Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to Choose the Next Map for Everyone Else
By Cerisu ❤
With a few easy console commands, this guide will show you how to cast a vote for the next map when the map voting interface in Casual Mode stops working.
Enabling the Developer Console
To enter the commands found in this guide, you will first have to enable the game's developer console. Simply go to the options menu, and under the keyboard tab, select 'Advanced...' and then check the 'Enable developer console' box.

Click the OK button and press '~' on your keyboard to open the developer console, which should be next to the ESC key on most keyboard layouts. This is where you'll want to enter the commands found in this guide.
The Commands
Once you have opened the developer console, copy and enter the following commands into the prompt that appears.
  • bind "LEFTARROW" "next_map_vote 0"
  • bind "DOWNARROW" "next_map_vote 1"
  • bind "RIGHTARROW" "next_map_vote 2"
This will allow you to vote for the next map using your left, down, and right arrow keys, with the position of the key corresponding to the map of your choice.
Let's say you're finished with a match, and you want to play the map Snowycoast next. This popup appears at the top of your screen:

You can't click on any of the thumbnails to vote for a map, and neither can anyone else on the server. Normally, everyone would have to leave at this point, but using the commands found in this guide, you can bypass this bug and vote for a map directly. Since we wanted to choose the map Snowycoast in this example, we would press the right arrow key:

It's that simple; the next match will now take place on your desired map.

Since this trick is still obscure-ish, this allows you to have a great degree of control over your Casual Mode experience by letting you pick the map that everyone on the server plays at certain points. Please note that this is dependent on you being the only one on the server with this knowledge, and another person using the same commands will be able to vote for a different map.
Stalker-Strike 26 May @ 3:22am 
Is good!
guapc 24 Jun, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
chickeninthecorner 16 Jun, 2023 @ 6:38am 
vry nice
Squeezil 27 May, 2022 @ 11:05pm 
This guide changed my life, thank you.