Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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[HALO] UNSC Mk III (M1) Jungle Cyclops
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Type: Blueprint
1.124 MB
19.5.2022 klo 20.05
1.8.2022 klo 15.19
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )
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[HALO] UNSC Mk III (M1) Jungle Cyclops

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Eternal Colossus
Eternal Colossus HALO Builds
34 luomusta
The Jungle Cyclops is a specialised variant of the Cyclops designed for tropical operations. It carries a wrist-mounted pile driver to help crush obstructing foliage.

No Mods. Works in Survival but meant for Creative.

Check out my workshop for the other Cyclops variants!

If you like this, check out my Discord and other Steam creations for more!


WASD: Move forward, backwards, left and right
C: Crouch
Space Bar: Jump (if thrusters are added)
Hold Q and E: Balance Mech while walking (i.e. when walking on sloped surfaces)
Mouse Movement: Move arms up, down, left and right

Page 1
1: Open/Close Canopy
2: Flip On/Off
3: Spotlights On/Off
4: Extend Piledriver
5: Turn On Jackhammer (push 4 first)
6: Turn Off Jackhammer
7: Waist Turn On/Off
8: Lock Arms On/Off

Page 2
1: Autolock Feet On/Off
2: Lock Feet
3: Unlock Feet