Left 4 Dead 2
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Deep Phobia - models and textures - 5
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 5...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 3
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 3 Author : Aojsn...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 2
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 2 Author : Aojsn...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 1
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 1 Author : Aojsn...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 4
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 4 Author : Aojsn...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 6
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 6...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 7
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 7...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 9
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 9...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 8
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 8...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 10
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 10...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 11
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 11...
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 12
Автор Cass
Deep Phobia - models and textures - 12...
路至深渊Road to Deep
Автор TaigaAi
同deepp风格的新复刻图,完整版! 订阅后还需要下载纹理模型,否则会出现紫格子和error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata Q:为什么这些图的门都看起来这么窄? A:原游戏模型就是这种尺寸 :( 感谢订阅!!! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2446096712128702181/526FF3315655932B9CFA5D220C91DFF5B11874CB/?imw=5000...
大坝危机Reservoir v1.1
Автор TaigaAi
原自infra游戏的第三张地图完工!包含了水坝、伐木场、隧道、控制中心四个关卡! 请保证下载地图前还将材质纹理包正确安装后再游玩,否则会出现大量error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata 或者订阅下面链接: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2120307247 可能不是最新版本,也许会有部分材质丢失! 更新v1.1: 特感刷新时间30s→60s,刷新数量6→4 ht...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Автор 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
南宁市-西乡塘区-心圩街 v1.8
Автор HerobrineAce
这是一张还原我附近地方的地图。这是一年前做的,那时候因为技术不成熟放弃了,今天,我将这张地图重新打磨了一遍,虽然只有第一关,祝你玩得开心,推荐难度:写实专家.打普通没5分钟就过了。控制台建图可以输入:Map Naning_City_Xinxu_Street_m1 支持模式:战役,生还者模式 This is a map of my neighborhood. It was made a year ago. At that time, it was abandoned because of immature t...
Back To Ravenholm V5.1
Автор IllusivePie
Mayday, Mayday! Our plane crashed! Damn it! I can't believe the pliot was infected. Oh,God bless him! We need to go to Ravenholm - the only little town! Cvar: map backtoravenholm_v5_01 ............................................... map backtoravenholm_v5_...
Автор JohNny.R
大更新,可以打专家了,大大的缩减了地图包的大小,修复了一些bug,美化了一点点环境,删除了自定义武器。物资在屋子里多找找(冰箱里)图内含有止痛药及M60和女巫MOD开房前请打好防冲突 开启机关前可以先看看地形做好防御尸潮的准备。第二关门钥匙在电动车屋子喷子的屌上。最后感谢各位的赞助,感谢长远の梦远程指导,谢谢。另外不要玩老版本了。 ...
Автор Aiden锋锋
V1.9 剧情: 生还者们乘坐的改装面包车被迫停在了山路上,为求生路他们必须设法寻求道路。在一路下山的探索后,他们在一个小楼中度过了晚上。隔日,当太阳升起时,他们再次出发,幸运的是他们取得了军队的联系,只要前往停机坪即可,4人历经凶猛的尸潮进攻后终于见到救援直升机,可却被意料之外的坦克摧毁。情急之下他们只得暂时另辟蹊径,从城市发达的下水系统中前往避难所。四通八达的下水系统也不安宁,一路沿着复杂的下水处理系统探索,他们找到一处水闸,然而就在水闸下降后,只听“砰”的一声,整个环境的电力系统瘫痪了!!水流不受控制...
《Home Town》v1.62Custom weapon
《故乡》正在准备重新上传,其中会包括一些地图小更新和更好属性的自定义武器包~ Hometown is preparing to be re uploaded, which will include some map updates and custom weapon packs with better attributes~ ******************************************************************************** This subscr...
深邃恐惧症Deep Phobia v2
Автор TaigaAi
制作的第三张地图,原名mdz,现在终于把后半部分完成了,容量也扩大了无数倍! 这是一张半自制半搬运性质的地图,后半部分借用了同引擎游戏infra(迷路模拟器)的场景。 订阅后还需要下载纹理模型,否则会出现紫格子和error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata 最后一关藏有一处小彩蛋,细心的玩家能否找到? The finale chapter have one easter egg,can you find it out? =========...
Автор HerobrineAce
--- It took about two days to adjust the map. --- After entering the map, the rainstorm will appear periodically, just like the HARD RAIN chapter. --- Support modes: campaign, realistic, versus, survival and mutation mode. --- If you want to create a map f...
Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (Reset Version)
Автор HerobrineAce
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - This map is difficult. Please protect your teammates! - Four survivors came to the power school and decided to find a way out. - There are four maps in total, one of which is the survival mode. Due t...
Автор 晨晨
本次砚州地图路线向左,讲述了幸存者们所在的地方感染了丧尸病毒,必须要逃离这里 ______________________________________________________________________ 建图代码: map yanzhounight_tiwei map yanzhounight_duhe map yanzhounight_baogonci map yanzhounight_underground ________________________________________...
拜山2【bai mountain 2】
Автор 晨晨
地图名字:拜山2 地图关卡数:12 地图难度:地狱十星★★★★★★★★★★ 地图风格:战役、挑战、boss、多人娱乐 背景故事:幸存者们开车出外游玩,不料发生了交通意外,他们昏迷了,灵魂离开了他们的身体,前方有一道白光,当他们走进去后却发现自己进到了地狱世界,这里有很多亡魂和地狱使者,他们能离开这里回到自己的肉身吗? 作者建议: 1.不建议单人带电脑 2.不建议萌新游玩 3.不建议心脏不好者游玩(本地图有可能造成砸电脑鼠标等不安成分,请三思后游玩) 4.本地图可当娱乐地图或喜欢挑战(抖M玩家)的玩家游玩 5...
晨晨市 chenchencity_part5
Автор 晨晨
说明:请把part1~5都下载了,缺一不可 本文件主要是贴图文件 故事剧情:幸存者们所在的小区爆发了丧尸病毒,他们听说晨晨市没有被感染,所以他们去了晨晨市,但是这里也已经被感染了,并且他们面对的敌人不仅仅是丧尸,似乎还有个神秘组织在这里杀活人 建图代码: cc_thecity cc_thecity2 cc_thestreet cc_thesewer cc_thesupermarket cc_thevocalconcert 地图版本:10 更新说明:第一关添加了救援房子,第三关简单优化了下,第四关调整难度 —...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 1
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 1 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 2
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 2 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 3
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 3 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 4
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 4 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 5
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 5 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 6
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 6 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 7
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 7 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 8
Автор Yoimiya
infra材质包 - infra models and materials - 8 作者:TaigaAI 本人仅上传 请订阅合集内所有物品 Please subscribe to all parts in the collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827807109 材质包适用于以下地图: Texture packs are available for the following maps: https://...
Tai Chi
Note: I'm Not The Author Of This Campaign. Campaign By: XiHaChongFeng This is a single and short topic about Tai Chi. Hard default difficult. Stories from the survivors of the helicopter began to fall, you will pass a small piece of undulating mountains, r...