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A guide to beating POSTAL difficulty without going postal yourself
От Talulah
Have you tried beating Postal 2 on POSTAL difficulty and found yourself dying endlessly to those armed civilians that somehow have the accuracy of military sharpshooters, and was thinking about smashing your keyboard and going outside to reenact an IRL version of POSTAL 1/Redux?
Say no more! This guide will help you beat POSTAL difficulty so you can avoid these scenarios!
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NOTE: Since the release of the 20th anniversary patch on 19/04/23, a few tricks mentioned in this guide no longer work. The most notable ones would be melee weapons dealing less damage than usual, so you no longer can insta kill some of the enemies unless it is a stealth kill, sawed-off shotgun no longer being weapon that can deal with any situation, gimp suit trick on Wednesday being completely fixed, making the rest of the week much harder than usual, and you no longer get your arsenal back early at the military base. If you wish to have an easier time gaining the achievement, I recommend downgrading back to the 5025 version. You can do so by right-clicking Postal 2 in the steam library, going to properties, and selecting the beta tab, and there you can switch back to the 5025 version. If you still wish to get this achievement on the anniversary patch, then make sure to rely more on Obligatory Sewer Complex shortcuts for completing objectives because you no longer can abuse gimp suit to gain tons of health pipes and catnips.

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever guide on Steam!

This guide will focus on getting Scientology Level: OT VIII achievement, which is complete A Week in Paradise gamemode on POSTAL difficulty.
I'm well aware that there are already existing guides that do the same thing, but I wanted to create my own version and perhaps offer more insight on how to tackle some of the errands, making them either effortless to complete or slightly easier.

Now this guide assumes that you have completed A Week in Paradise at least once, and if you haven't done so, then you probably shouldn't be trying POSTAL difficulty as your starting difficulty.

Now that the intro is out of the way, let's get over to the main point!
POSTAL difficulty explanation and useful tips
Now you might be wondering, what's so scary about this difficulty?

Well there are fair amount of differences that make this difficulty fairly unique compared to lower ones.

For starters:

You are limited to only one manual save per area

This is perhaps the most significant change in this difficulty, preventing you from save scumming through battles. However, if you have auto-save enabled in options then the game automatically saves at the start of each area and still allows you to create a manual save later on, so it's absolutely vital that you don't disable it by mistake because it will be your saving grace in this difficulty. The checkpoints follow the same rule that they don't count towards the save limit, however, I wouldn't really rely on them considering that there's not a lot of them in the whole game.

You can't pick up health items and are forced to use them immediately where you found them

This is also a very significant change and because of this, it's wise to avoid any unnecessary fights because you can't just heal anywhere you want. You, however, can still pick up and eat doggy treats, however they only heal 1 HP and are more suited for emergency healing than something of a main thing. There are however two exceptions to this rule and I will explain them more clearly in Wednesday section and later on in this section when talking about Bass Sniffer.

Every NPC is armed and will aggro when they spot you

For people that have completed They Hate Me difficulty, this isn't anything new, however the difference is that in They Hate Me, not everyone is armed, so it's much easier. In POSTAL difficulty, everybody is armed (even people locked in jail!) and will take out their weapons and fire at you as soon as they spot you. You, however, can delay their reaction by having your weapon holstered when walking past them, NPC spot you easier when you're carrying a weapon around.

Postal Dude is extremely fragile

Compared to lower difficulties, our protagonist isn't a bullet sponge and will die quickly to constant enemy fire. This is why, as I mentioned earlier, it's essential to avoid unnecessary fights, so you can keep high health and body armor for unavoidable fights. This is also why you should keep lookout for body armors.
In earlier days, you will be able to only find them by exploring, however, when SWAT members start appearing on Thursday, you will be able to reliably get brand new body armor from them by decapping their head using a bladed weapon.

You start with Bass Sniffer radar with unlimited battery

This is also not a new thing for people that completed They Hate Me, but this is still a very important change, because this radar will detect nearby NPCs, so you can either use it as reliable tool to avoid them or useful combat tool that will let you know when enemies are trying to flank you.

The radar shows NPCs with "fish" icon with varying color depending on how aware they are of your presence.

White means that they aren't aware of your presence.
Yellow means that they have heard suspicious noise like gunfire/window breaking and will soon investigate it. (They however ignore footsteps, so you can jump and run around them and as long as they don't see you or hear gunfire/window breaking they won't spot you.)
Red means that they are aware of your presence and are actively hunting you.

You can also find "upgrade" addons for your radar, so the radar will be able to show you more information or ability to play a useful minigame.

Largemouth Plug-In: The most useful addon for the radar because it will mark law enforcement NPCs with a police hat icon instead of just having a regular fish icon. This will help you a lot in later days when military and SWAT patrol streets, so you can strategize whether it's worth to take this route or other.

Piranha Plug-In: This addon is useful on They Hate Me difficulty, but it's useless in POSTAL difficulty. It will show you which NPC nearby is armed with a weapon by showing you the weapon icon next to them, however considering that everybody is already armed on POSTAL difficulty, there's no need to use it.

Chompy Game Cartridge: The second useful addon, it will allow you to play Chompy minigame where you control a red piranha named Chompy on the radar and your objective is to lead Chompy to the nearby NPC where he will kill them using "Dark Voodoo Powers", the more NPCs you kill, the better rewards you will get. The rewards are for example healing items, so this alongside with Wednesday trick are the only ways to get healing items in your inventory, so you can use them anywhere. You're also invincible during the mini-game, so you can use it in a pinch when you're low on HP, so you can kill the nearby hostile NPCs and get some healing items to regain your HP.

This should cover all of the most important changes in POSTAL difficulty, so let's get to the weapons and exploration section now!
Useful weapons and my stance on exploration
So you start the game on POSTAL difficulty, find your favorite shotgun that you used to decimate NPCs on an earlier Average difficulty playthrough, run towards main street and start shooting everyone and die to enemy fire in a few seconds. What's up with that!?

Well, that's because some weapons are largely useless on POSTAL difficulty.

For starters:

Melee Weapons: You should only really care about bladed ones like axe/machete/scythe/shears, they can one-hit kill most of NPCs (even SWAT members!) or make them flee/crawl on floor. They are also extremely useful for silent kills where you don't want to alert nearby NPCs with gunfire. Sledgehammer and Baseball Bat are also useful weapons, however they lose their effectiveness against military soldiers where they can block them using their helmets. Don't bother with shovel and baton, they take too long to kill anything and you most likely will be dead or near dead when you will manage to kill a single enemy.

Pistols: They are very useful early on, because they will be substitute for sniper rifle/hunting rifle with their near perfect accuracy. Use them to safely take down enemies from long distance, otherwise don't bother with them on close range because they are too slow to deal with groups.

Shotguns: Most of the shotguns are useless because they are slow, and you need to be extremely close to one hit kill NPCs, and then you can't one hit kill law enforcement NPCs because of their high HP, this however changes when you finally get access to sawed-off shotgun on Wednesday which is the most overpowered weapon in game, one shotting any NPC and dealing absurd amount of damage to some bosses.

Machine Guns: The most versatile weapons, if you don't have access to sawed-off shotgun yet, then you should be using them for most of the fights, great for close/medium range, however you should leave the long range shooting for pistols/hunting rifle.

Hunting Rifle/Sniper Rifle: Excellent weapon for long range, it will one hit kill any NPC with headshot and will put most NPCs to crawling state when hit in the body. You can use it to safely clear any area of enemies, however watch out because it doesn't have high ammo capacity, so you might run out quickly if you use it often. It can also penetrate enemies, so you can kill multiple of them with one shot if you line them perfectly.

Rocket Launchers/Grenade Launcher: It's a bit mixed bag with these, they are certainly good for dealing with a group of enemies, but so are fire-based weapons, and they are more common than rocket launchers. WMD is extremely useful because of its virus that can spread over to other NPCs, but it's only available in Tora Bora and there's not much ammo for it, causing it to be overall fun to use weapon, but not really viable one.

Throwables: (I will count molotovs in fire-based weapons category rather than this one, so it doesn't get confusing) Grenades are useful early on for dealing with group of enemies, but later on they don't really get a lot of use, considering that they are a bit of clunky to use, you can however, use grenades as land mines using secondary fire, so you can aggro NPCs and lead them towards minefield trap, Scissors aren't really that useful except for one specific situation on Thursday, and Cow Head is pretty much same as WMD, it's fun to use, but it's not really viable.

Fire-based Weaponry: Extremely useful, just one molotov is enough to cause a huge amount of damage to a group of enemies, it doesn't work as well against NPCs that know how to put out fire, but it still stuns them for a bit, making these weapons, main crowd control tool in this difficulty.

This should cover almost all weapons in the game, so you should have a fair idea of what to use and what to avoid.

And now let's talk about exploring in POSTAL difficulty.

This guide should be helpful for people that want to find certain items and weapons, and also want to know on which day they first start spawning.

As for my stance towards exploring, ironically, it's both important and not important at the same time. Important in the first days because you don't have suitable arsenal to deal with enemies easily, but after Wednesday, exploration seems to become a secondary thing for most part.
After Wednesday, you already should have all weapons that you need and finding body armor isn't a problem, if you take in consideration that SWAT members are literally walking body armor dispensers. You also can't pick up health pipes, and hoarding catnips is useless because you won't get them back at hospital on Saturday.
You should do all of your major exploration during Wednesday and the reason behind that, I'll explain in the Wednesday section.

I think that should be everything that I wanted to talk about POSTAL difficulty mechanics and tips. It's time to get to the main point of the guide, which is a walkthrough of every day in the game!
...Is what I would love to do, but there's still one useful thing that I would like to mention, and that's how to make POSTAL difficulty more bearable for those that want to get the achievement more easily.

If you go to options->performance->bystander population and turn it down to 0, then POSTAL difficulty becomes much easier because it will spawn much less NPCs than before, of course, it doesn't affect law enforcement NPCs and scripted spawns like lines at store/bank/mall, but it will significantly decrease amount of regular civilians walking on the streets.

This walkthrough should still apply whether you use 0 population, 15 population (default) or 30 population (max)

And now, for realsies, let's get on with the walkthrough!
Hateful wife nagging you to do these errands for her, stupid dog annoying you, your car breaking down making you walk through streets full of insane people that want to turn you into swiss cheese.

Life is good.

Here we are at our first day on POSTAL difficulty! For many people, it is known as the hardest day, and I can in some ways agree and disagree with that. It is indeed the hardest day because you start with nothing while every NPC already has some kind of firearm, however in terms of errands, it's one of the easier days because other than the issue of getting to them, the objectives are quite simple and two of them have secret shortcuts that allow you skip battles and save your supplies for Tuesday or just simply for the road to another errand.

Because we are defenseless at this point of Monday, before we tackle any of the errands, we should scavenge nearby houses for weapons and items.
Pick up the shovel from the shed, it will help us with our first kills.
You should first visit your neighbor's house that is right behind you when you start the day. There you will find a taser on the table, body armor in the closet and a gas can behind the cupboard.

You might notice that, I didn't mention taser in the weapons section. That's because it's more of a tool, and you won't really use it after scavenging your first weapons.

Equip the taser and enter the living room, where you will find your first NPC there, quickly tase him for a bit, then release, he should fall down to the floor, you can now equip your shovel and just keep stabbing him with secondary fire until he dies. He will drop your first firearm, which can be pistol/shotgun/machine gun.

For now, you should avoid main street because while you have a firearm now, it is still not enough to face the group of NPCs there. Save your body armor for later.

If you exit the house now using the front door, you will find a hole in the fence where you can enter the second neighbor's house. You can raid it using the same method of tasing isolated NPC and killing them silently with shovel, after you're done you can also raid crack dealer's house which should have room with fair amount of firearms.

After you're done with raiding you should now have, a good starting arsenal, in which we can finally go tackle our errands!

You're free to do them in any order you wish, however if you want to avoid unnecessary backtracking that will waste your precious supplies, then you should go this route of:

Pick up paycheck
Get milk
Cash paycheck

Return back to the trailer of our protagonist and save the game there, and now you're ready to choose which errand to tackle first.

I will now describe tackling the errands using the above route, the tips for each errand should still apply if you don't choose them first, the starting point of the errand will only vary depending on which order you will tackle them.

Pick Up Paycheck

Our protagonist Postal Dude has to pick up his paycheck at RWS offices, there is just a question, how the hell did he manage to get a job in this cursed land where everybody hates his guts, or even do his work without being turned into swiss cheese by his co-workers, but I guess that's something that we will never get to know.

In order to get to the RWS offices, we will finally have to cross the main streets, and you have two options of how to do it.

Either fight your way through, in which you can also just alert all NPCs, take cover inside one of the houses bathrooms and just shoot anybody that tries to enter the room. You will be able to collect more weaponry this way, however you risk taking damage which isn't that bad, because in one of the houses in the middle of main street you can find a medkit, and you can also return back to your shed to pick up a health pipe which heals the same amount of HP as medkit.

Or you can holster your weapon and just quickly move through the NPCs, hoping that their delayed reaction will be enough time to gain slight distance from them, where they won't be as accurate. You save ammo this way, however you likewise risk taking damage, but you can always load the game and try again if the NPCs damage you a lot.

Other than that, remember to rely on your radar, so you can avoid NPCs and use your map to plan safest/fastest routes to the errands.

As soon as you manage to get finally to the area where RWS offices are, you will meet yet another obstacle and them being the protestors outside the office.

You can either take them down using long range option which would be pistol for now or just charge at them with machine gun, either option works well and if you take damage then no need to worry because you will find few medkits inside the office in one of the side rooms.

Before you pick up the check, make sure that everybody inside the office is dead, so you don't have to worry about somebody flanking you during the fight with protestors that will start after picking up the check.

You can also use the gas can to draw a line of gas from Vince's room to the entrance of the offices, so you can light it up as soon as the cutscene ends, which will make killing the protestors much easier and safer.

After you're done with killing everyone, you should have a pretty generous amount of ammo for most firearms.

It's time for us to tackle the second errand!

Get Milk

Now, how hard could be getting a simple carton of milk? Apparently really hard in this cursed land of insane people that will open fire at you as soon as they spot you. Remember all these people saying that their fathers just went outside for simple milk and never returned back? That's probably because they are still stuck in some alleyway waiting for the right moment to cross the street without having some passerby putting a bullet in their head randomly. It's not their fault that they don't have the same radar as Postal Dude!

Getting to the store, shouldn't be troublesome if you're doing it from RWS offices.

As soon as you're inside the store, just quickly grab the milk, killing any NPC on the way that has spotted you.

After getting the milk, run to the back room of the store and quickly head to the left corner of the room where you will find a wooden pallet, kick it, and it will reveal a hole in the floor, jump in, and just continue making your way through the underground.
You won't find any NPCs underground and will find 2 medkits there, you will also later on find invincible hell dogs that are guarding rocket launcher, if you haven't used your save, then you can save there and try your best to get it, you can drop doggy treats to distract the dogs, or light them on fire using gas can.

Otherwise, just jump across the gap and climb the ladder which will place you next to the library, which also conveniently places you close to the loading area of the bank where you will have to do your final objective for this day.
Monday (cont.)
Cash Paycheck

Hurray! We will be able to exchange that paycheck for real money! Oh wait, we don't, because the only thing that bank receptionist will be exchanging is fire towards you. What a pain. Well, at least we can still use that paycheck as one sheet of toilet paper, right?

If you took the shortcut from the store, then getting to the bank area should be simple.

You have two ways of entering the bank, either by using the front door, which might be a bit more troublesome than the second option, but it's still viable.

The second option, which is entering from rooftops, can be riskier, but it can also eliminate a group of NPCs inside relatively safely.

If you choose rooftops option, then make sure to grab dynamite that should be next to the vents on the roof, or you can also use rocket launcher that you have acquired from underground of the store.

Before you jump down, prepare your dynamite, light it up then jump down and immediately throw it at the line of NPCs, this will take down most of them, making your job easier to clean up the lobby. It's the same story with rocket launcher, just make sure to not overcharge it into heat-seeking mode, you can prevent this by using secondary fire instead of primary one. After that, just clean up remaining NPCs with your machine gun.

After the area is clear, you have to go into the back room of the bank and get inside the vault, so you can pick up the money bag that will complete cash paycheck objective.

When you pick up the money bag, exit the vault after the cutscene and head immediately to the left and kick/touch the bookcase in the left corner, it will open up, revealing a hidden tunnel, enter it and check the room to your right for some useful supplies, after that just go through the tunnel, that will lead to building next to the bank, in this building you should be able to find body armor, but if you're doing this errand last then you don't get much use for it.

Exit the building and just head to any nearby loading tunnel, which will instantly end the day.

Postal Dude with his omnipotent abilities will immediately teleport back to his trailer, walk inside, and boast to his hateful wife of what a day he had.

We have survived our first day, and with our exploration and scavenging of weaponry and ammunition, we are ready for Tuesday. Probably.
Another day, another dollar, as they say. After getting through Monday, our protagonist Postal Dude is still not convinced that this town is insane and decides to "happily" complete another set of errands for his hateful wife.

Here we are at our second day of POSTAL difficulty! This day is direct opposite of Monday, it's easier because we have nice set of weaponry and generous amount of ammunition, yet the errands are harder considering that we are forced to fight enemies without some interesting shortcuts like in Monday errands. Unless you're willing to use exploits, but this is not a speedrun guide, and you can always find more weapons and items by not skipping them.

While we already have a good amount of weapons, it still doesn't hurt to raid houses using the same method as on Monday to get a bit more of everything.

Tuesday is also the day when we will be able to get our first bladed weapon for all the silent kill needs we will need for the rest of the week, making our taser obsolete now.

After you're done raiding through the houses then head over to the library, but instead of walking inside, head left and follow the path on the left side of the building into the bushes, that should put you above the bank loading area, follow the train tracks to your left and instead of entering a tunnel, you should see hill to your left where you can jump on.
You will then see a bit of opening in the mountain and that's where you should jump into and where you will find your first bladed weapon which is the axe!

It's one of the best bladed weapons, the only better weapon is machete because it's quicker, and you can throw it, and it will return back to you, but we can only get it in Tora Bora before Wednesday and we don't really want to waste our precious supplies getting through it just for slightly better bladed weapon.

After raiding houses and getting our first bladed weapon, we are ready to tackle errands for this day.

Like before during Monday, you're free to do errands in any order you wish, however if you want to avoid backtracking then you should follow my route which is:

Return book
Get Gary's autograph
Confess sins

Save your game, so you don't have to repeat the process from the start if you die somewhere in this area.

As before, I will describe finishing the errands using the above route, but the tips will still apply even if you don't do them in the same order.

Return Book

You would think that in this cursed land where everybody hates you, you would prefer to read things online than going outside to the library every now and then to borrow books, but then again, I don't believe we should try to explain Postal Dude's decisions using rational thinking, considering that he still decides to live in this town where everybody will happily make hundreds of holes in his body as soon as they see him.

If you decided to get the axe last, then you should be next to the library, so just go inside.

Inside you will face the same obstacle as on Monday with RWS offices, which are protestors in the lobby. You should still have some ammo left for the rocket launcher, so just use it to swiftly take care of them.

If you meet any NPC during the way to the librarian office, then just silently kill them using axe to the face.

The second obstacle that you will face is the inside of the librarian office, which will contain a line of NPCs. Now there are two options of doing this.

The first one is just before you enter the librarian office is to holster your weapon and select the book from your inventory and quickly enter the room and run towards the drop box and drop the book, hopefully before any NPCs aggro on you. You should save the game before doing this because the drop box can sometimes bug out and not count you dropping the book in it.

The second one involves just killing everyone inside, any kind of explosive like grenade or rocket launcher works well, and you can clean up remnants with machine gun. However, I do recommend doing the first option instead because it's not worth to lose health or body armor during this section. You should save when doing this option too, because of the above reason of book getting stuck in drop box and not counting towards the objective done.

After the cutscene, the game loads a new area of the library burning, which means that you once again have a manual save that you can use.

I assume that you already completed the game before, so there's not much for me to say about getting through the burning library section, just remember to use the radar as a useful tool to know where enemies are coming from and remember that machine gun is the most versatile weapon, so if you don't know what weapon to use then always hold machine gun.

When you finally get back to the lobby, don't leave just yet, and go back up where you would go to the librarian office and look for the book stand named "non-fiction", you will find catnip (using it makes everything move in slow motion while you move and shoot in regular speed.) and SIC body armor (gives 200 armor points instead of 100.) nearby, take them, you will need that catnip for our next errand, and having stronger body armor will be useful for getting through streets.

After leaving the library, it's time for us to move on to the next errand.

Get Gary's Autograph

Now, it's always good to get the autograph of some actor that you idolize, but why the hell is Postal Dude idolizing a black midget that wants to pump him full of lead on sight!?

Unfortunately, getting to the mall from the library is quite a walk, so that's why that SIC body armor will be useful for fighting through the streets. You should head to the RWS offices, because that's where you can enter the mall.

As soon as you get inside the mall, you should be really close to our objective, which is Gary Coleman himself.
Now the sheer amount of NPCs (especially on bystander population of 30.) and the size of the mall, makes this section next to impossible to complete without taking a huge amount of damage or dying multiple times.
However, remember that catnip we picked up at the library? It will be our ace up the sleeve in this section.

Use it, quickly drop to a lower floor, equip an axe and stab Gary in the face with it, instantly killing him. Pick up the autograph that he dropped, holster your axe and quickly move towards the west exit of the mall, ignoring any NPC on the way, their reaction should be slow to the point that they shouldn't get a chance to take out their weapons before you're already out of their sight, the catnip should last until you get to the exit.

You should leave the mall either unscathed or with just minimal damage. This should give you an idea how powerful catnip is, and how it can make most of the hard sections painless to complete.

It's time for us to complete the last errand for today.
Tuesday (cont.)
Confess Sins

Our protagonist decides that it would be a great idea for him to go to church today to confess all of his sins, I mean, why he should bother? If everybody in this world hates him, then probably god hates him as well. At this point, we should consider Postal Dude as deranged as everyone in this world, just in a different way.

If you took the west exit of the mall, then you should be very close to the church.

When you finally get to the area of the church, if you're low on hp then before you enter inside, circle around the building, and you will find a picnic blanket with a few medkits and some ammunition.
Be careful however that as soon as you pick up something from the blanket, one taliban will spawn close to you and charge at you.

Now your main objective is to get to the confessional inside the church, which shouldn't be hard, just use the axe to quietly kill anybody in the way.

As soon as you reach the confessional, you will face yet another line of NPCs, however you should be able to just kill everybody with axe to the face since they aren't facing you, so they shouldn't aggro as long as you instantly kill them.
If you get spotted then it's not much of a deal, just fight back using machine gun.

After you're done dealing with the line of NPCs, you will have to kill the priest inside the confessional to complete the errand.

When the cutscene ends, you should save your game here.

As with burning library, there's not much for me to say. Church should have a generous amount of medkits lying in the open and the talibans aren't really tough, so you shouldn't have a hard time getting through them, some of them will be carrying molotovs, but they often end up just burning each other with it, if you get light on fire, then just pee up to extinguish yourself.

If confessing sins was your last errand to do, then going to the loading area will end the day instantly.

Once again, Postal Dude teleports back to his trailer, walks inside and talks with his wife about selling Gary's autograph online. However, considering that Postal Dude still has the autograph the next day, it's probable that even on the internet everybody hates him so much that they don't want to buy anything from him.

We have survived yet another day, and considering what day is the next, we should pat ourselves on the back for finishing the hardest part of POSTAL difficulty of regular Postal 2 week because it will only get easier after this day.
Yep, you guessed it right, Postal Dude once again hasn't thought of just high-tailing it out of that crazy town in search for more sane place to stay at. Another set of errands and another headache for the entity that isn't definitely us, to worry about.

Here we are at the third day of POSTAL difficulty! This day is where all of our suffering from previous days gets to be rewarded, we finally get to have access to our trump card of a weapon, and we will have the chance to over prepare ourselves for further days!

For starters, we will be going to Tora Bora! You might be thinking, "Huh? Didn't you say that Tora Bora isn't worth going through?"
Indeed! But we aren't going through the whole Tora Bora, we will be just going underground to the Obligatory Sewer Complex.

The reason behind that is, I haven't really seen guides for POSTAL difficulty mention that, but Obligatory Sewer Complex is like a hub area of shortcuts, for example you literally can get instantly from your trailer to cemetery without going through all of these areas and risk taking much more damage! It's useful area for speedrunning, but it's also useful for POSTAL/Impossible difficulty, because of the above reason.

You're free to explore the nearby houses like usual, but there's no real need to do that because we will be doing that later and without having to worry about getting shot at.

After you're done with raiding houses or have just started the day, then head behind the trailer of our protagonist and enter the secret pipe behind the bushes. Head underground, and you should stumble across another pipe containing the dead body of a police officer with body armor and some random firearm next to him. Prepare your machine gun and continue through the pipe. You will then have to fight through some talibans in the complex, but there's no need to be scared, there will be a few medkits scattered around, and body armor should absorb some damage.

You should clear the building to your right when you exit out of the pipe because that's where the cemetery shortcut is.

That's right, the first errand that we will be doing today is:

Piss On Dad

It appears that this crazy town is starting to rub off on our protagonist, causing him to have an aggressive stance towards even his family members, let's just hope that for some reason he won't do something even more insane like detonate a nuclear warhead on this town!

After fighting through the talibans, you should have arrived at the pipe that leads to cemetery shortcut. Go through it and when you exit from the pipe, go right where you will find toxic wastes, you will most likely find some rednecks there, but they shouldn't be much of trouble, just decap them with axe. You will be able to find scythe next to some toxic barrels, so if you're a fan of it, then go ahead and grab it!
It has longer reach than the axe, but it's much slower, but you can also throw it, so you can consider it a bit of "upgrade" to your axe in which you can silently kill from distance.

You should then see the cemetery from there, so just fall down and go to the grave of Postal Dude's father. Unzip your pants and pee on the grave. You will then end up captured by rednecks after cutscene, and this is where the hardest part of this day comes.

You wake up in a brewery, with all of your weapons and items missing, and when you get out of the wooden coffin, you will have to face two rednecks with firearms while you only have a shovel.
This will most likely take you a few retries, so don't despair if you die, there was an auto save at the start of brewery, so you can retry as much as you want when you lose too much HP or die to these rednecks.

When you finally take care of them and not lose too much of HP, exit the room and watch the cutscene where our protagonist is horrified that he has been put in a gimp suit, he might be horrified but trust me that it will be his saving grace for this day! I will explain why in just a moment, but first we should escape the brewery.

As for brewery there's not much for me to say here, like with earlier locations of church and burning library, it's linear and there's medkits scattered around, so you shouldn't have much trouble here, just make sure to explore the whole brewery, so you can recover all of your equipment back. There will also be a checkpoint near the part with crushers, so you can wait with your manual save after the checkpoint, so you don't waste it.

After you finally get out of the brewery, you might be wondering, "Why is the gimp suit saving grace for this day?"
Good question! That's because gimp suit overrides violent tendencies of NPCs (however if you provoke them or bump into them, they will still attack you like usual) so you can explore the world without worry of them shooting you! The bonus part is that you can also buy things from NPCs like you would in lower difficulties and because buying things adds items directly to your inventory, you can also buy healing items like health pipes that you can use anywhere! This is the only day when you get a gimp suit, so you better make good use of it!

This is where you should do your major exploration which I mentioned back in weapons/explore section, you can use the guide that I attached back in explore section to find all the weapons and items that you will need for the rest of the week, (make sure to grab some catnips!) you should also raid houses and rob the bank to get as much money as you could possibly get during this day, so you can buy as much health pipes as possible.
I haven't really seen any guide that would mention this, but normally you would be able to buy health pipes for 300$ on Wednesday, however the crack dealer that you usually raided back on Monday and Tuesday gives you discount and sells them for 200$, so make sure to buy all of your health pipes from him and not anywhere else! It's also absolutely vital that you grab the sawed-off shotgun from the bushes next to the police station, it will be your main weapon by this point.

After you're done with buying health pipes, collecting items and weapons, it's time to finally tackle the rest of the errands that this day has to offer!

As always, I will give the fastest and safest route to complete all of them, however you're free to complete them in any order you want since you don't really have to worry about NPCs filling you with lead today as long as you wear gimp suit.

Piss on dad
Pick up laundry
Get xmas tree


Our definitely sane protagonist decides that it would be a great idea to shape the country by giving his vote on which politicians should rule the country. I mean, they will probably burn his voting card when counting them anyway, so why should he bother?

With gimp suit, this is literally the easiest errand in the whole game, just go inside the building, head upstairs, go to the voting stand and press left mouse button few times during the voting screen, and you're done! No fighting or something suddenly going wrong. Next!

Pick Up Laundry

Now you might be wondering, how the hell did Postal Dude get laundromat workers to do his laundry without them burning it in their hate of him? Hell, don't ask me, even I have trouble comprehending this crazy world.

Likewise, one of the easiest errands in the game, don't bother paying the worker, just cut his head off and get your laundry for free and that's literally it! Just make sure to not switch over to your original clothing today, or you will be back in a world of pain for the rest of the day.
Wednesday (cont.)
Get Xmas Tree

Another one of our protagonist's excellent ideas, getting christmas tree while it's not even close to being christmas. It's hard to tell if Postal Dude is just that deranged to be doing this bizarre stuff, or he's just doing all of this to mess with an entity that's definitely not us.

If you're doing this errand last, then absolutely make sure that you're done with exploring for today, because when you complete it and get to the next loading area, the day will instantly end. This applies to any errand that you're doing last.

After you get to the forest, you will notice a fair amount of people nearby having a picnic, so just grab your bladed weapon and swiftly take care of them, it will make your escape a bit easier after grabbing the xmas tree.

When you grab the xmas tree, you will be attacked by rednecks, so you can test out sawed-off shotgun and be amazed how it decimates them with just one shot.
There's really not much for me to say here, just observe the radar to see from where the rednecks are coming and obliterate them with your sawed-off, if you get low on HP then, there should be plenty of healing items on picnic baskets nearby, or you can just use health pipes that you purchased earlier.

If this was your last errand, then going to the loading area will end the day instantly.

Our protagonist once again teleports back to his trailer with his omnipotent abilities and instantly changes his clothing back to regular.
Inside the trailer, he talks to his wife about how cheap getting the xmas tree was, he also gets annoyed at her for stating the obvious things about voting and decides to drink some beer at the end of this day.

We have survived yet another day, and considering our arsenal of weapons and amount of health pipes and catnips we have, the next day will be town residents trying to survive our onslaught and not the other way around.
I think that requires no telling that our protagonist is still living in this town and wants to complete another set of errands for today, besides, I think this joke is already getting old.

And here we are at the fourth day of POSTAL difficulty! We are heavily armed with various weapons and outfitted with tons of health pipes and catnips after our major exploration from yesterday.

That means that there's really no point for me to be writing a detailed walkthrough for this day and Friday.

So just put this music on.
Equip your sawed-off shotgun and go wild with killing everyone in your way to the errands like it's 1994, and you're playing DOOM 2!

I will still however offer the fastest route of doing errands and basic tips for each errand.

Get steaks
Pay ticket
Get napalm
Get krotchy

Get Steaks

Postal Dude, after not eating for a whole three days, finally decides to buy something to eat on Thursday. Can't blame him though, I would be reluctant, too, to go frequently shopping in this crazy world.

You really shouldn't have much of trouble of getting through this place with sawed-off and your amount of health pipes, there's plenty of medkits too if you don't want to waste your health pipes.

After you get the steaks, police will raid the place alongside with some SWAT members, so just remember to kill SWAT members with bladed weapons to face, so they will drop brand new body armor for you! (Since this is also the day when they first appear patrolling the streets, you can get easy body armor from them too, and they respawn if you leave the area and come back, so unlimited body armors!)

Don't forget to grab the catnip that's above the entrance (You most likely already seen it during the cutscene when you first entered.), just do some small platforming on the boxes nearby.

Pay Ticket

Since our protagonist hasn't been driving any car for these past few days, it seems like this is all too elaborate plan of NPCs to kill him, unfortunately for them, we have sawed-off shotgun and generous amount of drugs.

Likewise, you shouldn't have much of trouble here, sawed-off decimates police officers, and you should have plenty of healing from side rooms, there also should be a SWAT member on the last floor where you have to put ticket in the drop box, so you can also kill him with bladed weapon for free body armor. You unfortunately can't raid the police armory in this difficulty since the police uniform has been removed for balance purposes, but with your current weaponry, you don't really need to do that anyway.

Get Napalm

According to Postal Dude, he's getting it to get rid of weeds that are getting too tall, but considering that we didn't really see much of weeds near his trailer, he will most likely be using it to kill different kind of "weeds".

There will be more of platforming than fighting here, I assume that you already completed the game before, so you know the route how to get past burning napalm factory. Unfortunately, there are no checkpoints during this part, (at least I didn't have any.) so make sure to use your manual save wisely here and remember to pee up if you get lit on fire!

Get Krotchy

In this insane world where everybody wants to kill our protagonist, he decides that it will be a great idea to get some useless toy that talks about "not touching him". There's really no hope left for Postal Dude...

After stomping through half of town with your sawed-off, you come across that cursed mascot in the mall, thinking that it will be the same with him.
Unfortunately, you shoot him and the bullets only ricochet off him, he then laughs at you and takes out his rocket launcher to blow you into oblivion.

"Well, that's a new one", you might say.
Krotchy is kind of mini-boss of regular Postal 2, he's immune to bladed melee weapons and highly resistant to firearms, the only way of defeating him is either fire-based weaponry, explosives, blunt melee weapons or scissors.

Personally, I just grabbed molotov, lit him on fire, so he gets stuck in animation of putting fire out and kept throwing scissors at him, when he put fire out, I just repeated the same thing, and soon he died without dealing any damage to me.

You can also just use catnip and throw scissors and grenades at him, or just do the upgraded version of my way, by putting him on fire with molotov, placing few grenades with secondary fire at your feet and then kicking all of them at him, which should result in instant death of him.

When you kill that cursed mascot, you will have to enter a back room of the store and get the toy yourself, to your right should be brand new body armor if you're running low.

Otherwise, there's likewise not much for me to say here, you will be attacked by workers, but they aren't that tough compared to Krotchy and there's also plenty of medkits like usual. Police will raid the place after you collect the toy, but they shouldn't be much of trouble.

If this was your last errand, then getting to the loading area will end the day instantly.

Postal Dude teleports back to his trailer as usual, goes inside and presents the napalm launcher to his wife and destroys her carpet by accident with it, making her call him "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥". I mean she's not wrong, he IS an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for making us to deal with all of this, just because he can't get new alternator earlier for his car and high-tail it out of there!

Considering our smooth-sailing through this day, we can't really talk about "surviving" anymore, can we?

So, we have obliterated half of the town population today, and tomorrow we will take care of the second half with our overpowered weapon and huge amount of useful items!
*Insert witty joke about Postal Dude still staying in town to complete another set of errands*

And here we are at the fifth and the final day of regular Postal 2! Normally, this would be alongside with Thursday, one of the hardest day, because of errands that force you to fight and the Apocalypse at the end of the day, but with our weaponry and amount of health pipes and catnips, this day will be the same piece of cake as previous day.

As with Thursday, there's no need for me to be providing a detailed walkthrough, but I will still offer the basic tips for each errand.

This day is also unique in that, that I can't exactly provide the fastest route of doing errands because all errands are pretty far away from each other and the Apocalypse at the end prevents us from just teleporting back to the trailer, after doing them all.

However, if you want to be close to the trailer, then you should save Get Package errand for the last. There's also an optional errand of curing gonorrhea that appears after you pee at least once during the day, I advise you to just skip it altogether since there's not much point in doing it, and it's unlikely for you to get lit on fire during this day.

This is also the last day when you get to use your health pipes and catnips, because your catnips won't appear on Saturday during hospital escape, and you won't be able to pick up your health pipes back because of POSTAL difficulty mechanics, so don't worry about saving them, just use them all today!

Get Alternator

Am I dreaming? He's actually doing it! I'm so proud of you, Postal Dude, there just might be hope for you yet.

You will only have two people at the junkyard that's easily dispatched with your sawed-off and other than that, you will only have to fight through groups of dogs that likewise are easily killed, or you can drop doggy treats to make them friendly to you.

This is also a mechanic that I haven't mentioned before, mostly because I found it to be too unreliable, you can befriend dogs with doggy treats, and they will follow you around and protect you when you get attacked, however they tend to not follow you through loading zones, so you might drop quite amount of doggy treats to collect your army of dogs, but then they suddenly disappear after going through loading zone, that's why, at least in my opinion, it's best to hoard doggy treats as emergency healing than using them for dogs.

Be sure to save before crossing that crusher after getting alternator, it's usually easy to get through it without dying, but since you are already at the end of errand, then it's best to not risk having to do it all over by suddenly being crushed.

Uncle Dave's Birthday

Visiting a relative that's also keen on filling you with lead as the rest of the world? Why not? Hell, I would high-tail it out of there immediately after getting alternator, but seems that our protagonist also wants to steal a birthday cake for himself.

Before you get inside the compound, it would be wise for you to snipe every ATF agent from long distance, so you will have easier time when escaping.

When you get inside the compound, just use your sawed-off to take care of everybody, just be careful because some NPCs there carry molotovs, so if you're not careful you might be lit on fire and if you're skipping the gonorrhea errand then you will be forced to take huge amount of damage from the fire. To finish the errand, just kill Uncle Dave at the end and after the cutscene, just make your way outside.

You will still face a fair amount of ATF agents outside, but if you made sure to snipe all of them before, then there shouldn't be much of them. At the end, you will get attacked by an ATF boss that carries a rocket launcher, but he gets pretty easily obliterated by your sawed-off.

Get Package

A package for our protagonist? In a world where everybody hates him? It definitely can't be something that will be hazardous to his health, like a bomb or poison!

Just kill the receptionist and jump over the counter to get the package, after that you will be forced to go through the whole parcel center, but with our health pipes and catnips, it won't be anything challenging.

After you get to the warehouse part, you can jump on the boxes that are near the entrance, to get on top of storage racks to skip the maze part, but if you decide against that, then you can get brand new body armor off SWAT members that drop down from skylight to fight you in that maze.

There will be one NPC at the end of the parcel center with a rocket launcher, so be careful to not be blown away by him.


Oh, so now it's Apocalypse!? Then what was that supposed to be before this!?

After finishing your last errand, and going through the loading zone, you will be greeted by a newspaper clipping saying that it's Apocalypse now. Everyone will attack each other, cats will be falling from the sky, and our protagonist lost his omnipotent ability to teleport back to trailer.

If you took my advice and saved Get Package errand for last then you should be very close to the trailer, if not, then you're up for quite a walk, but since people will be now shooting each other now than just you, then you shouldn't have much trouble.

After you get back to the trailer, our protagonist walks inside the trailer and starts talking to his wife about "what a day he had", but after his wife asks if he bought her rocky road, he loses it and has "an unfortunate accident with the firearm".

We finally finished regular Postal 2, and we are now on the last stretch of the game, which is Saturday and Sunday of Apocalypse Weekend! The huge amount of firefights on Sunday might be daunting for you, but no worries, they aren't as that bad as you might think!
Getting a head wound in a firearm accident, having your trailer repossessed, your dog taken away by the dog pound and your wife wanting to take a divorce.

Life is still good.

And here we are at our first day of Apocalypse Weekend! This day does have some challenging parts, but overall since we get to keep our weapons from regular Postal 2 week, we still have access to sawed-off shotgun, so we should get through it without bigger issues.

On this day and Sunday, the game does turn into kind of regular FPS game of going from point A to B to complete the level, because of this, it will be hard for me to provide detailed walkthrough, but I will still offer some very useful tips that will make both of these days pretty easy to complete.


At least Postal Dude is alive and kicking after somehow getting shot in the head, but the biggest question was, why the hell did they patch him up if they hate him? I would expect that they would put even more bullets inside him than just that one that he did have already.

You start without any of your weapons and items, but no worries, you will be able to get most of them back at the end of the level. On population 15/30, there will be most likely few doctors and nurses walking around on your floor, so make sure to quickly grab scissors from nearby rooms, so you can kill them, there should be plenty of medkits around, so there's no need to worry if you get hit a lot.

On population 0, there shouldn't be anyone but just Gary Coleman in side rooms, you can kill him if you want, but he's extremely tanky and our scissors will take a while to kill him, so it's just better to grab everything from this floor and let him be.

After you ride the elevator to the higher floor, you will get a cutscene of Postal Dude talking with receptionist, I believe she won't attack you even after cutscene, but hey, it's your call if you want to kill everything or not.

After the cutscene, just grab everything from storage rooms and then head to the sample drop room, more cutscenes will start, and after you're done watching them, make sure to grab everything from the cat research room because it will contain one catnip.

When you're done, you will soon be attacked by Gary demons. They aren't really that hard considering that they prefer to throw grenades instead of shooting with firearms, but they are still pretty durable, so just strafe around with your scissors and remember to kick any grenades back at them.

Now after this, there's not much point of describing every single encounter, just remember to explore everything in the hospital, so you can grab few catnips, there should be around 4-5, so that should be plenty considering that we don't get our own back! This level should also have generous amount of checkpoints, so don't worry that much about losing progress, you can still use your manual save during some platforming parts if you're not comfortable about them.

Chinese Restaurant

After fighting through the hell that was the hospital, we get outside to what? Oh no, it's still that cursed town...

Outside the hospital, we get back to a somewhat sandbox version of another part of our previous town, but there's not much to explore here, you, however should be able to find another catnip and body armor if you're feeling like it, but otherwise just head towards the restaurant where our objective is.

After the cutscene, we have to kill 20 zombies, so just take out your sledgehammer and bonk everything in your way until you finish it, zombies are piece of cake to take care of, compared to our more trigger-happy "friends" from before.

When you're done, you're treated with another cutscene of Postal Dude getting offered a job, and that's where our next objective starts!

Cow Pasture

Instead of focusing on getting his trailer back and rescuing his dog from the dog pound, our protagonist decides to do some weird job about killing cows. Seems that Postal Dude doesn't have a clue how priorities work...

This is where the difficulty spikes a bit, mostly because we will have to face groups of armed NPCs and also cows that can deal a huge amount of damage with their charges.

The first cows that you meet are actually simple ones since you don't really have to kill them using a sledgehammer, any weapon will do.

After killing first half of them, you will get attacked by a group of Vegetarians, but there's no need to worry, your sawed-off obliterates them, and you should have good amount of healing from houses that they come from, and some of them should also have body armors inside.

In the second half, you will meet zombie cows, which can't be killed with your firearms, and you need to destroy their head using sledgehammer or baseball bat, they are also more aggressive than regular cows, charging at you very often. This is where you should use your manual save because there's high chance you might die from them. Grab your sledgehammer, carefully sidestep their charging attack and bonk their head.

After you're done with killing all cows, you get treated to another cutscene and another promotion for our protagonist to the Pigeon Hunter.

Pigeon Hunter

Hardest errand in the whole game, to be honest, I'm not even sure how I did beat it myself, just keep trying until you do, I guess.

Bullfish Interactive

After you somehow manage to complete the previous mission, we get another cutscene where our protagonist is called by Vince Desi from RWS to offer him another job. Hey, didn't we kill him like back on the Monday?

We are also back in the town again, you can explore it once again if you like, since there should be new items, the one item that is of interest is catnip, that's on the emergency stairs next to Bullfish Interactive, you will have to do a bit of platforming to get it, but it's worth to get it for the Sunday. When you're done, you should head towards the Bullfish Interactive building.

Inside, we will get attacked by security and will have to fight our way through to get the gold master that Vince requested. It shouldn't be anything hard with our weaponry, remember to also use your radar to know when enemies are coming, so you can surprise them with your sawed-off blasts.

After you finally get to the CEO office, you will be treated to another cutscene and after cutscene you will have to fight him as the boss. The game should auto-save here, but if it doesn't, then you should make manual save here.

This boss can be pretty challenging considering that he's carrying a rocket launcher that rapidly fires homing rockets, and sawed-off doesn't seem to do a lot of damage to him. However, there's one trick that you can use to make him much easier, if you walk towards him and take out your scythe/machete and try to attack him in the chest area, then there's high chance that he will switch back to machine gun to block your attack, and he won't switch back to rocket launcher, so that will make him extremely easy to defeat. It might however take a few tries to force him to switch to machine gun, so be prepared to load game a few times. Best weapon to kill him is also machine gun or mp5.

EDIT: As SkullPlay pointed out in comments, you can also instantly kill the boss with a hunting rifle if you headshot him. If for some reason you don't have a hunting rifle, then you can also throw one of the cats from your inventory at him, the cat will turn into dervish cat and disarm him, making him defenseless and a complete joke to defeat.

After you're done, our protagonist will call Vince on the job done, and he will get invited to the party by him, finally ending this day.

We have got through yet another day! The next day will be longest and hardest, but worry not, we still have our catnips that we saved just for this day!
"We are there. At the place called Climax, and the time called NOW. When it's done, let the gods sort it out!" This quote feels like it should belong in a different game, but hey, it works here too!

And here we are at the second day and the final day of Apocalypse Weekend! This day will have a huge amount of unavoidable gunfights, but we haven't gone through the whole week pouring our blood, sweat and tears just to give up here. We WILL push through our enemies with our trusty sawed-off and finish this playthrough of POSTAL difficulty, so we can all tell our grandchildren how cool we were!

Vince's House

Partying around carefreely, Postal Dude? Does your repossessed trailer or your dog ring any bells? No? Fine, we will do it your way.

After the starting cutscene of the day, we are immediately put back in action, zombies are invading Vince's house!

As per the tradition, just blast Vince into gibs with your sawed-off as soon as the cutscene ends. Since this mission is extremely easy with how zombies aren't really a threat as long as we don't stand in their way, we should take our time to collect some useful supplies for later!

You can visit the armory that was shown in the cutscene if you're low on ammo, but otherwise there's nothing new there, so you can skip it if you have full ammo for everything already.

On the roof that you can climb onto using the vines, you will find a RWS worker there, so obliterate him with your sawed-off and walk over to the weed pots. If you have a can of stynx, then you can burn the weed and stand near the smoke, it will slowly regenerate your health up to 200!

You can also drop on the high voltage lines from the roof and follow them to find SIC body armor and some krotchy grenades at the end.

After you're done with collecting everything, we can start killing these 50 zombies, so we can finally finish this mission.

When you're done, you're presented with more cutscenes, more problems and another mission for us to do.

Elephant Preserve

From cows to elephants, what's next? Crocodiles? Dinosaurs? Giant Cow Overlord?

There's not much point in exploring this place, since there's nothing interesting here. Just kill elephants using any way you want, but I would suggest for you to take them out with hunting rifle in order to not attract too much attention of NPCs to yourself and save your SIC body armor for our next errand.

After you're done, you're presented to more cutscenes, hurray! The next mission is where the hardest part of this day starts and will last for quite a few levels.

Terrorist Camp

Wow, really, Postal Dude? It's that hard for you to just rob any store that sells fireworks that you think invading an Al-Qaeda camp will be piece of cake?

After the cutscene, you will be immediately attacked by taliban, so swiftly take out your sawed-off and obliterate him.

Now, here's where "the unavoidable gunfights" part that I mentioned before starts. But there's no need to worry, the camp has a generous amount of medkits, you have your Bass Sniffer to know when talibans spawn, and you also have a few catnips that you can use when you feel too overwhelmed! Don't forget to use your machine gun and hunting rifle too, they can be invaluable in order to avoid taking too much damage during this part. Remember also to manually save, since I don't believe there are checkpoints during this part for some reason.

When you finally get through the whole camp, you will be captured by the military and taken to the military base as a prisoner of war.

Military Base

Damn it, Postal Dude, if you would just rob a store with fireworks instead of attacking a terrorist camp, we wouldn't end up in this mess...

This is the longest mission in the game, it's also a bit harder than terrorist camp, but not by a large margin.

You start with your whole equipment taken away, so first we should grab some firearms before we encounter soldiers. Just burn your highly flammable cellmate with matches and escape your cell.

Now you should first visit every cell and take firearms from them, after you're done, you should have a machine gun with fair amount of ammunition.

You now should start getting through the base, the same tips from terrorist camp apply here too, and likewise the base has generous amount of medkits, so there's no need to worry about that too. Be sure to explore the whole base, so you can recover your equipment, unfortunately, you will find sawed-off in the base's cafeteria, so there's still a bit of road for us to get our overpowered weapon back. You will also find your catnips relatively quickly, so don't be shy to use them if you're feeling overwhelmed. After you recover most of your equipment back then the base shouldn't pose much of trouble to you. Note however that, like with terrorist camp, I didn't encounter any checkpoints except for level changes during this part, so make sure to manually save after tough fights.

EDIT: As not Frying Pan pointed out in comments, you can also find sawed-off much earlier in first level of military base, when you get to the military warehouse with all the boxes, you can find it behind the metal box that has medkit on top of it.

After you finally get through whole base, the difficulty drops down dramatically, so pat yourself on the back for finishing the hardest part of whole POSTAL difficulty!

Bullfish Interactive, Revisited

We are back in the town, but somehow it's Apocalypse once again! Hell, like it's any news for us...

After the cutscene, you will be forced to navigate back to Bullfish Interactive building while having to fight through zombies, talibans, soldiers and many other enemies that you have met throughout the weekend.

You can explore the town if you're feeling brave, but otherwise there's nothing interesting lying around that you don't already have.

Inside, you will have to fight your way through the whole building once again to get into the CEO office from before, but you will be fighting zombies and soldiers for the most part, and zombies definitely aren't any threat, so no need to worry here.

When you finally get to the CEO office, our protagonist will put the "fireworks" on the table and finally realize that he has to rescue his dog from the dog pound! About time.

Dog Pound

After doing some weird jobs that aren't related to our main goal for these past two days, Postal Dude finally realizes the meaning of the word "priorities".

Not much to say here, really. You will get attacked by rednecks, cats and dogs, there are a generous amount of medkits scattered around, and you have your trusty sawed-off, so I don't believe that you need details on how to clear this one.

After you're done, it's time for our last mission of Sunday!
Sunday (cont.)
The Bridge

This is it. Our last obstacle before we can finally get out of this town. Let's do this.

You have your dog, sawed-off shotgun and my blessing, you can do this!

The bridge might seem intimidating at first, but trust me, you won't really find any difficulties there, just watch out when climbing these ladders because they can be a bit clunky, be sure to also use your manual save at the final boss arena, because there won't be any checkpoints throughout the mission.

The final boss is also a huge pushover, just shoot his floating heads with pistol or machine gun and then blast him with a few sawed-off shots, and he's dead. You can also use catnip to have easier time with hitting his floating heads, but otherwise, there's no need to use catnip during this fight.

After we beat the boss, our protagonist gets inside his trailer and rides away from this cursed town as our "fireworks" explode in the background.

Congratulations! You have completed A Week in Paradise on POSTAL difficulty! I salute you, good sir or ma'am.

Closing words
And that's the end of this guide! I spent more than several hours to write it, so I hope that it helped you beat the POSTAL difficulty, so the amount of effort that I put into this guide was worth it at the end! If I helped you, then make sure to leave a comment and rate my guide accordingly, I would appreciate it!

And to everybody that gave this guide an award during its WIP period, thank you. You didn't have to, but you still did. You're all awesome.

If you have any criticism about my guide, then by all means, let me know in the comments, I will try to reply back to it, whenever I can.
34 коментара
Talulah  [автор] 26 юли в 2:41 
Congratulations! So silly! You don't start being in hell until you try out Impossible difficulty!
Luigikaboy772 24 юли в 1:17 
i did it. . .
Luigikaboy772 24 юли в 0:16 
i'm in fucking hell
Corpse 1 юни в 13:30 
True! Thanks again for the guied.
Talulah  [автор] 20 май в 12:00 
That's the spirit! Keep trying until you succeed, so you can be proud of your "POSTAL God" title at the end of it! And then complete Impossible difficulty for more bragging rights!
Corpse 20 май в 11:16 
Honestly one of the hardest things to do in Postal, and even in gaming history. However, its still really fun to do, and to accomplish. I'm still trying! I'm not gonna be a sissy and lower population density either.
Grey Dragon 24 ноем. 2023 в 8:01 
Just gave it a try. It's... weird, but fun. But then you could say that about a lot of things in this game, like the catnip. Thanks!
Talulah  [автор] 23 ноем. 2023 в 21:30 
It refers to the "Power-Infused Gary's Autobiography" item. When you have enhanced mode enabled, it will start spawning during many Saturday and Sunday sections. The item is hard to miss since it burns with green fire when it's on the ground. When you use it, you gain powers similar to those of the final boss, where you're given the ability to shoot exploding Gary Coleman's heads and also have three heads orbit around you, which make you invincible until they are destroyed.
Grey Dragon 23 ноем. 2023 в 12:25 
I did eventually manage to complete "A Week in Paradise" on POSTAL difficulty and received a message saying on the endgame screen saying "a new item has unlocked in enhanced mode." I don't think I've seen it yet. Any idea what it is?
Siz 12 окт. 2023 в 17:53 
Lmao Thanks dude. imma wear that shit like a medal