The Elder Scrolls Online
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Volcanic Vents - An Overview (W.I.P.)
От Danny Fluke
An overview on the new Volcanic Vents World Event in High Isle + Amenos.
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Volcanic Vents are the new World/Dolmen type event found in High Isle as well as neighbouring Amenos. In my personal opinion, these events are much easier than Dragons or Harrowstorms, as there are few mechanics that require attention to make it a smoother clear. The difficulty would be roughly on par with base Dolmens, with the exception of the Final Bosses

When a Volcanic Vent is active, the Volcano will start emitting black smoke. This can be seen from a ways away, but admittedly it is not as visible as, say, Dolmens or Harrowstorms. Your best bet to know if one is active is via the crossed swords on the vent on your Map; however, the caveat to this is that you need the sites discovered previously.

The vent starts up with 3 open (and glowing) lava geysers, with some adds spawned around them. These adds are typically a mixture of flame wyrms, shalks, flame hounds, vul'kesh and/or imps, and uncommonly have a "Scary" moster spawned into the first wave (Iron Atronachs, Vulk'esh Elder)

To progress the event, you will have to defeat the successive waves from a given geyser before the druid next to the volcano will magically seal the geyser. There are typically 4 waves, including the first spawns. The 4th wave will be a Magma Atronach.

The Magma Atronach is the penultimate spawn from the Geyser, and killing it will cause that Geyser to be sealed.

The are also Fire Atronachs that will spawn from the volcano and will make their way to a geyser, ignoring the battle going on. When the Atronach reaches a geyser, it will be sucked in. A large AoE will occur from the geyser and an Infernal Atronach will appear and start to target players. These aren't particularly difficult, and the very slow rate of movement and spawns of the base fire atronach means players should not have much difficulty in this regard.

Once all 3 geysers are sealed, the Druid will attempt to seal the volcano, but will fail, causing the final boss to appear. Defeating this final boss will end the event. During this phase, "Scary" Tier monsters will spawn on a frequent basis, so you will have additional targets besides the final boss to contend with.
Enemies (W.I.P.)
Standard Tier Enemies

1) Flame Wyrms

2) Great Shalks, 60.4k HP

3) Imps

4) Flame Hounds

5) Vulk'esh Young

"Scary" Tier Monsters

1) Vulk'esh Elder, 108.7k HP

2) Iron Atronach, 103.5k HP

3)Infernal Atronach, 141.3k HP

Last Wave Spawn

1) Magma Golem, 228.6K HP


1) Fire Atronach (once reaching a geyser, it will morph into an Infernal Atronach following a large AoE from the geyser)
Final Bosses (W.I.P.)
The final Boss' HP scale based on the amount of players present in the active Volcanic Vent. The base HPs start at just under 3 mil HP. (I've seen it scale to at least 4.4mil HP before)

Fire Hound Alpha
  • Has a linear charge attack
  • Has an attack where it calls 3 shalks to cast fire in a line (the shalks spawn in a triangular shape)

Vulk'esh Goliath
  • Has a tail slam attack that hits in a large AoE, and has a medium windup
  • Burrowing attack where it digs into the ground. A telegraph will appear in a large AoE, and you should run out as soon as possible before it resurfaces
  • Forward-facing conal flamethrower attack

Fire Behemoth
  • Has an attack where he remains stationary and starts calling down fire on participating players
  • Leaps up into the sky before slamming down with a medium speed telegrahp

Molten Destroyer
  • Volcanic Vents are the new World event in High Isle and Amenos
  • There are 3 mini vents / geysers at a given Volcanic Vent area
  • Kill all the spawns from the mini vents while preventing the Fire Atronachs from reaching
  • Kill the final boss (Beware of boss AoE spam!)