

168 lượt đánh giá
Simple Journal — hidden ghosts abilities + Monkey Paw
Bởi MosiO
— - Eventide —

The Real Journal which you can face every ghost with it
  • Hidden Abilities
  • Simple =)
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Đã yêu thích
Bỏ thích
1. Spirit
EMF 5 - Spirit Box - Writing

  • Smudge Stick → 3min prevents hunt
2. Wraith
EMF 5 - Spirit Box - DOTS

  • can Teleport to anyone and give EMF 2 for it
  • Never steps on salt
*roamy ghost, EMF 2 for nothing
3. Phantom
Spirit Box - Fingerprint - DOTS

  • more invisible & less blinks during hunt (at least 1s between blinks)
  • If you take photo of it in visual ghost events, it'll disappear (even in DOTS phase)
    no Ghost & no glitching effect on the Ghost photo in journal
    ↳ Looking at visual ghost events → drains 0.5% sanity per second
  • can Walk to a player (set them as the destination)
4. Poltergeist
Spirit Box - Fingerprint - Writing

  • can throw Fast and Far
  • can throw multiple items at once → weird sound + very short 0-10 activity spike
    ↳ witness multi-throws = drop sanity!
    ↳ all the thrown items will give EMF
  • during hunt, 100% chance to throw an object in range, every 0.5 seconds
    ↳ other ghosts 50%
*pile up some items in the ghost room :)
5. Banshee
Fingerprint - Orb - DOTS

  • Targets only 1 player for hunts & others are safe
    ↳ target is outside → it can kill anyone (normal ghost)
    ↳ target died → it will pick a new one

  • only check the Target's sanity for hunt, others sanity doesn't matter
  • can Walk to the Target (set them as the destination) ONLY in a same floor
  • walk to the Target in the DOTS pahse if it's in the same room

  • 30% chance of a unique Scream in Para mic
  • more chance of singing ghost event and drop 5% more sanity if you hit it = 15%
6. Jinn
EMF 5 - Fingerprint - Freezing

  • it cannot use its abilities if the breaker is off BUT when it's On:
    - if you are in the line of sight and far away(2m), it will move faster until gets to you then slow down
    - if you're in the same room or within 3m of the ghost, it can drop 25% sanity
    ↳ create EMF at the fuse box if any player is drained (for about 15s)

  • Jinn will Never turn off the breaker
    ↳ Breaker turned off and you had lights on:
    - turn it on → everything is off = too many lights
    - turn it on → lights are on again = ghost turned it off!
7. Mare
Spirit Box - Orb - Writing

  • can Hunt at 60% if the room is dark
  • can Hunt at 40% if the room lights on
    ↳ ghost roams in near rooms so turn on the lights in the area

  • Mare will Never turn on the lights
  • if you turn on the light switch, it has a chance to instantly turn off the light switch
  • it will roam further to escape the lights if the lights are on around it
  • more chance of exploding the lights
8. Revenant
Orb - Writing - Freezing

  • Super fast when in line of sight or detects your equipment / voice
    ↳ until it reached your last known location, then it'll slow down gradually if it lost you
  • Super Slow when it didn't see you
9. Shade
EMF 5 - Writing - Freezing

  • only can hunt at 35% sanity and below IF there's no player nearby or in the same room
  • very shy and inactive if people are nearby and in the same room
    ↳ cannot write in the book or blow out a fire if there are any players in the room
  • on 100% sanity it cannot do ghost event

  • the only ghost that can appear in shadow form with Summoning Circle / Music Box
  • more shadow form in ghost event
  • more chance of airball ghost event
10. Demon
Fingerprint - Writing - Freezing

  • Has a rare ability to hunt at 70-100% sanity
  • Normal hunts start at 70% sanity with 20s cooldown (instead of normal 25s)
  • Incense → 60s prevents hunt (instead of normal 90s)
  • Extra 50% range for Crucifix
  • Higher chance to hunt
11. Yurei
Orb - Freezing - DOTS

  • double touch a door and fully close it → drains 15% sanity if you're close to the ghost
    ↳ the sound has a noticable delay after door animation
  • will be trap in a room by smudging (90s)
12. Oni
EMF 5 - Freezing - DOTS

  • Never do the Airball ghost event
  • more Visible and can be seen for longer periods when blinking during hunts (reverse Phantom)
  • drains 20% sanity if touches you during ghost events (double of a normal ghost 10%)
  • so active with events and interaction
  • prefer physical form for events
13. Yokai
Spirit Box - Orb - DOTS

  • Below 80% Sanity, it can hunt if you talk close to it
  • Low range of Hearing & Sense of electronics2.5m (instead of normal 10m)
  • the more you talk, the more active it gets
*seems stupid during hunts, early hunts and close to you if you talk too much ;)
14. Hantu
Fingerprint - Orb - Freezing*

  • Lower temperatures make it faster (ghost room / breaker off / snowing weather)
  • No acceleration during hunts and purely temperature base
  • Hantu will turn off the breaker more often
    ↳ it will Never turn on the breaker
  • freezing breath during hunt if the breaker if off
*Must-have evidence
15. Goryo
EMF 5 - Fingerprint - DOTS*

  • only shows DOTS on camera IF no one is in the room
    ↳ stand outside of the room and compare if you can see the DOTS only with camera
  • Never changes his ghost room nor roams long distance
*Must-have evidence
16. Myling
EMF 5 - Fingerprint - Writing

  • You cannot hear its footsteps on the same floor farther than 12m (instead of normal 20m)
    ↳ you can hear the footsteps almost at the time when flashlight / items start glitching (10m)
    ↳ footsteps noise fades out/in much quicker (closer than normal ghost range)
  • more paranormal sounds on Para mic
*little tricky but you can hear the item throws & doors but not the footsteps
17. Onryo
Spirit Box - Orb - Freezing

  • Lit Candles work as a Crucifix with a 4m range
    ↳ can hunt at 60% sanity if there is no lit candle
    ↳ it will always prefer to blow out the candle than to use a crucifix
    (tier 3 crucifix has larger range than candles)

  • After blowing out candles 3 times, it'll hunt at Any sanity within a short period (the first 2 are safe)

  • From 4th candle, it has 50% chance to hunt
    ↳ If people die, the chance of candle-hunt will go up by 25% (after 2 deaths it's 100%)

  • Higher chance to blow out candles
*in campsite maps, campfire works as a candle
18. The Twins
EMF 5 - Spirit Box - Freezing

  • a ghost with 2 kinds of behavior, the Real and the Decoy:
    ↳ can interact 2 times within a second apart

    - Real -
    3m range of interaction
    90% of normal ghost speed
    starts hunting from the ghost room

    - Decoy -
    16m range of interaction but only give EMF5 in that range for evidence
    110% of normal ghost speed
    starts hunting from its interactions and it can be out of the ghost room
19. Raiju
EMF 5 - Orb - DOTS

  • if there's any active electrical equipment around the ghost (hand & floor)
    ↳ can Hunt at 65% sanity
    ↳ will be Very Fast

  • wider range of equipment glitching → 15m (instead of normal 10m)
20. Obake
EMF 5 - Fingerprint* - Orb

  • Shape shifting during hunt (guaranteed at least once per hunt)
    ↳ 6% chance for each time it flickers

  • Has 25% chance to not leave fingerprints
    ↳ other ghosts that have fingerprints evidence 100% will leave it
  • Has chance to leave a Unique Fingerprint:
    - 6 fingers on doors and windows
    - 2 fingers on light switches
    - 5 fingers on keyboards & prison cells doors
  • Can half the fade time of all the fingerprints in the map in any time
    ↳ e.g. 2min → 1min or 50s → 25s
*Must-have evidence
21. The Mimic
Spirit Box - Fingerprint - Freezing

  • Always has Ghost orb around it but it's not evidence (in any difficulty)
  • It can turn to any other ghost and copy Everything from them
  • It can swap and change its type but can't be two ghost type at a same time
    ↳ a minimum of a minute between swaps
  • If turns into a Thaye:
    ↳ It will choose a random starting “age” and change into another ghost instead of aging
22. Moroi
Spirit Box* - Writing - Freezing

  • Each Spirit Box answer → the player who asked is Cursed and passive Sanity drain is ×2
    Para mic sounds can curse too
    ↳ Sanity pills will remove the curse
    ↳ getting out of the house will pause it until you get in again
    ↳ light or candle won't stop it
    ↳ multiple people can be cursed

  • the Lower Sanity%, the Faster it will be
    ↳ slow at 50% - fast at 0% (almost normal around 35%)

  • Incense protects you for extra 50% duration during the Hunt
    ↳ not preventing like the Spirit
*Must-have evidence
23. Deogen
Spirit Box* - Writing - DOTS

  • It can always see the players, so you Can't Hide
  • It's Super Fast if the target is too far (more than 6m)
  • If it's close too you, it's Super Slow (within 2.5m)
    ↳ you can walk in long hallways or loop around itself in big rooms

  • Can hunt at 40% sanity
    ↳ targets the nearest player to hunt
  • Unique Spirit Box response, if you are within 1m of the ghost (heavy breathing)
    ↳ any question works (33% chance)
*Must-have evidence
24. Thaye
Orb - Writing - DOTS

  • Can hunt at 75% sanity in early stage
  • Early stages → Very Fast & active
  • Every 1-2min will try to age, If any players are in the same room as the ghost (10 stages)
    ↳ gets slower, less active & needs lower sanity to hunt
  • 15% avg. Sanity threshold for hunts in the oldest age
  • No acceleration during hunts
  • you can track its aging by Ouija Board
Monkey Paw
only 3 wishes after ×3 multiplier

I wish to See the Ghost
reveal the ghost in its current position then HUNT - low vision

I wish for Activity
1min - higher activity - locked door - broken fuse box

I wish to Trap the Ghost
ghost & wisher are locked in their rooms for 1min then HUNT

I wish for Sanity
set the Sanity at 50% - increasing sanity drain by 50%
change the ghost room to a random other room (even for Goryo)

I wish to be Safe
frees the closest hiding spot and break its room light
ghost can hear you & sense your electronics all the time from anywhere (only wisher)

I wish to Leave
unlock the front door - SLOW movement for 3s

I wish to Revive my Friend
Revive a player and 50% chance of dying for the wisher

I wish for Knowledge
Teleports the Ghost in your 10m radius and 1s Grace period HUNT
Removing 1 evidence - Losing vision & hearing

I wish for (Sun, Rain, Clear Sky...) - Losing 30% sanity
23 bình luận
Nimbus 28 Thg10, 2022 @ 4:48pm 
This helped me alot, thanks for sharing!
oxez 27 Thg10, 2022 @ 4:13am 
MosiO  [tác giả] 16 Thg10, 2022 @ 9:19am 
scroll to Ghost Types → Demon, it's from Devs, not me xD
||SD|| 16 Thg10, 2022 @ 8:22am 
still demon is not 100% right
MosiO  [tác giả] 15 Thg10, 2022 @ 3:07pm 
yeah WillDub thank you for pointing out :sufferme::WL_Happy:
I forgot to remove that
WillDub 15 Thg10, 2022 @ 2:57pm 
hey MosiO all ghosts have 1 second grace period with cursed hunts. It is currently misleading to new players possibly thinking just the revenant has a 1 sec grace period. Maybe change it?:steamthis:
MosiO  [tác giả] 2 Thg10, 2022 @ 9:42am 
:sufferme: hey ShoxDanger
Demon has a rare ability to hunt above 70% and the normal hunts will begin below that
||SD|| 1 Thg10, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
Demon is 80%
Arshia_RZ 22 Thg08, 2022 @ 1:22pm 
Very Nice
Baked Bushwack 1 Thg07, 2022 @ 9:36am 