DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition

DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition

57 평점
Definitive Tutorial How to work dark souls on Windows 8.1 Pro x64 / Hacer Funcionar DS en w8.1 Pro x64
Laeon 님이 작성
This tutorial is intended to help solve the errors that may occur dark soul 1, when run in win 8.1 pro 64bit and avoid a lot of headaches!
즐겨찾기 해제
First of all a warm greeting and I apologize beforehand if my English is not very good because my native language is Spanish, there is a lot of information about how to run the game, I posted this tutorial the January 4 2014 in the forum of dark souls. and as I observed that been very useful I decided to publish it in this way. It all started when I migrate to windows 8.1 and try to run the game! and discover it does not work, but did not give up, I spent about a week trying solutions that did not come to anything, until one day long testing the game work! and that was when I decided to publish every step that I made for the game to run with no problems, for you to spare you the headaches that can cause tried to work this blessed game and is that the game is not the problem if not the GFWL is malfunctioning in win 8.1. 64 bits.

Step by Step
Here's what I did:

Step 1) Uninstall "Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace" from Programs and Features

Step 2) Uninstall "Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable" from Programs and Features

Step 3) Reboot

Step 4) Download GFWL installer from here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/LIVE/PC/DownloadClient

Step 5) Right click the installer, properties, compatibility tab, set to compatibility for Windows 7. Apply and OK

Step 6) Right click the installer, run as admin. Hit next until it's installed.

Step 7) GFWL should prompt you to download and install the Windows Live Sign In Assistant. It will link you to an .MSI file that did absolutely nothing on my system. Instead, download the .exe installer from here and use Windows 7 compatibility mode on it:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26686

Note: At this point all the advice says the game should now be working and sign into Live. It doesn't. It's still ♥♥♥♥ed. Keep reading.

Step 8) Either uninstall/reinstall Dark Souls, or verify cache through steam. This forces the Live redist to re-run for DS which will, I'm guessing, pick up the new GFWL/sign in assistant/whatever and start working.

Step 9) In the folder game, Right click the DARKSOULS.exe, properties, compatibility tab, set to run this program as admin.

Step Optional) if you are using the "dsfix" is recommended to enable: skipIntro 1

Step 10) Run Dark Souls. GFWL doesn't need to be running or signed in prior. Once the game loads, the windows live sign in should drop down from the top and ask you to sign in (just like a game on an xbox would).

Hope this helps someone who was having the same problems and save you get anger. XD... NOW, if you did all the above steps and it still does not work the game because of GFWL, could try to give administrator privileges to do this go to the following directory: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE \ Client " then In the folder the GFWL, Right click the GFWLive.exe, properties, compatibility tab, set to run this program as admin. if after all these solutions is still not working, I recommend you follow this great guide. that will help further in the matter on GFWL. Thanks.
Never buying a GFWL game again.

Version Español
Saludos mi gente esta guia la publique hace ya un tiempo en los foros del dark souls con la intencion de resolver el problemita que no arranca dark souls en este bendito sistema operativo, y como veo que aun es de utilidad para muchos decidi publicarla por este medio, debido a que existe mucha informacion al respecto pero ninguna funciona debidamente, en cambio puedo asegurar que siguiendo cada uno de mis pasos lograras hacer funcionar el juego sin ningun inconveniente.

Paso 1) Desinstalar "Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace" de Programas y características.

Paso 2) Desinstalar "Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE redistribuible" desde Programas y características.

Paso 3) Reiniciar la PC.

Paso 4) Descargar instalador GFWL desde aquí: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/LIVE/PC/DownloadClient

Paso 5) Haga clic derecho en el instalador, propiedades, en la ficha compatibilidad, ajuste a la compatibilidad para Windows 7. Aplicar y Aceptar

Paso 6) Haga clic derecho en el instalador, ejecutar como administrador. Pulse Siguiente hasta que se haya instalado.

Paso 7) GFWL deberá pedirle que descargue e instale el Windows Live Iniciar Assistant. Le enlazara a un archivo ".MSI" Que no hizo absolutamente nada en mi sistema. En su lugar, descargue el instalador ".exe" de aquí Http:/www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26686 y utilizar el modo de compatibilidad de Windows 7 en él.

Nota: En este punto, segun en foros anteriores el juego deberia correr sin problema, en mi caso no fue asi, por lo que tuve que hacer lo siguiente:

Paso 8) Desinstalar/Reinstalar Dark Souls o verificar caché a través de Steam. Esto obliga al Redist del live para volver a reinstalarse para DS.

Paso 9) En el directorio del juego, Haga clic derecho en el ejecutable DARKSOULS.exe, propiedades, en la ficha compatibilidad, tilde ejecutar este programa como administrador. Aplicar y Aceptar

Paso Opciconal) Si estas usando el DSFIX es recomendable activar skipIntro 1.

Paso 10) Run Dark Souls. GFWL no necesita estar en ejecución. Una vez que se carga el juego, el Windows Live sesión debe caer por debajo de la parte superior y le pedirá su cuenta.

Espero que esto ayude a alguien que esté teniendo los mismos problemas y ahorrarle la rabia que tuve al intentar hacer funcionar este juego... AHORA si has realizado todos mis pasos y aun no te arranca el juego debido al GFWL, podrias intentar darle privilegio de administrador, para ello ir a su directorio C: \ Archivos de Programa (x86) \ Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE \ Client " Haga clic derecho en el ejecutable GFWLive.exe, propiedades, en la ficha compatibilidad, tilde ejecutar este programa como administrador, Aplicar y Aceptar. Solo le tocara ejecutar nuevamente el juego. Si despues de todas estas soluciones sigue sin funcionar, Les recomiendo que sigan esta guia, aunque esta en ingles es muy entendible y puede que les ayuden a solventar de una vez por todas el problema con GFWL en general. Gracias.

Lección aprendida: nunca comprar un juego GFWL de nuevo.

댓글 28
Pudim de Leite 2015년 12월 23일 오전 9시 14분 
thanks for the help!
Laeon  [작성자] 2014년 10월 22일 오후 5시 02분 
a greeting! if you follow every detail of the guide is quite possible that it will solve the problem, as many of us. ;-)
Blackknight9943 2014년 10월 22일 오후 1시 28분 
Hello! Yesterday I purchased the game but i can't play it, i start the game suddenly the game stops, it is not possible play it?
GriG 2014년 10월 8일 오후 12시 51분 
thx bro!
Laeon  [작성자] 2014년 8월 17일 오전 9시 40분 
hahahaha thanks for the title RussianFlame xD I'm glad that the guide will run you. Greetings.
Assfoot 2014년 8월 17일 오전 9시 00분 
This is the only fucking guide on the WHOLE internet that I've found that acutally fucking worked :smile: You, sir, now and forever shall be know as "King Big Dick".
Laeon  [작성자] 2014년 8월 8일 오전 10시 39분 
you welcome matthiasorth67, always made to order. ;-)
Laeon  [작성자] 2014년 8월 8일 오전 10시 39분 
Do not worry Dr. Arschko Med, because, help the community is what counts. even your tutorial is very good because it focuses only GFWL overall. so if you do not mind, I will attach as a reference to my guide, for those who have failed solvertar this fault with my assistance and my guide and they can try to test your guide, even if you want to translate your guide to Spanish you can count on my help. greetings..
matthiasorth67 2014년 8월 7일 오전 8시 41분 
Great Tutorial! Thank you so much for it :-)
PROkrastinator 2014년 8월 7일 오전 4시 26분 
Hey, i have linked this one in my own guide:
If you disagree please send me a message.