Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

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How to install mods
Tekijä BytesCrafter ja 1 osanottajaa
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Starting Up
ok go to find the mod. You need to go to libary main menu then right click Kerbal space program then go to properties
then go to local files the click browse then go to game data then after this paste it <the link in the link section >
The Installtion FINAL
Ok final section ok go to the zip dont copy zip copy it inside zip then copy all file then put it in gamedata ok exit the file desktop then refresh 2 times last Dont put the files While game Running or ur game will not install
8 kommenttia
jamescab1021 2.8.2023 klo 17.30 
I dont understand
royalscribbler 13.4.2023 klo 1.56 
also my bad i thought this was a guide for ksp 2 lol
royalscribbler 13.4.2023 klo 1.56 
ckan a library of ksp mods, its kinda just like forge but you dont have to install overwolf and crap like that
BytesCrafter  [tekijä] 13.4.2023 klo 0.16 
whats CKAN?
royalscribbler 24.7.2022 klo 13.10 
CKAN is for ksp
smashgrab0 21.7.2022 klo 11.57 
or just install CKAN
BytesCrafter  [tekijä] 15.7.2022 klo 18.22 
this is kerbal space program bro
The real slim shady 31.5.2022 klo 23.02 