Garry's Mod
190 人が評価
WotS Admin Cannon [ENTITY]
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Entity
Addon Tags: Fun, Movie, Roleplay
29.763 KB
2022年5月30日 11時34分
2023年2月13日 22時39分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

WotS Admin Cannon [ENTITY]

NextKurome76TheSoldier 作成の 1 件のコレクション
My Subbed Stuff
817 アイテム
This is the "Admin Cannon" seen multiple times in the first Garry's Mod movie "War of the Servers", which is a parody of War of the Worlds. The cannon's launched "Lua Block" unfreezes and removes Axis / Weld constraints of hit props, its used by admins to fight against the Mingebag contraptions.

Findable under Entities Tab-->Other-->Admin Cannon / Lua Block

-50% chance of detaching a hit prop
-Explodes on successful hit, breaking more props welds
-No custom assets
-Can also be tossed with gravity gun for same effect
-Wiremod support
-Also includes an handheld SWEP version, collect bricks with E to refil

Stop asking me to add a frame or wheels, and get the dupe instead:
also don't ask me about the mingepod, it has a dupe too;

Tags: GMOD, Mingepod, Tripod

make sure to check out my other addons if you are interested.
My Workshop Addons
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年6月21日 4時51分
Flyable admin plane
67 件のコメント
XxN1GHTMAR1SHDEM0NxX 9月25日 19時12分 
Uh, what the sigma?
Sir_raygunman2345 7月28日 22時33分 
i cant find it??? its not in the others tab
Mr_Bruh6756 6月11日 20時07分 
how do i fire it? it may be cause im a fucking dumbass but if anyone know please tell me
Señor Spock 2月25日 5時56分 
pls add an option to make it spawneable by non admins also
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abram 101 2023年9月30日 16時17分 
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NextKurome76TheSoldier  [作成者] 2023年9月9日 11時32分 
pocket metrocop 2023年9月9日 11時31分 
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christmasyname 2023年6月6日 15時39分 
de onleh bad fhing about fhis adon is fhat id is slightly inacurade. Fhe car baddery is nod red, as id was in fhe original movhie.🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
unlikeaboss 2023年6月4日 23時00分 
its not real
unlikeaboss 2023年6月4日 23時00分 