Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
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10 Jul 2022 @ 8:26pm
13 Jul 2022 @ 11:08pm
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Dalam koleksi 1 dari TheOgre26
TheOgre26 map collection
Item 25
סֵפֶר שֵׁמוֹת
~1446 B.C. (or likely 13th century B.C.)
Jabal Malqa, Saudi Arabia

EXODUS: The second of the five books of Moses.
Exodus 19:16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.

He was what the Jews called, יהוה

- The Tabernacle with 12 (scaled down) tribes, along with the brazen altar, tent of meeting, bronze laver (water bowl), table of showbread (with 12 burgers), the menorah, altar of incense, and the ark of the covenant (with only the 10 commandments (what's missing?)).
- Moabite city.
- Elim with 12 springs and (roughly) 70 palms (Exodus 15:27).
- Water geyser (Exodus 17:6).
- The destroyed golden calf altar (Exodus 32:4).
- Moses's altar (Exodus 24:4).
- A vile dump of diseased soldiers and Molech's sacrificed people.
- Asherah poles.
- Tombs.
- Caves (and a burning bush).
- Heaven.
- Easter eggs.
- AI node graph.

Below I included hints. The map grid is perfectly to scale (32768x32768 units divided into 64x64 grids=512x512 units/box on the graph) so the cartesian coordinate system complies with the formula given. You can use any graphing calculator you like. If you took a high school geology course, this should be easy to solve. A hint for the hints: they make more sense the more you understand the nature of the puzzle.

תבדוק את הגבולות

HINT 2: Hebrew number chart
15 ו-16 שונים זה מזה

אלוהים נמצא ברעידת האדמה

HINT 4: P&S chart

I did not make this map to make fun of religion, nor do I intend to offend believers (Jews, Muslims, Christians, or other religions) with any inaccuracies. I made this map because I want to illustrate history for what it has proven.

I hope you enjoy this, as it took 300+ hours to design, beginning in September 2021. Thank you!


Future Updates

- Better optimize for optimal performance.
- Add an icon so players can find the downloaded map.
- Night version.
- Add stove/oven, pottery, crib props to houses for fires.
- Add a detailed historical record of the Moabite city.
- Night version.


The Digmatic
- Map testing and inspections.
- everything else ;)

If you would like to donate, you can do so here:

mountain desert valley cave heaven israel god sinai saudi arabia middle east oasis beach
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (1)
14 Sep 2022 @ 10:49pm
DISEMATKAN: Mount Sinai Source Content
42 Komentar
Starlightdragon26 3 Sep 2023 @ 5:12am 
I can't get the map to work unfortunately; I don't know if its the events on the map conflicting but it causes a data crash on my gmod setup and I managed to make some progress deleting old and unused files, but it crashes as soon as I log in.
Is it possible to make a copy of the map that doesn't include the events so I can work with it? I just think that the events scripts are overloading my PC
Muumipiko 19 Agu 2023 @ 11:48am 
this map is extremely interesting and i appreciate the connection of math and god
swag1337 4 Agu 2023 @ 2:04am 
this is crazy you did a great job my dude!
Alkari Scientist 6 Jun 2023 @ 3:42pm 
:StarofDavid: :peace_dove: :crossed: :sleepingsheep: :TheInfinity:
TheOgre26  [pembuat] 17 Jan 2023 @ 5:06pm 
I hope to update this map and publish a sunset and night version with better performance. I think typing gmod_mcore_test 1 in your console will boost fps.
肉体に宿る無限そのも 14 Jan 2023 @ 10:08am 
Good idea, bad optimisation
Yt''g - yahli the gamer 1 Jan 2023 @ 10:06am 
ישראל מחפשת גיבור שיכול להוציא אותנו מהבורות אז אני נותן לזה הזדמנות.
TheOgre26  [pembuat] 15 Agu 2022 @ 9:02pm 
I should also add that the groaning sounds are from ghosts, where one sits where the skeleton is (shine your flashlight). They do nothing at all, so they're unhelpful.
I won't spoil much, but the entire purpose of me making this map is in the center of the heaven. There's also a bonus puzzle but it requires decompiling the map into .vmf (see under the lapiz pedestal) ;)
TheOgre26  [pembuat] 15 Agu 2022 @ 8:50pm 
The skull is blue actually, which can be located through moses's altar (one w/ 12 pillars), which the skull unlocks the stone door to Aaron's tomb. The HK tablets are XY coordinates for the seismographs. Press E on those tablets to reveal which color pertains to the flag color, and E on the seismos to get the P/S wave delay to get the circles' radii. If you want to skip the math part and activate God, (1) "check the boundaries," meaning there is a tilted post among hundreds others that has a secret button on top. Use "sv_cheats" > "wireframe" if needed, but I recommend narrowing down the selection with your desmos circles.

The shofar ram's horn is a sound I made, and it can only be heard when God descends on the mount (it's really loud and egregious btw). Then upon the appearing of the lapiz stone pedestal of Aaron's staff -- pressing E -- will become an inter-actable prop, that when returned to the ark of the covenant, will teleport you to heaven.
Dedi 15 Agu 2022 @ 11:58am 
I have to say having completed the first section of the puzzle I'm having trouble with what comes after

Is the groaning sound by the skeleton in the fire dump supposed to be the "goat horn" the purple light mentioned? Because if so the pedestal on the mount isn't rising after I activate it. Is there something else I need to do? Maybe something with that "H K" tablet?