Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

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Imperator: Res Publica
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Imperator: Res Publica

Imperator: Res Publica is a mod focused on bringing back republican mechanisms of Ancient Rome. With it installed, your character need to go through Cursus Honorum in the yearly elections just as they had to in real history.

Currently supported offices are:
- Princeps Senatus
- Censors (2 each year)
- Urban Praefect
- Consuls (2 each year, they occupy ruler slots if there's no Dictatorship or Princeps Civitas enacted)
- Praetors (amount determined by your laws)
- Aediles (4 each year, 2 of them have to be Plebeians)
- Plebeian Tribunes (10 each years, all of them have to be Plebeians)
- Quaestors (amount determined by your laws)
- Pontiffs (amount determined by your laws; office held for life)
- Augurs (amount determined by your laws; office held for life)
- Vestal Virgins (6 of them, office held for 30 years)
- Vestalis Maxima (Chief Vestal, office held for life)
- Pontifex Maximus (Chief Pontiff, office held for life)
- Dictator (appointed by character interaction, office held for 6 months, occupiess ruler slot)
- Magister Equitum (appointed by character interaction during dictatorship, occupies co-ruler slot)

Characters are elected into offices, depending on the method they were elected in real history, each type of election prefers different qualities in candidates and some of your laws can affect the voting process, such as Lex Ogulnia that allowed for Plebeians to be elected for Pontiffs, Augurs and Vestals or Lex Domitia that made priests elected by Tribal Assembly instead of co-optatio inside the priestly college.

Initial roman character pool has been expanded from 50 to 150 characters and Rome now uniquely has 15 Patrician Families instead of the number being reliant on country rank. These are:
- Valeria (house of Publicola)
- Claudia (house of Claudius)
- Fabia (house of Fabius Maximus)
- Quinctia (house of Cincinatus)
- Furia (house of Furius Camillus)
- Cornelia (house of Scipio)
- Aemilia (house of Lepidus)
- Julia (house of Caesar)
- Junia (house of Brutus)
- Papiria (house of Papirius Cursor)
- Manlia (house of Manlius Torquatus Imperiosus)
- Servilia (house of Brutus' mother)
- Sempronia
- Sulpicia
- Postumia

All families have their colours which in many cases are unique ones, based upon Historia Civilis' famous little squares.

Every office have assigned one of 12 office slots, and the game automatically chooses the best magistrate to occupy such slot. If you feel like you need to change active magistrates to one of weaker ones, you can still do so, but if chosen character isn't currently elected into that office, the script will choose best magistrate instead.
Along magistrate elections senate assigns governors to the provinces and legates to the legions. You can still change legates manually however, as doing this wasn't very big deal in Rome, but the governors are tied to their provinces and you can't remove them until their term is up. If the country is heading towards civil war however, disloyal governors will mechanically stay in their offices until they are loyal again. Only characters that are former praetors are assigned as governors. The better magistrate is, the more populous province he receives. Former consuls and magistrates from just year before get extra bonus toward this score system. if character has large powerbase he may secure himself 5 year term instead of normal 1 year term.

You can try to bend the rules a bit with characters interactions. At the cost of political influence and sometimes tyranny you can allow characters to skip the 10 year cooldown between magistracies or allow them to candidate for offices that would have up to 5 years higher age requirement than characters are. You can also appoint characters directly to senate, propraetorship (Octavian's 43 BC case) or award them with a Dignity of a Former Consul (like Ceasar in 46 BC) . These options however result in substantial tyranny penalties.

To support this quite confusing system, a two new special panels are added to Offices Tab: Senate View and Elections View.

Senate View shows you all currently elected magistrates along with the entire senate roster divided into former consuls, former praetors, senators and religious colleges. Election view calculates character's scores for upcoming elections. Current status of a character is also shown in their character tab instead of currently held vanilla title.

Additionally - Boni Party has been removed. Rome is now truly bi-partisan, divided among Optimates and Populares.

There's still a ton of stuff that needs to be developed, such as all flavour events (or handling vanilla events), more history-inspired decisions to bend Republic's rule, planned future historical characters generator, laws overhaul to reflect how they really worked and what they really done etc. but i think the mod is in state playable enough to release it to the public and gather ideas and feedback. By all means, send me your ideas, and if you'll find any other less known magistrates that you'd like to see in game, tell me about them.

Oh and btw: i strongly disadvise you to have it installed on non-Rome playthroughs. Not that it is not working with AI, far from it, aside from the peculiar bug of patrician families not wanting to have kids it's fine and AI keeps magistrates in their offices. But the problem is that this mod is very performance heavy. Obviously because of a lot of math that is needed to be done on the script's part. Like 90% of the lag is accumulated on 1 Jan along with Autosave, as then elections are held, so it's not that big of a trouble (and i still work on optimization), but all of this mod's features are focused on Rome, and you'll find hardly any improvement while playing other countries. So why strain your performance for nothing eh?
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20 aug 2022 om 8:43
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21 sep 2022 om 20:30
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139 opmerkingen
Mr. Bones 25 aug om 11:06 
@chernwei5784 and @redglowingcross are you using Old Invictus? There is another Invictus mod called Old Invictus 1.4e which works with this mod.
zulu354 28 jul om 9:58 
Is it available in more languages than english?
akdeleS (Jum) 19 mrt om 2:00 
Why is the UI so terrible??? It doesn't show everything
Thoughtful 18 mrt om 7:55 
any plans to update this to the latest version or is it compatible?
HowPow 18 nov 2023 om 14:17 
Guys I saw that there is a version that says it has Invictus support:
redglowingcross 12 okt 2023 om 1:35 
I think it was never meant to be loaded before Invictus. But if I load it after Invictus, I cant start a new game, because it stops at 100% at the loading screen (regardless of deleting 00_latin or the cultures folder).
chernwei5784 10 okt 2023 om 5:54 
Did u load Res Publica before Invictus? I just tried it and had the same problems as you did.

The problem I now realised has happened is that though it works, Maurya has completely disappeared lol.
redglowingcross 8 okt 2023 om 5:04 
Literally just Invictus and Res Publica in the playset. At first I tried it to run with some others like FMO and INR, but deactivated them for troubleshooting. Even checked integrity of game files, nothing seems to work.
chernwei5784 7 okt 2023 om 8:27 
Idk how, but Res Publica seems to runs fine for me after a year of playing, with the full interface. I loaded it after Invictus. Have you deleted the Better UI 2.0 from your list, or any mod that has the 00_latin folder modified other than invictus?
redglowingcross 7 okt 2023 om 6:36 
When loading this mod before Invictus (1.6.1), the game starts perfectly, even without deleting the 00_latin file or the cultures folder.
BUT the interface for government remains the same size as without, so therefore the senate and election tabs aren't accessible and the 12 offices don't fit anymore. Also, there are just 3 starting families.
Loading this mod after Invictus leads to the game stalling at 100% in the loading screen when starting a new game. Deleting the 00_latin file or the cultures folder doesn't help.