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How to make a base and make sure you have enough for it
By xinfinit_13x
Basically explaining how you can make sure you have enough and make a base to dominate the sea (or just live in a big base).
Now you may be wondering, Why was this guide created? I decided to make it since when I play subnautica i tend to find myself at a shortage of materials when making bases. And I want others to not experience the same thing.
FAQ that I made up
This is a section that your question may already be answered, if not please comment it and If I find an answer to it I'll put it here.

Q: Should I know about outcrops and/or where to get the materials?
A: Why yes! If you don't know then you might be confused so I would say to go to the guide called "The Grand, Regularly Updated Subnautica Guide V2" to see what gives what.

Q: Does it matter what depth I build in?
A: It does indeed matter, the deeper you go the less strength the base starts with and the more reinforcements you would need.

Q: Why did you decide to make this guide?
A: Because I tend to find myself low of materials like titanium when making bases and it annoys me, so I decided to make this so you don't have to experience it.
Best Biomes to Live In
Having trouble trying to find a good biome to build in? This section will list a biome and explain why it's good to have a base in as well as seeing if it's actually worth the depth.

Safe Shallows

Safe?: Yes
Depth?: 0-10m however its sometimes lower
Terrain?: Typically flat with a few bumps
Desc: The safe shallows is a good spot for a small base since its not deep, its almost safe of predators, the terrain is flat and its overall a good spot, solar panels aren't required but its good to have some since its close to the sun.

Kelp Forest

Safe?: Mid
Depth?: Typically 10-25m however caves exist which can exceed to 50+ meters below sea level
Terrain?: Mostly flat
Desc: The kelp forest is an ok spot to have a base in, while its somewhat safe since the stalkers dont deal a lot of damage its almost completely covered in kelp and its not as pretty as what people think it is to look out a window and see a thousand kelp plants. Your better off making bases in spots like the safe shallows.

Red Grass Areas

Safe?: Mid
Depth?: 100-150m
Terrain?: Completely flat with a few cliffs
Desc: This is one of the few areas to have a base in, since the terrain is completely flat you can make huge bases, the depth means you need a higher cap oxygen tank and the sand sharks can be a bit of a burden but other than that its a good spot. Solar panels do work but you would need a bioreactor (see the guide I mentioned at the intro for fragment locations) since the depth lowers the solar panel reliability.

Mushroom Forest

Safe?: Depends on what forest your in, if its near the aurora the reaper might pay a visit and if its south of the life pod its not as dangerous
Depth?: Around 150-200m
Terrain?: Full of trees which make it hard to live in.
Desc: Ah, the mushroom forest, littered with mushroom trees and weird ghost-like stingrays that don't pose a threat. You can make a good base on the trees and have some outpost buildings to make it like a compound, expect your the only person. There are only 2 mushroom forest biomes in the whole game, the first one that's near the aurora becomes radiated when it explodes so you would need a rad suit till you fix the reactor, the second one is a bit safer since its south of the life pod but it has its dangers like bone sharks. Overall an ok place to live in.

Outcrop drops
If you, for some reason, don't want to go to a different guide that is 100% ok. There are 3 outcrops that drop 2-3 different ores.

The first one is a limestone outcrop, these are found in every biome and drop either titanium or copper. The second one is a sandstone outcrop, this drops either gold, silver, or lead and can be found in certain biomes like the red grass area. The final one is a weird dark gray one that I forgot the name to, crazy right? I played subnautica for a long time now and I can't remember a single outcrop name. Anyways, it drops diamond and I think gold as well, I cant remember that well so if you know the name and what else it drops let me know.
The big part you've all been waiting for
Finally its here, the part you've all been waiting for! Cue drumroll please. Its.... *epic drumroll solo* The base section!!! Bases are vital to your survival in an alien populated ocean. They can store items, grow food and also act as a spawn point so if you die you respawn there. If you want an epic base, first you should build it in creative mode, then either take a screenshot or write it so you don't forget what it looks like. Next, join in your save that isn't creative and look to see if you have the right stuff researched, you need to scan fragments that appear all over the ocean floor to unlock something and have it researched. If, you only have the starter blueprints in base development, here's what you can do:

Step 1: Get enough titanium and quarts for a: X checkpoint (its called something else but checkpoint fits) and a hatch.

Step 2: Set it down in a biome that you think would work best, remember that lower depths make bases start off with lower integrity.

Step 3: Get a solar panel(s) to put on top of your small starter base to start the oxygen system and power it.

Bases always need to have an entrance point otherwise its just floating rooms that you cant enter unless you bust a hole in it with enough force. Multiple points allow you to enter through different spots of your base so you don't waste oxygen to go to your only entrance point. Moonpools have 1 large entrance that has ladders so you can climb up on, it also docks your submarine like a sea-moth or a P.R.A.W.N suit. The cyclops also has a small moonpool built at the bottom that automatically opens once it detects a sub.
How to make sure you got enough materials
This is important for any subnautica player. Some materials are found everywhere while others are only found in a certain biome. Heres a guide inside a guide to make sure you don't run out of common materials.

Step 1: Stock up on materials like titanium, quartz and copper.

Step 2: Get a few underwater lockers, name them and add numbers in case you have more than enough materials to add in one locker, for example: Titanium 1, titanium 2, quartz 1, and so on.

Step 3: View base costs that you have and check the lockers to see if you have enough, a multipurpose room requires 6 titanium and an underwater locker holds about 12.

Step 4: Make the cheapest base you can make and then add regular lockers, then repeat step 1 and name the lockers like you did with the underwater lockers.
Congrats, you hopefully have a base that you didn't spend 1+ hours trying to get materials for! If you need help, have a suggestion or a question let me know and I can try to answer it. Keep on swimming sub-nauts!
Axel543 11 Aug @ 3:53pm