Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3

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Resident Evil 3 Remake Hardcore S rank guide
Af Diamond Girls
Hello everyone. This guide can help you achieve the time requirements for S Rank on Hardcore Difficulty on Resident Evil 3 Remake. As with my other guides, this might be updated once in a while.
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01. Getting Started
I wrote this guide in December 2020. If you are wondering why my achievements aren't complete on my Steam account, I already beat this game before. For costume mod, I used RE Revelations 1 Jill Diver costume. This guide doesn't include the use of shop items and infinite ammo.

1. Here is the whole video of this run:

2. Guide's playlist:

3. To practice perfect dodge, here is my video actually doing it:

Why guide on Hardcore? Simply because it's hard to beat this time requirements at first attempts. Even in RE2 remake, the 2 hour requirement is quite hard, so I figured make a guide for it.

In order to get the time requirements for it, I personally recommend to skip some sections below so u can save time:

1. Don't get the 1st pistol (for Jill) and assault rifle (for Carlos) scope upgrade.
2. After getting the bolt cutter, don't go back to get the shotgun prior to Drain Deimos section.
3. Don't get the other two jewelry boxes.
4, Before Hospital Siege, don't get items on the room (on your way to get the cassette tape) to get the items.
5. After Hospital Siege section, when u get control of Jill again, don't bother to pick up the magnum and other items.

Skipping the above sections will definitely help you save time. Also it will be mentioned again in our next videos when we tackle those sections again.

When to save:

You can actually skip saving and resort to autosave (since on Hardcore, there is autosave feature unlike in RE2 remake). However, I strongly recommend to save (max of 5 saves to achieve S rank) so that when u messed up and autosave can't brought u back to the section u want to get back, then u can load the manual save u made and that will spare u from doing the run all over again.

I recommend the following sections for manual save:

1. Right after the cutscene (where Carlo send u upstairs for your 1st mission).
2. Before 1st boss fight
3. Before 2nd boss fight
4. Before zombie siege section and
5. Before 3rd boss fight

For number 1 above, u can choose to save before the Drain Deimos section, but personally I just hate doing cutscenes again if I messed up so I just choose to save on the 1st save room available.

If u get killed:

Reload the save twice or load the save once if u choose continue, one or the other. This will prevent the game from adding up the time prior to your death.

Some time stamps you want to check to ensure you meet the time requirements for Hardcore S rank:

1. Drain Deimos section - 15 mins (after the cutscene)
2. Hunter Gamma section - 25 mins (after you escaped from Nemesis)
3. Carlos RPD section - 40 mins (after opening the shutter)
4. After hospital zombie siege - 1 hr and 10 mins (after Jill woke up)
5. 2nd to the last boss fight - 1 hr and 30 mins (after u manually saved)

That being said, 15 mins is enough time to beat the last two bosses form, as well as Nikolai hostage taking part.

If u didn't meet any of the time stamps u might want to repeat the previous sections thru autosave or manual save.
Now for this section, doing perfect dodge is not mandatory, but will definitely help u until final boss fight, so I strongly recommend to practice on the 1st zombie you encounter. Then for next zombie on the ground, u got to run on your right then turn left in order to avoid his lunge. The next 3 zombies is quite tricky but manageable. Just make a wide circle around (it's doable) and do perfect dodge if necessary. Now for the next zombies going to Donut Shop (where u skip getting the 1st pistol upgrade, u don't need it really), shoot the generator to stun zombies and perfect dodge if u see one zombie getting in your way.

On your way to rail way office to pick up the fire hose, you can kill two zombies by shooting the gas barrel and kill the only one zombie inside the rail way office. On dealing with dogs, make sure u hit the 1st dog then shoot the generator to stun both dogs and kill them. I messed up at this section so do as I say, not as I do.

Then on your way to power station, u have to perfect dodge two zombies, unfortunately. You can shoot them, but wasting ammo is not recommended. You want to save those for the Drain Deimos section later. Now you grab the hip pouch and proceed to the Drain Deimos section.

Now this is the video guide for the 1st part of the walk-through:
02. Drain Deimos section
This section is one of the most annoying part of the game, at least at first few runs. But lately I already loved this part coz I somehow managed to form my own tactics when dealing with them

As you can see, we don't have shotgun on this section so we have to rely on pistol. You should have at least 15 bullets before entering this section and the game will also give u another box of bullets upstairs.

So here's what to do:

1. Turn left and shoot the generator to kill one Drain Deimos
2. Turn right and right again to open the 1st breaker
3. Make sure there are no Deimos around when u fully open the breaker. Otherwise, half open it and turn around to check if there are Deimos around or going towards u. If not then proceed, if yes then kill them.
4. If they managed to get near to u, and u have no shotgun, dodge to avoid them and go back again to breaker. Kill them if they are a little bit far away from u. Rinse and repeat.
5. After that then turn left, and towards u. Open the 2nd breaker, and go to the middle to open the 3rd and last breaker. You have to get upstairs to go to the last breaker.
6. After u managed to open all breakers, Jill will say "done" and u need to go back upstairs again and turn right then right then right until u find the door way out. Make sure to dodge the Deimos and shoot generators if necessary.
Video guide for this section:
03. 1st Nemesis Encounter
This section is pretty straight forward unlike in the Nightmare mode. After u saw Nemesis, just run and don't stop. Don't do manual dodge either (by pressing space or dodge button) coz it will only slow u down. Just run. And when u get passed the generator, stop and turn around and u can see Nemesis walking towards u. Shoot the generator and Nemesis will get stunned. Turn right and u will see two zombies. Try to perfect dodge the female zombie and hurry to the door. Nemesis wont hit u if u make it fast.

Fortunately, the above tactics are consistent. Sometimes Nemesis will charge in front of u instead, but u can still shoot the generator so don't worry. As long as u continue to run, he can't hit u. You don't even need to do a perfect dodge on him.

Video guide for this section:
04. 2nd Nemesis Encounter
Don't forget the bolt-cutter before doing this section if u want to grab the shotgun. Otherwise, u will have to reload save again. If u dont want to grab the shotgun (but I recommend that u do, so u dont have to perfect dodge zombies anymore), the game will give u the shotgun and grenade launchers before the 2nd boss fight.
After u open the gate, turn left to make Nemesis spawn on that direction. Be careful though not to agro the zombies as u will have a hard time shooting Nemesis. The few steps back and shoot the barrel when Nemmy is near it. He will get stunned and get the 2nd pistol upgrade (remember, u didn't get the 1st upgrade which is fine.)

Then turn right and run towards the Donut Shop and exit the door after u get inside it. Go to the rail way office. Make sure to perfect dodge the two zombies. If they bite u, it will give enough time for Nemmy to catch up and he will hit u. If that happened, do you best to perfect dodge him as well. But to make it consistent, perfect dodge the two zombies. Load autosave if Nemmy managed to catch up. Or use herbs if u managed to survived after get bitten.

Now u managed to get inside, grab the shotguns and other goodies there, and proceed to other room to solve the route puzzle as follows:

RE-FA-RA-SA-FO / 01-02-03-02-01

Video guide for this section:
05. 3rd Nemesis Encounter
Now u solved the train puzzle, u have to go back to Carlos now. Upon exit u will see a tentacle zombie. The best way to managed them is to shoot their feet with your shotgun and they will fall to the ground, giving u opportunity to shoot them in the head. Then kill the zombie on the door exit.

Now go to Donut Shop, u dont have to kill zombies there, go to the save room, prepare the best u can and make sure u have 1 grenade and pistol equipped. Open the door near the save room and u will see cutscene. After that, Nemmy is walking towards u, shoot the generator on your left, and he will get stunned. Throw a grenade into him and u will get 3rd pistol upgrade. I dont personally bother to get it coz it's no use as u dont have to kill Lickers anyway.

Then hurry back to the right and return to Carlos. You will see female zombie, shoot her with your shotgun and another police zombie on your way. Last one is one zombie transforming into tentacle zombie, make sure u press dodge button as u get close to the shutter to avoid his tentacle.

Now put the jewelry u get and get one grenade. Grenades are important in next Nemesis boss battle.

Video guide for this section:
06. 4th Nemesis Encounter
After u meet Carlos, Nemesis will show up again. This time, just run continuously, don't bother to get the 1st aid spray on your way. It's not worth it if Nemmy will hit u. Just continue run and u will hear his punch but trust me he wont hit u. Don't dodge, u don't need to perfectly dodge him. Just run.

Upon entering the door, turn right and left and go near the barrel, make sure Nemmy sees u. Then go back and shoot the barrel. He will get stunned again and give u a box containing shotgun shells. Get it.

Alternative tactics:

If you dont want to get the shotgun shells, then going back to the start of this section, try to shoot the generator so Nemmy will get stunned. Then hurry to the tunnel and mash action button to open the cover. Nemmy will get near u but too late to catch u.

Video guide for this section:
07. Hunter Gamma Section
This section is as long as the boss fight (but easy nonetheless) so I will just laid down the tactics for each Hunter Gamma:

1. 1st Hunter Gamma, the moment he jump into the ground, throw a grenade. Makes sure u are far enough not to stun u when he dropped the ground. Don't worry though, grenade wont damage u. Then shoot him with pistols until he is dead.
2. The next one and the others can be easily killed when one flame rounds once u get the grenade launcher. Make sure u shoot him while his mouth is widely open to ensure damage.
3. The last one upstairs should be easy too. Others wont kill it but I recommend u kill him as well.

That's all about Hunter Gammas. The easiest section in my opinion.

Video guide for this section:
08. 1st Boss Fight Nemesis
Beating this boss is pretty simple. The recipe in cooking the sh*t out of Nemesis on Hardcore 1st boss fight:

1. Two grenades
2. Five explosive grenades
3. One handgun or shotgun bullet (for generator)

First off, let Nemmy finish firing the flames. You can still wait two times for him to finish, in case u need to pick up more items, like what I did in this run. After that, make sure you go to his back, fire 3 shots of explosive grenades, the second will stun him. Then throw 1 grenade on him and his gas tank will explode.

After that, lure him near the generator and shoot it when Nemmy is near it, and he will get stunned. Now is your chance to throw another grenade then shoot him two more explosive rounds. Then he will be killed (for now). Enjoy the epic cutscenes of Jill falling from 10th story bldg down to the ground.

Note, in the 1st step while shooting him 3 explosive rounds, throwing grenade is a little bit tricky. You might want to make sure he wont dodge it so throw the grenade right after u fire 3 explosive rounds. If u feel he will run after u, don't throw the grenade yet and run away from him, then stop when u see him firing the flame thrower again. Now is your chance to throw your 1st grenade. This happens with certain RNG in this boss fight that's why u want to save before this.

Video guide for this section:
09. 5th Nemesis Encounter
This is the rocket section of Nemesis encounter. This is quite hard so pay attention. You will be needing a shotgun on this part so better make sure u equipped it.

First, turn to your left side, then turn right to avoid the rocket. You can also start with right then turn left. The idea is to evade is rockets like raindrops.

On your way you will see a zombie getting in your way, but he is back-turned so don't worry about it. Shoot his feet with your shotgun, then turn right quickly, press dodge to avoid the rocket. Now while running u will see Nemmy's body and he is going to punch u hard, so press dodge to do a perfect dodge and u will be safe. Same procedure afterwards. Turn left-right-left to avoid another set of rockets then turn left. Don't mind the tentacle zombies on your right. Then after the next cutscene, this time, instead of usual turning, press dodge manually to avoid rocket. This is because I found out that if you do previous tactics it wont work perfectly coz he is on top of the cars. After that next section is avoiding Charlie Head statue.

Tips on avoiding the head:

Don't press dodge coz it will only slow u down. Just run on whatever side u choose as long as it is continuously. Then manually dodge towards your right side to ensure the head wont hit u. This is consistent don't worry.

Then run to go back to the stairs towards Carlos meeting up, and when Nemmy spawned, turn back on him so he wont charge on you (he will fire rockets instead) then dodge the rockets, and hurry up to the gate then make sure u look up (to beat RNG) to avoid him spawning in front of you. After u get inside the gate you will be safe and another epic cutscene will follow (my personal favorite, that's why I didn't skip it lol).

Video guide for this section:
10. Carlos RPD Section
This one is very long section and not simple. Your objective is to reach STARS office as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that there are bunch of zombies in this section.

Right after you pick up the flash grenade in the Operations Room, you will encounter seven zombies there (one is still asleep). I recommend based on my experience that using the flash grenade is ideal and kill them later than killing them right off the bat. This is at a cost of not picking up the scope upgrade for the assault rifle. But as I mentioned on the 1st video, u might want to skip this upgrade to save time and trust me, u can still survive without it.

So back on the zombies, after they got stunned, make haze to 3rd floor to get the key to pick up the battery for the detonator. If u are using auto save to load after u messed up, I recommend to pick the key after u killed the two zombies on your way up, and picking up some ammo if u want. This is so to prevent picking them up again after u load your autosave.

Now going down back to the storage room where u need to get the battery, while near the stair, lure the zombies towards you and shoot them with your assault rifle. This wont agro the Licker (yes, there is a licker on the left side in front of storage room. There are five zombies you need to kill (as opposed to 7 zombies if u decide to kill them previously). After u killed all of the zombies, don't bother to get the scope upgrade (coz of the Lickers). Just hurry to the storage room, get the items and the battery, and kill the zombie lying on the ground and also punch Brad who will get in your way our (or kill him if u want. I recommend to punch him to save few seconds).

Then after u walk outside of storage room, just walk because there is Licker. On 2nd floor, after detonating the C4, u will encounter more zombies. Throw your 2nd flash grenade and just hurry to get outside but before that, u need to time your punch on the zombie entering the door. Press punch button (dodge for Jill) right after the zombie opened the door and they will get knock down. Then hurry to the STARS office. Don't mind the Licker coz he is still stunned due to flash grenade. Pick up some items then go back to the entrance door and another cutscene will follow.

Video guide for this section:
11. 2nd Boss Fight Nemesis
What u need:

1. 8 explosive rounds
2. 10 flame rounds
3. 4 mine rounds
4. 27 shotgun shells

You wont used up all the ammo above but better to have more ammo than be short of it. I ended up having 2 shotgun shells, 1 mine round and 3 flame rounds remaining at the end of this fight.

So here's what to do (I made a mistake of not equipping the flame rounds before the fight begin). Shoot him with flame round. Nemmy will get stunned. After that, switch your round to explosive (press button that lets u switch grenade launcher ammo) equip your shotgun then equip your grenade launcher. This will skip the reload animation of Jill. Alternatively (as I did in this run), shoot him with flame round, then press item buttons, select shotgun then exit items, select items again then equip grenade launcher. This will do the same trick and I prefer it coz it pauses the boss. It also prevents mis-input. Do the same cycle until he roars which means he will run away. You have used up all explosive rounds at this point so next damage input will be shotgun shells.

Quickly equip your mine rounds and shoot the white bldg while Nemmy is running. It should hit him. You should have your shotgun ready (and also has flame rounds ready) before he fell to the ground. Fire all those six shotgun shells unto his parasite if u can. Then shoot him with flame rounds to get stunned again. Then while stunned and charging, shoot him with at least 4 shotgun shells. He will start running again. Be ready to shoot another mine rounds, repeat the steps over and over until Nemmy is down. Make sure u grab all the shotgun shells and mine rounds before entering the gate. Very important.

Watch another cutscene.

Video guide for this section:
12. Carlos Hospital Section
Here's another Carlos section that is very long.


Try your best to gather all ammo as u can. You will be needing it in upcoming zombie siege.

Your objective is to make sure Carlos retrieve the vaccine to prevent Jill from turning into zombie (yikes). To get that, you need to enter Dr. Bard's room which needs a copy of his voice, which is located in the Treatment room which u need an ID card to get pass. And to get the ID card u need to get the key to a room that stores it. Resident Evil puzzle at its finest. lol

So first things first proceed to kill all the 1st bunch of zombies. Don't let anyone alive. Unfortunately, there is no consistent way to skip this group as they might killed u when u get back on your way to Dr. Bard's room.

Then next group of zombies still needed to be killed. All of them. Upstairs, you dont need to kill the hunters. You wont kill any hunter in this section. The 1st hunter encounter, just look up after the cutscene so he wont attack u. On your way to Treatment room, there's another bunch of zombies trying to get out of the door. Dont engage them. Just proceed to the room where u need to get the cassette tape.

Getting the tape is quite hard, as there are two Hunters lurking around inside the room. That's why u need to have your grenade and flash grenade ready before u start this section. Throw a grenade upon entering the door. Then flash grenade to stun them, then fire your assault rifle unto them. It's kinda hard but sometimes easy to do. That depends how hard the grenade hit them. After that get the tape and proceed on the 1st floor.

On your way there's a 4th group of zombies. This time dont kill them. Just proceed to another room and enter using ID card to get another grenade and flash and more ammo. Throw a flash upon exit and walk your way to Dr. Bard's room.

After u get the vaccine, on your way out to Jill, there's another Hunter and the screen will force u to your right. Be ready to hold the button to your left and run to get to the next room on your way to Jill. After u injected her with the vaccine another cutscene will follow and get ready for the zombie siege section.

Video guide for this section:
13. Hospital Zombie Siege
Alright, this seems scary but it's actually easy with the right strats. Before u begin, make sure you have at least one grenade and one flash grenade to work around with the 1st Hunter who will show up during this section. Well, even one grenade is enough, but better to have a flash grenade for back up.

At the start of this section, go grab the C4 immediately, better than later so that u wont have to worry about getting killed by hoard of zombies later. Then u probably have enough ammo for a moment. Grab extra if you want. And have enough herbs in case u are bitten. Not to get bitten at least once in this game is hard so better be ready.

The tactics are simple: you need to shoot zombies one by one until they die, don't worry they have little health even in the 2nd wave later. Shoot the generator if u got overwhelmed by them. Since you have no accuracy scope for the rifle (remember u didn't get it from RPD coz I told u not to), u need to get close to them for accuracy. Don't worry, they aren't fast and can be killed while getting up. This 1st wave will last long until the power was cut off and the 1st Hunter shows up. Get ready near the door and throw a grenade on him. He will be killed instantly. Make haste to the room and open the breaker to turn the lights on (this is optional, but personally I don't like to play in the dark). Kill the zombie there before turn in to a tentacle zombie and grab some more goodies there.

Next wave of zombies is same procedure, but watch out for the tentacle zombies coming out. Be sure to kill them first coz they will be a pain in the ass if they hit u. If u are crowded with zombies already, flash grenade is your friend. Be sure to let the generator open on the front window and wait for the 2nd Hunter to come in. When u see him, shoot the generator immediately and throw a grenade on him (or shoot him with assault rifle until he die). In my run, I failed to do it so my workaround is to punch him and throw a flash grenade and kill him with the grenade.

After this, kill more zombies until the 3rd wave shows up, which u need to plant the C4, shoot more zombies or use the remaining grenades to stall them. Make sure u kill the zombies that trying to enter the room where Jill is, coz it will be game over if they were able to enter there. You have under 30 seconds to stall so try your best to survive. After the timer, cutscene will follow and this will be the end of this section.

Video guide for this section:
14. Warehouse Section
This section is where u need to pursue Nikolai but u need to find the 3 fuses to run the elevator again. You need at least one flame round and two mine rounds and couple of shotgun shells here.

As I've said earlier, u don't need to get the magnum and other goodies in the hospital after Jill wakes up. Just hurry down to the underground.

While in the warehouse:

1. Make sure to kill the 1st Peal Head.
2. Try to kill the Hunter Gamma u see in the elevator with flame round or else he will try to catch u after u get the 1st fuse.
3. Kill the zombie after the falling of storage boxes.
4. Getting the 2nd fuse is quite easy. You don't need to kill anything. Once you go down the ladder, u just need to get the fuse after u get stunned and make sure no zombie can catch u. Take a wide turn if u can to avoid them. And the Hunter Gamma wont catch u either if u hurry back to the ladder.
5. On your way back, make sure u upgrade the shotgun to reload fast.
6. Getting the last fuse, u have to deal with on Peal Head and two zombies. Shoot them in their feet with shotgun to get pass around them.
7. Going down be ready to equip mine rounds and shoot the Hunter. Then get the last fuse.
8. Going back, while the 3 zombies are asleep, shoot the mine round between them and wait for it to explode. They should be killed all. I made a mistake though coz one zombie survive and bit me.
9. After getting on the elevator (after u insert all the fuses), another cutscene will follow and hurry to the NEST.

Video guide for this section:
15. NEST Section
This is pretty hard section in my opinion. You need a couple of shotgun shells and some mine rounds in this section.

1. You need to get the usb key that will allow u to enter the inside of NEST laboratory.
2. To deal with Peal Head, always shoot his feet with your shotgun.
3. Getting the 1st part of vaccine, u need to go upstairs 1st. Kill the zombie, and shoot the feet of the Peal Head on the stairs. Once u get inside to pick the 1st part of vaccine, make sure u kill the female zombie as well.
4. Going down is quite difficult as there are four Peal Heads waiting for u. Again, your strat is to shoot their feet, shoot the head if the crawling Peal Head, and shoot the feet also of the last Peal Head u encounter.
5. Next part will be getting the 2nd part of vaccine. The game will give u some acid rounds. You will be needing it to deal with 3 Hunters later after u get the 2nd part of vaccine.
6. There are another annoying group of zombies and Peal Heads there so make sure u shoot them with mine rounds and shotgun until they all die.
7. Get the 2nd part of vaccine and hurry back to the room where u get the usb key.
8. On your way to that room, u will encounter 3 Hunters, make sure u fire them with acid rounds, it's enough for them to be killed, and shoot them with shotgun to make sure they are dead.
9. You will encounter the same Peal Heads, make sure u shoot them with mine rounds if u have remaining. Otherwise, shoot their feet again with shotgun.
10. Combine the two parts of vaccine and insert it. The puzzle solution is MID-HIGH-LOW.

After this, a cutscene will follow and be prepared for the 3rd boss fight.

Video guide for this section:
16. 3rd Boss Fight Nemesis
You need some patience at this boss battle. Some rounds u need to prepare:

1. Flame rounds
2. Explosive rounds
3. Shotgun shells
4. Handgun bullets (to shoot the generator. Sadly, shotgun is not good at long range)

At the start of the round is quite easy. Same tactics in 2nd boss fight, cheese him with flame-explosive rounds cycle until he is down. Then the cutscene will follow, make sure u shoot him with flame or explosive round to avoid breaking all the generators. Then shoot him with shotgun before running away. (You can actually stun-lock him with flame-explosive rounds tactics like u did in the 2nd boss fight, but it's hard to do it consistently. So just let him go and let the generator and Carlos take care of him.

Shoot the generator (Carlos will tell u what number he is hiding) but u can observe where he will go and shoot the generator with your pistol. After that he will fall and make sure u shoot him with flame rounds or shotgun.

Watch out for zombies around u coz they can bite u. Use herb if that happened. Repeat the previous steps until he is done for. Sometimes Carlos will damage him so let him do that and take care of zombies and grab some more herbs and bullets if u need to.

Another cutscene will follow and be ready for the last boss fight. You can do it.

Video guide for this section:
17. Final Boss Fight Nemesis
Welcome to the last section of the game, where u will face the very huge monster Nemesis. Gather all the herbs and handgun bullets and make sure u equip the burst pistol the game gave u when Jill woke up in the hospital.

You actually don't need to dodge everything, coz u wont be stun-locked (unlike in Nightmare and Inferno mode). But take note that one hit might actually put u in danger where u need to use herb.

The cycle is pretty simple. Dodge his slams and after u burst all the bubbles he will be put to sleep for few seconds and make sure u push one of the 3 batteries. You can actually start with the far one if u want, but I strongly recommend the near one first. You can actually do this two cycle (where u push the two batteries after Nemmy put to sleep, but personally it's kinda risky so I recommend to be patient and do it 3 cycle instead. After all, u should have enough time to beat him and hit the time requirements if u follow my advices.

After u push the last battery, make sure u watch out for his long arms and perfect dodge it. Don't be confident if u pushed all the batteries coz he can hit u and probably kill u if u aren't careful. Then grab the rail gun once again and shoot him for good. Follow the quick time events and enjoy the cutscene.

There is no consistent way to deal with this final boss. You probably might repeat this over and over but I can say any average player with enough herbs can survive this boss battle.

Be ready for the Nikolai ♥♥♥♥ shot part :D

Video guide for this section:
18. Nikolai D*ck Shot
Now this last part is not to be taken easily. YES, you can miss Nikolai and kill Jill and Carlos if u are not careful.

The trick not to miss the shot is simple: after the cutscene, aim right and shoot him. That's it. Don't let half a second pass without pressing the shoot button.

Then enjoy the long cutscene and the result will show up.

Congratulations! You made it S rank on Hardcore difficulty of the Resident Evil 3 Remake.

Share this guide (playlist) to your friend to help them. Good luck.

Video guide for this section: