Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

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Resort Landing Zones
By Cowontherun and 1 collaborators
In this guide I will show & explain all of the useful landing zones on Resort.

The guide is formatted in such a way where at the start we'll talk about capture point Alpha. Then slowly work our way down till we reach capture point Echo. In each chapter the most useful landing zones will be at the top. As the chapter progresses the usefulness of the landing zone will deteriorate. With the least useful being at the bottom of said chapter.

My criteria for these Landing zones are Battlefield advantages, infantry survivability, helicopter survivability., ease of access. All in that order. Simply put to me a good Landing zone is one that offers your team an advantage, gives the infantry good odds of surviving, has decent odds you wont destroy your helicopter, and finally isn't too difficult to pull off.

Do note this is all opinionated, this isn't an attack on your favorite Landing Zones or a heated argument. The point of this guide is to teach new players or inexperienced pilots what a veteran player knows about this specific map.

Landing Zones will be shown multiple times, that's not an error. Just because one Landing Zone isn't great for one capture point doesn't make it an outright bad Landing Zone.


- "SL" Squad leader.

- "LZ" Landing Zone.

- "Primary LZ" The main LZ's that you should be using.

- "Secondary LZ" A backup option in the event all Primary LZ's are untenable.

- "Tertiary LZ" Areas that should be avoided if at all possible. Only to be considered as last resorts.

- "Heli Camping" The act of using the transport Huey as a stationary spawn point. Often times this should be avoided. However, in territories game mode this can be of use in some situations.

- "Keypad" Lingo used in game to give more precise positioning, used in conjunction with a grid square. Example would include "B6 keypad 5".

- "RPG" The Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot or "RPG" for short is a shoulder launched unguided rocket. Often times is the biggest fear for pilots. However, unless in the hands of a skilled player it's not the biggest threat.

- "DSHK" A tripod mounted heavy machine gun capable of causing havoc for pilots and ground units alike. This is usually the biggest threat to transport pilots.

- "J-hook" The J-hook is a maneuver that bleeds off a lot of your airspeed & altitude. This is the preferred way of approaching most LZ's. To perform a J-hook you first fly parallel to your intended LZ, bottom out the collective, then turn in using cyclic & anti-torque. At the end of your turn you should be either in a hover or landed. As well as facing roughly 180 degrees from when you initiated the maneuver.

- "Quick stop" The Quick stop maneuver is an uncommon maneuver that has you bleeding off all of your airspeed very rapidly. It's uncommon as in most situations the J-hook is a superior answer. However, in some situations it's useful. To perform a quick stop you bottom out your collective, then raise the nose to a high angle of attack. If performed correctly you should bleed off all of your forward airspeed & gain little to no altitude.

- "L-hook" This is a variation of the J-hook. However, instead of turning 180 degrees you're more-so turning 90 degrees. This is useful in situations where you don't have enough altitude to perform a complete J-hook. In these situations it's safer to perform the L-hook maneuver. The way to perform an L-hook is a lot similar to that of the J-hook. However, midway through you're turn you'll be applying opposite anti-torque to keep the nose pointed in one direction. For example, if you're performing a left-hand L-hook you'll initially be turning left. Midway through your turn you'll apply right anti-torque pedal. Vice versa for right-hand L-hooks.
Alpha (Primary LZ's)
Alpha is often times what sets the tone for the match. For many this is a capture point of frustration. It is for that reason I am actually making this guide. Countless times have we encountered pilots not responding to the battlefield situation & landing in LZ's that are not appropriate for the situation. However, what's important to know is that capturing Alpha is a team effort. The infantry, transport & combat pilots all need to be doing their jobs if Alpha is to be captured. If one of those three is unable to do their jobs the team suffers greatly as a result.

  1. "The rock" or "Alpha rock" Situated at H7 keypad 1 & 4. This is a Primary LZ. The preferred way to approach this LZ is from the South, slightly to the east. approaching the beach you should be flying anywhere from 50-75 feet or 15-22 meters. Any lower and you risk hitting the main rotor on the ground. Any higher and you're a juicy target for any infantry approaching the beach. Preform a left-hand L-hook. Please Do not preform a quick stop landing. Quick stops are good in some situations. However, the rapid bleed in forward airspeed & the nose high attitude results in either no loss of altitude or an increase in altitude. In this situation that leaves you vulnerable as in order to not have a tail strike you need to be at an altitude greater than 40 feet/12 meters. This should be your target LZ if the game just started. If you successfully land here you should heli camp the LZ. This allows your SL's the ability to spawn on Alpha. If you do heli camp this LZ you should hover-taxi into the shallow water to get out of grenade range.

  2. Located at G4 keypad 3 this is a Primary LZ. This is a good alternated to LZ #1 as most infantry will be heading towards "The rock" at the start of the match. If all the helicopters are flying towards LZ #1 at the very start of the match consider this LZ. The LZ itself doesn't offer as much cover as LZ #1. However, the uncommon use of this LZ does help keep this from under intensive fire. However, if the team is unable to capture Alpha at the start. Consider this a risky venture. Enemies do have direct line of fire from Charlie. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a right-hand L-hook.

Alpha (Secondary LZ's)
Here lays the Secondary LZ's for Alpha. This collection of LZ's are great options but for one reason or another fall short of Primary LZ's.

  1. Located at G4 keypad 9 this is a Secondary LZ. Much like the previous LZ. However, it's slightly more North. For the situation of Alpha this is a good LZ though it suffers from the same issues as our previous one. However, one notable difference is the presence of a large boulder next to the LZ. This can provide cover for your offloaded troops. To get into this LZ you come in from the South then preform a right-hand L-hook.

  2. "Lighthouse" Located at F7 keypad 3 this is a Secondary LZ. Unfortunately despite being a map centered around the transport Huey it very much isn't transport Huey friendly. That's why LZ's so far away from the capture point can become a Secondary LZ. This LZ is what you should consider if the initial attack of Alpha fails. Please do not land here at the start of the game. If you do you're part of the reason Alpha wasn't taken upon the first attack. To approach this LZ come in from the South & perform a left-hand L-hook. When landing on a ridge or building it's important to stay either level with the landing surface, or slightly higher than said surface. This is a good LZ to heli camp. The rocks protect your helicopter from attacks at most angles & the infantry have plenty of cover that leads towards Alpha.

  3. Located at F7 keypad 8 this is a Secondary LZ. Much like Lighthouse this is a very strong LZ if the initial Alpha attack fails. However, what puts it lower on the list is the inability to heli camp this LZ. It's a lot closer to the action & as such this is an LZ you should get in and out of asap. To approach this LZ come in from a Southeasterly direction & perform a left-hand L-hook or J-hook.

Alpha (Tertiary LZ's)
The Tertiary LZ's are very much not worth your time if the Secondary or Primary LZ's are working. However, knowing them is good in the event they aren't working.

  1. Located at E3 keypad 6 this is Tertiary LZ. Now we're moving onto the bottom of the barrel in terms of Alpha. This LZ suffers for the same reason every other Western LZ does. It's on the Western half of the map. Unfortunately the combat area for Alpha is really poor. When landing on the Western half of the map the infantry moving towards Alpha have to go out of the combat area. This means that any LZ on this side of the map almost never succeeds in letting the infantry push into Alpha. The only reason you would land on this side of the map is to have said infantry be a distraction so the Eastern flank has less opposition when pushing into Alpha. There are two ways of approaching this LZ. The first way is to come in from the Southwest then perform a right-hand J-hook. The second way is to loop around & approach this from the North. Then perform a Quick stop.

  2. Located at F3 keypad 1 this is a Tertiary LZ. Much like #1 this LZ is not worth your time if you can help it. Unfortunately this is considered a Secondary LZ or even a Primary LZ for many. On paper it seems like a good alternative if Alpha attack failed. There is a lot of cover and a good view of Alpha for SL's to place marks. However, because of the inability to push into Alpha and the fact that because this LZ is so common the enemy team will almost always have eyes on it. Forces my hand in putting it lower than #1. To approach this LZ come in from the Southwest then perform a right-hand L-hook. Or come in from the North & perform a left-hand L-hook.

  3. Situated at G7 keypad 7 this is a Tertiary LZ. There are two large problems with this LZ forcing me to put it down here. Firstly, this is a super open space, you're susceptible to enemy fire from almost every angle. As well as the fact that often times you're landing either right infront of or to the left of the DSHK. Secondly, the surrounding large obstacles forces you to do a Quick stop. Given how hotly contested this area often is this LZ is practically a guaranteed death. At least for now, we'll be back here later.

  4. Located at G6 keypad 8 this is a Tertiary LZ. A fairly unique and unused LZ I have to really rank it quite low. However, it does have some good potential. The biggest issue with this LZ is the fact that you're landing on top of the defenders. So why would you consider this LZ? Well simply put the lack of use makes this a somewhat moderately contested LZ. However, as soon as the enemy team is aware of what you're doing the infantry will have a hard time gaining any ground. So essentially the success of this LZ is dependent on how attentive your enemies are. There are two ways to approach this LZ. The first method is to come in from the south & do a left-hand L-hook. Alternatively loop around & come in from the Northwest & perform a left-hand L-hook. Personally I prefer the alternative route as you're likely to gain more attention if you use the first method.

  5. To finish off Alpha we find ourselves at F5 keypad 1, this is a Tertiary LZ. This LZ has you either landing or hovering on a cliff just ahead of Charlie. There are two glaring issues with this LZ. Firstly it's not super easy to pull off. Secondly, you can expect to get shot up pretty good when approaching. The only good news is if the infantry lived to get off they have good cover & not a far run to Alpha. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a right-hand L-hook.

Bravo (Primary LZ's)
Bravo capture is honestly probably the most difficult point for us transport pilots. Reason being is the map layout & combat area for this capture point completely mitigate the offensive capabilities of the Huey. It's also important to note that by this point having 4 transport Hueys flying is redundant & often a waste of tickets. From this point on only 2 Hueys should be flying.

  1. Located at G6 keypad 4 this is a Primary LZ. For Bravo this is the only LZ that is of great use to the team. However, the openness of the LZ means that you can expect to get shot up greatly. That's why I would only consider this LZ either during or immediately after a commander ability. A good such example is the commander calling in an artillery slightly behind Bravo. With the defenders either getting blown up or busy looking for cover. It gives you the best opportunity to land. Just be sure not to land too close to the capture point & get blown up. If landed successfully I would highly suggest heli camping this spot. Your team will greatly benefit from it. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a Quick stop maneuver.

Bravo (Secondary LZ's)
Yes that was really all the Primary LZ's to be covered. As said before Bravo is hard for us pilots due to the lack of useful areas to land.

  1. Located at G4 keypad 9 we have our first repeat LZ. This is a Secondary LZ for capture point Bravo. What makes this a strong LZ for Bravo is the solid cover close by for the infantry & the proximity to Bravo. However, it still has the very important issue of being quite open. So as such while this might be a good LZ, overuse of it can result in it becoming untenable. To approach this LZ come in from the South then make a right-hand L-hook.

  2. Located at G7 keypad 7 this is a Secondary LZ. It offers much the same advantages as #1. However, the LZ itself usually isn't as hotly contested as #1. So why did I put it lower? Well despite it being not as contested on landing, I've found the infantry are often less successful here. For what reason that is I really don't know. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a Quick stop maneuver.

  3. "Lighthouse" located at F7 keypad 3 is a Secondary LZ. In terms of capture point Bravo this LZ isn't super useful. However, what makes me put it up here is the lack of any other places to land. We're seriously only 4 LZ's in & we're already hitting questionable usefulness territory. The only redeeming feature is if Bravo is about to be captured, landing here in anticipation is one of the better decisions you can make. To approach this LZ come in from the South then preform a left-hand L-hook.

Bravo (Tertiary LZ's)
  1. Located at G6 keypad 8 we have a Tertiary LZ. Much like the situation for Alpha, this LZ is right on-top of the action. So as such it's not advised to use this unless all of the Secondary & Primary LZ's are untenable. There are two ways to approach this LZ. The first method is to come in from the South & do a left-hand L-hook. Alternatively loop around & come in from the Northwest & perform a left-hand L-hook.

  2. Located at F5 keypad 1 we a Tertiary LZ. Much like the previous one this LZ suffers the same issues. However, what puts it lower on the list is the fact that you can expect to get shot up really good from approach to landing. Often times the enemy team will place the DSHK ontop of Charlie. For other LZ's in the area this isn't the biggest of deals. Reason being is the DSHK itself has very little gun depression. However, for this LZ you have to approach at a much higher altitude, making you vulnerable to DSHK fire. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a right-hand L-hook.

Charlie (Primary LZ's)
Capture Point Charlie is a lot easier to take than that of Delta. So as such focus on Delta first if at all possible. However, if your team is focusing on Charlie first then support your team. Remember you're playing a support role. Our entire job is to support our team however possible with our mobile spawn point.

  1. Located at F4 Keypad 2 we have a Primary LZ. The closer proximity to the cliff face helps protect the helicopter & it's occupants. Opposing fire is also not typically an issue. Often times you can get in and out of this LZ with no issues. As such this is a good LZ to heli camp. Having the Huey sitting directly in front of the point with cover is a great asset to your team. However, just be sure there are friendlies on the cliff face directly West of the LZ. The reason being is ocasionally the RPG player will camp in that location. To get into this LZ come in from the South then perform a right-hand L-hook.

  2. Located at F3 keypad 1 we have a Primary LZ. Landing here not only gives your team good cover that goes towards Charlie. It also allows your team to approach Charlie from another angle. In turn making it so the defenders have to split their fire to almost all sides. However, the widespread use of this LZ makes it a often contested landing. So as such I would suggest not loitering here for too long. To approach this LZ come in from the Southwest then perform a right-hand L-hook. Or come in from the North & perform a left-hand L-hook.

  3. Located at E3 keypad 6 we have a Primary LZ. For capture point Charlie this is an exceptional LZ. Firstly the uncommon use means you'll often seen not as much opposition when landing. This LZ also provides another avenue for the infantry to push into Charlie. As well as possibly destroying a few tunnels along the way. The only real caveat is you can't be using this LZ all that much. It's in somewhat close proximity to where the enemy team will be placing tunnels. So as such get in & out of here as quickly as the air-frame will allow. There are two ways of approaching this LZ. The first way is to come in from the Southwest then perform a right-hand J-hook. The second way is to loop around & approach this from the North. Then perform a Quick stop.

Charlie (Secondary LZ's)
You may notice there aren't any Tertiary LZ's for Charlie. That's because as the attacking team you get to attack Charlie & Delta at the same time. So even though there are only a few LZ for each capture point. Combined you'll have plenty of good options to choose from.

  1. For our only Secondary LZ we go to F4 keypad 9. Landing ontop of the roof itself can be a bit of a challenge. However, that isn't why it's listed as a Secondary LZ. The reasoning is simple. You realistically have only 2 opportunities to do this. The first one is when Bravo is about to be captured, landing here in anticipation is a good idea as it allows your team to get players onto the next capture before the enemy has time to organize it's defense. The other opportunity is when Delta is being captured. If you land here as Delta is being captured you'll be up against less opposition as the defenders make their way towards Delta. Aside from those two opportunities there isn't a whole lot of use for this LZ. Try & do it at any other time & you'll either get blown up upon landing or blown up approaching. To approach this LZ come in from the South & make a right-hand J-hook.

Delta (Primary LZ's)
Delta is the harder of the two capture points to take. As such this should be the capture point you focus on immediately after Bravo gets taken.

  1. Located at G7 keypad 7 this is a Primary LZ. This is one of the better LZ's for Delta, it's within good proximity to Delta & it's a relatively safe LZ from ground fire. However, it's a decent walk to hard cover. Despite that this is a great place to heli camp. To approach this LZ you come in from the South then perform a Quick stop.

  2. Located at F7 keypad 1 this is a Primary LZ. Quite the strong LZ as it puts your infantry in extremely close proximity to solid cover. However, there are two caveats. Firstly you're forced to hover in close proximity to obstacles. Meaning that you're going to need good control of the helicopter at all times, as well as constantly making adjustments. Secondly, the proximity to the aforementioned cover does put you at risk of being in grenade range. To approach this LZ come in from the South then perform a Quick stop. The proximity to Delta and the safety of this LZ makes it a good candidate for heli camping.

  3. "Lighthouse" located at F7 keypad 3 is a Primary LZ. Another exceptional LZ to use for the capture of Delta. The relatively close proximity to Delta as-well as the good cover gives the infantry good flanking opportunities. A common misconception about this LZ is the infantry can only go across the rope bridge. However, they can actually scale down the ridge that you've landed on without issue. This allows the infantry different avenues to approach Delta. As such I can highly recommend heli camping this LZ. To approach this LZ come in from the South then preform a left-hand L-hook.

Delta (Secondary LZ's)
  1. Located just outside of Delta at F7 keypad 8 this is a Secondary LZ. The closest LZ to Delta this LZ offers cover within reasonable distance. However, unless you land here as Bravo is being captured you'll most certainly be met with heavy opposition. So as such this LZ gets placed as Secondary, when it works it really affects the outcome of the capture. However, more often than not the risk isn't worth the reward. To approach this LZ come in from a Southeasterly direction & perform a left-hand L-hook or J-hook.

  2. Located at E8 keypad 4 & 6 this is a Secondary LZ. An often overshadowed rice paddy offers both good cover & flanking opportunities. You almost never have any opposition when landing here. However, there is one major drawback. The infantry that are inserted here aren't very likely to move up towards Delta. When landing here the goal of the infantry is to get marks behind Delta, & disturb the flow of enemy reinforcements. So as such there are really only 2 reasons you should land here. If all other LZ's are untenable or if you have a sniper onboard. To approach this LZ come in from the Southeast & perform a left-hand L-hook.

Echo (Secondary LZ's)
Finally we've reached Echo. You may notice there are no Primary LZ's for Echo. That's because at this point in the match there's almost no need for more than one transport Huey. The LZ's that are of any use in the capture of Echo aren't exactly good. As-well as the fact that there isn't many of them.

  1. Starting off with Echo we have our first Secondary LZ located at D5 keypad 3. Commonly referred to as "The roof". This is a high risk high reward LZ. In all likelyhood everyone that you insert here won't be living longer than a minute. However, they may live long enough to allow more infantry to fight their way into Echo. There are 3 situations in which you want to make an approach to this LZ. Before the capture of the second to last point, after a cobra team cleared the roof, during/after a commander ability. Attempts of landings here at any other time will in all likelihood result in getting blown up by an RPG or a grenade lobbed onto the roof. You can consider heli camping this LZ. Be aware though, the helicopter will at some point get blown up. If there are any infantry nearby this will result in their death. Hence why I don't advice heli camping this LZ. However, I would be a liar if I said it doesn't ever work. It certainly has, just not consistently. To approach this LZ come in from either the Southeast or Southwest. Turn in using either a left-hand or right-hand J-hook (depending at which direction you came from).

  2. Out next LZ has us at D4 keypad 6, this is a Secondary LZ. Despite it's close proximity to the enemy spawn this LZ has proven to be quite useful at getting Infantry in good positions to assault Echo. The main reason one would want to land here is getting SL's behind the frontline & allowing them to get good marks behind Echo. There are two major issues though. The first aforementioned close proximity to enemy spawn, & secondly there is very little cover for both your helicopter & the infantry. As such you want to get in & out of here asap. To approach this LZ come in from the West & make a right-hand L-hook.

Echo (Tertiary LZ's)
  1. Our first Tertiary LZ is situated at C5 keypad 6. This LZ has many uses, but the distance from Echo itself leaves it down here in the Tertiary range. Much like the previous LZ this offers a good position for SL's to gather marks behind Echo. It also gets infantry behind the stationary Northern Commander's Radio. The best part of this LZ however, is the ability to insert infantry behind the frontline without the enemy team noticing. Thus allowing good opportunity for your infantry to hamper the enemy tickets & ability to reinforce Echo. To approach this LZ come in from the west & perform a quick stop. Or loop around & come in from the East, performing a left-hand J-hook.

  2. Our next location is D6 keypad 2, this is a Tertiary LZ. It's quite a common LZ so you might be wondering what it's doing down here. Well this LZ has two major problems. It's in direct line of fire for enemies defending Echo or moving towards Echo. It also sits less than 30 meters from one of the main paths taken to get to Echo from the Southern spawn point. Thus infantry landed here don't gain any advantage from spawning on your helicopter. To approach this LZ come in from the Southeast, performing a left-hand L-hook.

  3. We've reached the final LZ, located at D5 keypad 5. This is a Tertiary LZ. In all honesty I didn't really know how to rank this particular LZ. It's much like landing on the roof of Echo. However, because the roof of this building has no collision you can land inside the building. More often than not the infantry I insert here will survive much longer than those on-top of Echo. But there are a few serious drawbacks. Firstly, you want to aim slightly offset from the middle of the building, then come to a low hover inside. However, that can be difficult even for myself. Secondly, you're unable to see any enemies inside the building. So as such I would only consider this LZ if there are already friendlies inside the building. Thirdly the only real way to approach this is by performing a quick stop, this will make you vulnerable for a few seconds as you wait for the blades to dump the extra lift. Finally, depending on where you land inside the building it can be impossible for the infantry to get off the Huey. For all those reason I've put it down here. To approach this LZ you'll want to come in from the Southwest & perform a quick stop.

Author's note
I'm well aware not every LZ is in this guide. I left a few out for a variety of reasons. The most common reason however, was there's a very similar LZ in this guide that performs better in every regard. So this is by no means a comprehensive list, as you can get the Huey almost anywhere you'd like so long as you don't care for the main rotors.

Much like my video series on the Transport Pilot role this isn't the easiest to follow but it's loaded to the brim with information. I'm no author or video editor so all I can reasonably do is get this information out there & hopefully it's easy enough for people to follow.

The reason I picked Resort over maps I actually enjoy flying on is simply due to the fact that Resort is the only map in regular rotation that utilizes the Huey.