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DESTON : Map Guide
By mesonyxtios6k
Deston Map Guide
The new 8×8 km map called Deston has gone live for PUBG PC players and brings plenty of new features including weapons, cars, gameplay mechanics and much more. We will be taking an in-depth look at all the content that this map offers:
1. Reusable Parachute:
The first new and unique feature is the reusable parachute that every player in Deston will have in their inventory at all times. You will be able to deploy this parachute as much as you want and it doesn’t take any space in the inventory like parachutes on other maps do.It cannot be dropped or replaced and you will be able to use it pretty much all the time even after your parachute gets cancelled after hitting a building.
Another thing worth noting is that there is no button to cancel your parachute so you cannot cut it purposefully to increase your drop speed.
2. Ascenders
The next new item is the Ascenders that you will find in your inventory and these vertical mechanical ziplines will allow you to climb up and down buildings. They can be found all over the map and you can even go down on them by holding the sprint button. You can jump off them at any time but make sure to use your parachute.

However, if you jump from them at the top or the bottom then you will be automatically teleported to the ledge you are heading towards. You will also find them inside buildings and these can be very useful for traversing through tall skyscrapers found all across the town of Ripton.

Do note that only one player can use these ascended lines at a time so might need to wait for your teammates to go first.
3. Cell Towers
You will also find cell towers in different areas of Deston which are unique to this map and they have an ascended line to help you climb them.
Once you reach the top and press a button to detach, your character will fly out from the top and automatically pull their parachutes. It will allow you to parachute across the map to any part you want to be.
However, the automatic parachute pull mechanism can make you vulnerable as you can’t quickly reach towards the ground and then pull it late. This puts you at potential risk of getting shot at by other players in the area.
4.O12 Shotgun
The new map also brings some unique weapons such as the Origin 12 fully automatic shotgun which uses special slug rounds. These are different from normal shotgun shells so you can only use the specific shells designed for this shotgun.

It offers a single fire, three short bursts and fully automatic firing modes with the ability to deal 100 damage per hit. You can attach a holographic or red dot sight as well as a selection of grips and AR muzzle attachments.

However, you cannot equip shotgun attachments so no choke and no duckbill which wouldn’t matter anyway as it uses slug rounds.
5. Airboats
The new vehicle that you can find on Deston is the Airboats which allow you to travel over both lands as well as water bodies but they go much quicker on the water than on land. They are also pretty sluggish to drive on land but quite nimble on the water.

This makes them really useful to get around the flooded areas around Ription and the two rivers present on the map. It has 5 seats in it so you can take all of your teammates along with you
6. Fuel Pumps
Another new feature is the Fuel Pump which will allow you to refuel your vehicles if they run out of gas. You will need to press F to refuel and wait for 10 seconds for the process to complete.

Once you completely refuel your vehicle, the fuel pump will be used and no other player will be able to use it. You can also blow up fuel stations to cause destruction and kill enemies present in the area.
7. Drone Rooms and Security Keys
Deston also brings with it new small rooms that can be only accessed with the drone.These rooms can be found on the side of some of the tall buildings on Ripton and some shipping containers scattered across the map.

You will be able to fly your drones into these rooms to collect some high-tier items as well as some security cards which can be used to access hidden rooms with juicy loot.

These secret rooms can be found all over the map, particularly in tall skyscrapers located in Ripton and you can use your security key to open them. You will find loot such as level 3 helmets and crate guns inside them. While normal airdrops are still available on this map, there are no flare guns available to summon those drops or BRDMs.
8. Heartbeat/Bluechip Detector
Last but not least is the bluechip sensor or the heartbeat detector which will allow you to see the approximate location of your enemies in a certain radius.

However, it has delayed detection so you won’t be able to see your opponent’s location in real-time and it also has a very small scanning range. It is designed to detect enemies in dense urban environments such as the tall skyscrapers and buildings found in the town of Ripton.

That’s it, these are all the new features that will be coming to the Deston map available to all the players as a free update!
Thank you for reading :)
mesonyxtios6k  [author] 25 Jul, 2022 @ 1:08pm 
wuhongting 24 Jul, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
Comandante 22 Jul, 2022 @ 6:43pm 
mesonyxtios6k  [author] 20 Jul, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
It is officially announced but not added yet , it will be added soon :ZAT_Correct:
BOBBI 20 Jul, 2022 @ 10:19am 
Thanks for the info on the Heartbeat/Bluechip detector, but can you confirm this from a source?