60 Seconds! Reatomized

60 Seconds! Reatomized

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The Most Important Items in 60 Seconds
By wannabehusk
MY OPINION - The most important items you need in 60 Seconds!

Heya! This guide is for new players who want to know what items YOU need in 60 Seconds! Reatomized.
You will need:

Pretty self explanatory. You'll need to survive. 1 Can Of Soup/Bottle Of Water is equivalent to 4 servings. With a full family, they will consume an entire water bottle/can of soup each rationing. Feed everybody food and water every 5 days.

The radio has a chance of breaking. This is extremely important for three reasons. 1, you will get started on the military ending if that scenario comes up. 2, the family will not go insane if they want the radio on. 3, if it comes up, you will know if the fallout outside is gone or not, meaning you won't need...

The gas mask is crucial before the fallout outside goes away. You can get along with scavenging early, and your family members won't get sick (if they scavenge without the gas mask). You can also get supply drops, however the gas mask has a chance of breaking. In ~mid game, where the fallout is mostly likely gone, you can use the mask for trading, though it isn't that helpful, as it will most likely only give you 2 cans of soup.

The boy scout book is also extremely helpful. In the events that an item breaks, and if the scenario comes up, you can use the boy scout book to repair the broken item. This is also helpful to achieve the Twin ending, where the last step is to give them the boy scout book. The boy scout book, I believe, cannot break.

The axe can be used to chop down trees for an ending (can't remember :P) or can be used to attempt to heal the injuries if somebody in the family gets injured (scenario required). It is also very helpful for any scenarios that involve the mutant rat/any insects, where it won't break. The axe itself, however, can break.

The flashlight can be used to achieve the military ending or for getting Pancake the Dog. The flashlight can break. It can also be used to check certain areas for certain scenarios.

The map can be used for both the military and twin endings, and for getting more supplies when the scenario comes up. It can also be used to get one step closer to getting Pancake. The map can break.

The medkit is arguably in the top 5 most important items in 60 Seconds! . The medkit can be used to heal any sick family members, can be traded for items and even more importantly, get Pancake! The medkit can 'break'

The padlock can be used the get the 'Pacifist' achievement, where you defend yourself against the raiders without a weapon. The padlock's only good use is defending yourself against the raiders, which even then, is only a one time use. It is still important due to the fact that it is a easy way to defend yourself.