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IH PZM-9 Straznik (Polania) (Old)
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4 maj, 2022 @ 1:08
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IH PZM-9 Straznik (Polania) (Old)

I 1 samling av DragoF1sh
Iron Harvest Polania
20 artiklar
PZM-9 Straznik from Iron Harvest made as close to 1:1 as possible

Excerpt from wiki:
"The Straznik represents another uniquely Polanian Innovation, a fast walker with advanced stabilization technologies that allow it to fire on the move. Such advancements have come at the cost of firepower however, with the PZM equipped only with lighter machine guns."

This Light Mech belongs to the Polania Faction. Effective against players and light defenses. Extremely vulnerable other mechs, structures, and artillery.

Special thanks to Eternal for helping with the walk cycle!
3 kommentarer
Nillemann 2 aug, 2023 @ 12:34 
Thanks you ! .. i Promise its going to be weird
DragoF1sh  [skapare] 2 aug, 2023 @ 11:32 
by all means, go ahead.
Nillemann 1 aug, 2023 @ 23:43 
I LOVE that mech ! ... I hope you don't mind if I use that for another mech that Ive building as undercarriage