Pummel Party

Pummel Party

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!00% Achievement Guide for Pummel party
By AkYoN77
For all the achievement freaks out there, I will explain in detail how to unlock each and every achievement in pummel party.
All the achievements can be attained solo in local games against bots. For the fake gamer's that actually have friends, some achievements might be easier for you 😏.

Starting Off.,
There are 31 achievements in total and the first few can be attained through casual playthrough of the game.

1. The First Of Many!
2. So Shiny
3. Goodluck!
4. You Are The Winner
Next up are the minigame achievements,, these games can be completed in local games with bots or some help from your friends, if you have any.
Best way to do this is make a new rule set, with only the specific minigame that you are trying to do being enabled and all other ones disabled. Play against a single bot on easy (just faster that way).
The alternate method is to try and knockout the achievements as you complete the "Minigame Master" and "Unlucky"achievement.
5. Minigame Master
6. Unlucky
Use a custom rule set for this with only the first 10 minigames enables against 1 bot on easy and set the number of rounds to 10. (You can do this with 15 games 15 rounds or 20). 10 games and 10 rounds makes it easier to track the games you win or lose in. And the rounds and games being the same number means no repetitions. There are 49 minigames, play the first 10 games and track the ones you lose in, after the full set of 10 rounds are over, enable the games you lost in and finish up.
Then enable games from 11-20 and disable 1-10. Repeat until you are all done and the achievement pops up.
If the achievement doesn't pop up refresh steam and if that doesn't work you probably messed up the tracking, You have to come first or last for the above mentioned achievements. A draw where both players win isn't counted. Be sure to track the game properly or you have to do it all over again.

Chances are a couple of mini game achievements will be knocked out as you play the minigames.
As for some other ones you will have to play the game specifically again with more players or bots to get it(specifically if u are playing against bots, they dumb af).
Let the miniGAMES begin
I'll explain how to win and lose the games. you need to do all the games 1 round and win them and redo them all again and lose them all.
There are 23 mini game achievements.
7. Strategic Shockwave:
Simply blow yourself up with you own bomb before the stupid bot, 2 deaths is game over, or play normally and blow up the enemy or wait for bot to blow itself up.

8. Hoarder:
Pretty easy with fewer or a single enemy. Simply run around and collect 40 keys as fast as you can.

9. Starman:
Easier with multiple bots, get yourself blown out of screen bounds. Its very easy.

10. Steal From The Poor:
Pretty annoying to get the hang of this game, best against 1 enemy or bot. Just watch the bot, if it has a headstart, just quickly start stealing its gifts.

11. Move Quick:
Pretty self explanatory, more bots would be better so everyone doesn't die before time or game ends.
Keep moving between the right blocks so you don't fall off.

12. Chopped To Bits:
Best done with bots, just kill em all. However this is annoying to complete when you are trying to lose coz the bot is too dumb to fight you, Gather up a bunch of bots and just keep taking hits from everyone, all the other enemies should have a score higher than you, YOU HAVE TO BE DEAD BOTTOM.

13. Elementfull:
Best to do it 1v1, faster that way and less hassle.

14. Quick Reactions:
Just like airhockey, defend your post, the balls will do the rest of the job.

15. Raider:
Have a single enemy, gotta be fast and with a little luck you can get this quickly, suck in all the sand and try to find the treasure box before the enemy.

16. Light Foot:
A little tricky to do but once you get the jumps right, you are fine, you don't have to win, instead just finish without falling into the water. You might have to do this a few times if the bot is too dumb to race you when you are trying to do the "unlucky" achievement since it freezes sometimes.

17. Thread The Needle:
Try and stay alive as long as you can for this one as well,watch out for the archways and stay high enough to fly over the tombstones, you don't have to win, just survive. Winning this is just as easy and so is losing.

18. Two Birds:
Bit annoying, you get a singleshot per shotgun, with a little bit of luck 2 enemies line up to get shot in the face together. Might take a couple of tries. It's actually easier than I make it sound.

19. Fatal Slip:
Just immediately jump into the acid and die.

20. Too slow:
Stay away from the enemy, train shows up when only 1 enemy remains, go punch the train.

21. Rolling Master:
Need more players like bots. Be the top fragger and smash all the other snowballs.

22. Lightning Rod:
A game of tag, if you have the lightning rod cutoff the arena in half and block enemy or enemies off and if you are not the lightning rod just keep running away till time runs out.

23. Floor Is Lava:
1 enemy only, keep attacking the enemy, and dodge if enemy attacks. Simply push enemy into the lava. Easy win.

24. Road warrior:
Take it slow if you need to, finish the race without falling off the track.

25. A Daring Devil:
Stand in one corner with a single bot as the enemy, if it dies quickly..ez win. or just make sure you run out of the way of the light if it gets close to your corner.

26. Altitude Achiever:
Be fast and take down the other choppers. It's a pretty easy one to do.

27. No Diamonds:
Gonna take a few tries, all those hours in subway surfers will definitely help you.No need to win just don't touch the coal.

28. Dodge This:
Definitely need an experienced player or do it a couple of times, coz the bots die before 50 seconds. It can be done but it might take a few tries. dodging the fireballs can be tricky so you might take a few tries regardless.

29. Seeing Stars:
One of the easiest challenges, keep punching people as you run around. Do it 10 times and you are done.
Last 2 Achievements.
The last 2 achievements.
30. The Trifecta
31. Extra Meat
These 2 are the boardgame achievements. "The Trifecta" and "Extra Meat"
Do these in a boardgame with a custom rule set where all the minigames are disabled except for the one you are best at. Toggle unlimited items and choose a small map preferably rusty ruins, play with 7-8 bots so you have a lot of room for error.
As for the items only turn on 1 at a time so its easier to attain from the minigame.
The Trifecta is the easier of the 2 achievements since the eggplant can move in any direction for 10 spaces.
As soon as the first turn for every player is over unlimited items is activated and you can blast enemies from nearby spaces as well. So enemies on spaces 6,7 and 8 will die if an eggplant is detonated at space 7.
Extra Meat however is the hardest achievement to complete in this game playing against bots. If You have 3 other friends, its a piece of cake. For this enable only the rocket skewer and turn on unlimited items, small map, add lots of bots and start game.

If there aren't 3 enemies in a single file in the direction of the chest (indicated by the glowing runny trail) in front of you, simply restart the game again. As soon as the minigame (that you are best at is over where you obviously came first), pop the rocket and VIOLA!, it is done..else restart game again. Might take a couple of tries depending on your luck.
Note:If another enemy occupies a space that someone was already on, the enemy is pushed aside so the rocket wouldn't hit. The rocket will not hit people at junctions and at the 9th space. The enemies must be on 1 space per person within 9 spaces in front of you taking the same path as the glowy trail.

Good Luck Gamers
MGamerYT 19 May @ 5:51pm 
A new update came up and they changed Bullet Barrage so that even if you the last one alive the game wont stop until you die