Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

116 ratings
Noelle (Snowgrave)
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2.548 MB
29 Apr, 2022 @ 7:10pm
14 Dec, 2022 @ 3:43pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Noelle (Snowgrave)


Take control of the lost girl from the Snowgrave route, Noelle.

Noelle wears the Thorn Ring, an item that makes her spells more potent, at the cost of her health. She will take damage over time, to a maximum of 80%. The damage pauses after she hits an opponent.

As Noelle deals damage or whenever she succsessfully parries, she gains tp, which is necessary for her specials, and givers her more powerful strongs.

Jab: Noelle grabs in front of her. If it hits, she shakes the foe before throwing them upwards.
Dattack: Noelle rides on a roller coaster. This attack goes off ledges, and can be jump canceled on hit.
Ftilt: A large ice crystal appears, stabbing in front. It deals great damage at the start, but has a larger, disjointed sourspot. It's hard to see into the ice...
Utilt: A pipis flies up from behind Noelle. Has a hitbox on her to scoop into the main pipis hit.
Dtilt: A few ice crystals sprout of the ground. A quick attack that can be used as a combo starter

Nair: A snowflake appears all around, very quick attack.
Fair: Noelle waves her hand, and 3 seperate blasts of ice appear, chaining into one another.
Bair: Noelle holds her hand out behind her, and one of Berdly's tornado appears. It is a long-lasting attack with high base knockback but no knockback growth.
Uair: Noelle pulls out an Ice Cap. It's a large and disjointed attack, with a powerful spike at the tip. If you hit with the early sourspot, you can't hit the sweetspot.
Dair: Noelle drops snow below her. The attack can be held to drop up to 5 batches of snow.

X-slash (25tp): Kris appears and strikes twice with their sword, dealing big damage.
If she doesn't have enough tp, Kris will perform a single slash instead.

Getting Stronger (16tp): A massive snowglobe appears around Noelle, hitting multiple times.
If she doesn't have enough tp, the globe is smaller, and has fewer hits.

[ANGEL], [ANGEL] (16tp): NEO wings appear behind Noelle, before slamming down on either side. This attack launches at a low angle, and has a spike hitbox as the wings hit the ground.
If she doesn't have enough tp, angel wings appear instead, which launch at a higher angle and deal less damage.

All of Noelle's specials will fail if she doesn't have enough tp.
Iceshock (8tp): Noelle deals damage in front of her, and freezes any foes that are on the ground. Has a short cooldown.

Sleep Mist (32tp): Noelle summons Sleep Mist, which remains in place for a short time. Any foes in the mist become Drowsy, this causes them to be slowed, affecting their movement and the speed of their attacks.

Snowfall (8tp): Noelle rises in the air, dropping snow as she flies. You can move the control stick forward to adjust her angle slightly.
If you don't have enough tp, you will get a small vertical boost, and won't be put into pratfall.

Heal Prayer (32tp): Noelle charges up a healing prayer, healing herself for 40%. It takes a while to charge up, but you can airdodge or roll out of it if it seems like you're going to get punished.

Using NSPECIAL at 100% tp causes Noelle to cast Snowgrave, a powerful column of ice, which deals massive damage, and can kill in one shot. It does drop you into pratfall, so if you miss, you could get punished.

Abyss runes
Mt. Dedede Stadium
Boxing Ring
Trial Grounds
Pokemon Stadium (sprites by Smoke)
Soulbound Conflict
DaPoise 15 Jan @ 10:08am 
"Kris? Whats this... I Thought we were Friends? Why are we Fighting in This Strange Place?
Susie? Your On This Too?!?!
LORD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
CaptainBeatDown 20 Dec, 2023 @ 8:33pm 
the superior version
gadlygamer2006 14 Dec, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
I remember. You're snowgrave
SpyShades 8 Sep, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
"...HER?" that link says its malicious
coredelta 20 Dec, 2022 @ 9:21pm 
Can you believe it guys? Christmas! Just a week away! Christmas is in 370 days! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information! Christmas! Just 370 days away! Oh wow! Can you believe it? Christmas! Just in 370 days! It got here so fast! Christmas!
D YellowMadness 7 Dec, 2022 @ 5:13pm 
That explains it then. Thanks.
BoneJackGlitz  [author] 7 Dec, 2022 @ 3:24pm 
Looking at Katie, the gun she pulls out for her Fstrong is part of her hurtbox, so her hurtbox reaches by about another 2 character lengths. She moves the gun to behind her before the hitbox appears, so hitting the gun when it is outstretched interrupts the attack before it can deal damage. Noelle's grab pulls people in on hit, so when she grabs the gun, she has to pull from pretty far away. It defiantly looks weird and a bit of jank, but it's not necessarily a glitch or error.
D YellowMadness 6 Dec, 2022 @ 5:20pm 
I felt like I remembered it happening with all characters but I was using Katie Helga Vladimir at the time of that post so if I'm misremembering, it could just be a Katie problem & not a Noelle problem. Especially since it seems like you would've noticed it by now if it was a Noelle thing because it was far from subtle in my experience.

Especially since the main offender was her grab due to its fast start time, its short range, & her tendency to spam it, which lead to multiple cases in which I fired several shotguns out of a larger shotgun only for all of the shotguns to suddenly explode midair as I was teleported several feet into her hands.

Maybe, it's just a weird way of balancing Katie because a lot of her moves have crazy range
BoneJackGlitz  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 10:24am 
YellowMadness, which character have you noticed this issue? I haven't been able to recreate it with the testing I've done. A few of her attacks are deceptively large, so it's possible the attack is barely hitting you.
D YellowMadness 5 Dec, 2022 @ 6:29pm 
Something's wrong with all of her attacks. If any part of her attack hits any part of my attack, I get hurt & she doesn't even if it's her hand hitting the tip of a blast that's coming out of a shotgun.