Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Anti missile pod
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1 Thg08, 2022 @ 1:16pm
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Anti missile pod

Mô tả
This pod is capable of taking down laser guided missiles with a laser wavelength deflection system, The laser on the front of the pod has controled wavelength and can take down a missile if you know the laser guidence frequency.

Recomendations of use:

Use on a VTOL aircraft such as TR-34
Take down laser guided missiles on launch (harder to use when they are going fast)
Try to move to the closest enemy radar target so the laser aims on the enemy and the laser guided missile hits it
If other targets are not in sight aim the pod to the missile and the radar will aim at the missile confusing the laser sensor for a split second and shooting it off course

Value 5(input) To give pod wavelength to laser