Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

POI 10 - Blood God Cult
Blueprint: POI Base
Custom: Terrain Base
標籤: Blueprint
146.517 KB
2022 年 5 月 22 日 上午 12:56
2022 年 5 月 22 日 上午 2:33
2 項更新註記 (檢視)

POI 10 - Blood God Cult

在 sulusdacor 的 2 個收藏中
100 個項目
Everything? - EVERYTHING
380 個項目
A survey on Zeta V has shown an anomaly in the sky. The scans show a high psico-garrel concentration that reads on the upper end of the Van-Dusen scale. What excatly this means still needs to be determined.

Upon visual confirmation of the site the anomaly appears to be a red floating and moving ball like object, almost like it is alive. The location itself has been taken by a native cult calling themself "Blood God Cult". They claim the object is as the name suggests - blood from a god. Due to the cults presence we are prevented from taken samples and can neither deny nor confirm this statement at the time.

If the substance is indeed blood a small spatial rift would explain its presence. Therefor required would be a planetsize being to fuel it's existence, since the object appears to be constantly losing mass. Such a being could be "called godlike" by the native minds for a reason and would be a massive discovery in galactic research. Althrough intriguing to the scientific mind, it seems highly unlikely that this is the case. Another more logical explanation could be a chemical altered liquid giving it the distinct color. The constant flow still remains a mystery either way.

Until samples can be taken and maybe even the depth of the ritual site can be explored further scans will not bring more clarity to the mystery. Our current recommendation is to send in a specialist to either negotiate or dispatch of the cult entirely to gain acess to the anomaly and research it further.

Survey Division D.N.Y.

(i made the above blurp up after the build. it's really just a poi, but on the other hand could also be a quest=send to negotiate, fail obviously, because cult=crazy, so do the poi)

{not many pictures, because SPOILERS. most things below are spoiler too, so be warned}

ways to get into the lower level:
(since all are a bit hidden, some more others less so.)
1st way down:
that the blood from the small streams needs to go somewhere or not?
one of the four smaller blood pools can be jumped into and slide down to lower level.it has a blinking light.
2nd way down:
bathe in blood below the moon.(or whatever daytime it is)
check the outside wall in the middle blood pool.the double thin blocks below the pillars, one has a an opening behind the thin blocks in the floor. you can jump into that spot while pressing crouch when jumping, requires a bit of the right timeing.
3rd way down:
oh boy - do snakes love symmetrie :D
in one corner is a snake that is not a mirror/symmetric, in front is a small crack in the floor to drop into.
additional 3rd way spoiler (in case you are stuck there)
the shove trap with the blastdoors/pisten: it is nearly impossible to run straight through. when a blastdoor pushes you off you have to walk/move against the direction the blastdoor is shoving you, like you are pushing back. this way you can stay on the small ledge the walkway has even when the blastdoor is fully extended. or you can just cheese it and jetpack up at the last one.
crouch labyrinth: just crouch through, nothing to it really. this is a pretty straight forward labyrinth. no tricks here, just hug one side and you should get through, even has loot ;)

the core behind the blast door at the front of the snake. there is a ladder in the ring to the front of the snake, get up there to shoot the core. to open the blast door there is a lever on a similar spot on the ring behind the snake, basically opposite spot of the ring on the ceiling.

additional notes
very short due to character limit:
-turn OFF the 3 BOOM motion sensores when working on the POI, because explosions
-enemy selection on purpose, no horrors because not specifially sacrifice and if sacrifice then not zombies necessarily. mainly assasinRED+scorpion, bug03 because only ranged monster type
-loot/difficulty: you will get the title "exterminator"^^, serious: found it okay, but i build it and the monster type enemies i rate in general "a bit easier" + needs AOE weapons - as always judge for yourself.
-ring has talon NPC as potential questgiver/dialogue option

Shaman at the ring inside on top
-normal:in big floating blood ball above poi, entrance at top
-normal:upper ground level, open airvent over one of the main entrances
-normal:outside roof top, in one of the pointy wings on top the roof, inside wall has an opening, needs crouch
-rare: upper groundlevel, inside ring, at one of the snakes is the outside border open, you can climb into the overhanging ledge, follow vent to the end, has a trap with scorpion
-normal: upper ground level, ceiling lamp thingy at the top, can jump from broken inside wall/ledge to that one
-normal: ground level, outside wall blood fountain, open to top, small vent
-normal: ground level, behind+below one of the snakes on the outside wall
-rare: end of broken wall at ground level, in outside wall, vent system, has scorpion fall trap
-ultra rare: boss room next to core
-very rare: boos room in snake mouth, acess from top of snake head
-rare:lower level in connection broken wall section, small vent with scorpion, needs crouch
-very rare:lower level to upper level connection in the blood, 1st way down near the bottom there
-normal:in secondary path to lower level from central blood pool side in the small blood pool room below
-rare:behind one of the ballista at lower level, first room where "floor is lava", to see/get the balista you have to trigger the trap
-normal:instead of a snake on a pedastal in lower level second room where "floor is lava"
-rare:secret level before first room with "lava floor" lower level,pillar back side
-normal:ground level, in corner, behind broken wall fresco
-rare:lower level 2nd route down in hallway brokwn wall thing, needs crouch
-ultra rare: lower level, "dart trap" with scorpion, outside wall, secound block vent has trap door, needs crouch, furthest thin block to the left from where you come
-very rare: cistern to boss room, on the way down first vent on opposite wall has secret, needs crouch
-very rare: snake lever secret next to boss room
-rare:boss room broken side room dead end, at ceiling part half block
-normal:lower level, scorpion hive
-normal:3rd way down in spider spawner airvent with the high respawn
-normal:3rd way down in crouch labyrinth
2 ultra
4 very
7 rare
12 normal

in case my direction above do not make sense:
upper level = where talon are, aka friendly area
ground level = first enemies area, the first pit you get into with no way back up and try like a lunatic to stay alive^^, below the shaman
lower level = the level with the red kristall and the rest of the rooms
boss level = the lowest level where the big block build snake is
floor is lava room = first room with the ballistas in the wall
cisterne = the way down to the boss room with ballistas in the ceiling
dart trap = the maw type thing before the cisterne

Feel free to upload/modify/update/... my builds how you like and upload them to the workshop, i don't mind at all (includes older builds on the workshop too + stuff in my dropbox empyrion folder[www.dropbox.com]).
Concering linking/credits: do as you like, i don't care.

youtubes(currently inactive)
sulusdacor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbd1yXzRtoRkVTD1Xuli4g
(somewhat more "polished" stuff, emphasis on somewhat ;) )
sulusdacor-archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOU7L1tB8wUAYLjjTy0waQ
(just me building stuff, mostly without sound)
4 則留言
JaytheOstrich 2023 年 9 月 17 日 下午 3:23 
Quite a hard frustrating POI, kudos for the design.
Narayan 2022 年 5 月 27 日 下午 9:04 
Yes, it's interesting. If you still do poi, I can add them from my scenario. (RE Atlantis)
sulusdacor  [作者] 2022 年 5 月 27 日 下午 1:04 
thx, glad you like it. my goal was to have something for the player to interact, since i think these things usually make a poi more interesting.
Narayan 2022 年 5 月 27 日 下午 12:49 
a good idea with lasers