber Occultism
No info
Resurrect the Prophet in a willing Follower
Updated Doctrine
The Prophet Himself uses His mind to continually reinstate the foundations of His religion, so that no lies of contradictions can ever linger in the Holy Doctrine. Highlighting the most subtle of nuances, He is able to cleanse His teachings of ideas that could prove to be harmful in the future.
Faith capacity of all Cultists is increased
Cerebral Channels
Special chips implanted in your Followers' heads help to shape an information channel, so that all intel flows rapidly between every Cult member.
Units are less susceptible to hostile converting.
The Gods take no joy in seeing life taken away lightly. The Prophet follows their guidance, always offering His enemies a last chance to redeem themselves upon the verge of their deaths. Through a mask of benevolence, He uses intricate psychology leverages, convincing former enemies to join His Cult.
Converts an Enemy Unit that is below 30% of its HP
Death is an Illusion
No death may ever touch any of the Prophet's followers. The failure of their bodily shells is no more an end, as their consciousness are transferred to all other cultists, thus immortalizing their souls. They even pass on the wisdom to those still on earthly plane.
Faith of a fallen Cultist is not lost after their death.
The main goal of the cult is to show people the true way. Even those who have sinned by choosing other Gods need to be given a chance. Focusing on such lost sheep will make preaching more effective.
Lowers Conviction of all hostile Units.
God is With Us
Loyal followers will do anything and everything to impress their Prophet. His mere presence on the battlefield makes them shine as examples of commative fierceness.
Armor boost to all Units in a specified area
The Prophet plants a seed of insanity into the mind of his enemies. Carefully cultivated, it manifests when the enemy is least prepared. Before they have a chance of coming to their senses, chaos takes its toll.
All Units in a chosen area become uncontrollable and start to fight each other for a short period of time.
Boiling Blood
Specially programmed Nanobots - upon but the slightest gesture of the true Prophet it can penetrate the body of his enemies. The flesh ruptures and minds break as if they were discarded toys.
Near-death - the nonrobotic enemy will instantly explode - causing damage to surrounding Units.
Though flesh may tear and wear down, the spirit lives on. Such is the motivation of those who willingly give up their bodies. Their minds and the essence of their souls remain intact, forever bound to the Cult's mainframe.
Units perform a sacred ritual that grants you Faith in exchange for their lives.
Favoring Gaze
I remember this battle all too well. Fighting to near exhaustion, I was about to fall to outnumbering enemies. But then, I caught a glimpse of hope - the Prophet Himself looked at me in the chaos of battle. Suddenly, I felt the strength return to my feet. Nearly dead just a few moments ago, I now felt like I could take on the whole enemy Cult by myself.
All Units receive an additional combat boost.
Neuro Mysticism
No info
Resurrect the Prophet in a willing Follower
Cerebral Channels
Special chips implanted in your Followers' heads help to shape an information channel, so that all intel flows rapidly between every Cult member.
Units are less susceptible to hostile converting.
Multithread Guru
The Prophet simultaneously talks with every cultist, often pushing his multithreading brain to the limit. Among His followers, no one is ever lonely.
The Prophet grants an additional population limit.
Boiling Blood
Specially programmed Nanobots - upon but the slightest gesture of the true Prophet it can penetrate the body of his enemies. The flesh ruptures and minds break as if they were discarded toys.
Near-death - the nonrobotic enemy will instantly explode - causing damage to surrounding Units.
Though flesh may tear and wear down, the spirit lives on. Such is the motivation of those who willingly give up their bodies. Their minds and the essence of their souls remain intact, forever bound to the Cult's mainframe.
Units perform a sacred ritual that grants you Faith in exchange for their lives.
Favoring Gaze
I remember this battle all too well. Fighting to near exhaustion, I was about to fall to outnumbering enemies. But then, I caught a glimpse of hope - the Prophet Himself looked at me in the chaos of battle. Suddenly, I felt the strength return to my feet. Nearly dead just a few moments ago, I now felt like I could take on the whole enemy Cult by myself.
All Units receive an additional combat boost.
God's Ray
And thus said the Prophet: 'Fire at will'. And the screaming Gods unleashed their voices towards our enemies, silencing them in an ear-shattering exploision and blinding light. Only the echo of the blast resounded on the battlefield, where we now stood victorious.
Fires a powerful energy ray at the target position.
Military-grade enhanced Nanofibers are threaded winto the Prophet's muscles, providing them with a vast increase in strength and flexibility.
The Prophet's Combat Strength, Armor, and Health are permanently increased.
The Prophet plants a seed of insanity into the mind of his enemies. Carefully cultivated, it manifests when the enemy is least prepared. Before they have a chance of coming to their senses, chaos takes its toll.
All Units in a chosen area become uncontrollable and start to fight each other for a short period of time.
Seeing the Prophet enter the fray in person is always a spectacle to behold. The air around Him seems to tighten, the ground upon which He walks cracks, and the air is soon filled with that restless feeling, as if a lightning storm is just about to begin.
Temporary boost to the Prophet's Combat Strength, Armor, and Health.
Miracle of Mutation
Neurobiology is among the most recognized miracles of the Prophet. Thanks to the arcane truth of bio-engineering, the flesh of His followers mends itself, so that they might never know death.
All Units slowly regenerate their HP.