Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

167 ratings
Comprehensive PC Keyboard Commands List for RDR2
By Ripper1302x
This is a guide to the keyboard and mouse commands to perform more than 200 in-game actions in the single player personal computer version of Red Dead Redemption 2. I prepared this guide because, nearly three years after the game's release on personal computer, I could not find a list of commands that was simple, easy to read, or really complete.

This guide was originally published by me, as a Steam player guide, on July 6, 2022 and will be updated by me as users report problems with the guide. It is copyrighted by me. Individual players may make a copy for their own use. However, this guide should not be copied, duplicated, translated, or otherwise distributed without my specific consent.

Please note that this guide does not include the commands for playing the in-game games blackjack, dominoes, five finger fillet, or poker. It does not include the commands for using the in-game portable camera or the special game photo mode. Nor does it include most commands used exclusively in online play.
List Organization
This list is organized alphabetically by command. The first line of each entry provides the command name. The second line provides the PC keyboard key(s) and/or PC mouse buttons used to execute that command. I have added notes, on the third line, to some of the commands to provide additional information about that specific command.

Some commands which have the same effect are listed more than once because I want to include the search terms by which different players search for the same command. I want to reduce the frustration of trying to find a command when you can't remember the specific terminology the developer used but you are sure you remember it is on the list someplace!

Please note that this guide does not include the commands for playing the in-game games blackjack, dominoes, five finger fillet, or poker. It does not include the commands for using the in-game portable camera or the special game photo mode. It also does not include commands used in online play.
Errors and Corrections
If you find an error in this PC keyboard/mouse command information let me know and I will correct it, if necessary. Please provide the correct keyboard and/or mouse input required to execute this command correctly in Red Dead Redemption 2.

If you know a PC keyboard/mouse command that I have missed, please let me know and I will consider adding the command to this list. Please provide the keyboard and/or mouse input required to execute the command in this game.
Commands A - C
Accept (in game menus)
Enter (either on keyboard or number pad)

Additional down (in game menus)
Number-pad 5

Additional left (in game menus)
Number-pad 4

Additional right (in game menus)
Number-pad 6

Additional up (in game menus)
Number-pad 8

Right mouse button

Aim into the air

Left mouse button

Tap X then hold V (the cinematic camera) until the small frame fills, then release V, then tap W (forward) to start the auto-ride
Note 1: The auto-ride command eliminates the need to keep your hands on your keyboard or mouse when traveling to the way point you have selected.
Note 2: Once underway the speed of auto-ride can be increased by pressing the shift key.
Note 3: Auto-ride does not work during missions, cut scenes, or when riding with another person.
Note 4: Auto-ride should not be confused with fast travel. Both are automated processes but auto-ride does not save any in-game time. You will experience the entire trip at normal time speed.
Note 5: During auto-ride you can change your point of view by pressing C. Do not press V because this will knock the player out of auto-ride.

Backward movement (in boat, on foot, on wagon, but not on horse)

Backward movement on horse
Double tap left control AND hold it on the second tap
Note 1: Can only be performed after reaching highest level in horse handling.

Bait wheel
Tab then use Q or E to select from available baits

F4 then select binoculars on the wheel

Binoculars, zoom in or zoom out
Roll mouse wheel

Brake (in boat, on foot, on horse, on wagon)

Break down a object in the satchel
Highlight the object to be broken down in the satchel
Note 1: This action is not well know to many beginning players, but it is the method by which the player can "break down" some types of fish into "gritty fish meat" which can be mixed with one of several types of berries to make a strong predator bait.
Note 2: Not all types of fish can be broken down.

Brush horse
With horse command list open (right mouse button) press B

Buy item from shop

Call animal
Note 1: Only available when aiming at an animal with a weapon.
Note 2: This will cause that animal to momentarily raise its head, giving the player an opportunity for a clearer head shot.

Call horse

Camp symbols
In case you are wondering what the three symbols in the upper right corner of your camp mean - these symbols represent the current state of your camp’s first aid, ammunition, and food. If the symbol is red the quantity is low, white the quantity is OK, yellow the quantity is well stocked.

Cancel (in game menus)


Change camera position
Note 1: This is useful when using the “auto-ride” command to provide different views during the ride.

Change camera shoulder view

Change seat in vehicle (boat, train, wagon)

Change shop currency type
Shift (hold)
Note 1: This only works with Red Dead Redemption 2 Online and switches the currency type between Dollars ($) and Gold when dealing with shopkeepers.
Note 2: Thanks to Dokkasan for providing this information. Since I don't play RDR2 online I did not know what this command did.

Change shooting shoulder when using Dead Eye
Note 1: This will switch the view from right shoulder (the default) to left shoulder.

Cinematic camera startup
Hold V until the small frame fills, then release V

Close menu

Compass radar
Note 1: I was never able to try this command because I have GeForce Experience software installed and pressing Z would open this software.

Context action

Content action 2


Cycle camera views
Commands D - G
Dead Eye
Middle mouse button OR caps lock
Note 1: Dead eye can only be implemented when the player is aiming a weapon and it’s duration is limited by the value of the player’s current dead eye core.
Note 2: There are 5 tiers in Dead Eye. Tiers 2-5 are locked to completed game chapters:
tier 2 = complete the mission “Pouring Forth Oil IV” in game chapter 2
tier 3 = complete the mission “Urban Pleasures” in game chapter 4
tier 4 = complete the mission “Fleeting Joy” in game chapter 5
tier 5 = complete the mission “Goodbye Dear Friend” in game chapter 6
Note 3: There are also different levels in Dead Eye. Increasing one’s Dead Eye level extends the Dead Eye duration time.

Dead Eye tag enemies
Note 1: It is not possible to mark multiple targets when using a sniper rifle.
Note 2: See the command “Mark targets using Dead Eye” for additional information on this important function.

Disable radar

Down (in game menus)
Down arrow

Drift on horse
Hold space-bar and press A/D/W (depending on the direction you want to go)

Dual wield sidearms

Eagle eye
Middle mouse button OR caps lock
Note 1: Is used for spotting animals, plants, people, animal tracks, or items which can be picked up.
Note 2: Eagle eye can only be activated when the player is not aiming a weapon.
Note 3: Eagle eye does not use any player resources.

Eat (at campfire, from bowl, or from a plate)

Enter cover, e.g., hide behind a wall or boxes

Enter wagon

Equip melee weapon

Equip left sidearm

Equip right sidearm

Equip sidearm in both hands (dual wield)

Equip thrown weapon (rope, throwing knives, tomahawk)

Equip unarmed (player will have no weapon of any type in their hand for immediate use)

Equip weapon being carried on back

Equip weapon being carried on shoulder

Exit boat or canoe

Exit cover, e.g., leave protection provided by a wall or boxes

Expand radar

Extra option (in game menus)

Extra option 2 (in game menus)

Extra option 3 (in game menus)

Extra option 4 (in game menus)

Fast travel
Initially the only fast travel options available to the player are by stage coach and by train. Both options cost money. Go to any stage coach boarding sign to purchase a ticket on the next available stage coach to your designated location. Go to any staffed train station and purchase a ticket from the clerk inside the station for your designated location.

Fast travel using a campfire
Note 1: Player must have progressed the game to the point in the story when Arthur can fast travel. The campfire must be in place. See “Setup campfire” for how to do this.

Fast travel using the map near Arthur's bed
When following the main story and improving the gang’s encampment the player will have the option to provide a map that enables fast travel to a variety of predetermined locations on the map. This fast travel map is not tied to travel by train or wagon and it is required in order to be able to fast travel using a campfire.
Note 1: At the encampments the fast travel map is on the side of Arthur's wagon. At Shady Belle it is on a table in Arthur's room.

Feed horse

Feed horse a specific food
Stand at the front of the horse, hold Tab, press R to move to the "horse" wheel, select the block in the nine o'clock position on the horse wheel, the press Q or E to select the specific food to feed the horse, the release Tab to actually feed the horse.
Note 1: Come on give your horse some variety in their diet. They are working hard hauling you around the country, often with bullets flying everywhere.

Feed horse from horseback
Hold F4 then R to move to horse wheel, select the "9 o'clock" food block, the use Q/E to view the food types available. Select the desired food, then release F4 to feed them.
Note 1: This sequence will allow you to remain mounted and feed your horse. Nicely animated.

Feed menu – interact with

Find a dropped/lost personal weapon, gear, supplies, or animal pelts
If a player accidentally drops their own weapon when performing any action or the item is lost while riding a horse due to collision, that item can be found by looking for a white marker on the map. The white marker indicates the location of the dropped/lost/switched weapon or item. For a weapon, the marker looks like a pistol. For a pelt, the item looks like a flatten pelt. If the player returns to this marker's location on the map the weapon/item can be found and picked up.
Note 1: If dropped in the water the item may be difficult but not impossible to retrieve. You will need to slowly move toward the item and be ready to press the retrieve key “R” as soon as it appears.
Note 2: This marker indicates the location of the last equipped weapon only.
Note 3: If the player drops or loses a “legendary” pelt, don’t panic like I did last night when I was ambushed and killed by a pack of wolves. The pelt can be found at any trapper location. He will already have the pelt in his inventory ready to craft.

Fire weapon
Left mouse button

Fishing rod
Hold Tab and then tap R and then select fishing rod from the wheel

Fishing techniques
Attach lure = E
Bait hook = E
Cut line = E
Fishing reel speed up = R
Fishing reel speed down = F
Fishing reel line in = Space-bar
Fishing reel line out = Shift

With horse command list open (right mouse button) press F
Note 1: This command causes the dismounted player’s horse to quickly leave the immediate area. The horse will usually remain within “call horse” range.

Focus camera

Forward movement (on foot, on horse, on wagon)

Give command to a horse
While standing next to a horse, hold the right mouse button down and then select from the options
brush = B
feed = R
flee = F
information = Q
lead = E
pat = G
remove saddle = H
Note 1: See the command "Feed horse a specific food" for details on how to feed your horse a variety of food.

Ground tie your horse
Hold Q and press E
Note 1: I was never able to routinely make this command work, but have included it in case you want to try it yourself.
Note 2: Some sources say the command only works while riding on grass.
Commands H - L
Headlight (on wagon)
o (o not 0 zero)

Holster or un-holster weapon
Tab (tap only, do not hold)
Note 1: Double tapping when holstering a single sidearm will cause the player to impart a little spin to the weapon as it is holstered.

Horse information
With horse command list open (right mouse button) press Q

Backup horse
Double tap left control AND hold it on the second tap

Horse jump

Horse melee mode

Horse melee attack – left
Left mouse button

Horse melee attack – right
Right mouse button

Horse sprint

Horse slow/stop

Horse whistle
Note 1: Calls horse to you or at least near to you

Ignite explosives
Note 1: Explosives are considered to be a throwing weapon and are accessed by pressing 7.
Note 2: To place explosives without igniting them use the right mouse button.
Increase speed (in boat, on foot, on horse, on wagon)

Increase horse speed
Tap repeatedly or hold shift
Note: Holding shift will let you go faster more quickly

Interact lock-on
Right mouse button

Inspect item
Middle mouse button OR F

Interact with animal

Interact with object


Jump obstacle riding your horse

Lead horse
With horse command list open (right mouse button) press E

Left (in game menus)
Left arrow

Left movement (in boat, on foot, on horse, on wagon)

Look behind (when riding horse or wagon)

Lock-on options 1-3
Note 1: I believe the 3 commands immediately below (G, H, Space-bar) give the player some flexibility in how the Dead Eye viewing function works, specifically narrow, normal, and wide view. I can’t find any place to do anything with these options in the PC controls but they do exist in the console commands. Hopefully someone can tell me how/what they do on a PC.

Lock-on option 1

Lock-on option 2

Lock-on option 3

Lull target animal using "call"
Note 1: Only available when aiming at an animal with a weapon.
Note 2: This will cause that animal to momentarily raise its head, giving the player an opportunity for a head shot.
Commands M - Q
Map zoom
Middle mouse button wheel rolled

Mark location on map
With map open, place cursor on location and press “Enter” to mark

Mark target (manually)
Target marking can be frustrating for a PC player because the way it works changes at one point in the game without any clearly defined explanation. Target marking is performed automatically until the player completes the entire mission “Pouring Forth Oil” in chapter 2, at which point the player loses the ability to auto-tag multiple targets.
The steps to mark a target or targets manually are:
1. With your weapon in hand, enter Dead Eye mode by pressing either caps lock or middle mouse button. You know you are in Dead Eye mode when the screen gets brighter and everything on screen slows down. The Dead Eye timer has started.
2. Place the gun’s sight cursor on a target. The cursor will turn from white to red.
3. With the red cursor on the target press X which will mark the target. This will be the site where the target will be hit. Pressing X multiple times on the same location will cause several shots to be fired at the same target location. Depending on the weapon being used and the hit location on the body, multiple hits are not normally necessary to kill.
Note 1: Player can only mark as many targets as there are rounds in the current gun.
4. After marking all targets, press the left mouse button. One shot will be automatically fired at each marked target in the order in which the targets were tagged.
Note 1: During Dead Eye if the player does not mark any targets, but does press the left mouse button, a single round will be fired.

Melee can be frustrating for a new PC player if they don’t understand how melee works in this game. Use only the keyboard when fist fighting. Press and hold the block key (R) when your opponent is swinging to block his attack. Tap the punch key (F) several times to strike your opponent. Tap the grab key (E) to grab your opponent and if his health is low enough you get the option to tap the punch key (F) and deliver some extra hits to the fool. Remember stay off the mouse.

Melee – attack

Melee – block

Melee – grapple

Melee – interact

Melee – punch

Melee – restrain

Melee – rob

Melee – strike

Melee – take down

Menu controls

Mount horse

Mount wagon

Mount bath wash women
We wish!

Move backward

Move forward

Move horse in a circle
Hold left control and press W multiple times to circle to the right
Hold left control and press D multiple times to circle to the left

Move left

Move right

Move to the left or right in menus
Q to move to the left or E to move to the right
Note 1: One of the many places this command is used is when looking at the camp ledger to purchase specific improvements for the camp.

Move up or down in menus
Up or down arrow
Note 1: One of the many places this command is used is when looking at the camp ledger to purchase specific improvements for the camp.

Next document page (in game menus)
Right arrow

Next item

Next prompt page

Next secondary tab (in game menus)

Next tab (in game menus)
E OR page down
Note 1: This is frequently used to select various items/objects/choices after opening a selection wheel, e. g., the satchel wheel.

Next weapon
Mouse wheel rolled

Open item wheel

Open journal

Open log

Open map

Open player menu

Open satchel

Open weapon wheel

Pat horse
With horse command list open (right mouse button) press G

Pat horse while riding

Pause game

Pause menu
Note 1: Returns player to a screen that provides choices to view the map, get help, view progress, read player story, go online, participate in social club, or quit the game.

Pay bounty in shop or train station

Photo mode activation

Piaffe horse
Hold space-bar
Note 1: Piaffe is a term used in horse training to perform a cadenced trot in place or nearly in place.
Note 2: No, I did not know this term. Thanks Wikipedia.

Pickup item

Place marker on map
With map open, place cursor on desired location and press “enter” to mark
Note 1: It is possible to place multiple markers on the map at the same time.

Previous document page (in game menus)
Left arrow

Previous item

Previous secondary tab (in game menus)

Previous tab (in game menus)
Q or page up
Note 1: This is frequently used to select various items/objects/choices after opening a selection wheel, e. g., the satchel wheel.

Previous weapon
Mouse wheel rolled

Previous wheel menu

Put on mask
Hold F4, select bandanna mask from the wheel, then release F4

Quick use item
Commands R - V
Radar (this refers to the circular mini-map which, in the default setup, appears in the lower left corner of the screen)
show info = alt (press this once to access these four options):
compass radar = Z (see note under Compass radar entry when using G-Force Experience)
disable radar = V
expanded radar = X
regular radar = C

Rear horse
Left control + space-bar
Note 1: This command will cause your horse to rear back on it's back legs.

Regular radar


Remove a marker from map
With map open press “Enter” to remove marker

Remove saddle from horse
With horse command list open (right mouse button) press H

Remove mask
Hold F4, select bandanna mask from the wheel, then release F4

Note 1: Player will kneel on the ground and be offered options to setup camp (E), craft (R), and leave (F).

Right movement (in boat, on foot, on horse, on wagon)

Right (in game menus)
Right arrow


Select side on which to dismount from horse
Look in the direction you wish to dismount and press E
Note 1: This method works well in first person mode but I was unable to determine a way to select a specific dismount direction in third person mode.

Sell item to shop

Setup campfire
Hold F4 to open item wheel, then select “crafting camp”, then release F4. When F4 is released the campfire will be placed at the player’s location.

Setup scout campfire
Note 1: The player has to craft some recipes at the scout campfire in order to improve their individual equipment. But the player doesn’t actually build this campfire. It automatically appears at the gang’s camp as part of the camp upgrade sequence. Look for a separate fire near where the horses are being kept.

Shoot into the air
U then right mouse button

Show radar information

Sliding stop while on a horse
While galloping press left control

Special shop function


Stand up from a crouch position

Stand up in a boat or canoe


Stop horse immediately after jumping
Tab left control while in the jump
Note 1: Useful in helping reduce injuries from slamming into wall or other object after jumping with horse.

Swap weapon in hand with one laying on ground
Tab (tap it – do not hold it)
Note 1: This command will let the player exchange a rifle or pistol in hand with one on the ground.
Note 2: This command is useful when the player wants to swap their routine weapon with a unique or unusual weapon dropped by a character in the game. I have picked up a couple of nice looking pistols from recipients of my justice using this swap method.
Note 3: It is also useful if the player’s current weapon is badly degraded, you have no gun oil, and it could be replaced with a better one from the ground.

Switch to first or third person view
Tap V repeatedly to rotate between the available views

Switch to left shoulder view when using Dead Eye

Switch weapon firing mode
Note 1: Only available when using the LeMat revolver
Note 2: This command changes the firing mode between revolver and shotgun

Switch zoom magnification or levels on binoculars or weapons
Middle mouse button wheel rolled

Tear down your personal camp
Note 1: This command will remove your tent and campfire.

Toggle weapon sight
Middle mouse button

Train whistle
Note 1: Causes train to sound its whistle. Can only be done from train locomotive’s cab.

Un-arm yourself (no weapon in either hand)

Up (in game menus)
Up arrow


Use binoculars
F4 then select binoculars on the wheel
Commands W - Z
Wait until ...
Note 1: This command offers the ability to fast-forward time until either morning or night, depending upon the situation.

Walk – run

Weapon zoom in
Note 1: Works in first person mode only
Note 2: Does not work with scoped weapons

Weapon zoom out
Note 1: Works in first person mode only
Note 2: Does not work with scoped weapons

Whistle for horse

Whistle on train
Note 1: Causes train to sound its whistle. Can only be done from train locomotive’s cab.

Zoom (in game menus)
Right mouse button

Zoom binoculars or rifle scopes
Middle mouse button wheel rolled

Zoom map
Middle mouse button wheel rolled
Change Log
July 5, 2022 Initial release.

July 6, 2022 Added additional details about the location of fast travel maps. Marked this as a spoiler.

July 9, 2022 Added command for fishing "cut line".

July 12, 2022 Added command for breaking down an item in player's satchel.
Added command for feeding a specific food to a horse.

July 15, 2022 Added command for exiting boat or canoe
Added command for standing up in a boat or canoe

July 17, 2022 Added command to feed horse from horseback.

August 3, 2022 Added commands to perform the following horse related activities: backup, choose which side to dismount from, drift, ground tie your horse, increase speed, move in a circle, pat horse while riding, piaffe, rear, select side on which to dismount from horse, sliding stop, stop immediately after jumping an object

August 4, 2022 Fixed my errors related to backward movement while mounted on a horse.

September 7, 2022 Added information about the use of the command "change currency type".

November 11, 2022 Added information about the ability to spin your sidearm when holstering .

My Other Comprehensive PC Keyboard Commands Guides
I have also created comprehensive pc keyboard commands list for the games Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5 on Steam. Both of these have been well received by the Steam community.
ouch 31 Aug @ 10:46pm 
Holy Guacamole! I finally got RDR2 on my PC only to discover WTF, how do I control this thing!? LOL... I'm not sure I can remember all of these commands!!!

Thank you for your work and effort on this.
Dokkasan 25 Jun @ 2:00am 
I stumbled across your guide again after quite a long while. I must say, it is very good and comprehensive. I see you credited me on the change currency key-bind, thanks for that.

I also wanted to mention a couple things I thought of while reading through it all again:
1. Regarding the auto-ride section, you may want to add a note that while in that mode, you are still able to be attacked and to just be warry of that.
2. Then, in the Fishing Techniques section: Holding the Left-Ctrl button holds the amount of line you have reeled in. For when the fish begins to fight, holding Left-Ctrl will prevent losing any progress you've made reeling the fish in. I've never had the line break on me doing that and I've played over 3,500 hours.

I hope this stuff will be helpful, cheers!
eternal_soul 16 May @ 9:06pm 
C is not crouch C is to change the camera View to Look Behind You In Third Person CTRL Is Crouch
paulymitch 29 Jun, 2023 @ 4:04pm 
Thanks just starting the game need all the help, bye Paul.
Ripper1302x  [author] 11 Nov, 2022 @ 8:57am 
Thanks to Clearskies22 for the detail about spinning your sidearm when holstering. I have added that detail to the holstering information.
Clearskies22 10 Nov, 2022 @ 9:01pm 
Most people Don't know this but if you double tap tab while using only 1 sidearm you do a little spin as you holster it. Not really very useful but still a fun little detail.
Ripper1302x  [author] 7 Sep, 2022 @ 10:10am 
Thanks for Dokkasan for providing information about the command "change shop currency type". I have corrected the information about this command. Since I don't play RDR2 online I never had the opportunity to use the command.
Dokkasan 7 Sep, 2022 @ 3:42am 
The "Change Shop Currency Type" command of: Shift (hold). This only works with the Red Dead Online portion of the game and switches between Dollars ($) to Gold. Gold Bars can be purchased in RDO by exchanging real world money, which is then converted to a form of in-game currency. I noticed your note, is why I'm informing you. I hope it helps. 😉
Ripper1302x  [author] 3 Aug, 2022 @ 8:44pm 
Thanks to freeroamer696 and Bad Motha for pointing out the incorrect information about horse movement backwards. I have fixed the problem I think.
Tabi 15 Jul, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
damn, thanks man I forgot how to walk...though rockstar did remind me to pick up my hat!