Little Busters! English Edition

Little Busters! English Edition

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Little Busters! Battle Accessories
By JoeyHetfield
I was trying to find about the accessories for battles, but i never found it anywhere, found an image on japanese but I couldn't understand.
So I started to make notes about each item each character had and the effect on the battle.
Probably I couldn't find all the items, but hope it can help someone!
Each accessories give stats, and some of them can give HP
Arm Strength
Body Strenght
  • Apple Strudel - Hp 100
  • Assault Trumpet - Arm 60
  • Bento - Hp 70
  • Black Tambourine - Agility 60
  • Cast Puzzle: difficulty 1 - Concentration 10 Judgement 10
  • Cast Puzzle: difficulty 1 - Concentration 20 Judgement 20
  • Cast Puzzle: difficulty 1 - Concentration 25 Judgement 25
  • Cast Puzzle: difficulty 1 - Concentration 30 Judgement 30
  • Cast Puzzle: difficulty 2 - Concentration 15 Judgement 15
  • Cheerful Tambourine - Agility 30
  • Courageous Embroidered Pennant - Arm 40 Body 30
  • Cup Jelly - Arm 30 Body 30 Concentration 30
  • Donut - Body 50
  • Elegant Glasses - Concentration 40
  • English Dictionary - Judgement 50
  • Eye drops - Concentration 80
  • Fair and Square Embroidered Pennat - Arm 40 Body 30
  • Favorite Hair Ornaments - Body 60
  • Fried Bird - Hp 40
  • Good Harvest Charm - Body 80
  • Inelegant Specs - Agility 40 Reflex 40
  • Japanese Legends Box Set - Body 70
  • Kendo Gauntlet - Body 30
  • Kendo Mask - Body 30
  • LoliPop - Hp 60
  • Love letter - Concentration -50 Judgement -50
  • Mini Car - Agility 40
  • Old Coin - Body 60
  • Pocky - Arm 40
  • Protein - Arm 30
  • Rice ball - Hp 60
  • Riki's Notes - Concentration 30
  • Sandwich - 30 all atribbutes (not hp)
  • Sasami's Exam - Arm 60
  • Sasami's Glove - Body 50
  • Sasami's Gym - Body 80
  • Sasami's Half eaten croissant - Hp 70
  • Sasami's Lip Balm - Reflex 40
  • Sasami's Love letter - Arm 80
  • Sasami's Perfume - Reflex 60
  • Sasami's Shoes - Agility 60
  • Sasami's socks - Agility 40
  • School Revolution Volume 1 - Arm 25
  • School Revolution Volume 2 - Arm 30
  • School Revolution Volume 3 - Arm 35
  • School Revolution Volume 4 - Arm 40
  • School Revolution Volume 5 - Arm 45
  • School Revolution Volume 6 - Arm 50
  • School Revolution Volume 7 - Arm 55
  • School Revolution Volume 8 - Arm 60
  • School Revolution Volume 9 - Arm 65
  • School Revolution Volume 10 - Arm 70
  • Seaweed - Concentration 40
  • Set of kendo Protectors - Body 50
  • Someone's Bra - Luck 60
  • Someone's Panties - Reflex 50 Luck 50
  • Veteran Embroidered Strap - Arm 30
  • Waffle - Hp 50
  • White Jacket - Arm 30 Body 30 Agility 30
  • Wrist Weight - Arm 30 Agility 30
  • Yakult - Hp 30
alexiusvol1996 15 hours ago 
Clay figure +80 Body
alexiusvol1996 14 Sep @ 9:18am 
Mask the Saito's mask +50 to all
alexiusvol1996 14 Sep @ 8:42am 
Spear +80 Arm
Haniwa +50 Body
gigizoka 16 Jun @ 8:55pm 
pica tá
Mr. Chocolate Salmon 8 Jan @ 2:36am 
* "Clear your mind" Embroidered Cap - Concentration 30 Judgement 30
* Controller - Reflex 30 Concentration 30 Judgement 30
* Fair and Square Embroidered Flag - Body 50
* Famous Weird Picture - Arm 20 Body 20 Agility 20 Reflex 20 Concentration 20 Judgement 20 Luck 20
* "Masterpiece Theatre" Series DVD-BOX - Arm 50
* Sasami's Unfinished Exam Sheet - Arm 60
* Weight Jacket - Arm 30 Body 30 Agility 30
R.Y.N.O 5 Jan, 2023 @ 11:09pm 
thanks a lot