

137 beoordelingen
100% Achievement Guide
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A list of all Stacklands achievements and how to get them.
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Peaceful Mode
Some achievements are impossible to get in Peaceful Mode. To make the game easier, you can choose longer moon phases.
Pick a Berry Bush
Can't really miss this one. Stack a Villager on a Berry Bush. Berry Bushes can be found in the Humble Beginnings and Seeking Wisdom packs.
Sell a Card

You can use [Backspace] to sell cards or drag them over the icon.
My Crib
Build a House

To build a House stack 2x Woods, 1x Stone, 1x Villager
Good Company
Get a Second Villager

If you have only one Villager, you can find another one by opening Humble Beginnings packs. Make sure you have enough food.
Create Offspring
Stack 2x Villagers on 1x House. The type of villager doesn't make a difference, but it doesn't work if multiple houses are stacked on each other.
Unlock all Packs

You can unlock packs by completing quests. You won't need to complete all of them.
Goblet Cave
Find a mysterious artifact

As soon as you get the Mountain card through Explorers packs, you can stack a villager on it to eventually gain a Catacombs card. Alternatively, you can get a Graveyard card by stacking 2x Corpse onto each other.

Stacking a villager on the Catacombs card eventually gives you a Golden Goblet card.
The End?
Kill the Final Boss

Stacking the Golden Goblet card on the Temple card summons a Demon card. You can build the Temple card by stacking 5x Plank, 5x Brick, 3x Iron Bar, 3x Villager.

To make sure to easily kill the Demon, attack with 5x Swordsman at the same time. You can stack them before dragging them to the Demon.

Oh shoot, a rat!
Kill a Rat

Rat cards can be found by exploring the Plains, opening certain packs, or after a portal appeared.
Kill a Skeleton

Skeletons can be found in the Graveyard, the Catacombs and Explorers packs.
Hearty Meal
Cook a Frittata

Simply combine 1x Potato, 1x Egg, 1x Campfire to create a Frittata. Eggs and potatoes can be found in Curious Cuisine packs. To create a Campfire, combine 1x Stick and 1x Flint.

Best Friend
Get a Dog

Drag a Bone card to a Wolf card. Bone cards drop from enemies and the Graveyard. Wolf cards can be found in the Forest.

Buy something from a Travelling Cart

The Travelling Cart appears at the start of a moon phase and disappears again at the end. You can drag 5x Coin on it to buy something.

Have 50 Coins

This probably happens automatically.
Reach Moon 24

Play one run long enough, and you will get this automatically. You can make the time go by faster on the top right of the screen.
Sell a Card at the Market

Drag a card on the Market to sell it there.
To build the Market stack 1x Brick, 1x Plank, 3x Coin, 1x Villager.
Row, row, row your boat
Build a Rowboat

To build a rowboat stack
1x Plank
1x Iron
The Seven Seas
Build a Sloop

To build a sloop stack
2x Plank
1x Sail
1x Villager

To build a sail you need rope and fabric, both can be made out of cotton.
Chilling on the beach
Unlock all Island Packs

Island packs are unlocked by completing quests. It should be fairly easy to unlock all of them simply by progressing in other parts of the game.
A true adventurer
Find Treasure

For this achievement you need to find the Treasure Map first and stack a villager on it. The Treasure Map can be found in the Cave. The Cave card can be found in Enclave Explorers packs - the ones for 15 Shells. Make sure to save your game before opening it.
Tentacle Hater
Kill the Kraken

Opening the Treasure with the Sacred Key summons the Kraken.
First you have to fight some arms, which you can take out separately. After that the real monster appears and it needs a lot of firepower. The Kraken has 250 health, a Combat Level of 150 and a 20% chance to stun every enemy. In other words: make sure to save your game before the encounter.

I reloaded my save multiple times for testing and the 20% chance of hitting all enemies is devastating (it also deals damage). I had 12 villagers in the fight and the worst outcome that I had was that the Kraken killed all of them and had 200 health left. One fight ended with the Kraken doing the ability only one time and only one villager died. It is very random.

Edit: If you are not that eager to go to the island right away, you can get some items from The Armory packs. Having the ability to stun an enemy that is on its own should make the fight way easier.
Another one?!
Kill the Final Final Boss

To summon the Final Final Boss you need to drag the Island Relic to the Cathedral.

The Island Relic can be obtain by opening the Sacred Chest with the Sacred Key.

The Cathedral needs 5x Gold Bar, 5x Glass,
5x Brick, 5x Plank, 5x Villager to build.

Much like the Kraken, the Demon Lord is a tough enemy. Make sure that your villagers are at full life and that you have an overwhelming force. If you want to make sure that you get a second chance, you can leave one villager behind. If your team loses, that villager can go back from the island and repopulate. The Demon Lord shouldn't heal in that time. Sometimes it works too, to drag villagers away from the fight. I don't know if that is a bug that gets a fix later.

Edit: If you are not that eager to go to the island right away, you can get some items from The Armory packs. Having the ability to stun an enemy that is on its own should make the fight way easier.
Tasty Beverage
Make Rum

To make a Bottle of Rum you have to stack
1x Distillery
1x Cane Sugar
1x Bottle of Water

The Distillery can be built with 1x Stove, 1x Iron Bar, 1x Plank, 1x Villager.

The Cane Sugar can be found in Island Insights packs.

For the Bottle of Water you need an empty Bottle and a Spring. Springs can be found in Enclave Explorers packs.
A bit too much
Get a Villager drunk

As soon as you made a Bottle of Rum or find a bottle a villager will eventually consume it. If not, make sure you don't have an overflow of food. One bottle is enough.
Catch a Fish

Stack a Villager on a Fishing Spot. Fishing Spots can be found in On the Shore packs.
Friend with an eye patch
Befriend a Pirate

To befriend a pirate you need to give them a parrot.

Parrots can be found in Grilling and Brewing packs.

On the start of every moon there is a chance a pirate boat appears. If you don’t pay them, some pirates will spawn and attack your villagers. Make sure to save your game before the attack starts, since you might not be able to defeat all of them.
Sour fish, what's not to like?
Make Ceviche

To make Ceviche stack
1x Lime
1x Raw Fish
Build a Greenhouse

To build a Greenhouse stack
2x Iron Bar
2x Glass
1x Soil
1x Villager

On the island you can obtain Soil by building a Composter (2x Poop, 1x Plank, 1x Brick, 1x Villager).
Poop can be obtained by letting wild monkeys live. Monkeys can be found in On the Shore packs.
Find the Dark Forest

From time to time there is a portal spawning at the start of a moon. You can send up to seven villagers through that portal. Within the portal you will face waves of enemies. Make sure to be prepared.

Note: The portals only appear in the main game (not the island).
Time for Revenge
Build a Stable Portal

To build a portal stack
2x Brick
2x Magic Dust
1x Villager
Magic Number 6
Fight Wave Six

To get this achievement you need to beat wave 6 in the dark forest (place behind portal). To do so make sure to put your villagers in the right order.

Range beats Melee, Melee beats Magic, Magic beats Range.
When you hover your cursor over a card in combat, you can see who they are attacking.

It is also possible to leave after a wave and come back later when your villagers are healed again. You don't start at Wave 1 again.

I don't know if the waves always look the same, but mine looked like this:

It should be very doable if you already beat the Kraken and the Demon Lord. Don't forget that you can only send 7 villagers into a portal anyway.
Bad Witch
Fight the Wicked Witch

After wave 9 in the dark forrest the Witch tells you that you will face her next. It is recommended to leave and prepare for the fight at that point.

The Witch will not fight on her own.

Make sure that some of your villagers are able to stun an enemy. The Witch will be powerless at that point. Even at 2 HP, I did not lose another villager.
Getting Stronger
Build a Smithy

To build a smithy stack
1x Villager
2x Iron Bar
2x Brick
Train an Archer

You might be able to also do this with other items like crossbows, but the easiest way to get an Archer is to build a Bow. You can build a Bow by stacking

1x Rope
1x Plank
1x Wood

Ropes can be made out of cotton, which can be found on the island.
Adorable Villager
Make a Villager wear a Rabbit Hat

Rabbit Hat cards drop from killed Rabbit cards.

If you seem to be unlucky try to use a villager with a sword. I didn't get one for a while, even after the update, until I equiped a sword.
Dripped Out
Have a Villager with Combat Level 20

If you get all the other achievements, you should get this automatically. Just equip a villager with a sword or other equipment.
12 opmerkingen
Mordeckai 26 jan 2023 om 18:59 
Spawn of the wolf (not with card forest) :
- By exploring Catacombs (13%), Plains (7%), or Jungle (10%)
- From The Armory (12.5%) or Explorers (12.5%) Card Packs
- From Strange Portal or Rare Portal starting Moon 16
ungeni  [auteur] 8 jan 2023 om 12:41 
There used to be an option to quit the game without saving (Alt + F4 or taskmanager). It was an exploit to reset fights, but it is absolutely possible that they fixed it. I haven't checked if it still works in a while. If you want to make sure that you don't lose your run you can leave a villager out of the fight or make him stay in a different location (the island or the other way around). Sometimes it even works to drag villagers out of fights, but I am again unsure if that was just a bug that might have been fixed by now.
topolskiego 8 jan 2023 om 12:25 
But can I quit game before boss fight to go back and try again? I don't quite understand how does it work. I assumed if I'm in the middle of the fight with the boss and quitted, game will resume during lost fight.
ungeni  [auteur] 8 jan 2023 om 10:35 
going back to the main menu saves the game. it might be even the case now that the game constantly saves or after certain triggers (killing an enemy, losing a villager).
topolskiego 8 jan 2023 om 5:44 
how do you save the game?
delesalle.meseguer 6 jan 2023 om 4:27 
To think I was trying to feed meat to the wolf and it was a bone I had to give him, I feel stupid.
Chef Nalfeshnee 5 jan 2023 om 17:19 
I recommend when fighting the bosses to have gold armor or iron shields with shuriken. The attack speed of the shuriken and the stun chance on hit really works well to stun lock them if you have 4-5 ninjas doing it.
ungeni  [auteur] 21 dec 2022 om 12:22 
the easiest way to win is probably to grind equipment for your villagers so they have more health et cetera. i haven't tried any advanced strategies like gaining heal at the end of the moon. the kraken is unfortunately really random. i also think that one has to be ok with some villagers not survive the fight.
good luck
YeastyChain 21 dec 2022 om 11:36 
could you make fighting the demon lord and kraken easier? I was thinking to try to start the encounters around mid to end of the day, so I can get a quick heal from eating.
Tilted Tony 22 okt 2022 om 19:46 
how do you get dogs