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Wood elf outpost expansion
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2022 年 7 月 30 日 下午 6:00
2022 年 12 月 9 日 下午 3:39
33 項更新註記 (檢視)

Wood elf outpost expansion


This mod adds a large number of different buildings to the wood elf outpost category. Mainly increasing their economy so they scale more effectively into the lategame and providing more lategame garrison options while putting a significantly greater focus on managing growth throughout your settlements. (Oak of ages is even more important!)

Outposts now have 3 variants of garrison buildings, a building type that provides income to the local magical forest with all buildings allowing the recruitment of various units.

A blade dancer and tree kin garrison chain, perfectly matching the traditional garrison buildings, however you can evidently have two instead of just one per settlement.

Archer chain provides some archer units while providing the defending troops with a significant ammo increase to give the chain some unique ness and make them effectively scale better depending on the number of ranged units parked or garrisoned in the settlement.

Wine or economy chain provides an income increase to neighbouring settlements, meaning that if you build these next to a magical forest, they will significantly increase their income. Designed in such a way to give people a strong reason to expand beyond their magical forests while also providing late game economy boosts.

Basic tier buildings now provide basic units to recruit but are still crucial to the development of the forests and outposts, as many higher tier buildings require food, further pushing the wood elves to expand in order to build up their settlements, the main forest settlement chain requires food to push this playstyle as do many of the outpost buildings.

The slaughter buildings now provides 10 winds of magic per turn to make up for the lacking ability of the wood elves to gain winds of magic, not to mention the basic slaughter building being pretty bad compared to the other options.

I did extensive maths on making sure these new changes are balanced, these changes are felt stronger in the mid to late game as you need time to effectively build up your settlements, simulating the growing of trees or nature by requiring growth.

The payoff is that your entire economy is mostly centred in a single location, allowing the wood elves the have an extremely secure and safe income source with the growth drawback and limited area’s where they can flourish due to the nature of adjacent settlement income boosting only having a significant effect next to magical forests.

A magical forest by default can reach an income of 2500 and a single adjacent outpost can provide a 60% income increase, resulting in each outpost in a province adjacent to a magical forests being able to effectively generate a maximum of 1500 gold.

Settlements beyond the magical forest income zone however are less valuable and can thus be turned into garrison centres by having multiple garrison buildings options which can be stacked.

All these upgrades come at a growth cost, making sure the player cares and focusses a lot on growth from the oak of ages for example. And while the final stage of an outpost is powerful, it requires a lot of time to grow.

If you have any suggestions on improvements, bugs or idea's do share them!

Chinese translation:
French translation:

For those of you who want to play anywhere as the wood elves using the adjust start location mod:
273 則留言
Nothing.  [作者] 7 月 2 日 上午 10:37 
There are new mod tools, so I upgraded another mod with the concept of this mod:
It should be both up to date and improved, might be good to give it a look
alex.fledderman 5 月 29 日 下午 2:37 
update plz
Wardlaw 5 月 25 日 下午 2:52 
Appreciate it nothing it is a very good mod
Nothing.  [作者] 5 月 5 日 上午 8:34 
ill check to make sure this mod has no bugs in 2 days
Nothing.  [作者] 5 月 5 日 上午 8:34 
I believe this one still works fine
it doesn't feature scripts or complicated codes
if you spot anything strange do share
I've made a more expansive version of this mod here:
Wardlaw 3 月 16 日 下午 3:08 
Hasn't been updated in over a year.
Stale Memes 3 月 13 日 上午 9:14 
Would really like to see an update to this, if necessary.
zbhalokiller117 3 月 6 日 下午 9:46 
So i just tried this today is it intended or a bug that the main wood elf settlements take growth cus that is a huge nerf and really bad
Driver-GT 2 月 3 日 上午 7:02 
so then you suggest just keeping it at 4 to not break the game? i dont know why or how the other mod increases it to 5 slots and they dont even have the extra buildings from your mod, like whats the point
Nothing.  [作者] 2 月 3 日 上午 6:38 
its "rusty pack file manager" it gives you all the tables that the mod consists of
there is a table "build slots per level" in there, pretty easy to find and you can just increase the value to those that you want.
however the base game doesn't support more than 3 for a minor settlement, so it will break if i update the mod to that