Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

47 betyg
How to spot AFK bot
Av ؘ⁧⁧flapjack
Afk bots are currently plagueing every league, however there are also people impersonating them. In this guide I will tell you everything you need to know about them.
What are AFK bots?
They are exactly what they sound like, they're bots that only exist to AFK in matches.
They don't do anything else.
Why are they doing that + why people impersonate AFK bots?
Why are they doing that?
They're doing that to get ranks, most people get annoyed with them and just surrenders on spot, and eventually enough people surrenders to make them level up a rank, + they can do this 24/7 so no matter how long does it take, they'll rank up eventually.
And then the leveled up IP can be sold, or used by bot maker.

Why are people impersonating them?
Like mentioned above; people usually surrender on them, so if you see someone who looks like bot, there's high chance you will want to skip it, however, some people can treat afk bots like free wins, and that's where impersonating comes to play. Since afk bot does nothing, you just need to play one card, end your turn, and wait for your opponent to get timed out, (some bots also disconnect after a while). And while you play only one card bot impersonators are free to go through their entire combo unstopped, and destroy you.
How to spot AFK bots and impersonators
How to spot AFK bot:
Afk bots always have:
-Default icon
-Rescue Rabbit mate
-No cosmetic additions
-Name written in japaneese (usually short name)
-They always let you go first
-They always use one of stock decks, so they have no hand-traps
-5 Cards in extra deck
-They never leave draw phase (If they go second)

If any of these things isn't on place there's high chance you're going against impersonator.
How to defend against AFK impersonators
If you're the patient type and use bots for free wins, here's one simple method to defend against impersonators:
Just go along with your combo, if you're going against bot you'll be bound to lose few minutes anyway, however if you go agains impersonator, they may try to stop your combo, or they can even surrender on spot. Don't just settle with single card, play like you would normally.
And that's about it.
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18 kommentarer
diamondsteve201 6 jun, 2022 @ 16:41 
I have checked the decks of the bots and their all using the very first deck you get which has 5 Extra deck monsters. I just thought that was something to share
Hookshot 6 jun, 2022 @ 11:11 
never buy accounts in any games. its illegal and you will get scammed. they can litteraly just take your money and give you nothing in return. and you have no rights if it happens.:steamsalty:
META DADDY 5 jun, 2022 @ 20:34 
And I thought the bots are implemented by konami because there are no players in higher ranks, met about 9 bots today
Mask 3 jun, 2022 @ 13:38 
I watch videos while I'm facing those bots. Free rank ups for me not for them lol.
N3RZULS 1 jun, 2022 @ 5:50 
NEVER surrender ! just wait and you win :)
RealFknNito 31 maj, 2022 @ 13:08 
Name written in Japanese isn't necessary, running into plenty that match all this but the name is "fxcwgfdv"
theazureknight46 28 maj, 2022 @ 22:52 
I'm one of those people who can easily spot an end board of negates out the ass based on the decks I go up against, like Swordsoul, Eldlich stun, True Draco, Synchron, Thunder Dragon, Sky Striker, Heralds disguised as Drytron which is basically a generic LIGHT stun deck, some kind of WATER stun deck, some kind of Rock stun deck... so I just surrender to those decks because I know I'm not going to win but I won't give them the satisfaction of actually dropping my Life Points to 0...
Add 28 maj, 2022 @ 17:23 
Whenever i see a bot i think: "Yay, free gems". I just tab out and go watch some anime or stuff
☢☣ ButteryVengeance ☣☢ 28 maj, 2022 @ 16:50 
The pro of having 2 monitors. Just watch youtube while you wait.
𝙈𝙚𝙡𝙜𝙖 28 maj, 2022 @ 12:28 
I fought with a bot that was making some moves, usually drawing and skipping but this took more time than usual, It got stucked when I tried to use card destruction