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Star Wars: New Dawn Mod Guide
Richard tarafından
Covering factions, ships, techs, economy, and events in the Star Wars: New Dawn mod. (Work in Progress)
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New Game setup and tips.
Habitable worlds
Tier 1 Planets are the most important planets in star wars
Tier 2 Planets less prominent planets
Tier 3 Planets are minor planets in the Galactic Civil War
Tier 4 Planets mostly unremarkable

Tier 1 below 2
Tier 1 and 2 2-2.75
Tier 1,2 and 3 3-3.75
Tier 1,2,3 and 4 4-5

The mod comes with 5 new advisor.
  • Imperial
  • CIS Droid
  • Chiss
  • Mon Calamari
  • Banking Clan
Ammunition: Used by ship weapons and ground troops.
Electronics Components: Used by ships
  • Your electronics production should be roughly half your alloy production for your ship cost.
Hyperfuel: Used by ships.
Produced by Hyperfuel Refinery
Tibana gas: Used to make Ammunition
Produced from Cloud Cities and space deposits.
Bacta: Used by clinics if Medical Treatment Policy is set to Bacta
Produced by mining bacta deposits
Spice: Used by clinics if Medical Treatment Policy is set to Spice and upkeep for Criminal Outpost
Produced by mining spice deposits and from criminal hub.
Agrocite: Used by ships
Kyber crystals: Only used by the Galactic Empire to construct The Death Star.
Produced by mining kyber deposits

Specialization districts
A planet with at least 20 pop can have a specialization for the cost of 1,000 Unity.
Must researcher tech for each specialization.
Ecumenopolis get a more powerful version of the districts.
Normal Planets get Administration District
  • Upkeep 1 Credit
  • +2 Housing
  • +2% Resources from Jobs
  • +2 Bureaucrats
Ecumenopolis get Government District
  • Upkeep 4 Credits 2 Alloys
  • +2 Housing
  • +2% Resources from Jobs
  • +4 Bureaucrats
Normal Planets get Market District
  • Upkeep 1 Credit
  • +2 Housing
  • +2% Trade Value
  • +3 Clerk Jobs
  • +2 Merchant Jobs
Ecumenopolis get

Normal Planets get Fortress District
  • Upkeep 1 Credit
  • +2 Housing
  • -5% Soldier Upkeep
  • +2 Soldiers Jobs
Ecumenopolis get Heavy Fortress District
  • Upkeep 4 Credits 2 Alloys
  • +4 Housing
  • -10% Soldier Upkeep
  • +4 Soldiers Jobs

Normal Planets get Refinery District
  • Upkeep 1 Credit
  • +2 Housing
  • +1% Hyperfuel Technician Upkeep
  • +2 Hyperfuel Technician Jobs
Ecumenopolis get Heavy Refinery District
  • Upkeep 4 Credits 2 Alloys
  • +2 Housing
  • +1% Hyperfuel from Jobs
  • +1% Hyperfuel Technician Upkeep
  • +2 Hyperfuel Technician Jobs
Normal Planets get Academy District
  • Upkeep 1 Credit
  • +2 Housing
  • +2% Researchers Output
  • +2 Researcher Jobs
Ecumenopolis get University District
  • Upkeep 4 Credits 2 Alloys
  • +2 Housing
  • +2% Researchers Output
  • +4 Researcher Jobs

Ruined Ecumenopolis
Designation Ruined Ecumenopolis -25% Building and District Upkeep

Rare Tech Ecumenopoils Restoration
Repairs a ruined Ecumenopoils
20,000 Minerals
2,500 Unity
7,000 Alloys

Rare Tech Planet Wide Urbanscaping
Ecumenopoils Construction
Requires planet to have 80 or more Pops
30,000 Minerals
3,000 Unity
10,000 Alloys

(Note The Death Star is under it's own section in the guide below the New Order.)

Hyperspace Relay Cost: 25 Influence 500 Alloys 250 Electronic Compounds
Speed up travel to other neighboring relays.
Upkeep: 2 Credits

XQ 2 Platform Cost: 1,250 Alloys 700 Electronic Compounds
Gives +6 Consumer Goods
Upkeep: 4 Credits 2 Hyperfuel
Can only be built in a system with a colorized planet
XQ 3
Requires Tech Advanced XQ Platforms
Upgrading XQ 2 to XQ 3 Cost: 2,000 Alloys 1250 Electronic Compounds
XQ 3 Produces 12 Consumer Goods and give +1% Trade Value
Upkeep 8 Credits 4 Hyperfuel

Asteroid Base Cost: 50 Influence 2,750 Alloys 1,500 Electronic Compounds
Get a Size 5 Asteroid Colony that start with 3 Pop
Designation Asteroid Base +15% Minerals and Strategic Resources -15% Miner Upkeep

Cloud City Cost: 150 Influence 4,000 Alloys 3,000 Electronic Compounds

Deep Space Station Cost: 150 Influence 4,000 Alloys 2,500 Electronic Compounds

The normal Starbase shipyards can only build ships as large as cruisers large capital ships like Star Destroyers or Mon Calamari Star Cruisers can only be build at the mods new shipyards.

Planetary Shipyard Cost: 100 Influence 1,500 Alloys 1,000 Electronic Compounds
+5% Ship Build Speed
Upkeep 4 Credits

Orbital Shipyard Cost: 50 Influence 1,500 Alloys 1,000 Electronic Compounds
-15% Ship Build Cost
+25% Ship Build Speed
Upkeep 10 Credits
Minor Factions
Mechanically similar to Primitives from the base game. Invading them to join a empire is still possible but gives the Stellar culture Shock malus.
Tribute Mission
+5 Credits
+5 Minerals
+2 Consumer Goods
+2 Alloy
Research Efforts
+3 Research of all Research Types
Active Diplomacy When complete gives ownership of the planet without applying the Stellar culture Shock malus.
−5 Credits
−5 Food
−0.5 Influence
−1 Bacta


New Federations
Rebel Alliance available only to the Rebel Alliance
Level 1
+25% Trust Growth
-25% Border Friction
−25% Cohesion loss from ethics
Level 2
+1 Available Envoys
+15% Happiness
−15% Emergency FTL Risk
+15% Alliance Territory Speed
Level 3
+1 Planet Sensor Range
+2 Sensor Range
+5% Monthly Unity
+10% Diplomatic Weight
+2% Pop Growth Speed
+10% Army Damage
+10% Army Morale Damage
+100 Army Starting Experience
Level 4

Level 5

Level 1
−50% Divers Ethics Cohesion Penalty
Level 2
Additional Monthly Unity per Alliance Envoy
Research Agreements and Migration Pacts between members cost no Influence
−50% Cohesion Loss From Failed Vote
Level 3
+10% Monthly Unity
+50 Naval Capacity
President gets +1 Available Envoys
Level 4
Additional Monthly Unity per Alliance Envoy
+10% Diplomatic Weight
+5 Trade Protection
Level 5
+10% Monthly Unity
−10% Ship Upkeep
President gets +1 Alliance Influence Gain

Military Compact available to Militarist Ethic with Authoritarian Ethic
Level 1
Only the leader can allow members to leave
Level 2
10% of Diplomatic Weight transferred to the president
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs, Establish Hegemony Wargoal
Level 3
-10% Ship Upkeep
+5% Ship Fire Rate
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs
Level 4
+1 Admiral Level Cap
−50% Cohesion Penalty For New Members
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs
Level 5
President gets +20% Naval Capacity, -10% Claim Cost, +1 Alliance Influence Gain

Commerce Alliance available to Materialist Ethic
Level 1
+25% Research Sharing
+25% Trade Value
Level 2
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
President Gets +20% Diplomatic Weight From Tech
Level 3
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
Rare Tech Unlocked by a member appear at twice the normal rate.
Level 4
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
+5% Research Speed
Level 5
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
+1 Research Alternatives
Criminal Cartel available to Criminal Heritage
+25% Trade Value
+25% Outpost Value
Level 2
+5% Trade Value
+5% Resources From Jobs
-50% New Members Cohesion Loss
Level 3
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
President get +1 Alliance Influence Gain
Level 4
+5% Trade Value
+5% Resources From Jobs
No Influence Cost For Research and Migration Agreement
Level 5
+5% Trade Value
+5% Federation Research Agreement Speed
+5% Fire Rate

Confederation available to Confederate Remnant
Level 1
Only the leader can allow members to leave
Level 2
10% of Diplomatic Weight transferred to the president
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs, Establish Hegemony Wargoal
Level 3
−10% Ship Upkeep
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs +20% Naval Capacity
Level 4
+50 Naval Capacity
+1 Admiral Level Cap
President gets +5% Resources from Jobs
Level 5
President gets −10% Claim Influence Cost, +1 Alliance Influence Gain, +20% Naval Capacity
Galactic Empire Traditions
Moff Council
Adoption effect: -33% Blocker Clear Cost
Sector Moff: +2 Governor Level Cap
Grand Moff: +2 Ruler Level Cap
Imperial Assimilation: +50 Trust Cap
Imperialization: +33% Vassal Navel Capacity Contribution
Bleed Them Dry: +25% Subject Tax
Finisher effect: +30% Tech Sharing

COMPNOR (Commission for the Preservation of the New Order)
Adoption effect: +1 Max Rivals and Edict Imperial Order Campaign (+5% Happiness, +5 Stability, and +25% Governing Ethics Attraction
Imperial Enforcement: +10% Naval Capacity, +30 Fleet Command Limit
Collation for Progress: +25% Rivalry Influence Gain, +33% Trust Growth
Ubiqtorate: +1 Envoy
Imperial Frontier Initiative: +1 Building Slots
Imperial Security Bureau: +5 Trade Protection
Finisher effect: +1 Influence

Adoption effect: +20% Anomaly Research Speed
Imperial Military Research
+5% Army Damage
-10% Army Upkeep
Special Projects Division
+1 Research Alternative
+2 Scientist Level Cap
Tarkin Initiative
+25% Leader Experience
+1 Leader Level Cap
Imperial Convection
-20% Researcher Upkeep
Overwhelming Firepower
+15% Ship Build Speed
+15% Planet Build Speed
Finisher effect: +5% Research Seed

Republic Loyalist Traditions
Rebel Alliance
Adoption effect: -50% Diplomatic Influence Cost and Immigration Pop Growth
The Diplomacy tradition and Rebel Alliance tradition diplomacy influence cost reduction stack giving you influence free diplomacy.
Makeshift Armadas: +15% Naval Capacity, +30 Fleet Command Limit
Rebel Solidarity: +1 Envoy and Edict Rebel Sympathy Campaign (+5% Unity, +25% Governing Ethics Attraction, and +25% Diplomatic weight from Envoys
Rebel Connections: +1 Building Slots and can create Rebel outposts
  • Rebel Partisan Base: +6 Unity, +10% Branch Office Value
  • Rebel Scrapping Operation: +6 Alloys
  • Rebel Smuggling Base : +4 Credits and Minerals, +10% Branch Office Value
Recruit for the Cause: +2 Trade Protection, +1 Ruler Level Cap
Shared Supply Lines: +5% Ammunition, Electronic Component and Hyperfuel Jobs
Finisher effect: +50 Trust Cap, +33% Trust Growth

Adoption effect: +25% Colony Development Speed
Need for Secrecy: -25% Colony Ship Cost and +2 Starbase cap
Naturally Adaptable: +5% Habitability and +1 Max Districts
Pocket Resistance: +25% Infiltration Speed and +1 Hostile Operation Difficulty
Rebel Intelligence: +1 Encryption and Codebreaking
Fleet Based Headquarters: -!0% Starbase Influence Cost
Finisher effect: -10% Empires Size

Mon Cal Design
Adoption effect: -10% Ship and Planet Build Cost
Mon Calamari Shipyards: +10% Ship and Planet Build Speed
Mon Calamari Ship Technicians: -5% Ship Upkeep and +10% Shield Hitpoints
Scavenge for Scrap: +5% Electronic Component and Alloys
Coveted City Ships: -10% Mon Calamari Ship Size Build Cost
Redundant Shield Generators: + .01% Daily Shied Regen
Finisher effect: +10% Consumer Good from Jobs

Separatist Traditions
Adoption effect: -5% Leader Upkeep, -10% Building Cost, Droid Assemble Factorys can be built on any planet
New Leadership: +1 Leader Pool and -5% Leader Cost
Off-World Assets: +20% Trade Value and +10% Consumer Goods from Jobs
Reactivated Foundries: +5% Electronic Components and +5% Monthly Alloys
Restored Shipyards: -5% Ship Upkeep and +10% Ship Experience
Improved Droid Schematics: +10% Droid Assembly Speed, +20% Assault Army Damage, +10% Defensive Army Health

Mandalorian Clans
Adoption effect: -10% Ship Build Cost, +10% Armour Hit Points
Mandal Design: +15% Ship Build Speed
Headquarters: -10% Building Cost, +10% Planet Build Speed, +5% Resources from Jobs
Improved Mass Drivers: +10% Kinetic Weapon Damage, +10% Kinetic Weapon Attack Speed
Testing Grounds: +10% Assault Army Damage, +10% Strikecraft Damage, +5% Research Speed
Heavy Ordinance: +10% Explosive Weapon Damage, +5% Explosive Weapon Attack Speed, -10% Mandalorian Destroyer Ship Cost
Finisher effect: +10% Alloys

Hutt and Mandalorian
Bounty Hunters
Adoption effect: +1 Envoy
Inquisition: -20% Spy Network Decay. -10% Operation Cost
Trophy Collection: +3 Hostile Operation Difficultly, 25% Hostile Infiltration required
The Hunt: +3 Operation Skill
Information Gathering: +1 Encryption, +1 Codebreaking
Shadow Tailoring: +25% Infiltration Speed, +10 Max Intel
Finisher effect:
Ascension Perks
Institution Focus
See Institutions section for more detail
Media Control
+1 Influence
+10% Happiness
Understating The Galaxy
+2 Leader Level Cap
+25% Leader Experience
+25% Archaeology Excavation Speed
+1 Leader Pool Szie
Industrial Powerhouse
+10% Alloys
-10% Job Alloy Upkeep
Financial Sector
+10% Credits
-10% job Credits Upkeep
Mining Guilds
+10% Minerals
-10% Job Mineral Upkeep
Hyperspace Tracking
+3 Sensor Range
+3 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
Commercial Focus
+10% Consumer Goods
-10% Job Consumer Goods Upkeep

Empire Decree
+100 Edict Fund
-20% Edict Cost

Adaptable AI
-10% Droid Upkeep
+10 Droid Assembly Speed
Droid Leaders
+10% Droid Output
Allows Droid Leaders
Edict Tactical Droid Search
Genetic Modifying
Tech Gene Tailoring
Cloning Concept
+5% Pop Growth Speed
Technology Cloning
Starfighter Focus
+15% Fighter Damage
Space Fortress
+25% Starbase Damage
+25% Starbase Hull Points
+10% Defense platform damage
+3 Defense platform cap
Turret Focus
+10% Turbolaser Damage
+10% Megamaser Damage
Heavy Ordinance Focus
+10% Explosive
+10% Bomber Damage
+10% Kinetic Damage
Special Institutions
The Institution menu can be accessed after unlocking through a accession. Press Q or click the Institution icon button on the left side of the screen

Each Institution give bonus modifiers for adoption, unlocks 2 buildings and give three abilities that cost influence.
Major Building can only be built on the capital
Minor Buildings can be built on up to 3 planets
Note Ruined Metropolis do not count for institution building Metropolis requirements.

The Delegation of 2000 available to Republic Loyalists
+10% Monthly Unity
+1 Envoys
+10% Diplomatic Weight

Major Building: Senate Complex +1 Influence, Empire wide +5 Stability, +20% Envoy Improve Relation, +50 Trust Cap
Minor Building: Planetary Senate +5 Stability, +5% Happiness
Requires at least 6 city or Metropolis and 20 Pop to Build

Senate Envoys: Cost 50 Influence
  • +3 Envoys for 1 Year
Senate Sanctions: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire gets -45% diplomatic weight for 3 Years
  • Republic Loyalists gets +45% diplomatic weight for 3 Years
Good Relations: Cost 100 Influence
  • +300 Opinion with target empire
  • +25% Trust Growth with target empire
  • +50% Envoy Improve Relation
  • +25% Diplomatic Stance Impact

Alliance High Command available to Rebel Alliance
+5% Ship Weapon Damage
+5% Ship Fire Rate
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Fleet Power

Major Building: Alliance high Command
+1 Influence
+5 Stability
+10 Naval Cap
Minor Building: Alliance Command Post
+1 Influence
+2 Unity
+15 Naval Cap
-15% Orbital Bombardment Damage

Hit and Run Tactics: Cost 50 Influence
  • +15% Ship Disengagement Chance
  • +25% Hyperspace Speed for 1 Year

Rebel Raids: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire get -10% Special Resources, -5% Trade Value for 3 Years
  • Rebel Alliance gets +10% Special Resources, +5% Trade Value for 3 Years
Lingering Rebellion: Cost 100 Influence
  • The Target Empire gets an uprising army on all planets with a Rebel Alliance Outpost

Congregation of Clans available to Mandalorian Clans
+5% Ship Weapon Damage
+5% Ship Fire Rate
+2 Max Rivals
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Fleet Power

Major Building: City of Bones +1 Influence +10 Unity +10% Empire Happiness +5 Stability
Requires 30 Pop on planet

Gathering Recruits: Cost 50 Influence
  • +15% Pop Growth for 1 Year
Sabotage Operations: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire get -10% Starbase Health, +20% Starbase Upkeep, and Reduced Damage for 3 Years
The Great Crusade: Cost 100 Influence
  • +20% Army Damage and Morale for 5 Years
  • +10% Ship Speed and Ship Fire Rate for 5 Years
  • +15% Weapon Damage for 5 Years
The Imperial High Command available to Galactic Empire
+5% Monthly Alloys
+5% Diplomatic Weight
+5% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power

Major Building: COMPNOR Arcology +1 Influence, Empire wide +5 Stability, and +10 Base Intel
Minor Building: Moff Palace +5 Stability +5% Credits from Jobs
Requires at least 6 city or Metropolis and 20 Pop to Build

Empire Day Celebration: Cost 50 Influence
  • +10% Stability
  • +10% Unity Production
Imperial Confiscation: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire gets +35% Ship Build Time and 15% Ship Build Cost
  • Galactic Empire gets -35% Ship Build Time and -15% Ship Build Cost
Imperial Research Project: Cost 100 Influence
  • +25% Megastructure Build Speed
  • −25% Researcher Upkeep
  • +30% Engineering Research Speed
Grand Hutt Council available to Hutt Cartel
+10% Spice Production
+15% Outpost value
+5% Diplomatic Weight

Major Building: Hutt Council Chamber +1 Influence, +5% Empire Trade Value, +15 Trade Value, +25 Crime
Requires 30 Pop on planet
Minor Building: Hutt Palace +15 Trade Value, +10 Crime
Requires 20 Pop on planet

Criminal Network: Cost 50 Influence
  • +15% Trade Value for a Year
  • +10% Outpost Output for a Year
Deal with the Hutts: Cost 75 Influence
  • Reduces Crime on planets with Hutt Outpost for 3 Years
  • Get 2,500 Credit per Hutt Outpost on Target Empire
Criminal Uprising: Cost 100 Influence
  • The Target Empire gets an enemy army on all planets with a Hutt Outpost Size based on amount of crime on the planet.

The Directorship Board available to Corporate Sector Authority
+2.5% Credits
+2.5% Minerals
+2.5% Food
+10% Trade Value
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Economy

Major Building: Executive Headquarters
+1 Influence, Empire Wide +5% Trade Value, +15 Planet Trad
Requires 30 Pop

Favorable Trade Deal: Cost 50 Influence
  • +5% Trade Value for 1 Year
  • +5% Special Resources for 1 Year
Blockade: Cost 75 Influence
  • Target Empire gets -15% Trade Value and -15% Diplomatic Weight From Economy for 3 Years
  • Corporate Sector Authority gets +15% Trade Value and +15% Diplomatic Weight From Economy for 3 Years
Deals: Cost 25 Influence choice one of the following deals. Last for last 5 Years
Coralian Engineering Cooperative
  • -50 Crime
  • -50% Piracy Growth
  • +15 Trade Protection
Kuat Drive Yards
  • +25% Ship Build Speed
  • -20% Ship Build Cost
Cybot Galactica
  • +3 Envoys
  • +50% Diplomatic Weight from Economy
  • -25% Starbase Upkeep
  • -25% Ship Upkeep
  • -25% District Upkeep
  • -25% Building Upkeep
Derarian Defense Conglomerate
  • +50% Defensive Army Morale
  • +50% Defensive Army Health
  • +50% Defensive Army Damage
  • +25% Home Territory Fire Rate
The Separatist Council available to Confederate Remnant
+2.5% Credits
+2.5% Minerals
+2.5% Food
+10% Trade Value
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Economy

Major Building: Separatist Senate +1 Influence, Empire wide +10% Droid Assembly Speed, +10 Stability, +5% Happiness
Minor Building: Separatist Holdout -50% Army Upkeep, -30% Bombardment Damage

Efficient Droids: Cost 50 Influence
  • +15% Droid Production Output for 1 Year
Blockade: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire gets -15% Trade Value and -15% Diplomatic Weight From Economy for 3 Years
  • Confederate Remnant gets +15% Trade Value and +15% Diplomatic Weight From Economy for 3 Years
War Economy: Cost 100 Influence
  • +10% Alloy Production, -20% Ship Upkeep, -25% War Exhaustion, and +100 Navel Cap for 5 Years
Generic Institution
Other factions can choice one of 4 different Institution. Can switch Institution every 10 Years.
Military High Command
+5% Weapon Damage
+5% Ship Fire Rate
+2 Max Rivals
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Fleet Power
Major Building: Military High Command
+1 Influence
+50 Navel Capacity
Requires 30 Pop
Minor Building: Planetary Command Center
+15 Navel Capacity
+15% Military Ethic Attraction
Requires 1 Garrison

Aggressive Expansion: Cost 50 Influence
  • Reduced Claim Cost by 60% for 1 Year
Shifting Power: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire gets +25% Ship Build Time and 10% Ship Build Cost for 3 Years
  • Reduced +25% Faster Ship Build Time and 10% Reduced Ship Build Cost for 3 Years
War Economy: Cost 100 Influence
  • +10% Alloys, -20% Ship Upkeep, -25% War Exhaustion and +100 Navel Capacity for 5 Years

Research Council
+2% Research Speed
+5% Allie Research Sharing Speed
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Tech
Major Building: Galactic Congress Center
+1 Influence
-20% Researcher Upkeep
+10% Fanatic Materialist Attraction
Requires 30 Pop
Minor Building: Experimental Research Lab
+5% Researcher Output
Requires 5 Research Complexes

For Science!: Cost 50 Influence
  • -50% Researcher Upkeep for 1 Year
Stolen Blueprints: Cost 75 Influence
  • Targeted Empire get -5% Research Speed 3 Years
  • Get +5% Research Speed for 3 Years

Breakthough: Cost 100 Influence
  • Choice either Physics, Society, or Engineering to get +30% Research Speed
  • Other fields get -5% Research Speed for 5 Years
Diplomatic Corps
+10% Unity
+1 Envoy
+10% Diplomatic Weight
Major Building: Ministry Of Foreign Affairs +1 Influence, +10% Trust Growth +10% Diplomatic Weight From Envoys, +15% Envoy Improve Relations
Requires 30 Pop
Minor Building: Foreign Affairs Office +10% Happiness, +5 Stability, +15% Xenophil Ethic Attraction
Requires 6 or more spices on planet

Diplomatic Outreach: Cost 50 Influence
  • -60% Border Friction for 1 Year
  • +30% Diplomatic Weight for 1 Year
Foreign Aid: Cost 75 Influence
  • Target Empire Planet gets +15% Stability and, +5% Happiness, for 3 Years
  • Get +15% Stability and +5% Happiness for 3 Years
Diplomatic Powerhouse: Cost 100 Influence
  • +100% Diplomatic Weight for 5 Years
  • -100% Border Friction for 5 Years
  • -100% Cohesion Penalty for Ethic Divergence for 5 Years
Ministry of Production
+2.5% Credits
+2.5% Minerals
+2.5% Food
+20 Alliance Energy Production
+10% Diplomatic Weight From Economy
Major Building: Production Coordination Center+1 Influence, +5% Specialist Output, and +5,000 Alloy Storage
Requires 30 Pop
Minor Building: Supervisors Office +5% Worker Output and +15% Materialist Ethics Attraction

Profitable Trade: Cost 50 Influence
  • +15% Trade Value for 1 Year
Market Sanction: Cost 75 Influence
  • Target Empire gets +30% Market Fees For 3 Years
  • Get -30% Market Fees for 3 Years
Maximum Efficiency: Cost 100 Influence
  • +10% Station Output for 5 Years
  • -10% Market Fees for 5 Years
  • +10% Special Resources for 5 Years
  • +25% Output Value for 5 Years
Criminal Consortium available to Criminal Heritage
+10% Spice Production
+15% Outpost Value
+5% Diplomatic Weight
Major Building: Consortium Palace +1 Influence Empire wide +15% Spice Mining, +25 Trade Value, and +25 Crime
Requires 30 Pop
Minor Building: Criminal Market +1 Spice, +30 Crime, +10 Stability
Requires 20 Pop

Criminal Network: Cost 50 Influence
  • +10% Trade Value for 1 Year
  • +15% Outpost Value for 1 Year
Deal with a Crime Lord: Cost 75 Influence
  • -50 Crime on Criminal Outpost on Target Empire
  • Get 2,500 Credit per Outpost on Target Empire
Criminal Uprising: Cost 100 Influence
  • Spawns army on planets with an Outpost based on amount of crime
Cantina Tales
Cantina Tales can be turned on and off in the empire policy tab.
Abandoned Ship
Results: Free Corvette

Dead Gunguns
Results: Relic Globe Of Peace

Crashed Freighter
Results: Salvaged Freighter modifier +5% Hyeperfuel for 10 Years

Old Outpost
Abandoned Outpost Modifier +5% Electronic Compounds for 10 Years

Forgotten Station
Results: 500 Hyperfuel and Electronic Compounds

Research Station
Results: Impressive Engineering modifier +5% Engineering Research for 10 Years

Space Refinery
Results: Salvaged Freighter modifier +5% Hyeperfuel for 10 Years

Mineral Deposits Identified
Results: Mineral cache modifier +10% minerals for 10 Years

Spice Freighter
Results: Spice Freighter Content modifier +1 Spice +5% Spice Production

Zersium Composites
Results: Durasteel Asteroid Modifer +5% Alloys for 10 Years

The Foundry
Modifier The Foundry +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly

The Lord Of Hunger
What hope could one ancient wreak have against are armada?
Results: Darth Nihilus ship the Ravager appears

Nihilus Annihilated
From dust to dust.
Reward: +5,000 Credits +5,000 Minerals
Relic Dark Nihilus Mask

Galactic Empire Only
The Informant:The Datapad
Pay the Informant -1,000 Credits
Results: The Informant: Locating The Datapad Time to bring swift justice to these outlaws.

Only a fool would make demands to the Empire
Results: The Informant: Imperial Torture An unfortunate, but necessary outcome
Force Ascension
Light Or Dark
You can choice either the light side to get Jedi leaders or the dark to get Sith leaders.
The Galactic Empire is unable to get Jedi or Sith Leaders
Pilgrimage Of The Force
After you pick a side you can get an event asking to search for Force sensitive leaders.

Arrivel At Tython
The Light side take pilgrimages to Tython

Search for physical traces of the Jedi.

Search For Jedi Records.
Results There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
Ancient Jedi Texts
Results May they teach us Much

Next Step On The Training
Results What will these visions reveal?

Fear, The Mind Killer
Results The legacy of the Jedi is failure.

Delving Into The Ruins
Seek the histories
Archaeological Frustration
Results There is no passion there is serenity

Seek the Secrets
No Breakthroughs
Results The historians may find this intriguing

Search for echoes of the Jedi in the Force.
Echos In The Force
Results There is no chaos; there is harmony.
Echos Of Understand
Understand the Personal Connection
A Personal Fall
Results Power blinds, without the serenity to see.
Leader Dies

Understand the Philosophies of Ancient Master
The Wisdom Of The Masters
Results from knowledge, wisdom.

A Dark Vision
Results Worrying

Fear Of The Future
Results Unfortunate
Leader is gone forever, becoming a hermit.

There is no death the Is the force.
Results Leader gains the Jedi Knight trait and +1,000 Experience

I am one with the force, and the force is one with me.
Results Leader gains the Jedi Knight trait and +500 Experience

There is no darkness there is the light.
Results Leader gains the Jedi Knight trait and chance for random trait
Trait if leader is Governor
10% Gains Adaptability
10% Gains Resilient
10% Gains Stubborn
10% Gains Substance Abuser
10% Corrupt
10% Righteous
10% No other Trait
10% Architectural Interest
10% Intellectual
10% Environmental Engineer

Jedi Knight +25 Year Lifespan, +5% Experience Gain and other bonus depending on Leader type.

Governor Jedi Knight Trait
  • -15% Building Cost
  • +10% Happiness
  • +15 Stability

Scientist Jedi Knight Trait
  • +7% Anomaly Research Speed
  • +7% Archaeology Evacuation
  • +10% Research Speed

Admiral Jedi Knight Trait

General Jedi Knight Trait

Arrival At Korriban
The Dark side take pilgrimages to Korriban.
Search for what remains of the old Sith Academy.
Results The Sith Academy
Spectral Choice
Accept their patronage and become their apprentice.
Results An Unworthy Apprentice Foolish worm Leader dies

Enter the Vault
Results Previously Plundered Unfortunate

Search for Sith Tombs.

A Dark spirit
The Force shall set you free, spirit.
Results The Spirt Hungers The always find the weak.

A Sith needs no aid
Results The Tomb Collapses
Results Let adversity hone your anger.

Previous Plundered

Only the strong survive

Proceed with Training
Results Peace is a lie; there is only passion.

Begin The Final Challenge
Results The rite of ascension awaits.

Wandering The Outlands
Results Through strength, I gain victory.

Search for the ancient Great Temple.
Aimless wandering
Survive first

Take risk
Begin The Final Challenge
Results The rite of ascension awaits.

Results Ruins Of The Sith Temple A dark place where few tread.

Entering The Sith Temple
Seek to master the dark power.

Fear The Mind Killer
Results Such weakness is unacceptable.

Trapped In The Temple
Results Find an escape.

The Force Shall Set Me Free
Results What Trickery is this.

Seek powerful relics and Sith treasures.
Results Fruitless Searching Sith temples do not give up their secrets easily.

Proceed With Training
Results Peace is a lie; there is only passion.

Results Only the strong survive,

Begin The Final Challenge
Results The rite of ascension awaits.

The Sith Shrine
Results Enter the shrine.

The Code
Results I Know these words.

Into Darkness
Thought Victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
Results Leader gains the Sith trait and 1,000 Experience

Through Victory I an remade. The Force shall reshape me.
Results Leader gains the Sith trait and 500 Experience

Through Victory I gain rank. The Force shall elevate me.
Results Leader gains the Sith trait and Paranoid trait

Sith trait +25 Year Lifespan, +5% Experience Gain and other bonus depending on Leader type.
Governor Sith Trait

Scientist Sith Trait
  • +7% Anomaly Research Speed
  • +5% Research Speed
  • +5% Military Theory Research
  • +5% Propulsion Research
  • +5% Field Manipulation Research
Admiral Sith Trait

General Sith Trait
Dark Nihilus Mask
Passive: +5% Unity
Active: Force Leaching Bombardment Stance

Hammer Station
Passive: +15,000 Alloys Storage +15,000 Electronic Storage +15,000 Ammunition Storage
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: Fire an asteroid at targeted planet destroying it.

Coordinates of the Katana Fleet
Passive: +10% Engineering Research
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: Try to capture a Katana Dreadnought
Get 4 Katana Dreadnought class cruiser
Upgraded the old Katana Dreadnought
Only allowed past mid game year
-1,250 Alloy -250 Ammunition -250 Electronic Compounds
4 Upgraded Katana Dreadnought class cruiser

Empress Teta's Crown Jewels
Passive: +5% Unity, +25% Leader Experience Gain, +5% Diplomatic Weight
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: +15% Trade Value and 5% Credits for 10 Years

Globe Of Peace
Passive: +5% Unity and +10% Diplomatic Weight
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: +10% Trade Value, +25% Trade Attractiveness -25% Border Friction for 10 Years

Isotope-5 Reactor
Passive: +30 Credits
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: +25% Credits for 10 Years

Mosaic of the Ones
Passive: +100% Ethics Shift Chance, +50 Unity, +100% Governing Ethic Attraction
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: +25% Monthly Influence for 10 Years

Rur Crystal
Passive: +15% Droid Output
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Active: Disrupts a neighboring empires droids

Mandalore Mask

Deathwatch Warrior Helmet
Passive: +10% Assault Army Damage
+10% Assault Army Health
+25 Edict Fund
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
+100% Government Ethic Attraction
+50% Ethics Shift Chance
+10% Monthly Influance

Jedi Holocron
Passive: +10% Unity
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Seek Wisdom
Official gains the trait: There is no chaos there, is harmony
+10 Lifespan
+5% Experience
-10% Planet Build Cost
+5% Happiness
+5% Immigration Pull
+10 Stability

Seek Knowledge
Scientist gains the trait: There is no ignorance, there is knowledge
+10 Lifespan
+5% Experience
+5% Anomaly Research Speed
+5% Excavation Speed
+5% Research Speed

Seek Strength
Admiral gains the trait: There is no Emotion, there is peace
+10 Lifespan
+5% Experience
-15% FTL Damage Chance
+10% Fire Rate
+10% Shield Hitpoints
+25% Army Moral
+10% Army Damage
-33% Army Collateral Damage

Sell the Holocron
+5,000 Credits
+5,000 Unity

Uneti Tree Sapling
Passive: +10% Unity
Activation Cost: 3,000 Unity
Plant the sapling on one of your planets
Cost 5,000 Unity
Uneti Sapling
+15% Happiness
+15% Pop Growth
+25% Food from Jobs

The Sapling wont Grow on This Planet
Uneti Tree Sapling

Sell the sapling
+5,000 Credits

Use it as a symbol
Uneti sapling symbol: +10% Pop growth

Special Project Secrets Of The Rakatan Cost 12,000 Engineering Research
Completion Unlocks Research Option Rakatan Starforge Cost 12,000 Engineering Research
Starforge Construction Site Cost 5,000 Alloys, 2,500 Electronics Components, 1,800 Days

Special Project Secrets Of The Kwa Cost 12,000 Engineering Research
Completion Unlocks Research Option Kwa Infinity Gate, Kwa Field Manpiuation
Infinity Gate Construction Site Cost 5,000 Alloys, 2,500 Electronics Components, 1,800 Days

Special Project Secrets Of The Celestilals Cost 3,000 Physics Research
Rewards Relic Mosaic of the Ones

Special Project Secrets Of The Zeffo Cost 3,000 Society Research
Last Records Of The Zeffo modifier +25% Unity, +25% Society Research
Unlocks Research Option A General Theory Of Star Wars
  • +1 Ascension perk, Unlocks Unity Ambition Edicts
Shield Specialization

Ion Cannon Specialization
Increased Fire Rate +5% Attack Speed
Increased Power +5% Damage

Turbolaser Specialization
Increased Fire Rate +5% Attack Speed
Increased Power +5% Damage

Maser Specialization I
Increased Fire Rate +5% Attack Speed
Increased Power +5% Damage

Ships Specialization gives a buff to Hull or Build Speed must be research for each ships class (Corvette , Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battle Cruiser) .
Ship Specialization I
Enhanced Hull
+10% Hull
Shared Blueprints
+15% Build Speed
Sgip Specialization II
Advanced Integrated Plates
+10% Hull
Advanced Construction Templates
+15% Build Speed

Corvette Specialization I
Corvette Specialization II
Frigate Specialization I
Frigate Specialization II
Destroyer Specialization I
Destroyer Specialization II
Cruiser Specialization I
Cruiser Specialization II
Heavy Cruiser Specialization I
Heavy Cruiser Specialization II
Battle Cruiser Specialization I
Battle Cruiser Specialization II

Rakghoul serum
Can now remove Rakghoul infection from a plant.
Generic Army
T-2 HoverTank: Cost 10 Credits 50 Alloys 20 Ammunition 10 Electronic Components
Damage: 1.5 - 3
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition

2-M Hover Tank: Cost 40 Credits 120 Alloys 20 Ammunition 40 Electronic Components
Damage: 3.9 - 7.8
Collateral Damage: 130%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 1 Ammunition

T-3B Tank: Cost 35 Credits 60 Alloys 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Damage: 3 - 6
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 1.2 Ammunition

HAVw A6 Juggernaut: Cost 60 Credits 80 Alloys 20 Ammunition 15 Electronic Components
Damage: 1.56 - 3.12
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 1.5 Credit .4 Ammunition

MLC-3 Light Artillery Tank: Cost 80 Credits 80 Alloys 25 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Damage: 5.2 - 10.5
Collateral Damage: 500%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 2 Ammunition

Storm IV Twin-Pod Cloud Car: Cost
Damage: 2.10 - 4.2
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic Components

Turbostrorm Gunship: Cost
Collateral Damage:

Tech Salvaged AT-HE
Salvaged AT-HE: Cost
Collateral Damage: 250%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 1.6 Ammunition

Tech Advanced Armies
MPTL Artillery: Cost
Collateral Damage 700%
Upkeep 2.5 Credit 2 Ammunition

Tech Elite Assault Units
Mandalorian Mercenary: Cost 200 Credits 120 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 4.5 Credits 0.3 Ammunition

SPHA-T Artillery : Cost
Collateral Damage: 250%
Upkeep: 2 Credits 1.6 Ammunition

Tech Special Forces
Bounty Hunters: Cost 200 Credits 100 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credits 0.4 Ammunition
Galactic Empire Army
Stormtrooper: Cost 15 Credits 130 Minerals
Damage: 2.53 - 5.07
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .1 Ammunition
AT-ST: Cost 20 Credits 40 Alloys 10 Ammunition 10 Electronic Components
Damage: 2.34 - 4.68
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition
Tie Striker: Cost 100 Credit 120 Alloy 10 Ammunition 20 Electronic Components
Damage: 4.87 - 9.75
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic Components

Tech Advanced Armies
Shock Trooper: Cost 30 Credits 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2 Credit .2 Ammunition
AT-AT: Cost 120 Credit 160 Alloys 40 Ammunition 60 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 300%
Upkeep: 5 Credit 1.2 Ammunition
SPM Artillery: Cost 100 Credits 8 Alloy 30 Ammunition 20 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 800%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 2 Ammunition
Lambda Shuttle Gunship: Cost 120 Credit 160 Alloy 30 Ammunition 40 Electronic
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 3.5 Credit 1.5 Ammunition 0.8 Electronic Components
LAAT Gunship: Cost 120 Credit 140 Alloy 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 3.5 Credit 1.4 Ammunition 0.6 Electronic Components

Tech Advanced Walker
Advanced AT-ST: Cost 20 Credits 70 Alloys 20 Ammunition 10 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.5 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Advanced AT-AT : Cost 150 Credits 200 Alloys 50 Ammunition 60 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 400%
Upkeep: 7 Credit 1.6 Ammunition

Elite Assault Units
Dark Trooper Cost 250 Minerals 5 Alloy
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 4.5 Credit 0.3 Ammunition
SPH Artillery: Cost 200 Credits 120 Alloy 60 Ammunition 40 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 1000%
Upkeep: 5 Credit 2.4 Ammunition

Tech Special Forces
Honor Guard Cost: 100 Credits 100 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 0%
Upkeep: 0.8 Ammunition
Limited to 3 at a time
Storm Commando Cost: 45 Credits 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Shadow Commando Cost: 60 Credits 190 Minerals 5 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 0.6 Ammunition
Republic Loyalist Army
Rebel Trooper: Cost 130 Minerals
Damage: 1.65 - 3.3
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: .9 Credit .1 Ammunition
T47 Airspeeder: Cost
Damage: 3.45 - 6.9
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic Components

Tech Advanced Walker
T-4B Modified Heavy Tank
Collateral Damage 300%
Upkeep 5 Credit 1.6 Ammunition

Tech Advanced Armies
Assault Troopers
Collateral Damage 100%
Upkeep 1.8 Credit 0.2 Ammunition
Legacy At-TE
Collateral Damage 250%
Upkeep 4 Credit 1.4 Ammunition
MPTL Aritllary
Collateral Damage 700%
Upkeep 2.5 Credit 2 Ammunition

Elite Assault Units
Heavy Assault Troopers
Collateral Damage 150%
Upkeep 3.8 Credit 0.3 Ammunition
Collateral Damage 800%
Upkeep 4 Credit 2.4 Ammunition
Separatist Army
Corporate Enforcer: Cost 10 Credits 140 Minerals
Damage: 2.76 - 5.52
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 1.1 Credit .1 Ammunition
AAT-1 Tank: Cost 60 Credits 80 Alloys 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Damage: 6.24 - 12.48
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 1.2 Ammunition
B1 Battle Droid: Cost 80 Credits 20 Alloys 4 Electronic Components
Damage: 1.92 - 3.84
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: .3 Credit .1 Ammunition
DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid: Cost
Damage: 2.4 - 4.8
Collateral Damage: 180%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition

Tech Advanced Battle Droids
Super Tank Cost:
Collateral Damage 500%
Upkeep 6 Credit 1.6 Ammunition
Vulture Droid Cost:
Collateral Damage 200%
Upkeep 2 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic compounds

Advanced Armies
Heavy Mercenary Battalion Cost: 130 Credits 100 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 180%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 0.2 Ammunition
Mechanized Assault Flyer Cost:
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 1.5 Ammunition 0.8 Electronic Components
B2 Battel Droid Cost: Cost 120 Credits 50 Alloys 14 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage 200%
Upkeep 2 Credit 0.2 Ammunition
OG-9 Spider Droid Cost:
Collateral Damage 200%
Upkeep 3 Credit 1.4 Ammunition
Salvaged AT-TE: Cost 100 Credits 160 Alloys 60 Ammunition 50 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 250%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 1.4 Ammunition

Elite Assault Units
SD-K4 Assassin Droid Cost 120 Credits 80 Alloys 40 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 50%
Upkeep: 5 Credit 0.6 Ammunition
IG Assassin Droid Cost 200 Credits 100 Alloys 30 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 20%
Upkeep: 6 Credit 0.6 Ammunition

Tech Special Forces
BX Commando Droids Cost 80 Credits 60 Alloys 20 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 50%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Magnaguard Cost 150 Credits 120 Alloys 40 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 0%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 0.8 Ammunition .2 Electronic Components
Limited to 3 at a time.
Bounty Hunter Cost 100 Credits 200 Credits 100 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Mandalorian Army
Mandalorian Warrior: Cost 15 Credits 130 Minerals
Damage: 3.41 - 6.82
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .1 Ammunition
Mandalorian Auxiliary: Cost 25 Credits 170 Minerals 20 Alloys
Damage: 2.47 - 4.95
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition
MHT-1 Tank: Cost
Collateral Damage:
MHA Artillery: Cost
Collateral Damage:
Mandalorian Skyfighter: Cost
Damage: 5.85 - 11.7
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 3 Credit .8 Ammunition

Mandalorian Protector Cost 75 Credits 150 Minerals 60 Alloys 5 Electronic Components
Damage: 7.02 - 14.04
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic Components

Tech Advanced Armies

Mandalorian Jet Warrior: Cost 30 Credits 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 0.2 Ammunition
MHT-1 Tank: Cost 35 Credits 60 Alloys 20 Ammunition 20 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 130%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 1.2 Ammunition
MHA Artillery: Cost 100 Credits 140 Alloys 50 Ammunition 20 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 800%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 2.4 Ammunition

Tech Salvaged AT-HE
MHT-2 Tank: Cost 120 Credits 90 Alloy 40 Ammunition 50 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 4.5 Credit 1.4 Ammunition

Elite Assault Armies
Mandalorian Protector: Cost 70 Credits 240 Minerals 5 Alloys
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 0.3 Ammunition

Tech Special Forces
Mandalorian Commando: Cost 45 Credits 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Mandalorian Super Commando: Cost 60 Credits 100 Minerals 40 Alloys 5 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 0.6 Ammunition
Hutt Army
(Tip Gamorreans make excellent soldiers)

Hutt Cartel Gang Cost: 10 Credits 125 Minerals
Damage: 1.8 - 3.6
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .1 Ammunition
Hutt Barge Cost: 10 Credits 20 Alloys 10 Ammunition 5 Electronic Compounds
Damage: 1.5 - 3
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .2 Ammunition
WLO-5 Tank: Cost 30 Credits 60 Alloys 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Damage: 2.85 - 5.7
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 1.2 Ammunition
Sandspeeder: Cost
Damage: 2.7 - 5.4
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 1 Ammunition 0.5 Electronic Components
Artillery Barge: Cost 80 Credits 80 Alloys 25 Ammunition 20 Electronic Components
Damage: 6 -12
Collateral Damage: 500%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 2 Ammunition

Advanced Armies
Hutt Elite Mercenary Cost: 10 Credits 125 Minerals
Damage: 2.1 - 4.2
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 2 Credit .2 Ammunition
Salvaged AT-TE: Cost 100 Credits 160 Alloys 60 Ammunition 50 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 250%
Upkeep: 4 Credit 1.4 Ammunition

Elite Assault Armies
Hutt Dashade Mercenary Cost: 110 Credits 200 Minerals 5 Alloys
Damage: 2.4 - 4.8
Collateral Damage: 200%
Upkeep: 4 Credit .3 Ammunition

Special Forces
Cartel Saboteur: Cost 70 Credits 120 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 300%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 0.4 Ammunition
Cooperate Sector Authority Army
Espos Trooper: Cost 15 Credits 130 Minerals
Damage: 1.72 - 3.45
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .1 Ammunition

Advanced Armies
Espos Elite Troopers: Cost 30 Credits 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2 Credit .2 Ammunition
R-41 Starchacer: Cost 110 Credits 160 Alloys 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 3 Credit 1.5 Ammunition 0.8 Electronic Components

Elite Assault Armies
Epos State Guard: Cost 220 Minerals 5 Alloys
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 4 Credit .3 Ammunition
Special Forces

Espos SpecOps: Cost 45 150 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credit .4 Ammunition
Corellian Security Army
CORSEC Agent: Cost 5 Credits 120 Minerals
Damage: 1.72 - 3.45
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: .9 Credit .1 Ammunition

Assault Troopers: Cost
Collateral Damage:
VCX Starfighter: Cost 100 Credits 140 Alloys 30 Ammunition 20 Electronic Compounds
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 2 Credit 1.5 Ammunition .5 Electronic Compounds

Elite Assault Units
Heavy Assault Trooper: Cost 30 Credits 200 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 3.8 Credit .3 Ammunition

Special Forces
Corellian Infiltrators: Cost 45 Credits 130 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 10%
Upkeep: 2 Credit .4 Ammunition
Chiss Ascendancy Army
Mercenary: Cost 110 Credits 70 Minerals
Damage: 1.98 - 3.96
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1.5 Credit .1 Ammunition
Infantry Support Vehicle: Cost 50 Credits 50 Alloys 10 Ammunition 5 Electronic Compounds
Damage: 1.65 - 3.3
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition
Hapes Consortium Army
Hapan Soldier: Cost 120 Minerals
Damage: 2.52 - 5.04
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1 Credit .1 Ammunition
Fountain Gunner: Cost 20 Credits 145 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 100%
Upkeep: 1.9 Credit .2 Ammunition
Fountain Elite: Cost 30 Credits 245 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 150%
Upkeep: 3.9 Credit .3 Ammunition
Fountain Support Vehicle: Cost 10 Credits 50 Alloys 10 Ammunition 5 Electronic Components
Damage: 2.31 - 4.62
Collateral Damage: 110%
Upkeep: 1.2 Credit .2 Ammunition
Fountain Repulsor Tank: Cost 35 Credits 60 Alloys 20 Ammunition 30 Electronic Components
Damage: 4.83 - 9.66
Collateral Damage: 120%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 1.2 Ammunition
Miy'til Fighter: Cost
Damage: 4.83 - 9.66
Collateral Damage: 180%
Upkeep: 2.5 Credit 1 Ammunition .5 Electronic Components

Special Forces
Hapan Royal Guard: Cost 100 Credits 100 Minerals
Collateral Damage: 0%
Upkeep: .8 Ammunition
Limited to 3 at a time
New Events for all Empires
Promising Officer
Results Get a free Admiral

Brainworm Rot Outbreak On Planet
Special Project
Send Scientist to cure planet

Sand People Happens if you Control Tatooine
Fascinating. Keep me posted
Special Projects
Establish Communication
Preemptive Strike

Jabba Desilijic Tiure has thrown a pop into the great pip of carkoon Happens if you Control Tatooine
Galactic Empire
Galactic Empire Civics
The New Order
+5 Stability
+10% Diplomatic Weight
-20% Empire Size
Council Position
Grand Vizier (Official or Commander)
+5 Edict Fund
+0.25 Max Influence for Projectile Power

Legacy of the Clone Wars
+10 Fleet Command Limit
+10% Navel Capacity
+15% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
Council Position
Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces (Commander)
+1% Ship Fire Rate per skill
+2% Orbital Damage per skill

Starting Leaders
Emperor Palpatine ruler of the Galactic Empire gets 2 scripted traits and 2 random
Dark Lord of the Sith
+15% Ethics Attraction
+5 Stability
+3 Leader Level Cap
+25% Experience
Immortal “The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”

First Emperor of the Galactic Empire
+20 Diplomatic Acceptance
+10% Diplomatic Weight
+50 Edict Fund
Starts at level III

Gilad Pellaeon
Clone War Veteran -50% Ship Upkeep
Starts at Level IV

Wullf Yularen
Clone War Veteran -50% Ship Upkeep
Starts at Level IV

Wilhuff Tarkin
Clone War Veteran -50% Ship Upkeep
Starts at Level IV

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Immortal “The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
Starts at Level III

Starting Planets
Coruscant Size 24 Ecumenopolis
Ruined Jedi Temple
  • -5 Stability
A rare tech Imperial Place Plans that lets you clear the Jedi Temple off Coruscant and build the Imperial Place. Gives +5 Stability to Coruscant.
The Underworld
  • -1 Max Districts
  • +10 Crime
Queen of the Core
  • +3 Trade Value
Galactic Senate Building
  • -10% Empire Size Effect
  • +1 Max District
CoCo Town
  • +1 Trade Value
Uscru District
  • +10% Unity From Jobs
500 Replica
  • +1 Unity
Federal Distinct
  • + 2 Housing
The Works
  • +4 Minerals
Grand Medical Facility
  • +5% Pop Growth Speed

Anaxes Size 15 Continental World
Anaxes War Collage
+10% Ship Experience Gain
+2 Physics and Engineering Research

Corulag Size 15 Mangrove World
Abersaith Canyon
+10% Society Research From Jobs

Kuat Size 16 Continental World
Kuat Drive Yards
+5% Armor Hit Points
+10% Engineering Research
Comes with an Orbital Shipyard

Rendili Size 12 Continental World
Rendill StarDrive
-5% Ship Upkeep
+10% Physics Research

Carida Size 16 Cascadian World
Carida Academy
+100 Army Experiance
+5 Society Research

Hesperidum Size 9 Atoll World

Vandor III Size 13 Mangrove World

Girzmallt Size 13 Lake World

Axum Size 16 Ecumenopolis

Daver Kuat Size 16 Lake World

Imperial Detention Center (Replaces Prison Complex)
+4 Enforcer Jobs
+10 Stability
Upkeep 4 Credits
New Order mechanic and The Galactic Civil War.
"And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!" Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Ascension perks that works similar to the Nemesis DLC crisis ascension perk you gather menace and unlock special projects that let you progress through 5 tiers.
Like the base game crisis empire the Galactic Empire can use the Bring Into Fold casus belli to vassalize empires.

The New Order The New Order Ascension Perk unlocks Special Project Spreading The New Order cost society research.

New Age After completing Special Project The New Order unlocks tier 2 Preparations

Prospecting When you reach Tier 2 New Order unlocks Special Project Mining for Kyber crystals cost 8,000 engineering research

Successful Harvest After completing Special Project Mining for Kyber unlocks tier 3 Dark Force Rising after completing Mining for Kyber crystals.

Can now research Massive Scale Space Construction engineering research

Massive Scale Space Construction Completing Massive Scale Space Construction is required for The Death Star.

Dark Force RisingWhen you reach tier 3 New Order unlocks Special Project Dark Machinations cost society research.

Long Live The Empire After completing Special Project Dark Machinations unlocks tier 4 Galactic Threat.

Get Tech Fear Keeps Them In Line
Unlocks Component Fear Keeps Them In Line
-10% Evasion
-10% Ship Fire Rate
-10% Shield Regen
-10% Accuracy
-10% Disengagement Chance

Can now research Orbital Battle Station Logistics society research

Rebellion When you reach tier 4 Galactic Threat unlocks Special Project Rebellion

Stardust After completing Special Project Rebellion unlocks tier 5 Armed and Operational

Can now research Orbital Battle Station Energy Generator physics research
The Death Star
Tech Massive Scale Space Construction
Required to start construction.

DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Construction Stage
Cost 200 Influence 10,000 Alloys 5,000 Electronic Components 2,500 Kyber Crystals
Takes 3,600 days to build
Upkeep 6 Credits 1 Influence

Tech Orbital Battle Station Logistics
Required to construction Exoskeleton and Outer Hull.

DS-1Orbital Battle Station Exoskeleton
Cost 200 Influence 25,000 Alloys 7,500 Electronic Components
Takes 3,600 days to build

DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Outer Hull
Cost 200 Influence 40,000 Alloys 15,000 Electronic Components
Takes 3,600 days to build

Tech Orbital Battle Station Energy Generator
Required to construction Station Dish and Finishing Touches

DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Dish
Cost 250 Influence 1,000 Agrocite 3,000 Kyber Crystals
Takes 720 days to build

DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Finishing Touches
Cost 5,000 Alloys 5,000 Hyperfuel 5,000 Ammunition 5,000 Electronic Components
Takes 360 days to build
Galactic Empire Events
Enforcers For Hire
Bounty Hunters? We don't need their scum.
Mercenaries? We could use their skill.
-1,500 Alloys
+1 Mandalorian Pop
Ensure the Mandalorians are well paid. They might have their uses still.
-4,000 Credits
+2 Mandalorian Pops

We Need Workers
Enslave Aliens
Results Unrest Spreads
Worker Shortage -5% Worker output
More Slaves +5% Slave output
Results Aliens Enslaved
+500 Unity and get Stable Empire modifier +5 Stability for 5 Years

Invest in Propaganda 500 energy
Results Propaganda Worked
Loss 20 Influence and get New Workers modifier +10% Worker output for 10 years
Propaganda Failed
Results This is bad
Worker Shortage modifier Give -2.5% Worker output for 5 years

Unhappy Population
A Random Planet will want Consumer Goods
Give Nothing
-5% happiness for 5 years
Riots destroy a building on the planet

Give 500 Consumer Goods
Pirates steal the goods -5% happiness on planet for 5 years
Get 100 influence and 1,000 Unity

Resource Shortage
We can buy some from the Hutts
Results Alloys Acquired
-750 Credits +300 Alloys Galactic Empire opinion of Hutt Cartel +50

We Can't afford it now.
Results Production Lines Stopped -10% Ship Build Speed for 3 Years

Corrupt Moff
Leave him be
Results One of your Governors get the corrupt trait +25 Crime

Send him to prison!
Results Get 50 influence

Forbidden Disruptors
Give them to the army
Results Stable Empire Modifier Give 5 Stability
Disruptors Distributed Modifier +15% Army Damage for 10 years

Store them under constant guard
Results Stolen Disruptors Modifier -5% Happiness +25 Crime

Rising Underworld
We don't have time to deal with petty criminals
Results Pirate sighted spawn 5 pirate corvettes

Hire more police officers -1,800 Credits
Results Crime Boss Arrested Modifier one random planet gets -30 Crime for 10 years and +100 Influence

Cruiser Prototype
Do it! -1,200 Minerals -250 Alloys
Results Prototype Built After 8 Years get a Escort Carrier at Kuat

We can't afford it now.
Results Prototype Abandoned -20 Unity

Tarkin Ask For Funding
He has enough funds
Results Cancelled Project modifier -5% research speed for 10 years

We should help him -2,000 Credits
Results After 5 Years Improved Torture Droids +5 Stability for 10 Years and +1 Influence

Bacta Production Plan
Increase the tax
Results People Are Angry
Do it!
Results Improved Healthcare modifier +5% Happiness Pop Growth Speed +2%

No, Bacta is are priority
Results Increased Bacta production modifier +10% Bacta For 5 Years
Increased Taxes modifier -5% Happiness for 5 Years

Our Bacta production is good enough for now
Results Governor Angry -100 Influence

Old Ships
Send them to the scrapyards of Bracca
Results Who could have stolen a Venator Scrapeyards of Bracca modifier +5 Monthly Alloys for 5 Years

Let's fix them they served us well -1,000 Alloys
Results It's ok -500 Minerals Get 2 Venators at Coruscant

Extensive Raids
Do it!
Results No Rebels Found
They will be fine Empire Raids modifier -2.5% Happiness and -10 Crime for 5 Years

We can't risk the negative feedback
Results Raids Denied -50 Influence

Jedi Spotted
Blockade the planet until she is turned over to the Empire
Results Planet gets Blockade modifier -75% Trade Value and -75% Food from jobs for 5 Years
Where's is your force now, Jedi
Results Empire wide Jedi Killed by Population modifier +10% Military Ethics Attraction and +50 Influence
Starving modifier Planet gets -30% Governing Ethics Attraction for 5 Years

Send in a team to kill her
Results You have 200 Days to send a transport with a General to the planet

We don't have time for this
Results Planet gets Jedi Stays In Power modifier -100% Governing Ethics Attraction +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction +50% Pacifist Ethics Attraction for 10 Years

Galactic Empire Ships
Type-1 Imperial Ship Designs
Armour Hit Points+10%
Shield Hit Points +10%
Turbolaser Weapon Damage +15%
Ion Weapon Damage +10%
Accuracy -5%
Ship Upkeep +20%
Ship Fire Rate -10%
Strike Craft Damage -10%

Cr90 Corvette
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Arquitens Frigate
  • 2 Turbolasers
  • 4 Quad Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Tie Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Tie Squadron

Acclamaor Assault Ship
  • 24 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 6 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Venator Star Destroyer
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Dual Turbolasers
  • 8 DBY-827 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Tie Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Customs Corvette
  • 4 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 7 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Ton-Falk Escort Carrier
  • 4 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 6 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Tie Squadrons
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Kontos Cruiser
  • 13 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 9 Quad Turbolasers
  • 2 Dual Turbolasers

Broadside Missile Cruiser
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 10 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Victory-I Star Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Tie Squadron
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Imperial-I Star Destroyer
  • 20 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 7 Triple Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Dual Ion Cannons
  • 10 NK-7 Ion Cannons

Procursator Pocket Star Destroyer
  • 20 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Quad Turbolasers
  • 3 Heavy Triple Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Allegiance Battelcrusier
  • 10 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 20 Quad Turbolasers
  • 12 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 3 Heavy Bail Ion Cannons
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 10 NK-7 Ion Cannons

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
Vigil Heavy Corvette
5 Dual Turbolasers
3 Heavy Dual Turbolasers

Raider Advanced Corvette
  • 2 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 3 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Lancer Advanced Frigate
  • 30 Quad Laser Cannons

Velox Advanced Frigate
6 Light Turbolasers
6 Dual Turbolasers
6 Heavy Dual Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Gladiator Advanced Cruiser
  • 8 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Tie Squadron
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Vindicator Light Carrier
  • 10 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 11 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Tie Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Victory-II Star Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Tie Squadron
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Imperial-II Star Destroyer
  • 20 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 3 Triple Turbolasers
  • 8 Octuple Turbolasers
  • 14 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 5 Tie Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Titan Battlecruiser
  • 10 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Triple Turbolasers
  • 20 Octuple Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Bail Ion Cannons
  • 10 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 6 Tie Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor

Tech Heavy Interdictor
Immobilizer 418 Heavy Interdictor
  • 10 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 3 Tie Squadrons
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Interdictor Star Destroyer
Dominator Interdictor Star Destroyer
  • 10 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Triple Turbolasers
  • 6 Octuple Turbolasers
  • 10 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Tie Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Tie Squadrons
  • 1 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Tech Super Star Destroyer
+100 Naval Cap
+20 Fleet Command
Executor Super Star Destroyer
  • 22 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 15 Ultra Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 12 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 24 Heavy Quad Bail Ion Cannons
  • 4 Tie Squadrons
  • 3 Tie Bomber Squadrons

Tie Fighter
Tie Bomber

Carrier Operations
Tie Interceptor

Improved Strikecraft
Tie Hunter
Tie Torpedo Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
Tie Defender

Golan I Defense Platform
28 DBY-827 Turbolasers
6 Missile or Torpedo Slots
2 Dual Ion Cannons
1 Tie Squadron
1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Golan II Defense Platform
Golan II Defense Platform
36 DBY-827 Turbolasers
10 Missile or Torpedo Slots
4 Dual Ion Cannons
1 Tie Squadron
1 Tie Bomber Squadron

Golan III Defense Platform
48 DBY-827 Turbolasers
14 Missile or Torpedo Slots
6 Dual Ion Cannons
1 Tie Squadron
1 Tie Bomber Squadron
Republic Loyalist
Republic Loyalist Civics
Republics Legacey
+1 Encryption
+1 Envoy
+2% Resources from Jobs
+2% Unity from Jobs
Council Position
Insurgency Coordinator (Official, Commander, or Scientist)
+1 Leader Pool Size
-2% Leader Upkeep

Idyllic Charm
+15% Food
Council Position
Aide (Official)
-1.5% Pop Amenities Usage

Starting Leader
Mon Mothma ruler of the Republic Loyalist
Starts at level III

Starting Planets
Dantooine Size 24 Continental World
Khoonda Plains
  • +2 Agriculture District
  • +1 Mining District

Ithor Size 15 Mangrove World
Homeworld to Ithorians
Fall of Dessiar
  • +10% Unity From Jobs
  • +3 Agriculture District
Mother Jungle
  • +10% Society Research
  • +2 Agriculture District
  • +1 Mining District
House of the Healers
  • +5% Pop Growth Speed

Cathor Hills
+2 Agriculture District
+1 Mining District
+2 Unity

Borgo Prime Size 12 Asteroid

G'wenee Size 17 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Fedje Size 12 Forrest world

Nam'ta Size 12 Cloud City

Borgo Prime Size 12 Asteroid Base
Republic Loyalist Events
Rebel Raid On Kuat
Rearm them, we need as many combat vessels as we can get.

Contact a shipwright sympathetic to our cause, we will trade them one

We do not need combat vessels. Purchase medical suits to replace the
Results Nebulon B Hospitals modifier +10% Society Research for 2 Years

Hutt Cartel Smuggler
Take his cargo

Results -100 Influence -40 Hutt Cartels Opinion of Republic Loyalist

Let him pass
Results +50 Hutt Cartels Opinion of Republic Loyalist

Imperial Spy Cruiser
Attack the Cruiser
Results Captured Spy Cruiser modifier +5% Research Speed for 2 Years
Not good...
-150 Influence -200 Unity

We can't risk it
Results Mission failed. Will get them next time. -75 Influence, -100 Unity

Rebel Engineering Expert
Try to free them
Results Perfect
Modifier New Advanced Engineers +10% Sunlight Speed and +10% Engineering Research for 2 Years
Could be worse -150 Credit, -75 Electronic Components, -50 Republic Loyalist Opinion of Galactic Empire, New Engineers modifier +10% Sunlight Speed for 2 Years

Don't provoke the empire
Results Nothing

Zygerrian Transport
Investigate it
Results Free Them
Get a Pop on Capital
Random Empire get Opinion+90 Opinion of Republic Loyalist
Zygerrian Slaver State's Opinion -50 Opinion of Republic Loyalist
Results They had something to hide -150 Influence, -50 Zygerrian Slave State's Opinion of Republic Loyalist

Let it go
Results We missed are chance to save them -150 Influence, -250 Unity

Stolen Venator
Stripe the ship for parts
Results Good +500 Alloys, +75 Ammunition, +100 Electronic Components

Send it to another cell
Results Glad to help +250 Influence, +1,250 Unity

Keep it -250 Influence
Results Get one Venator

Corrupt Imperial Admiral
Contact the Admiral
Results Great -400 Credits Corrupt Imperial Admiral modifier +15% Trade Value for 2 Years

Inform the Empire
Results Could be worse +30 Galactic Empire Opinion of Republic Loyalist

Imperial Propaganda Station
Spread the message
Results Nice +150 Influence
Results This is a disaster! -250 Credits -150 Influence

Don't even try it
Results Not Good -75 Influence

New Production Techniques
Try to hack it
Results Great New Production Techniques modifier +2.5% Credits and Minerals for 2 Years

Don't risk it
Results A dark day for the rebellion -100 Influence
Republic Loyalist Ships
Type-1 Mon Calamari Ships Design
+10% Accuracy
+10% Ion Weapon Damage
+10% Strike Craft Damage
+20% Shield Hit Points
-10% Hulls Hit Points
-20% Armour Hit Points
-!0% Turbolaser Weapon Damage

CR90 Corvette
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Pelta Frigate
  • 3 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 V-Wing Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 V-Wing Squadron

MC75 Star Cruiser
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 2 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 1 Y-Wing Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Hammerhead Corvette
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Mounted Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Quasar Support Carrier
  • 4 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
MC40 Cruiser
  • 12 Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 V-Wing Squadron

Assault Frigate I Heavy Cruisers
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
MC80a Star Cruiser
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 4 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DF20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Dornean Advance Corvette
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Nebulon-B 2 Advance Frigate
  • 12 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 12 X17 Turbolasers

MC30c Advance Heavy Frigate
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 8 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Liberator Advance Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Duantless Light Cruiser
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Assault Frigate II Advance Heavy Cruisers

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
MC80 Liberty Star Cruiser
  • 14 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 10 Ion Cannons
  • 2 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 1 Y-Wing Squadron

MC80 Independence Advance Battlecruiser
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 12 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 8 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 4 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Tech Fleet Tenders
MC55 Fleet Tender

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

V Wing
Y-Wing Bomber

Carrior Opperations
Z97 Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
A Wing Squadron
B Wing Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
X Wing Squadron

Confederate Remnant Civics
Separatist Sympathies
-20% Empire Size Effect
+10% Edict Fund
-25% Resentment Cost
Council Position
Director of Economic Autonomy (Official)
-2% Pop Amenities Usage per Skill level
-3% District Upkeep per Skill level

Legacy of the Clone Wars
+10 Fleet Command Limit
+10% Naval Capacity
-10% War Exhaustion
Council Position
Separatist Warlord (Commander)
-2% Ship Upkeep per Skill level
-2% Army Upkeep per Skill level

Starting Planets
Enarc Size 24 Continental World

Gamor Size 15 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Milagro Size 16 Ruined Ecumenopolis

New Cov Size 13 Tropical World

Christophsis Size 16 Crystalline World
Christophsis Crystal Caves
+1 Generator District
+2 Mining Districts

Farstine Size 13 Desert World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Falleen Size 14 Tropical World
Homeworld of the Falleen

Bannistar Station Size 12 Station
Separatist Events
Separatist Ships
Type-1 Separatist Ship Design
+10% Ship Weapon Damage
+10% Ship Fire Rate
+20% Ship Hull Points
-15% Ship Upkeep
-10% Accuracy
-10% Shield Hit Points
-15% Armour Hit Points
-10% Evasion

Lupus Corvette
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Pinnace Frigate
  • 4 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Wavecrest Cruiser
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Droid Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Droid Bomber Squadron

Sabaoth Support Cruiser
  • 18 Light Turbolasers
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Droid Fighter Squadrons

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Munificent Heavy Cruiser
  • 12 Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Prow Heavy Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Droid Fighter Squadrons

Bulwark Battleship
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons

Recusant Light Destroyer
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 20 Dual Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 1 Prow Heavy Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Droid Fighter Squadrons

Providence Destroyer
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Droid Bomber Squadrons

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Diamond Corvette
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Broadside Missile Cruiser
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 10 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Bulk Class Heavy Cruiser
  • 30 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
DH-Omni Supply Ship
  • 24 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Droid Bomber Squadrons

Lucrehulk Battelcrusier
Carrier Variant
  • 20 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Droid Bomber Squadrons
Battleship Variant
  • 28 Heavy Quad Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Marauder Advance Corvette
Heavy Laser Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
Missile Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Nebulon-B 2 Advance Frigate
  • 12 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 12 X17 Turbolasers

Vengeance Advanced Heavy Frigate
  • 4 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Mounted Mass Drivers

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Liberator Advance Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Droid Bomber Squadrons

Captor Light Carrier
  • 14 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Droid Bomber Squadron

Assault Frigate I I Advance Heavy Cruisers
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Keldabe Advanced Destroyer
8 Dual Mass Drivers
24 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
8 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Subjugator Dreadnought
  • 20 Turbolasers
  • 20 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Ion Pulses
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Droid Fighter Squadrons
  • 3 Droid Bomber Squadron

Scarab Droid Squadron
Hyena Droid Bomber

Carrier Operations
Vulture Droid Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
Tri-Droid Squadron
Skipray Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
R-41 Squadron
Mandalorian Clans
-10% War Exhaustion
+10% Habitability
+10% Armor Hit Points
Council Position
Grand Arbiter (Official, Commander, or Scientist)
+1% Fire Rate per Skill
-1.5 Ship Upkeep per Skill

Warrior Culture
Replace Entertainer with Duelist who turn alloys into Unity and Amenities
+20% Army Damage
-10% War Exhaustion
Council Position
Arbiter of Dulles (Commander)
+10% Duelist Output per Skill

Special Edict
Mandalorian Crusade Campaign
  • +25% Army Damage
  • +25% Collateral Damage
  • +25% Bombardment Damage
  • +25% Army Experience Gain

Mandlorian Clans
Each Clan desire land
You can go into the agreements and click on the Clan Symbol to interact with the clan or go to the Factions tab and click mange factions

Loyal Mandlorian Clan
Tier 1 Gives +5 Unity
Tier 2 Gives +10 Unity
Tier 3 Gives +15 Unity

Starting Planets
Mandalore Size 24 Desert World
  • +5% Ship Fire Rate
  • +10% Engineering Research From Jobs
  • +5 Mining Districts
  • +5 Moisture Farm Districts
  • +6 Amenities
  • +12 Edict Fund
Mandalore Banking Center
  • +5% Trade Value
  • +5% Credits from Jobs
  • -2.5% Job Upkeep
  • +4 Generator Districts
Royal Academy of Government
  • +4 Of Each Research
  • +5% Research from Jobs

  • +10% Food from Jobs
  • +8 Amenities
  • +4 Moister Generators Districts
  • Empire Modifier +2.5% Happiness

  • +20% Defensive Army Health
  • +10% Defensive Army Moral
  • +5% Unity from Jobs
  • -25% Orbital Bombardment Damage

Mine of Mandalore
  • +10% Mineral from Jobs
  • +4 Mining Districts
  • Empire Modifier +5% Alloys

Kalevala Size 16 Outback World
Museum of Mythos
  • +2.5% Happiness
  • +6 Amenities
  • Empire Modifier +2.5% Unity from Jobs

Concordia Size 7 Tepui World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Mandallia Size 14 Swamp World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Concord Dawn Size 12 Desert World

Krownest Size 13 Alpine World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Ordo Size 14 Desert World

Zanbar Size 8 Swamp World

Jakelia Size 16 Forest World

Gargon Size 12 Continental World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability
Mandalorian Clans Events
Enforcers For Hire
Our Loyalty can not be bought!
+500 Unity
Refused the Empire Modifier for 20 years
+10% Army Build Speed
+10 Monthly Unity
-50 Galactic Empire;s opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

Our beaker needs to be in our forge, not the Empire's!
+1,000 Alloys
1 Mandolorian Pop resettled to Coruscant
+50 Galactic Empire's opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

A few extra credits never killed anyone.
-500 Unity
+4,000 Credits.
2 Mandolorian Pop resettled to Coruscant
+50 Galactic Empire's opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

Clan Donation
Accept the gift.
+10 Minor Artifacts
+24 Society Research

Purchase the remainder.
-1,000 Credits
+60 Minor Artifacts
+73 Society Research

Seize the artifacts for the Mandalorian Clans.
+60 Minor Artifacts
+73 Society Research
-30 Loyalty of a clan and -50

A Garrison of troops is already too much. No deal.
+500 Unity
-100 Galactic Empire's opinion of the Mandalorian Clans
Clans that want an alliance with the Galactic Empire get -40 Loyalty and -100 opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

Inquire further. Perhaps a deal is reasonable
This might be good for us.
Result New choice

-500 Unity
+100 Galactic Empire's opinion of the Mandalorian Clans
Clans that want an alliance with the Galactic Empire get +40 Loyalty and +100 opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

Theses terms are unacceptable!
+500 Unity
-100 Galactic Empire's opinion of the Mandalorian Clans
Clans that want an alliance with the Galactic Empire get -40 Loyalty and -100 opinion of the Mandalorian Clans

Tools For The Armorer
Craft a new Set.
+250 Unity
-500 Credits
-500 Alloys
Results Choice
No reward need
+300 Unity

We Would be honored
-500 Alloys
General Gains Newly Forge Armour Trait
Beskar smithing at its finest!
+10 Year Leader lifespan
+25% Leader Experience Gain
-25% Leader Upkeep.

Donate some of are tools.
-500 Alloys
Results Choice
No reward need
+300 Unity

We Would be honored
-500 Alloys
General Gains Newly Forge Armour Trait
Beskar smithing at its finest!
+10 Year Leader lifespan
+25% Leader Experience Gain
-25% Leader Upkeep.

We don't have are resources.

Clan Victorious In Combat Tournament
+1,000 Experience for a leader

Clan Relation Improved
+100 Between Opinion Mandalorian Clans.

Growing Rift
We will monitor theses tension closely.

This is outrages! We refuse to turn them over!
+250 Influence
+250 Unity
+20 to 3 Clans Loyalty and -25 Opinion
-20 to other Clan Loyalty and -25 Opinion

Let us trend carefully and turn them over.
+100 Influence
+500 Unity
+20 to Clan Loyalty and -25 Opinion
-20 to other 3 Clans Loyalty and -25 Opinion

No good can come from the Empire!

Denounce clans stance and contact the Protectors
+50 Opinion for Rebel Loyalists
-50 Opinion for Galactic Empire

Play it safe and hunt down the Protectors
-1,000 Unity

The Tipping Point
Stand with a Clan Vode An!
Be at war with Mandalore Sector

Stand with Saxon clan. Glory to the Empire
Switch to playing the New Mandalore Sector
Mandalore Sector Trait
+5% Ship Damage
-20% Trust Growth
+10% Defensive army damage
-15% War Exhaustion
+5% Happiness
+10 Stability

Mandalore Dived
No Traitor will ever rule Mandalore
+2,000 Unity
Bo-Katan Ktyze gains Darksaber trait

The Fall of Saxon
Execute them all. Traitors deserve their fate.
+1,500 Unity

Exile the leaders and dissolve the clan
+750 Unity

Put the leaders in real custody and dissolve the clan.
-1,500 Credit
-1,000 Unity

Passing The Sword
This is the way.
+5,000 Unity

If you execute
Relic Deathwatch Warrior Helmet

The Weapon
There has to be more to this.

Search for the Duchess
Lets track this weapon down
Unlocks special project

What happened here?

Return their armour to Krwonest. They died as heroes of Mandalore.
Unlocks special project continent the hunt

It's never easy, is it.

Focus on the Imperials

Duchess Dismantled
Good Riddance
+500 Unity

Quickly reconfigure the Duchess
Duchess Dismantled
Good Riddance
+300 Unity

The Raid
Lets destroy the weapon.
Unlocks special project boarding party

Clan Raids Against an Empire
Spoils of the battle
Raided Empire gets -50 opinion of the Mandalorian Clans
+243 Minerals
+86 Alloys
+35 Electronic Components
1 Clan Gains
+30 Minerals
+15 Alloys
+15 Electronic Components

Return it.
-30 1 Clan gets loyalty
-50 1 Clan gets opinion

Lucrative Adventure
Give them formal leave to travel
+1,000 Credits

Good Relations
It seems are worries were misplaced.

Let them do as they wish
+1,000 Credits

Veterans Returning
So it turned out as expected, after all.

We will not be bribed by these would be privateers

Head to Concord Dawn
Results Choice
If that's what it takes
-750 Credits

We are here on behalf of the Mand'lor
And what if the Empire get tried of the Protectors?
And what if they grow tried of all of Mandalore?
Provide alloys
- 500 Alloys
Provide weapons
-1,000 Ammunition

Provide food
-2,000 Food

+1,000 Unity
Unlock Mandalorian Protector Army

Explore Sudari

But what if we could have both
Two Missions
Nothing wrong with a little pre-talk brawl.

Two Protectors
This is Madness!
Starts a Situation
Passive Diplomacy
-5 Credits
+1 Situation
-5 Credits -1 Influence -5 Consumer goods
+3 Situation
Active Diplomacy
-15 Credits -1 Influence -10 Consumer goods
+4 Situation

Random Situation Event
A warrior's Drink
+250 Unity
+10 Situation

If the two protectors reach am agreement
A Vow To Protect
+1,000 Unity
Unlock Mandalorian Protector Army
Gain 2 Mandalorian Protectors

Mandalorian Ships
Type-1 Mandalorian Ship Design
+20% Armour Hit Points
+5% Accuracy
+10% Explosive Weapon Damage
+5% Kinetic Weapon Damage
-15% Shield Hit Points
+15% Ship Upkeep
-5% Turbolaser Weapon Damage
-5% Ion Weapon Damage

Jehavey'ir Corvette
  • 2 Light Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo slot
  • 2 Heavy Ion Cannons

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Kiltirin Frigate
  • 5 Quad Ball Turbolasers

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Kyramud Heavy Crusier
  • 4 Old Heavy Turbolasers
  • 10 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 2 Heavy Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Lictor Assault Ship
  • 10 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo slots

Centurion star destroyer
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Kandosii Destroyer
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 11 Old Heavy Turbolasers
  • 11 Concussive Heavy Missiles
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Karyt Corvette
  • 2 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Protector Missile Cruiser
  • 10 Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 4 Heavy Ion Cannons

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Aggressor Destroyer
  • 16 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 16 Dual Mass Drivers
  • 17 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Fixed Plasma or Ion Cannons

Lucrehulk Battelcrusier
Carrier Variant
  • 20 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadrons
Battleship Variant
  • 28 Heavy Quad Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Crusader Advanced Corvette
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Teroch Advanced Frigate
  • 5 Turbolasers
  • 5 Haevy Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons

Nebulon-B2 Advanced Frigate
  • 12 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 12 X17 Turbolasers

Vengeance Advanced Heavy Frigate
  • 4 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Mounted Mass Drivers

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Beviin Advanced Cruiser
  • 10 Heavy Dual Mass Drivers
  • 10 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Beroya Advanced Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 1 Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Keldabe Advanced Destroyer
  • 8 Dual Mas Drivers
  • 25 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Rocket Launchers
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Sol'yc Verd Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Turbolasers
  • 12 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Kyr'galaar Bomber Squadron

Gladiator Assault Fighter
Kyr'galaar Bomber

Carrier Operations
Starviper Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
Cabur Squadron
Kyr'galaar Bomber II

Advanced Strikecraft
Fang Squadron
Hutt Cartel
Hutt Cartel
+25% Spice Production
+5% Slave Output
Council Position
Kajidii (Official)
+5% Trade Value per Skill

Hutt Elite
+100% Official Level Cap
Council Position
Majordomo (Official)
+2% Administrator Output

Special Edict
Hutt Intimidation Campaign
  • +25% Cruller Happiness
  • +25% Specialists Happiness
  • +10% Worker Output
  • +20% Slave Output
Starting Planets
Nal Hutta Size 24 Tropical World
  • +1 Generator District
  • +1 Mining District
Eastern Grime
  • +1 Agriculture District
  • +1 Mining District
Nar Shaddaa Size 10 Ecumenopolis
Undercity +10 Crime

Nal Yeshu Size 11 Crag World

Nar Hekka Size 12 Frigid World

Nar Bo Sholla Size 12 Savanna World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Du Hutta Size 15 Tropical World

Circumtor Size 15 Ring World

Gamorr Size 14 Tropical World
Homeworld of Gamorreans

Rorak IV Size 15 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Toydaria Size 12 Swamp World
Homeworld of Toydarians

Gos Hutta II Size 14 Tropical World

Sleheyron A Size 14 Searing World

Nar Kreeta A Size 12 Mesa World

Ilos Size 13 Continental World
Homeworld of Ilosians

Hutt Criminal Outposts
Hutt Criminal Haven
+15 Navel Capacity
+100 Army Experience
Upkeep 2 Credits 1 Spice
+50 Crime
+5 Trade Value
+1 Solider Job

Hutt Criminal Hub
+10 Credits and +3 Spice
Upkeep 2 Credits
+50 Crime
+10 Amenities
+10% Outpost Value

Hutt Mining Enterprise
+10 Minerals
Upkeep 1 Credit 1 Spice
+40 Crime
+10% Miner from jobs

Hutt Outreach Office
+6 Unity
Upkeep 2 Credits 1 Spice
+50 Crime
+10% Unity from jobs

Hutt Research Labs
+6 To all Research
Upkeep 2 Credits 1 Spice
+50 Crime
+10% Researcher Output

Hutt Savaging Yards
+6 Alloys
Upkeep 2 Credits 1 Spice
+40 Crime
+5 Trade Value, + 5% Alloys from jobs

Hutt Weapon Smuggling Ring
+2 Hyperfuel, Ammunition, and Electronic Components
Upkeep 2 Credits 1 Spice
+10% Outpost Value
+50 Crime
Hutt Cartel Events
Hutt Cartel Ships
CR90 Corvette
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Pelta Frigate
  • 3 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Fight Squadron

Centurion Star Destroyer
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

Recusant Light Destroyer
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 20 Dual Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 1 Prow Heavy Turbolaser
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Scurge Corvette
  • 3 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
CG273 Heavy Frigate
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Broadside Missile Cruiser
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 10 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Bulk Class Heavy Cruiser
  • 30 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Lucrehulk Battelcrusier
Carrier Variant
  • 20 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons
Battleship Variant
  • 28 Heavy Quad Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Crusader Advanced Corvette
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Vengeance Advanced Heavy Frigate
  • 4 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Mounted Mass Drivers

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Liberator Advanced Heavy Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons

Beroya Advanced Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo slots
  • 1 Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Bomber Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Keldabe Advanced Destroyer
  • 8 Dual Mas Drivers
  • 25 Heavy Dual Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Rocket Launchers
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Bomber Squadron

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

Cloakshaped Squadron
Y Wing Bomber

Carrier Operations
Z95 Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
Rihkxyrk Squadron
Skipray Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
R-41 Squadron
Black Sun Organization
Underground Network
+1 Influence
+25% Spice
Council Position
Vigo (Official)
+1 Trade protection per Skill

Criminal Heritage
Cannot have Commercial Pacts
Can build Branch Offices on the planet of any regular empire they have no war or truce
-20% Branch Office Cost
+20% Infiltration Speed
+1 Codebreaking
+1 Clocking Strength
Syndicate Agency Officer (Commander)
+.25 Branch Office Trade Value from Criminals

Starting Planets
Ordo Mantell Size 24 Continental World
Ten Mile Plateau
+2 Generator Districts
+1 Agriculture Districts

Station 88 Size 12 Station
Cooperate Sector Authority
Cooperate Sector
+10% Pop growth from immigration
+25% Immigration pull

Media Conglomerate
−5% War exhaustion gain
+5% Citizen pop happiness

Starting Planets
Etti IV Size 24 Continental World
Dream Emporium
+ 2 Unity

Etti V Size 14 Savanna World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Cantonica Size 12 Atacama World
Sea of Cantonica
+10% Society Research From Jobs
Canto Bright
+2 Credits
+10% Unity From Jobs
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Kalla VII Size 14 Crag World
University Of Kalla
+6 Physics Research
+1 Society Research
+4 Engineering Research

Bonadan Size 14 Ruined Ecumenopolis
-5% Habitability -10% Food

Tirsa Size 16 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Asteroid Base I Size 12 Asteroid

Asteroid Base II Size 12 Asteroid

Issagra Size 12 Deep Space Station
Cooperate Sector Authority Ships
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Pelta Frigate
  • 3 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Fight Squadron

Corellian Destroyer
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fight Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadron

Invincible Pocket Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 12 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Etti Corvette
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Quasar Support Carrier
  • 4 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Fight Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Kontos Cruiser
  • 13 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 9 Quad Turbolasers
  • 2 Dual Turbolasers

Bulk Heavy Cruiser
  • 30 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Lucrehulk Battelcrusier
Carrier Variant
  • 20 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons
Battleship Variant
  • 28 Heavy Quad Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Marauder Advance Corvette
Heavy Laser Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
Missile Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Nebulon-B 2 Advance Frigate
  • 12 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 12 X17 Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Liberator Advance Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons

Duantless Light Cruiser
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons

Victory II Star Destroyer
  • 20 LIght Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Corellian II Advance Destroyer
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slot7
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

Cloakshaped Squadron
Y Wing Bomber

Carrier Operations
Z95 Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
Rihkxyrk Squadron
Skipray Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
R-41 Squadron
Corellian Security
Corellian Spirit
+1 Leader Level Cap
+5% Happiness
Council Position
Director of Corporate Affairs (Official, Commander, or Scientist)
+2% Researcher Output

Free Haven
+15% Pop Growth from immigration
+50% Immigration pull
+5% Worker Happiness
Council Position Integration Facilitator (Official)
-3% Empire Size per Skill
-3% District Upkeep per Skill

Starting Planets
Corellian Size 24 Continental World
Corellian Engineering Corporation
+10% Engineering Research From Jobs
Empire Modifier +100% FTL Speed

CorSec Academy
+10% Society Research From Jobs

Gold Beaches
+2 Agriculture Districts
+1 Generator District

Corellia Size 8 Lake World

Drall Size 16 Continental World

Selonia Size 16 Atoll World
Loronar Corporation
-2.5% Ship Upkeep
+10% Physics Research From Jobs

Rydonni Prime Size 16 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Loronar Size 17 Ecumenopolis
Loronar Corporation
-2.5% Ship Upkeep
+10% Physics Research From Jobs

Orbital City I Size 12 Station

Orbital City II Size 12 Station

Orbital City III Size 12 Station

Hosnian Prime Size 18 Ruined Ecumenopolis
Corellian Security Ships
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Arquitens Frigate
  • 2 Turbolasers
  • 4 Quad Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Victory Mark 2 Escort Cruiser
  • 8 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 Fighter Squadron

Corellian Destroyer
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fight Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadron

Invincible Pocket Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 12 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Hammerhead Corvette
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Mounted Turbolaser

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
CG-273 Heavy Frigate
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Kontos Cruiser
  • 13 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 9 Quad Turbolasers
  • 2 Dual Turbolasers

Bulk Heavy Cruiser
  • 30 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Lucrehulk Battelcrusier
Carrier Variant
  • 20 Heavy Quad Turbolasers
  • 6 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons
Battleship Variant
  • 28 Heavy Quad Turbolasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Marauder Advance Corvette
Heavy Laser Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
Missile Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Liberator Advance Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 V-Wing Squadrons
  • 2 Y-Wing Squadrons

Duantless Light Cruiser
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons
  • 2 Bomber Squadrons

Victory II Star Destroyer
  • 20 LIght Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Fighter Squadron
  • 1 Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Corellian II Advance Destroyer
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slot
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Fighter Squadrons
  • 1 Bomber Squadrons

V Wing
Y Wing Bomber

Carrier Operations
Z95 Squadron

Improved Strikecraft
A Wing Squadron
B Wing Bomber

Advanced Strikecraft
X Wing
Chiss Ascendancy
Humans controlled Chiss Ascendancy plays like a normal empire.
Computers controlled Chiss Ascendancy plays like a Fallen empire (They start with a powerful fleet, advanced tech, and powerful Starbases).
Chiss Houses
-10% Leader Upkeep and Cost
-5% Consumer Goods Upkeep
Council Potions
Speaker (Official, Commander, or Scientist)
-2% Empire Size from Pop

Aristocratic Elite
Can construct Noble Estates building
Can construct Noble Chateaus holding
Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with Noble jobs
Council Potions
Lord Steward (Official, Commander, or Scientist)
+2% Ruler Output per Skill

Special Edict
Chiss Unification Campaign
  • +25% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • +25% Specialist Happiness
  • +25% Survey Speed
Starting Planets
Csilla Size 24 Glacial World

Naporar Size 13 Snow World

Colonial Size 12 Deep Space Station

Sposia Size 12 Boreal World

Cioral Size 18 Ruined Ecumenopolis

Copero Size 12 Cascadian World
Adapted World
+30% Habitability

Csaus Size 14 Glacial World

Avidich Size 12 Alpine World

Ool Size 15 Boreal World
Chiss Ascendancy Events
Chiss Ascendancy Ships
Asdroni Corvette
  • 3 Master Cannons
  • 3 Megamasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Vigilance Frigate
  • 8 Megamasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Nuruodo Crusier
  • 6 Megamasers
  • 6 Heavy Megamasers
  • 1 Clawcraft Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Syndic Destroyer
  • 10 Megamasers
  • 4 Heavy Megamasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 2 Chiss Bomber Squadrons

Prosvoii Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Light Megamasers
  • 8 Megamasers
  • 10 Heavy Megamasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Asdroni II Corvette
  • 6 Master Cannons
  • 4 Megamasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Kariek Heavy Frigate
  • 2 Megamasers
  • 3 Heavy Megamasers
  • 3 Ion Cannon
  • 1 Clawcraft Squadron

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Warlord Missile Cruiser
  • 6 Heavy Megamasers
  • 14 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
Syndic II Destroyer
  • 12 Megamasers
  • 6 Heavy Megamasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 4 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 2 Chiss Bomber Squadrons

Phalanx Battlecruiser
  • 12 Light Megamasers
  • 18 Megamasers
  • 12 Heavy Megamasers

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
Asdroni III Heavy Corvette

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Vigilance II Advance Frigate
  • 12 Megamasers
  • 8 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Kariek II Advance Heavy Frigate
  • 6 Megamasers
  • 4 Heavy Megamasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Clawcraft Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Nuruodo II Advance Cruiser
  • 10 Megamasers
  • 8 Heavy Megamasers
  • 1 Clawcraft Squadron
  • 1 Chiss Bomber Squadron

Au'riette Light Cruiser
  • 12 Light Megamasers
  • 6 Heavy Megamasers
  • 4 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 3 Chiss Bomber Squadrons

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
Chaf Advance Destroyer
  • 12 Heavy Megamasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 8 Ion Cannons
  • 1 Clawcraft Squadron
  • 1 Chiss Bomber Squadron

Ascendancy Advance Star Destroyer
  • 16 Megamasers
  • 10 Heavy Megamasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 3 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 1 Chiss Bomber Squadron

Tech Fleet Tenders
Afthonia Fleet Tender
  • 4 Heavy Megamasers
  • 4 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 2 Chiss Bomber Squadron

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Megamasers
  • 4 Megamasers
  • 4 Heavy Megamasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Megamasers
  • 24 Heavy Megamasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 Clawcraft Squadrons
  • 1 Chiss Bomber Squadron


Carrior Opperations
Nssis I Clawclass

Improved Strikecraft
Nssis II Clawclass
Krsiss Interceptor

Chis Bomber II

Advanced Strikecraft
Scarsiss Clawclass
Hapes Consortium
Humans controlled Hapes Consortium plays like a normal empire.
Computers controlled Hapes Consortium plays like a Fallen empire. (They start with a powerful fleet, advanced tech, and powerful Starbases).
Hapan Isolationism
+10% Home Territory Fire Rate
+10% Monthly Unity
Council Postion
Royal High Commander (Official or Commander)
+1% Diplomatic Weight from fleet Power

Philosopher King
+5 Ruler Skill
Council Position
Lord Chancellor
+3% Council Experience per Skill

Starting Planets
Hapes Size 24 Gaia World
Hapan Royal Shipyard
  • +5 Ship Fire Rate
  • +10% Engineering Research From Jobs

Andalia Size 14 Continental World

Rquoo Depot Size 12 Station

Dreena Size 14 Ocean World

Jodaka Size 9 Atoll World
Hapes Consortium Ships
Type-1 Hapan Ship Design
+10% Shield Hit Points
+15% Turbolaser Weapon Damage
-10% Ship Hit Points
-10% Armour Hit Points

CR90 Corvette
  • 4 H9 Laser Cannons
  • 2 H9 Dual Turbolasers

Tech Republic Era Support Ship
Nova Frigate
  • 4 Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Turbolasers
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons

Battle Dragon Cruiser
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Tech Republic Era Capital Ships
Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
  • 8 Dual Light Turbolasers
  • 14 Quad Turbolasers
  • 4 Long Range Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 1 MIy'til Fighters Squadron

Invincible Pocket Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 12 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Corvettes
Hammerhead Corvette
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Mounted Turbolaser

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Frigates
Nebulon-B Frigate
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 8 X17 Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Cruisers
Battle Dragon II Cruiser
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Bulk Heavy Cruiser
  • 30 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Heavy Turbolasers

Tech Rise of the Empire Era Capital Ships
HRN Imperial I Star Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 3 Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Dual Ion Cannons
  • 6 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 4 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 2 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Corvettes
DP20 Heavy Corvette
  • 6 Dual Laser Cannons
  • 4 Dual Turbolasers
  • 2 Missile or Torpedo slots

Marauder Advance Corvette
Heavy Laser Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 2 Heavy Turbolasers
Missile Variate
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Tech Rebellion Era Frigates
Nebulon-B2 Advance Frigate
  • 12 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • 12 X17 Turbolasers

Nova II Advance Frigate
  • 4 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Turbolasers
  • 4 Ion Cannons
  • 1 MIy'til Fighters Squadron
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Cruisers
Battle Dragon III Cruiser
  • 10 Light Turbolasers
  • 10 Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Duantless Light Cruiser
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 2 Hetrinar Bomber Squadrons

HRM Victory II Star Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 6 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 6 Ion Cannons
  • 1 MIy'til Fighters Squadron
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Tech Rebellion Era Capital Ships
HRN Imperial II Star Destroyer
  • 20 Light Turbolasers
  • 3 Turbolasers
  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 14 NK-7 Ion Cannons
  • 5 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 2 Hetrinar Bomber Squadrons

Star Home Battlecruiser
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 4 Missile or Torpedo Slots
  • 2 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Tech Fleet Tenders

Tech Interdictor
CC-7700 Interdictor
  • 6 Light Turbolasers
  • 4 Turbolasers
  • 4 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 1 Missile or Torpedo Slots

Advanced Capital Ships
Bellator Heavy Dreadnought
  • 12 Turbolasers
  • 24 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 12 Dual Ion Cannons
  • 3 MIy'til Fighters Squadrons
  • 1 Hetrinar Bomber Squadron

Miy'till Fighter I
Hetrinar Bomber I

Carrier Operations
Miy'till Fighter II

Improved Strikecraft
Miy'till Fighter III
Hetrinar Bomber II

Advanced Strikecraft
Miy'till Fighter IV
Formable Factions
Kaminoan Technocracy
  • Must control Kamino
  • Must have the Cloning Concept Perk

Kissai Revenant
  • Must start as the Centrality
  • Must choice the Dark Side
  • Must control Korriban

Rebel Alliance
  • Must start as a founding member of the Rebel Alliance (Republic Loyalists, Kingdom of Alderaan , Mon calamari Monarchy, Bothan Council, Ryloth Protectorate, or Verpine Enclave)
  • Must build up Rebellion Support
  • Galactic Empire progresses through New Order to Tier 3
Then when the event The Rebel Roar pops up choice It's time to take the fight to them.

Plays as a new empire with Yavin IV as your capital.

Provisional Government -1 Influence -50% War Exhaustion holds elections every 10 years
Hope Modifier
+200 Credit
+150 Minerals
+50 Consumer Goods
+150 Alloys
+20 Tibanna Gas
+75 Ammunition
+75 Electronics
+75 Hyperfuel

Starting Leaders
Mon Mothma
Starts at level III

Admiral Raddus
Starts at level V

Zann Consortium
  • Must start as Ryloth
  • Another empire controls Kamino
When the event A Mutual Arrangement pops up choice The Ryloth Protectorate needs all the help it can. Agree to help.

When the event Additional Concessions pops up choice Help him again.

When the event A Farewell To Ours Arms pops up choice This deal gets worse all the time. Agree, again...

When the event Going Legitiment pops up choice Divers perspectives make us strong. Agree to his request.

The event In From The Cold
Special Project Prison Break
Have a Military Fleet with a commander over Kessel

A Favor For A Favor
Specail Project Build Zann's HQ
Have a Construction Ship in over Ryloth

A New Power Rise
We got a a Bad feeling about this...
Ryloth Protectorate switches to Zann Consortium with Tyber Zann as ruler.
Authoritarian and mertialistic
Civics Criminal Heritage and Technocracy
Other Empires With Unique Civics
Arkanian Dominion
Genetic Experimenters
Start with Gene Tailoring Tech
Research Option Glandular Acclimation

Bakuran Senate
Droid Uprising
-25% Droid Servant Happiness
+10% Worker Happiness
+10% Specialist Happiness

Rodian Clans
Rodian Scouts
+20 Edict Fund
-10% Empires Size
+1 Sensor Range

Trasdoshian Tribes
Trasdoshian Hunters
-25% War Exhaustion
Yuuzhan Vong Endgame Crisis
The Yuuzhan Vong play similar to the Prethoryn Scourge.
16 Yorum
Asmodeus 14 Şub @ 2:06 
good job:steamhappy:
Prodigal 4 Kas 2023 @ 13:23 
The Mandalorian Sol'yc Verd model shows as WIP. Is it broken or actually still not working yet ?
Danger Capitalist 20 Eki 2023 @ 2:50 
Hi Richard, What do you think about copying your info and pasting it into the SWND wiki?
Richard  [yaratıcı] 27 Eyl 2023 @ 8:16 
@QueenOfBlades It's at the bottom of the empire selection menu.
QueenOfBlades 22 Eyl 2023 @ 5:36 
How i can start as Centrality to form Kissai Revenant? I don't see it in the the empire select menu.
Richard  [yaratıcı] 6 Haz 2023 @ 10:23 
@Doood Unfortunately, you are unable to create the New Republic.The Rebel Alliance is a new empire that spawns on Yavin IV with some fleets and special leaders. You also unlock the Rebel Alliance Federation.
Doood 5 Haz 2023 @ 23:23 
How does the Rebel Alliance work? Are you able to create the New Republic or something?
ROCOBRASAURE 3 Oca 2023 @ 16:34 

Thank you !
Richard  [yaratıcı] 3 Oca 2023 @ 12:34 
@ROCOBRASAURE Hi you can still unlock Dark Machinations you just can't check your progress. It should unlock after you conquer more of the galaxy.
ROCOBRASAURE 3 Oca 2023 @ 11:20 
@Richard Hello ! First, thank you for you very speed answer.
Next, i have not the "Nemesis DLC" so i have not the "Crisis Tab ". Do you know if i need this DLC to unlock "Dark Machination" or if i can unlock it but just can't check crisis level ?