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Hidden Life Cap Locations
De Ghostzapper
Locations for the hidden life caps currently in the game. With video!
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Video Walkthrough
Updated for Defiance DLC! (December 17, 2014)

It would be quite hard to try to explain some of the positions with strictly text, so I have provided a video with all the locations. I strongly urge you to attempt to find them yourself, but if you are frustrated or feeling a bit lazy feel free to use my video. THE AUDIO HAS GONE A LITTLE ROGUE in the updated video.

-Vanilla Levels-
Beyond the Walls: 0:58
A Message: 1:23
Dreams: 1:45
The Clouds: 2:03
My Source: 2:31
My Inspiration: 2:49
A Window: 3:59
Clarity: 4:13
What's To Come: 5:00
Redeployment: 5:52
The Meaning: 7:02
No Excuses: 7:18
Best Intentions: 7:44
Escape: 8:06
Stability: 9:09
Acceptance: 9:50
Underneath: 10:33
Into The Dark: 10:53
Emptiness: 11:29
My Regrets: 12:01

Remix Track 2: 13:08

-Through The Fog (DLC)-
Ruins: 13:43
What Remains: 14:26
Construction: 14:56
To Dust: 15:14
Doubt: 15:36

-Defiance (DLC)-
Nostalgia: 16:08
Desperation: 18:02
Desire: 18:46
Expectations: 20:17
Chains: 21:55

Will update as more life caps are put into the game!