V Rising

V Rising

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1.0 UPDATED* Correctly Editing your (Existing) Private Server Settings for V Rising
By o0Dread0o
In this guide I assist you in properly editing your (Existing) Private V Rising Server settings with great detail and ease!
1.0 Release Guide Update
Hi everyone. With the 1.0 release the way to edit private servers became a lot easier! I will say that the 2023 section is still very much 100% working, but it is not the best method anymore.

Step One

When in the main menu, simply navigate to Load game.

Once in the Load Game menu, click on your private save that you want to edit once and a menu will open up.

Once it is open simply hit Edit settings and change whatever settings you would like to change.

Step Two

Hello! This is an update to the guide for 2023 as the game had undergone many updates over the last year. This guide will help you to change your settings correctly and take you step by step to change any forgotten or unwanted settings.

Here is an updated YouTube video that I made on this subject aswell, if you do not feel like reading.

What you need to find and open.

In this section there are two files you need to find and open up.

File no. 1

Navigate to your V Rising install location in whatever drive your steam is installed in, additionally you can right click the game in your steam library, click properties and browse local files. typically here: SteamsteamappscommonVRising

In the install folder access VRising_Server. Once in that folder locate and open VrisingServer_Data and in that folder StreamingAssets and finally open the Settings folder.

In that folder are 4 files. The file you want to open is ServerGameSettings.json
You can open it with either Notepad or better if you have it, Visual Studio.

Do not edit this file. I have done extensive testing, and editing this file does nothing. From what I can determine, it is the default settings that you see in the menu when creating a new game. Leave this file open as we will need it in a minute!

File no. 2

Open V Rising and click on Continue, Select your Save and on the right you will see a button marked as 'Go To Directory'

Click Go To Directory, and now you should see all the auto saves for your world. We wont be touching those. Navigate to ServerGameSettings.json and open it, then go ahead and bring up the previous Settings.json you opened.

What to do with the settings files

PLEASE REMEMBER, Backup the file you are going to edit first! Some settings are temperamental and only go up in specific increments. If you set these wrong the save wont start and the values will need to be changed back or to their correct values. That said if you feel you can remember what you changed then proceed at your own risk without a backup.

Right, home stretch. Bring up the first ServerGameSettings.json (which, for simplicity, i will refer to it as "Settings 1") This should be easily told apart by the amount of settings in it.

Please Note:

Some settings will require you to take a further step. these include Vampire stat changes, Resource Yield and both Crafting and refinement speeds to name a few.

Vampire stat changes: will require you to recraft your equipped gear.

Resource Yield: will require you to first mine the existing resources from the zones you have already visited before updated resources with the new amount are spawned. Zones you have not been to yet should not be effected.

Crafting and refinement speeds/cost: Will only be updated by first destroying and replacing down the stations.

This Next section more or less hasn't changed from previously.

In this guide I will be using the clan size setting as the example, however this can be easily adapted to all the other settings.

Firstly look and see if the setting you want to change is already in your game saves ServerGameSettings.json file. if it is, simply change the clan size to between 2-10 as i believe 10 is the maximum and 2 the minimum and hit save.

If it is not there already simply go to to the "Settings 1" ServerGameSettings.json locate the setting you want to add and copy and paste it into your game saves ServerGameSettings.json.

Note: From my experience it makes no difference where you paste it, however if you want to paste it where i did you can use this image to do so.

Hit save and BOOM you have successfully edited your Private Server Save and now also know where to go to find the other settings which you can paste in to add other settings you may want.

Option 2

A simpler method is to also create a new private server, change the settings you want to change, start the server then back out to main menu, access your new servers file via 'Go To Directory', copy the ServerGameSettings file and then paste that settings file into your private server that you want to play on.

I hope this guide is helpful to you all and hope you have a nice day!
Special Case/Situational Setting Changes, Additional Steps To Take
NOTE For Vampire Specific Settings

Editing your vampire damage, HP and any other setting relating to your vampires stats will require you to re-craft the gear you are wearing for the change to take effect. This is because the gear determines these stats. If you notice that a vampire stat change is not working it is most likely that the stat is being provided by gear that was crafted before the change was made.

NOTE For Crafting/Smelter Specific Settings

Changing crafting times, crafting amounts and so on will more than likely require you to pick up and place down your crafting stations/smelters. If you notice that a change regarding these stations isn't working, try dismantling them and placing them back down again.

NOTE For Resource Amount Specific Settings

When changing the amounts that you get when farming resources around the world, take note that these changes will not affect resources that have already been spawned by the player being near. This means that for the new resource amounts to take effect, you will need to destroy the resources first and the newly re-spawned resources after will have the updated amounts.

This will not affect resources in parts of the map that you have not yet visited. Any regions you have not yet been in will spawn the new and correct resource amounts that you changed.
2022 GUIDE* Editing your Private Server Settings done right!
Hello and welcome, Private server settings have been somewhat of a bit of an endeavor for myself and I'm sure for many people. This being because maybe you want to change some obscure setting that you had no knowledge of in the beginning that only showed itself half way through. You go to try change the setting and find you cannot and have to restart, wasting weeks of work. A good example of this is a more common issue I'm sure which most looking for a guide like this probably face, which is clan size.

Clan size is one, my friends and I have had many issues with. More so him vs myself so I started dabbling with various settings and I shall now share how I changed the settings to my, and his liking.

Here is a youtube video I made on this subject aswell, if you do not feel like reading.

What you need to find and open.

In this section there are two files you need to find and open up.

File no. 1

Navigate to your V Rising install location in whatever drive your steam is installed in, additionally you can right click the game in your steam library, click properties and browse local files. typically here: SteamsteamappscommonVRising

In the install folder access VRising_Server. Once in that folder locate and open VrisingServer_Data and in that folder StreamingAssets and finally open the Settings folder.

In that folder are 4 files. The file you want to open is ServerGameSettings.json
You can open it with either Notepad or better if you have it, Visual Studio.

Do not edit this file. I have done extensive testing, and editing this file does nothing. From what I can determine, it is the default settings that you see in the menu when creating a new game. Leave this file open as we will need it in a minute!

File no. 2

Go to your search and type %appdata% and hit enter

Doing this will put you in the roaming file, however we do not want to be here. Hit the up arrow once to be taken back to the previous file in the chain.

After doing this click on the URL box and paste this into it at the end after AppData and hit enter. Note if it doesn't work, remove the v1 and try again. It could also be CloudSaves instead, so if it still does not work check that too.

LocalLowStunlock StudiosVRisingSavesv1

Assuming all goes well you now see either a folder or a few folders.

A suggestion I would give is to quickly go onto the game and into the world of the private server you want to edit, then once you do that simply exit to Main Menu. This will cause a save and update the time to your current date and time, which allows you to easily identify the folder you want. Once you do this, hit refresh to refresh the folders you are looking at and locate the one with the current date and closest time.

Open that folder and now you should see all the auto saves for your world. We wont be touching those. Scroll all the way down and open ServerGameSettings.json and go ahead and bring up the previous Settings.json you opened.

What to do with the settings files

PLEASE REMEMBER, Backup the file you are going to edit first! Some settings are temperamental and only go up in specific increments. If you set these wrong the save wont start and the values will need to be changed back or to their correct values. That said if you feel you can remember what you changed then proceed at your own risk without a backup.

Right, home stretch. Bring up the first ServerGameSettings.json (which, for simplicity, i will refer to it as "Settings 1") This should be easily told apart by the amount of settings in it.

In this guide I will be using the clan size setting as the example, however this can be easily adapted to all the other settings.

Firstly look and see if the setting you want to change is already in your game saves ServerGameSettings.json file. if it is, simply change the clan size to between 2-10 as i believe 10 is the maximum and 2 the minimum and hit save.

If it is not there already simply go to to the "Settings 1" ServerGameSettings.json locate the setting you want to add and copy and paste it into your game saves ServerGameSettings.json.

Note: From my experience it makes no difference where you paste it, however if you want to paste it where i did you can use this image to do so.

Hit save and BOOM you have successfully edited your Private Server Save and now also know where to go to find the other settings which you can paste in to add other settings you may want.

I hope this guide is helpful to you all and hope you have a nice day!
Aname Goeshere 13 Aug @ 6:31pm 
@o0Dread0o I'll give it a whirl, I just enjoyed pumping the sun damage to make it much more deadly -- always felt like that should be the #1 enemy, ha.
o0Dread0o  [author] 12 Aug @ 9:46pm 
You could attempt to add them manually using the 2023 guide method @Cryno and @Aname Goeshere. It may still be addable through that method if it does not show up in the new menu version.

Backup your file before editing it.
Kryno 10 Aug @ 12:18pm 
Right? I just want to play the game without having to worry about my vampire's blood draining, and then they take that away. Why?
Aname Goeshere 8 Jun @ 11:20pm 
Why did they take away allowing us to edit things like sun damage, enemy health/damage, etc?
o0Dread0o  [author] 17 May @ 12:51pm 
@Maggna 4Life

If you are looking to gain more resources faster, Might i Suggest looking into upping Servant Hunt resource multipliers. This will allow you to get high levels of loot for the shorter hunt times for some really nice resource boosts. I do this to make servant hunts worthwhile seeing as the timers pause when the server is off.
o0Dread0o  [author] 17 May @ 12:47pm 
@Maggna 4Life

With what you said in mind, Being that its a hard limit, I have tried on multiple occasions but there is unfortunately no way to push past them that I know of.
o0Dread0o  [author] 17 May @ 12:42pm 
So the settings that you can choose using the sliders when making a new private server are hard limits.Setting things higher than them will either not do anything or cause the server to not start.

Some settings also require you to go up in certain orders of numbers like 1, 3 ,5 ,7 etc for example. and choosing a number in between those will do something similar but that's not what is happening to you.
Maggna 4Life 17 May @ 7:09am 

So, after some more testing, and weird search terms, it seems like it's hard capped at 5. I'm not sure if there is any way to change that? But here are the 4 settings:

"DropTableModifier_General": 5.0,
"DropTableModifier_Missions": 5.0,
"MaterialYieldModifier_Global": 5.0,

"ResourceYieldModifier": 5.0,
o0Dread0o  [author] 17 May @ 12:34am 
If you can, please post exactly what settings you were attempting to change here.
o0Dread0o  [author] 17 May @ 12:33am 
@Maggna 4Life

Hi, I will have a look at this in a few hours when I get off work and get back to you on what I find.