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Sri Lanka 2035
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2022 年 7 月 12 日 上午 2:14
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Sri Lanka 2035

在 Pup 的 1 个合集中
Pup's Modset
8 件物品
Sri Lanka 2035 aims to bring the pearl of the indian ocean and its conflicts into the Armaverse

in the early 2020's, Sri Lanka began to experience spikes in economic downfalls, along with civil riots forming across the country. Corruption amongst the government seemed to plague the country, driving Sri Lanka's tourism and exports industries into the ground, hard.

Vandalization spread rampant, Protests turned violent at the drop of a pin. People began to accuse the President for letting the 2019 Easter Bombings happen. The People turned to look for some way out.

It is now 2025, and Sri Lanka, after a brief respite, is on the brink of being engulfed by another civil war. Factions rage political and literal warfare against each other, trying to vie for some stability.

Northern and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka were claimed by the New Tamil Tiger Eelam, instating that their territory was no longer a part of Sri Lanka, but their own country.
Southern Sri Lanka formed a Paramilitary force in order to combat government tyranny, called the Ceylon Republic.
Both sides had skirmishes along their borders, Police and Military personnel alike began to go AWOL, joining up wherever they could, with a large mass joining the Ceylon Republic.
Government Loyalist numbers fell greatly between 2026-27, and even greater when the Prime Minister and several members of the Cabinet were found dead, having been assassinated by the NTTE.

This sparked the opening move of the War, causing the Sri Lankan Army to begin fighting tooth and nail against the smaller force of the NTTE.
Heavy losses were reported on the SLA's side, while the NTTE held strong, being precise and vicious with their ambushes.
Ceylon Forces joined in soon after, striking checkpoints, bases.. anything they could reach out and strike. Hambanthota Port was one of the unfortunates caught in the crossfire, having been taken over by Ceylon.
This now caused the Chinese to raise a brow at the situation. The assault on the port agitated a response from the Chinese, the President ordering PLA soldiers to deploy with the mission to reclaim the port. This went over quickly, the PLA forces only taking a mere four hours to secure the port.

With the port secure, CSAT began to take interest. They launched an investigation on Sri Lanka. Their result? Classified at the highest level. Bypass a few years to 2028, Sri Lanka is invited to join CSAT, and this invitation is accepted quickly, as the civil war drew down to nothing but a four way stalemate on all fronts. CSAT's Spider Regiment was sent in to train the SLA

Casualties mounted on all sides as the war drew on, sucking in any participant, willing or unwilling. The Ceylon Republic began receiving support from western-backed groups, while the Spider Regiment raised the SLA's Lion Battalion by early 2030.

By 2031, the island seems to have stabilized themselves enough. Attacks were uncommon, if not rare occurrences. The Lion Battalion was mainly shuffled around conflict zones acting as CSAT peacekeepers, supported by Iranian or Chinese Forces to make up for their lack of air and naval power. Lion has been reported seeing the most conflict in the Middle East, Parts of Africa, and Asia.

The Lion Battalion

in 2028 during the 2nd civil war Sri Lanka was invited to join CSAT, and this invitation was accepted quickly following that a detachment of mechanized troops from the CSAT Spider Regiment were sent to in to train the SLA.
Not only did they train the local army but they also managed to raise a Battalion Sized combat force, Called The Lion Battalion, This Battalion acts as CSAT peacekeepers, supported by Iranian or Chinese Forces to make up for their lack of air and naval power. Lion has been reported seeing the most conflict in the Middle East, Parts of Africa, and Asia.

New Tamil Tiger Eelam

Based on it's roots from the Liberation Tamil Tiger Elam, the NTTE is strictly focused on controlling the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka as their own.
Wearing a tiger stripe variation uniform, the NTTE is equipped head to toe with equipment they smuggled in from various sources, and equipment they paid for from their friends in Syndikat.

As for their operations, NTTE is hell bent on controlling the Northern and Eastern Parts of Sri Lanka, even if it means stepping on others toes. After all, their loss during the 1st Civil War as LTTE gave them plenty of time to plan and strategize how to conduct operations.
NTTE does not fight like they did back during the First Civil War. With most of their displays of force coming from conducting lighting-fast ambushes on their enemy, as well as infiltrating the enemy and hitting them where it hurts the most, even if a few meet their grave demise.

Their true show of force came when the Prime Minister, and several other politicians were killed, revealing to the rest of Sri Lanka that nobody is safe from their outreach.

Being backed by Syndikat has it's advantages for NTTE, as they're not short on fighters willing to assist them, or weaponry that may need an extra few hands.

The Ceylon Republic

Formed in 2025 from the embers of the Galle face Aragalaya, these people were sick and tired of the diplomatic route, as it often resulted in immense violence whenever a peaceful protest was held.
Since the Government thought of them like a bunch of jokers, they chose violence as well, this sudden change sparking a massive wildfire on multiple social media platforms local to the area.

Shortly after, many police and military personnel began to go AWOL, taking millions worth of equipment with them as they left.
Two years later, in 2027, The Hambanthota Port Assault was given the green light. Funded by [REDACTED], this saw over 200-300 armed civilians and Rogue Government Personnel taking control of the port by sheer storm. Sadly, this was met with a stiff counterassault by PLA Infantry as they tried to defend it, but after a mere four hours of fighting, it fell, leaving all of the Ceylon Fighters dead.

With this failure fresh in their minds, and the willpower to keep going, Ceylon launched guerilla attacks wherever they could and whenever they could, in order to show that they will not be hailed as cowards, and back down.

By 2031, the island has managed to stabilize itself to a manageable degree.
But that does not mean Ceylon will give up the fight just yet...

Note: the best maps to represent Sri Lanka are African style maps to represent the northern and eastern parts, and any large urban map can be used to represent the south


Bohemia for Arma 3.
The Aegis/Atlas team for their Awesome mods!
Grave, Main Logo
lemonium, NTTE Camo
Iannasa, tons of technical advice
Toastwitz, helping me write the lore
Klyan, intergretion of flags and NTTE camo improvements

Screenshots made by:
Random Legionary

Development Discord server :-
Youtube channel :-
19 条留言
ੴKhalsa-48ੴ 3 月 2 日 下午 1:42 
Could you do some of the other insurgencies active in south asia such as naxal or kashmir?
Pup  [作者] 2023 年 6 月 29 日 下午 10:50 
@palazarev98 thanks it now has been updated
palazarev98 2023 年 6 月 29 日 上午 10:31 
Your discord link seems to be invalid. I tried to join from 2 different devices but to no avail.
Pup  [作者] 2023 年 6 月 20 日 下午 11:23 
@Mr. Hague yes, in fact the whole mod is getting a complete rework atm, you can join my discord to check out the progress
Mr. Hague 2023 年 6 月 20 日 下午 7:04 
Hey there @PuppyGhost, I like the work you've done here. Are you expecting an update with the new WS stuff at all? I think the new MSE-3 Marids and the IED Drone would be good additions to the factions.
Ianassa 2022 年 8 月 14 日 上午 5:39 
Very nice mod and interesting setting.
Pup  [作者] 2022 年 7 月 19 日 下午 9:45 
@mazzi [EN/RU/LV] important to know that The Lion Battalion is not the entire SLA but its a battalion that was trained by CSAT Chinese forces to act as CSAT Peacekeepers and for low level combat operations. as for the army it still lives on thanks to CSAT funding
raynare 2022 年 7 月 19 日 下午 8:01 
not realistic they dont have enough money for an army in 2035
Mr. Hague 2022 年 7 月 16 日 上午 12:13 
What map(s) did you use for the screen shots?
mr popo 2022 年 7 月 14 日 上午 8:57 
bruh be quick with them IRL events