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Mod is now playable for Nemesis #1 with some features partially updated.

After two years WARNO has finally came out of Early Access. While it's nice to see Eugen picking up the pace, due to the sheer amount of stuff this mod modifies I've yet to figure out a way to efficiently keep this mod updated. As of now, I haven't finished updating this mod to Nemesis #1 yet, but the basic features are here and I think it might be interesting enough for some people to try it out.
Things that I am still working on, sorted by priority.
  1. Logistics overhaul.(Half-done)(Costs are accurate now but resupply rate is way too high. I couldn't adjust resupply rate now or game tends to crash)
  2. Realistic unit speed.(Done, except for helicopters)
  3. Unit stealth stats balance pass. Currently some vehicles have "good" stealth that they really shouldn't have. I am working on making them only gain such stealth when stationary.
  4. Weapon RoF stats and basic balance pass.
  5. AOE adjustment for AAA pieces.
  6. Recapturable equipment.
  7. Unit evasion. (Basically a ECM stats that's based on unit size.)
  8. Defensive buff for attackers. (Basically a ECM stats that's based on unit speed.)
  9. An adjusted AI strategy that suits this mod.

This is a gameplay total overrhaul mod
WARNO'90 aims to eliminate the magical phenomenon called "Eugen verse" in order to achieve more realism while retaining some fun factors.

Beware, mod is still under development.

  1. Modified Scaling. Now what looks like 1 meter, is 1 meter. (TinitialisationGameDistansceUnits.ndf-LBUToGRUConversionFactor = 1.0). All range are now to scale of game world.
  2. More realistic unit speeds. (Not yet updated to Nemesis #1).
  3. Overhauled logistics. Supply cost now better reflects weight & size)(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1).
  4. Eliminated some magics:
    • Flamethrower Obr.2077. Now infantry flamer shoot 50m, vehicle flamer shoot 100m
    • The super soldier with bear arms. TNT now throws at 30m
  5. Readjusted all weapon range to fit the new scale.
    • Infantry fight around 300m
    • IFV around 1000m
    • MBT around 1300
    • Increased front armor determination angle(60=>75)This was done mainly for gameplay reason as the AI can't quite handle Armor facing very well.
    • reduced rear armor determination angle(120=>90)
    • Realistic speed and Acceleration for missiles
  6. Overhauled Air-to-air and Land-to-air interactions.
    • Increased flight altitude for all Aerial units(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1)(Might not be implemented again as it sometimes messes up Airplane AI.)
    • Massively increased Air-to-air and Land-to-air combat range.
    • Better differentiation between AA systems. Missiles now shoot much further than AAA
    • Infantry can now shoot rockets at helicopters in the air. (80m range)
  7. Massively increased HE blast radius for all explosives. They are now more authentic.
    • ~2x for Arty, ~6x for Bombs
    • "But this is too much!" Not really, considering vanilla bombs are worse than a 81mm mortar shell. And shells cost much more than vanilla.(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1)
  8. Reduced Stealth malus for some weapons
    • Modified ATGM firing signature.(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1)
    • Smaller stealth penalty for suppressed weapons. Allowing them to fire closer and longer without getting spotted.
  9. Modified vision penalty through forest. Say bye bye to vanilla tree lines that doesn't block vision.
  10. Bigger stealth difference between vehicles and infantry.(Not yet fully updated to Nemesis #1, pending adjustment.)
  11. Heavier terrain penalty for vehicles in forests.
  12. Gave back the co-axial mgs stolen by Eugen back to Soviet MBTs and BMP3.(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1)(Might be officially fixed by Eugen).
  13. More score options for those who want a long grind.
  14. Destruction mode. (No longer implemented as Official destruction mode is here.)

Maybe in the future
  1. Pricing overhaul to match units with their performance.
  2. Refined AP falloff and Recon.
  3. More realistic unit stats
  4. ADS, thermals. BIG Maybe tho.

known issues
  1. Some planes might have weird behavior during CAS. Please leave a comment if you encounter such problem.(Not yet updated to Nemesis #1)
  2. Arty cant shoot targets close.Fixed.
  3. Increased combat range and vision range might cause the game to slow down. Please notify me if you experience performance hit.
  4. LOS tool doesn't quite perfectly work. Trust your eyes to determine where the vision is blocked.
  5. AGM114A unable to properly hit targetsFixed
  6. Scoreboard is missing for Destruction modeFixed (No longer applicable).
  7. Some missile launchers crash the game upon launching or resupply. As of now, avoid using (Smerch, Chapparal, Towed-SAM). This is likely a bug on Eugen's end.

Some common questions
  1. Why not 1:1 range for all weapons?
    Because WARNO maps are flat and small. Getting sniped from a tiny gap between trees 3KM away isn't fun, plus AA that covers the entire map.
  2. Something is ahistorical/too strong/too weak.
    Because I have limited knowledge, please leave a supported claim and I will fix.

Credits and Thanks

Have Fun!
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Komentarzy: 499
RawTomato137 13 września o 8:22 
any progress on the update?
yololejoueur 9 września o 17:56 
no worry mate for the mod u created u deserve all the time u need
穿高领毛衣做完美人妻 9 września o 0:23 
可以增加伤害更加真实的修改吗 比如-被击穿就会收到严重伤害乃至致命伤害-步兵队列被坦克命中死亡人数会更多,而不是只死一个
ruojility  [autor] 8 września o 17:49 
@Toton Nejix
Hi, sorry for the delay. I've completed update for units, but not for weapons.
Sorry for the slow progress. My grandma got severely ill and hospitalized last week, so I've got not much time for the mod.
Tonton Nejix 6 września o 18:54 
Hi dev, what is the update status?
ruojility  [autor] 31 sierpnia o 7:18 
M110_ICEY 31 sierpnia o 5:02 
Tonton Nejix 28 sierpnia o 0:37 
oh okay I see... that sucks :(
ruojility  [autor] 27 sierpnia o 19:29 
@Tonton Nejix
Long story short: Eugen's modding tool only offers the most basic functionalities.
That means each official update is going to be conflicting with existing modded files. Modders have to manually take care of the conflicts. Sometimes, when Eugen release functional changes the entire mod has to be rewritten.
Tonton Nejix 27 sierpnia o 17:39 
Hey dev, thanks for the great mod. Any idea why updating mods take so long with Eugen games? Almost every single mod on SD2 or Warno is oudated and I can't figure why?