

100 ratings
How to trade and not rage quit every single time when you realise that you are wasting so much time
Tired of wasting time while waiting 2 hours for one trader who will complain about anything and ruin your day further ?

Tired of DE wasting your time because they have to make another sh1tty update since 2019, and they refuse to even think about changing trading system for better?

Tired of using third party site to trade your worthless trash from your inventory for fluctuating prices every single minute ?

Tired of being scammed by idiots with rivens trying to squize every platinum they can from you ?

Well me too, but there is nothing we can do, only refuse to trade, but how we are gonna get that endgame fashion-frame huh ?

sometimes i wish i never played it.
also this is not a guide, hate me all u want idc i just wanna rot in the ground until i stop breathing.
There is no section
There is something more.
trading nowadays is so idiotic.
Someone sends you pm and if you won`t respond after 0,0001 sec they just ignore you. What is the point of such behaviour ?
I would also want to add that this trading system is so dumb and tedious.

I hate LostArk for many reasons but one thing they did right, and it was marketplace where trading was so handy and easy to use, without wasting too much time, and i wish that warframe had similar system.

I also had a beef with WF.marketplace after i changed the password and my old account was gone for some reason and moderators from wf.market on discord are just some kids who dont` know anything about what they are doing, and only complain that you bother them while they play some trash like terraria or sth. Using third party site to trade in game is also a very bad sign of poor trading system design. It hurts and annoys meso much that i wasted so much time in this game.

Why i played for so long ? And you may ask why i traded, well i had bloons opened in second window and when trader came i just alt tabbed.

I hate it that if you want to trade in warframe you have to waste so much time after work (in my case) or school for others."

PS. Im also collecting as much clown awards as possible honk honk, also i know ratio + L cope seethe etc etc
Some Sort of Ape 5 Oct, 2022 @ 2:19pm 
Is this truly the right place to gripe about this?
Woe 19 Jun, 2022 @ 4:51pm 
You tried
GUNDAM SOLZZ  [author] 17 Jun, 2022 @ 11:48pm 
Maybe, but i have a lot of different hobbies that keep me alive and i want to avoid idiotic activities like trading in warframe to save time to do something else, or make food, clean up the house or literally anything else and i think every normal human being would do the same
Aberrant Canine 17 Jun, 2022 @ 10:09pm 
You're kind of sad
Diavolo вестник аути 17 Jun, 2022 @ 8:39am 
пиздуй на русский сервер, там и цены лучше, и в большинстве своем люди приятнее
Phodka 16 Jun, 2022 @ 6:39am 
make something separate for asians texting with " **** "
GUNDAM SOLZZ  [author] 14 Jun, 2022 @ 7:53am 
few years ago it wasn`t that bad
Scrungles 14 Jun, 2022 @ 7:37am 
I agree the trading and community in this game is God awful
GUNDAM SOLZZ  [author] 8 Jun, 2022 @ 7:15am 
once i was pretty low on plat and i decided to sell one of my better rivens and sold it for around 400-ish plat and i bought some stuff i needed at the time and i was broke again, and few days later i had this situation that i was charged around 380 plat and i was lucky enough to get a discount to buy plat for like 5$ and I "payed the debt" that wasn`t even mine. At least I understood it this way when i was talking with support. It`s kinda fooked up that buyer leaves a penalty for a seller who grinded for item he was selling.

Instead of chilling out, you are stressed all time because you never know when you will get a ban and waste hundreds or thousands of hours, or someone will group report you, like wtf its only a game, and why people make so much stupid sh1t around it...
shin 7 Jun, 2022 @ 7:56pm 
@zoop if you charge back enough times on your card the company wont let you abuse it..