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Libertad - Predators (Composition)
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27 avr. 2022 à 6h02
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Libertad - Predators (Composition)

Dans 1 collection faite par Projets Edaly Dev
Libertad - Packs
7 objets

Composition to spawn crocodiles from Libertad (Animals and AIO) as predators/preys

How to access compositions:

Classnames of the compatible animals:

You need one of these mods to access the predators:

33 commentaires
kyleogo 6 févr. à 10h45 
Doctor Disrespect update when????
Fasta Prola 21 janv. à 19h59 
Y tried this composition but using Tiger from Edaly, but they do not chase and attack the player as crocodiles do. Is there a reazon or a way to do that? Anyway great mod and models.
Moonie  [créateur] 1 oct. 2024 à 11h34 
no you just need the animals
Ace 30 sept. 2024 à 13h28 
I'm a little confused here.

So, according to your dependencies, I need the full Libertad mod to use this. That's a 11 gig sucker to download! Is that a mistake? Do I actually just need Libertad Core, or just the animals (which also needs the core) or do I really need the whole-ass 11GB mod?
Koroks 8 févr. 2024 à 3h55 
This is really really cool! Is there a way to decrease the damage of the crocodiles, so they don't instakill players?
spades 16 oct. 2023 à 18h38 
im good, rdr2 ones scare me, I cant imagine them in arma
HungryHedgehog 5 mars 2023 à 2h38 
Is there a way to make ai fire at these? The AI usually ignores animals meaning a single croc can murder an entire squad without a single shot fired. It's sadly the same with Stalker mutants from other mods.
Predator14 22 janv. 2023 à 13h16 
dommage les animaux spwan en ilimité il ne spawn pas le nombre exact et seulement que l'on veut (notament les boar)
[KDII] KingDaddyBoyz 6 oct. 2022 à 18h42 
Amazing Work!, any news about ACE compat?
best regards out there!
Sac A Dos 24 juin 2022 à 5h10 
Hey i wanted to use your composition but crocodile cannot be killed, if you approach them, they attack you even if they should be dead. Is there a way to change this?