Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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Ck2 for Giga Chads step by step guide -Alexander der Kleine
By Ingo
This Guide will show you how to become a giga chad in ck2.
1.The first steps
1.Choosing your Character

only play the Count of Mohadavasaka in 769 bcs he is the most ez Character to play as (also make sure to have Iron man mmode enabled and to play on the highest difficulty bcs only giga chads do that)

2.Early expansion and wars

after selecting this character you should immediatly try to get idepndence from your liege and after that you should try to conquer the Rasthrakuta Kingdom because they are virgins and you are a giga chad so it should be ez

3.The most ez part

Now you just need to conquer the entire world because they are virgins

I hope you found this guide helpful
satur9 17 Jun, 2022 @ 9:22am 
Sure, I died 3 yers later from depression. Toska