Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition

Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition

84 ratings
Blade Runner EE - Achievement Guide
By awg
100% Achievement Guide

This guide is NOT a full walkthrough, it will only give you advise on how you can get all achievements in Blade Runner Enhanced Edition. The guide also contains major spoilers (I will put them under 'quote' tag for better visibility). Just let me know if you notice any mistake.

Achievements can only be obtained in Enhanced Edition. Difficulty related achievements do stack now (after Update #1), so you may complete the game on Hard only to earn all three. Steam offline mode - not supported.

Don't forget to set the personality to player's choice in the main menu or during the start of a new game to be able to pick the right topics during conversation.

- Related to Act completion

It's been one of those days
Reach Act 2

You get this achievement after you deal with Zuben (retire or let him get away) and go to sleep at your apartment in Act 1.

(guide update - June 11th 2024)
WARNING: You may stumble across a bug that makes impossible for you to complete the Act 1. It occurs if you miss the opportunity to talk to police officer at the Runciter's crime scene ("Officer's Statement" clue), and if don't ask Runciter about the camera footage meaning you don't get the disc with the suspect photos ("Runciter's Video").
Normally, you get the opportunity to get "Officer's Statement" second time at the Police Station when you exchange the data with the mainframe machine. But in the Enhanced Edition you get "Candy" instead, making it impossible to get "Lab: Corpses" clue form Dino. Both clues "Officer's Statement" and "Runciter's Video" are important for Act 1 completion, but in fact you only need "Officer's Statement" clue to make it to Act 2.

How long have I been here ?
Reach Act 3

This achievement should pop-up right after you catch up with the runner at the roof of the Bradbury.

Take a good long look
Reach Act 4

Most of the times Act 4 starts when you get out of the underground station right after been interrogated by the fake police. Though this episode may vary depending on what you did to the replicants and which clues you have gather.

Laws can be changed
Reach Act 5

Act 5 starts without showing a cut-scene right after you get out of the sewers near the building with your past-time apartment.

- Difficulty related
As I mentioned above, difficulty related achievements do stack, so you can complete the game on Hard only to earn all three achievements.

Blade Crawler
Completed the game on easy difficulty

Blade Walker
Completed the game on medium difficulty

Blade Runner
Completed the game on the hardest difficulty

- Shooting Range

Maze Runner
Try your hand at the shooting range

Second Place is first loser
Get the first place on the police maze leaderboard

Get the maximum 80 points in the police maze

How to get all three in one go:
Start the game on Easy. Reach the Police Station. Go to the Floor #2. Enter the room to the left. When you enter the police maze simply follow the voice instructions, try not to shoot unarmed target dummies, and you will get all three shooting range achievements without breaking a sweat.

- Detective

Clues Yourself
Activated the KIA Database

This is probably the first achievement you can get in Blade Runner EE. Just hit the Tab key, or your controller hotkey for KIA, or simply click on Ray McCoy and you will see the achievement pop-up notification.

Esper Late than Never
Use the Esper for the first time

Literally, the Esper is a computer which Ray can use to analyze discs and photos. You will get the opportunity to use it throughout of all the play. Early on, you can use one in McCoy's apartment or at the police station (Floor #2, the room to the right).

Out of my Kampffy zone
Administer a Voight-Kampff test

You will have the opportunity to administer a VK test early in the game when you get to the Police Station. After you download the data from the mainframe (you may need to do this couple of times), you will download the interrogation case files from Crystal Still. If you didn't get it, try again or do some other stuff (get new clues etc.). When you get them go down to the Lockup and perform the test on Grigorian. If you perform the test as it was intended then you may get the "VK: Grigorian (Human)" clue.

Frequent flyer points
Visit all locations

There's about 101 locations you may visit in Blade Runner EE. Some of these locations may not be available in your current game due to numerous variations: be it a missing clue or a specific decision you made in your playthrogh. Though I believe you only need to visit those of locations available for you in your current game, depending on which ending you are trying to achieve. (note: this needs verification)

Here's a list of locations[]

No Stone Unturned
Find 100 clues

I believe there's about 130 clues that you may or may not find depending on different circumstances.

Simply try to do as the achievement title says - Leave No Stone Unturned. Trust me - this is a pretty easy achievement to earn.

Battle of the Nexus
Help all replicants escape

First of all, try to follow these simple principles during your playthrough:
1) Prevent all replicants from being retired (most important step; see the details below).
2) Tell Guzza about Ray murdering the homeless guy if you did so.
3) Shoot Guzza at the the central sewers with makeshift bridge during the blackmail meeting (the second important step).
4) Collect DNA information (you'll need to get at least Tyrel's DNA which you have to give to Luther and Lance to get the blackmailing files on Guzza during Act 4).

Before you begin to work on this achievement, you will need to know which character in your current game is a replicant and how to detect it.

There are five characters who can be set as either a human or a replicant at the start of the game.


1) If Grigorian says that he first met Izo five years ago, this means that Izo is a human. Otherwise, if he say that he met Izo recently then Izo is a replicant. If you ask Bob, he can tell you the same things about Izo.

2) When you go down to Izo's Pawn Shop basement you may notice radiation goggles on the floor (pretty tricky to spot - Time For A Pixel Hunting!). In this case Izo is a replicant. Bob can confirm this if you ask him about these googles after you deal with Izo.

(note: by the game logic there has to be at least 1 replicant among next 3 characters)

Lucy and Dektora:

1) Act 2. Before the entrance to the Eisenduller's echo chamber you can notice a small sale brochure. If Ray says that this brochure is about the sale of a new model for sexual leisure for old chumps, this means that Lucy is a replicant.

2) During the opening cutscene for the Act 3 Sadik could say to Clovis "Lucy is dying, man. / Your girl is sick", which means that Lucy is a replicant. If he tells that "Your lady is dying, man.", then Dektora could be a replicant. If he says "You're getting sick.", then both Lucy and Dektora are human, but Gordo is a replicant.

3) If the car Clovis and Zuben were using to arrive to Ranciter was belonged to Dektora, she is a replicant. If the car was registered to a non-existent man named Blake Williams it means that Lucy is a replicant, but Dektora could be a human. If the car was registered to a man named Gavin Kelly and was recently stolen, then Lucy and Dektora most likely human.


1) If you hear the newscaster on TV saying that the production of the replicant entertainer model was suspended then Gordo is a replicant.

2) Before the entrance to the Eisenduller's echo chamber you can notice a small sale brochure. If it says something about the replicant entertainer model then Gordo is a replicant.

3) Before the explosion on DNA Row you can spot Gordo wandering around without leaving the area. If he walks away from the scene right after you arrive, he may be a replicant.

4) If Gordo's lighter has a printing saying that he was a member of the Lightning Squad during the Battle of The Gemini, he's a replicant. Usually, if his lighter is painted in gold, he's a human. But rarely, he may be a replicant who holds this lighter (see other hints above to determine whether he is a replicant).

5) If Gordo asks McCoy "What if I pretend to be a replicant?" during his show, it means he's a
human. If Gordo asks McCoy "And what about yourself?", it means he's a replicant.


It doesn't really matter if Sadik is a human or a replicant. You will meet him In the end anyway.

These characters are always replicants:
Clovis, Zuben, Luther and Lance.

Here's how to help them from being retired:

Note: You can safely let them run away, or let them getting arrested if any of these characters are human.

Spare him in Act 1.
During the interrogation at Howie Lee's kitchen he will get angry and throw a pot at McCoy. Dodge it, chase him to the closed door, and when he begins to approach simply put the gun away to start talking to him. He will flee after short conversation.

Let him escape from Animoid Row in Act 2.
After Izo flash-blind McCoy for a short, don't go down to the basement of the Pawn Shop. Instead go through the Hawker's Circle to the front of the Bullet Bob's shop. Make sure that Izo could run away when Crystal Steele appear at the scene (just continue clicking on her until she states that Izo has run away).

Luther and Lance
Spare them in Act 4.
Simply don't kill them when you get the chance to do so.

Now the "Holy Trinity" of an Act 3:

Make sure he's not the last one you are about to hunt.
Confront him before going after Dektora or Lucy. If he's the last one to be hunted he will not be able to avoid his retirement. Important note: If Gordo is a replicant, but Lucy and Dektora are both human - end the game as soon as you realize that and start over, because you will not be able to find and confront Gordo before Lucy and Dektora.

Warn her about Crystal Steele and determine her identity via VK test later on.
After you warn her about Crystal Steele you will have the opportunity to VK test her in Act 4 or 5.

Warn her about Crystal Steele.
To ensure she's getting away you can make her the last replicant to be hunted.

- Hidden achievements (part 1)

Johnny on the Pot
Dodged the pot Zuben pushes at you in time

First of all, you will have to find clues that can lead you to the Howie Lee's Sushi Bar.
The first clue is a pair of food sticks that you can find on the floor near the Lucy's desk at the back of Runciter's place. The second clue is a receipt that you can spot on Lucy's desk by scanning photos from Runciter's security camera with the Esper in the Police Station or at apartments.

To have the opportunity to interrogate Zuben you will have to collect clues and question a policemam at Runciter's Animals. Analyze clues at the Police Station. Also, don't forget to check the security camera with blinking red light at Runciter's Animals and ask Runciter for the disc.

Now, you'll have to drive to Chinatown and annoy Howie Lee's chef or the customer in a red jacket. This will make Zuben recede to the kitchen. Follow Zuben and ask him to perform a Voigt-Kampff test or show him Lucy's photo and ask about her. It will make him angry. Just click the free space to the right of McCoy when Zuben is about to pour the pot on him and McCoy will perform a dodge. Done.

Dodge This
Escaped the bomb explosion

Act 2. During the investigation on DNA Row when you been told to visit Moraji at Dermo
Design, go there shoot the chains to free Moraji and run through the door that you have just entered. Then run to the opposite side of the street to avoid the explosion and you will get the achievement.

Not so Coy after all
Get arrested and thrown in jail

In short, you can make McCoy getting arrested in one of the next different episodes:
1) Shooting Moraji (Act 2, DNA Row).
2) Shooting human Gordo (Act 3, Nightclub Row).
3) Shooting the hostage held by Gordo while hunting after him (Act 3, Nightclub Row).
4) Shooting Steele while negotiating with Gordo (Act 3, Nightclub Row).
5) Waking the security guard during the Tyrel's DNA heist (Act 4, Tyrell Building).
6) Returning to the Tyrell Building after the DNA heist (Act 4, Tyrell Building).
7) Not escaping the Tyrell Building during the DNA heist (Act 4, Tyrell Building).
8) Returning to the LPD without the blackmailing briefcase from Act 4 (Act 5, Police Station).

The first episode is obviously the easiest way to get arrested.
Act 2. During the investigation on DNA Row when you been told to visit Moraji at Dermo
Design, go there shoot the chains to free Moraji and run through the door that you have just entered. Then run to the opposite side of the street to avoid the explosion. After the explosion approach dying Moraji,draw your weapon and shoot him. You will get McCoy arrested right after this crime action.

Warranty void
Your KIA got upgraded

Act 2. When the investigation leads you to Animoid Row go talk to the snake trader Hasan. He will ask Ray to deal with Bob, the gun merchant. Go talk to Bob but don't tell him that you've been sent by Hasan. Ask him about everything else. You can even ask him to pass the VK test, and he will gladly agree to try it out. After the test talk to him and he will ask to take a look at McCoy's KIA and upgrade it for some chinyen. If that doesn't happen try to leave and reenter the store and talk to him again.

Have a seat over here
For his crimes against humanity, retire Runciter the second time you meet him

Right after Act 4 started, go left two times until you reach the room where McCoy has been held for interrogation. After you get there go through the broken door on the left. You'll appear in the sewers, go down until you get to the lever that slide the bridge to the right - go there. You will appear at the sewer entrance to the Izo's pawn shop basement - take up the ladder. It will take you to the Bullet Bob's Runner Surplus entrance. Go to the right and you will arrive to the Ranciter's shop. Go inside the shop, talk to the owner and end his miserable life.

Unicorn Sighting
Spot a familiar face

This one might be tricky since it depends on the randomly generated in-game circumstances.
All you need to do is to spot Rick Deckard speaking with a fish dealer on one of the photos you get from Izo's photo camera. Note that it's completely random, so you can either spot Rick Deckard or Dektora on that photo.

To get the photos from Izo's camera you need to start from interrogating Gregorian at the Police Station basement and asking him about his organization - CARS. Now you have enough to interrogate Izo at the Animoid Row. Go there, take left and talk to Izo. If he isn't there, wait a bit and he will show up. Ask him about Gregorian and he will take his old time camera and take a shot of McCoy. Everything will go white for a second and then you'll be able to pick up the camera and analyze the photos. Use the Esper, chose the image with McCoy and zoom in the part where a man in a long trenchcoat speaks with a fish dealer. You will also need zoom in on their hands to get the clue record.
- Hidden achievements (part 2)

Into the Sunset
Completed the game - Car Ending

These are the endings that may be considered as a Car Ending (though I'm not sure if all of these endings in Enhanced Edition can trigger the achievement).
1) McCoy leaves the city with human Lucy.
2) McCoy leaves the city with replicant Lucy, and with all of the DNA information.
3) McCoy leaves the city with replicant Lucy, and with only a part of the DNA info or without it.
4) McCoy leaves the city with human Dektora.
5) McCoy leaves the city with replicant Dektora, with all of the DNA information.
6) McCoy leaves the city with replicant Dektora, and with only a part of the DNA info or without it.
7) McCoy leaves the city alone because Lucy or Dektora gets killed by Crystal.

One of the hardest endings to achieve here is "Escaping with Dektora", and it's only possible to achieve if Dektora is a replicant and if she is being hunted the last (i.e. replicant Gorgo or Lucy being hunted first).

Most important events for this ending are:
1) Killing Zuben in Act 1.
2) Scaring Lucy off by asking her to take the VK test (if she's a replicant, she will flee to the maze - follow her to the maze and make her get away from it; don't talk to her there).
3) Making sure Dektora is the last to be hunted (replicant) and warning her about Crystal Steele looking for her.

Other events that might be important for the "Escaping with Dektora" ending:
1) Killing homeless guy and confessing to Guzza about it (Act 1).
2) Letting other replicants escape (potentially: Izo, Gordo).
3) Not shooting Guzza during the blackmail meeting at the sewers.

Overall this ending is about building Dektora's trust for McCoy. Mind that you can unintentionally fail this ending any moment before the crucial point when you are about to meet her for the first time at Early Q's (Act 3). If you are getting clues that Dektora is a human - restart the game or try to continue with "Escaping with Lucy" or "Escaping alone" ending.

If she knows about McCoy you will get something like "I know who you are..." when McCoy tries to deceive her. The one way she may find this out is if you spoke to Gordo in Act 1 before or after you retire Zuben. You can avoid Gordo after retiring Zuben by going outside the garage door where Gaff's spinner is arrived. The other way she can find this out is if you spoke to Sebastian in Act 3 and asked him about any of these clues: "Twins", "Runciter", "Nexus-6". Any of the mentioned clues will make Sebastian realize that McCoy is a Blade Runner. And since Sebastian contacted with the replicants, Dektora will know about McCoy too.

If she doesn't know that McCoy is a Blade Runner you will improve her trust for him a bit when you enter her dressing room for the first time. She will show that she isn't aware of who McCoy really is. Try not to go to her dressing room more than once since it will reduce the possible positive reaction or may even alarm the bouncer.

In a dressing room clicking on a flowers in a vase may improve her trust slightly, or may decrease the trust if the trust is already high enough (the trust value is hidden and can only be viewed in Classic vers via ScummVM debug console). Ask her about EarlyQ and about the belt to continue the conversation. After small conversation McCoy will tell her the truth that he is from LPD. Asking about either black sedan or VK test (this one may trigger her if she is a human, or show the positive result if she's a replicant) may reduce your chances of getting this ending, so just warn Dectora about Crystal. After this she will call the police (which means that Dektora is a replicant).

After the scene where Crystal Steele saves McCoy, go up to the Nightclub Row where you agreed to meet with Crystal. Watch McCoy and Crystal go into the VIP area of Early Q's and notice Dektora running up the stairs in the stage area to the right. Go up the stairs to the balcony and enter the projector room. Dektora will blind McCoy by turning on the projector. Shoot the projector to shut it down. Climb up the ladder. After you get to the upper floor put the gun away and click in the left corner of the room to talk to her. Dektora will leave the place after the conversation.

After the Act 5 started (at the McCoy's apartment) you will get the call from Dektora. It is important to answer the call and to agree to meet Dektora at Hysteria Hall.

After you arrive she'll be waiting for you near the Crazy Legs Larry. Talk to her and you both will enter the car lot. Larry will give McCoy the keys for the red Viper on the roof. After the small conversation with Lary, both McCoy and Dektora will automatically go up to the roof. As McCoy and Dektora are about to enter the red Viper, Steele will show up. Steele will shoot down the spinner. Kill her before she shot Dektora. Click on the red Viper. It doesn't work. Go back downstairs.

The police have surrounded the building outside and will enter soon. Dektora have a bomb stolen from Sadik. Her idea is to kill the cops with the bomb. McCoy will however disagree as he has a better idea to escape. Switch the console key on the left. McCoy will tell her about the better plan. Head down to the basement via the spiral stairs after explosion. Exit the hole on the left. Enter the car with Dektora to watch the ending.

One small step for man
Completed the game - MoonBus Ending

This achievement is easier to get than the one I have described above.

These events are important for the MoonBus Ending:
1) Helping reps to avoid being retired or letting Crystal Steele do the dirty work (don't retire replicants by yourself)
2) Telling Guzza about murdering the homeless guy if you did killed him in Act 1
3) Shooting at Guzza in the central sewers during the blackmail meeting (Act 4)
4) Collecting DNA information (it doesn't really important, though it can help in some occasions)

The first and third events are most important for the Moonbus ending.

People you can meet inside the Moonbus will depend on whom you have managed to save:
1) Zuben - don't retire him in Act 1.
2) Luther and Lance - spare them in Act 4.
3) Lucy - warn her about Crystal Steele and discover her identity via VK test
4) Dektora (replicant) - warn her about Crystal Steele and help her escape
5) Izo (replicant) - let him escape from Crystal Steele.
6) Gordo (replicant) - just make sure he's not the last replicant to hunt (so simply confront him before going after Dektora or Lucy) and let him escape.

Note: See the Battle of the Nexus achievement info for more details.

Sources used
The sources which I have used in writing this guide:
- Game Guide written by JakeSteven1980 [Sean Leong]
- Old guide that I have scanned long time ago (presumably from Game World Navigator magazine)
- my personal multiple walkthroughts
Update 1 (12 Jul 2022 @ 10:38pm): Cleared some typos and messed up tags.
Update 2 (13 Jul 2022 @ 6:14pm): Corrected some mistakes and encounters (with Gordo in particular).
Update 3 (17 Jul 2022 @ 1:10pm): Made a numerous edits for better information in various achievements ("Battle of the Nexus", "Johnny on the Pot" and "Into the Sunset" in particular).
Update 4 (11 Jun @ 9:35pm): Numerous edits to make a guide a beginner friendly as much as possible. Few of these edits were made after Aquilius's comments (Thank you!)
awg  [author] 13 Jul @ 5:10am 
Hi spitz. Thank you.

When I was making my own guide I didn't notice the one created by Barticle, I have put to credits all other sources I was using. After a quick glance I can conclude that his guide is much more complex and informative than mine. Great guide indeed, and I can agree that it has the same usefulness for PC players.

And yes, feel free to share any details regarding your own Blade Runner plays.
spitz 12 Jul @ 11:40pm 
Great guide; rated up and awarded.

I'll put a plug for another guide I used to supplement this one. It's a GameFAQs guide by Barticle [], and tho it's technically for PS4 it's still useful for PC.

Also, to confirm an earlier discussion here, I was able to get the Car & MoonBus ending in a single play-through. I can go into more detail if desired, but in short I made it to act 5 with both endings possible (FWIW, I was also going for "Battle of the Nexus"), so I got one, then reverted to the start of the act and got the other.

Finally, I leave with a cool YT vid that shows all the endings from the og game.
awg  [author] 11 Jun @ 10:58pm 
Yes. Blade Runner is one of the most variative games to date. I don't know how hard is it to remake such games, but BR EE still bears some serious bugs (mentioned one in "It's been one of those days"). I also remember to report this bug with few others in 2022 to Nightdive in their Discord. Shame it wasn't fixed.

I got a 4CD box as well, which makes me a bit like a happy collector. :)
Aquilius 11 Jun @ 1:45pm 
Nice, that makes more sense now, thx for updating and I'm glad to help. Blade Runner has always been so complicated in the actual story development. Also back in 1997 dedicated guides and walktthroughs couldn't guarantee a 100% replay. Played it back then to exhaustion and I also think I can remember a car ending with human Dektora in the first release. And still learning new alternatives in 2024, just crazy this game. Also still got the original Big Box with the 6 or 7 CDs :steamhappy:
awg  [author] 11 Jun @ 11:58am 
To Aquilius: I updated both of my guides for Bladerunner EE. The New Main Menu - because I manage to switch McCoy's figure with barely noticeable dot, and this one afetr a quick replay.
The car registration, as any other clue, generates based on which character is a human and which is a rep in your current game. I believe that normally only a rep or a framed character can be involved in car registration: Dektora is a rep if she's the owner (Crazy Legs Larry can tell that the blonde woman has purchased the car - couldn't fit this in the guide due to the character limitation), Blake Williams is a fake name most likely used by Lucy or Clovis (Clovis reads William Blake's poetry to her as far as I can remember), Gavin Kelly is a clean person whose car was stolen (meaning you can't ask Dektora about the car).
awg  [author] 11 Jun @ 11:58am 
The brochure is a direct clue to which character is a determined replicant in the current game - Gordo or Lucy. Both of them can be replicants and it will require a more detailed investigation from a player: the newscaster can say that the entretainer rep model was suspended (which means that Gordo is a replicant), while the brochure is an add for lolita rep model.
Aquilius 9 Jun @ 4:20pm 
I'm playing the enhanced edition. Just mentioned that registration thing because the guide says in that case both are human. Probably a bug as Lucy was a replicant and it was not possible to spawn the replicant Gordo before Lucy.

The guide says if the brochure is about an entertainment model then Gordo is a replicant.

Maybe you could update the guide if you have newer conclusions. Also the phrase "Your girl is sick" and the result of that aren't mentioned in the guide.
awg  [author] 7 Jun @ 9:15pm 
To Aquilius: I was quite sure that at least Dektora is a human every time there was a mention of Gavin Kelly in any of my playthroughs. But if you tell me that you got a different match then I guess it doesn't really matter which name they use to cover a stolen car. Or it is a bug ( then I wonder if you play an Enhanced Edition or a Classic one)

The brochure isn't a direct clue about Gordo being a replicant - only when you pick up his lighter Ray can tell you that Gordo is a rep right when he goes to the scene to laugh upon McCoy. You get the opportunity to pick up the lighter after you ask Gordo about the cheese or him being around the crime scene. Just run to Mama Isabela and ask her about the cheese if Gordo doesn't want to talk to you.

If you see the phrase "Your girl is sick" this means that Lucy is a replicant which I believe fits your current game perfectly fine.
Aquilius 7 Jun @ 1:44pm 
Having the registration on Gavin Kelly does not necessarily mean that Lucy and Dektora are both human. Right now I'm having a game where the registration said Gavin Kelly and being reported stolen and Lucy ended up being a replicat. However it was still not possible to confront Gordo before Lucy or Dektora. Gordo has been replicant too first indicated by the brochure telling about an entertainment model. Also something odd is, that Sadik said to Clovis "Your girl is sick". Might that be a so far unknown constellation?
Button Eyes 17 Jan @ 4:19pm 
I did 2 runs actually but no big deal, my 1st was on Easy diff anyway. I think the mistake I made (or what the game's randomizer did anyway) was making Lucy the last to be hunted in act 3. I saved her, but she didn't trust me enough it seems.