Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

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Simple speedrunning guide
Por dumb bitch
This guide contains step-by-step instructions on how to beat Monkey Island 2: Special Edition. No walls of prose, no poor attempts at humour, just simple steps.
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This guide contains instructions on how to complete Monkey Island 2: Special Edition in the shortest number of steps. This guide can be followed to get the "Speed Demon" achievement, which requires you to complete the game in 3 hours or less. At the time of writing it is the rarest achievement for this game, with a global achievement rate of 3.9%.

This guide assumes that you have completed the game at least once, and are looking for the most optimal way to complete the game. Do not spoil yourself reading through this guide if it's your first time playing. You imbecile. You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ moron.

Since this guide assumes that you have prior knowledge of the game, it does not detail the location of items, places and characters. It does not detail, unless necessary, what dialogue options to pick.

Completion time
Overall completion time: 45-60 minutes, depending on execution.
Part 1: 10 minutes
Part 2: 25-35 minutes
Part 3: 2 minutes
Part 4: 7-10 minutes

The above times assumes that you are skipping all dialogue and cutscenes, and have a good understanding of what steps to take at any given moment. You can leisurely follow this guide and still get the achievement. You do not need to rush yourself.

I have been playing in retro mode for most of my playthroughs. I feel this is slightly faster, but you can play with the modern graphics if you want.

Keyboard shortcuts
Pick up
Look at
Push (Shove)
Talk to
Pull (Yank)
Skip cutscene
. (period)
Skip dialogue
Part 1: Largo's Embargo
  1. Skip the cutscene
  2. Pick up the shovel from the sign
  3. Go to the right to trigger the cutscene
  4. Skip the cutscene
  5. Go to the cartographer’s office
  6. Pick up a piece of paper from the table in the bottom centre of the room
  7. Wait for Wally to put down his monocle, then pick up the monocle
  8. Leave the cartographer's office and go to the laundry
  9. Pick up the bucket under the pirates, when they protest ask if it’s theirs
  10. Leave the laundry and go to the kitchen (climb in through the window)
  11. Pick up the knife from the kitchen counter
  12. Enter the bar
  13. Talk to the barkeeper, ask how his business is doing
  14. Skip the cutscene
  15. Use the paper on the spit – Ingredient #1
  16. Leave the town and go to the beach
  17. Pick up the stick at the start of the path
  18. Leave the beach and go to the swamp
  19. Use the bucket on the swamp water to get a bucket of mud
  20. Use the coffin and row to the Voodoo Lady’s shack at the right side of the swamp
  21. Pick up the piece of string on the table
  22. Leave the swamp and go to the town
  23. Go to the inn
  24. Use the knife on the rope to release the alligator
  25. Skip the cutscene
  26. Pick up the cheese squigglies from the alligator's food bowl
  27. Enter Largo’s room
  28. Close the door
  29. Use the bucket of mud on the door
  30. Skip the cutscene
  31. Pick up the toupee from the nightstand – Ingredient #2
  32. Leave the inn and go to the laundry
  33. Skip the cutscene
  34. Open the box under the pirates
  35. Use the stick on the box
  36. Use the string on the stick
  37. Use the cheese squigglies on the box
  38. Leave the laundry and go to the inn
  39. Enter Largo’s room
  40. Close the door
  41. Pick up the laundry ticket that is hanging on the door
  42. Open the door
  43. Leave the inn and go to the laundry
  44. Give the laundry ticket to Mad Marty, he gives you the pearly white bra – Ingredient #3
  45. Pull the string
  46. Open the box
  47. Pick up the rat
  48. Leave the laundry and go to the kitchen
  49. Use the rat on the pot of cold soup
  50. Leave the kitchen through the window and go to the bar
  51. Ask the barkeeper for some stew
  52. Skip the cutscene
  53. The barkeeper offers you a job as a chef, accept the offer
  54. The barkeeper gives you 420 pieces of eight and sends you to the kitchen
  55. Leave the kitchen through the window
  56. Leave the town and go to the graveyard
  57. Go to the gravestones on the hill
  58. Use the shovel on the grave to get the bone – Ingredient #4
  59. Leave the graveyard and go to the swamp
  60. Go to the Voodoo Lady's shack
  61. Ask the Voodoo Lady what can be done to get rid of Largo, she asks you to collect ingredients for a voodoo doll
  62. Give all four ingredients to the Voodoo Lady, she gives you a voodoo doll and some needles
  63. Leave the swamp and go to the town
  64. Go to the inn
  65. Enter Largo's room
  66. Use the needles on the voodoo doll before Largo throws you out
  67. Skip the cutscene; you are teleported to the Voodoo Lady's shack
  68. Leave the swamp and go to the peninsula
  69. Give Wally’s monocle to Captain Dread
  70. Talk to Captain Dread, ask if you can charter his ship – since you have i) driven Largo from the island, ii) given Captain Dread the monocle, and iii) got at least 20 pieces of eight, Captain Dread agrees to charter his ship
Part 2: Four Map Pieces
Part 2 is the longest part of Monkey Island 2. Steam limits the number of characters that you can have in any one guide entry, so this part is split into five sections. The sections must be followed in the order that they are listed.

A blank line between the instructions indicates that you have travelled to another island.

The first time you travel to a new island, an Indiana Jones style cutscene plays. Skip these.
Part 2.1: Young Lindy's Map Piece
  1. Pick up the bag of parrot chow from the ship
  2. Talk to Captain Dread and sail to Phatt Island
  3. Skip the cutscene
  4. Pull the mattress from the bed
  5. Pick up the stick from the bed
  6. Use the stick on the skeleton in the other cell
  7. Pick up the bone
  8. Use the bone on the dog, the dog drops the cell key
  9. Pick up the cell key
  10. Use the cell key on the cell door
  11. Open the manila envelope that's on the shelf, you receive all your old stuff back
  12. Open the gorilla envelope that's on the shelf, you receive an organ and a banana
  13. Leave the jail and enter the first alley on the left
  14. Skip the cutscene, then follow the gambler out of the alley
  15. Follow the gambler into the second alley on the left
  16. Skip the cutscene, then knock on the door
  17. Tell the man behind the door that you wish to know the next winning number
  18. The man asks you to give him the correct password three times in a row
    The answer to any question is the number of fingers that the man held up the first time.
    Example: The man shows five fingers and says “If this is ‘two’…”, and then shows three fingers and says “… what’s this?”, then the answer is five. You can completely ignore what the man says, simply look at the first fingers he shows when asking the question.
  19. The man gives you the next winning number
  20. Leave the alley and go to the library
  21. Open the miniature lighthouse
  22. Pick up the lens from the miniature lighthouse
  23. Use the card catalogue
  24. Go to “D”, under “Disasters” find the book titled “Great Shipwrecks of our Century”
  25. Go to “R”, under “Recipes, Voodoo” find the book titled “The Joy of Hex”
  26. Talk to the librarian, ask if you can borrow a book, then ask how you can get a library card
  27. The librarian asks you a number of questions, pick any answers
  28. The librarian gives you a temporary library card
  29. Ask to borrow the books that you picked out from the card catalogue, the librarian gives you the books
  30. Leave the library and go to the roulette wheel
  31. Skip the cutscene then talk to the organizer
  32. Tell the organizer that you wish to bet, then bet on the number you were given
  33. Skip the cutscene then ask for the invitation to the Mardi Gras party as a prize
  34. Leave the alley and go to Captain Dread's ship

  35. Sail to Booty Island
  36. Go to the antiques shop on the left side of town
  37. Pick up and buy the saw
  38. Pick up and buy the sign
  39. Put the bag of parrot chow on the hook where the sign used to hang
  40. Pick up and buy the mirror
  41. Pick up and buy the ship’s horn
  42. Leave the antiques shop
  43. Go to the costumes shop
  44. Give the Mardi Gras invitation to the shopkeeper
  45. Skip the cutscene
  46. Pick up the costume
  47. Leave the costumes shop
  48. Talk to Kate and ask for a leaflet
  49. Leave the town and go to the guard kiosk
  50. Talk to the guard, tell her that you have an invitation and a costume
  51. Go to the governor’s mansion
  52. Enter the mansion through the front door
  53. Pick up the map piece above the mantel piece
  54. Exit the mansion
  55. Skip the cutscene
  56. Talk to Elaine, pick the remorseful lines
  57. Elaine throws the map piece out of the window and Guybrush leaves the room
  58. Go back to Elaine’s room
  59. Pick up the oar from the wall
  60. Exit the mansion
  61. Right click the map until it blows away to the south part of the island
  62. Pick up the dog
  63. Go to the side of the mansion
  64. Use the ship's horn as soon as you enter the new screen, the chef comes out of the kitchen and starts chasing you
  65. Go to the front of the mansion
  66. Go to the side of the mansion again, but go around the opposite side so that you do not run into the chef
  67. Enter the kitchen
  68. Pick up the fish from the table
  69. Leave the governor’s mansion and go to the big tree
  70. Use the oar on the empty hole next to the plank
  71. Go to the oar
  72. Skip the cutscene
  73. Pick up the broken oar
  74. Leave the big tree and go to Captain Dread’s ship

  75. Sail to Scabb Island
  76. Go to the carpenter
  77. Give the broken oar to the carpenter, he gives you a reinforced oar
  78. Leave the carpenter and go to the laundry
  79. Use the saw on the pirate’s peg leg
  80. Leave the laundry and go to the bar
  81. Talk to the barkeeper and ask for grog, show your library card when asked for ID
  82. Ask for the yellow drink, and then ask for the blue drink
  83. Use the yellow drink on the blue drink to make a green drink
  84. Use the banana on the metronome
  85. Pick up the monkey
  86. Leave the bar and go to the carpenter
  87. Pick up the hammer
  88. Pick up the nails
  89. Leave the town and go to Captain Dread’s ship

  90. Sail to Booty Island
  91. Go to Stan’s used coffin shop
  92. Ask Stan to get in the coffin
  93. Use the nails on the coffin
  94. Stan interrupts you and gives you a pristine white hanky
  95. Use the nails on the coffin again
  96. Pick up the key from the wall
  97. Leave Stan's shop and go to the spitting contest at the right side of town
  98. Use the ship’s horn
  99. Move the flags
  100. Use the swirly straw on the green drink
  101. Participate in the spitting contest, spit when the wind blows and you win a spit plaque
  102. Go to the antiques shop and give the spit plaque to the shopkeeper
  103. Tell the shopkeeper that the spit plaque isn’t just any kind of plaque, and that the spit of the person who killed LeChuck is on the plaque
  104. The shopkeeper takes the plaque and gives you 6000 pieces of eight
  105. Leave the antiques shop
  106. In your inventory, look at “Great Shipwrecks of our Century” and note the coordinates for the Mad Monkey
  107. Talk to Kate and ask to charter her ship
  108. Go to the coordinates for the Mad Monkey
  109. Tell Kate that you are going to jump down and look for the galleon
  110. Wait for Guybrush to land on the sea floor
  111. Pick up the monkey head
  112. Use the anchor to return to the surface
  113. Go to the antiques shop and give the monkey head to the shopkeeper, he gives you Young Lindy’s map piece
  114. You have succesfully found the first map piece
Part 2.2: Captain Marley's Map Piece
  1. Sail to Phatt Island
  2. Use the flyer that Kate gave you on the wanted poster of Guybrush
  3. Go to the pier
  4. Talk to the fisherman, tell him that you are a mighty fisherman
  5. He bets his fishing pole that you cannot catch a bigger fish than he can, accept the bet
  6. Give the fish to the fisherman, he gives you his fishing pole
  7. Leave the town
  8. Skip the cutscene
  9. Go to the governor's mansion
  10. Enter the mansion
  11. Tell the guard that you are not Guybrush and that there is a fire in the kitchen
  12. Wait for the guard to leave the room, then go up the stairs
  13. Use one of your books (not "The Joy of Hex") on the book on top of Governor Phatt, you receive “Famous Pirate Quotations”
  14. Leave the mansion and go to the town
  15. Enter the jail
  16. Open the vanilla envelope that's on the shelf, you receive a bottle o’ near-grog
  17. Leave the jail and go to Captain Dread’s ship

  18. Sail to Booty Island
  19. Leave the town and go to the cliff
  20. Go to the cliff side
  21. Use the fishing pole on the map piece
  22. Skip the cutscene
  23. Leave the cliff and go to the big tree
  24. Use the reinforced oar on the empty hole next to the plank
  25. Go to the reinforced oar
  26. Pick up the plank
  27. Use the plank on the hole to the right of the reinforced oar
  28. Go to the plank
  29. Pick up the reinforced oar
  30. Use the reinforced oar on the hole to the right of the plank, Guybrush says that he gets the idea and starts doing the process himself
  31. Skip the cutscene
  32. Pick up the telescope from the observatory in the top left corner of the screen
  33. Enter the shack
  34. Use the dog on the pile of maps, he gives you Captain Marley’s map piece
  35. You have succesfully found the second map piece
Part 2.3: Rum Roger's Map Piece
  1. Sail to Phatt Island
  2. Go to the waterfall
  3. Go to the top of the waterfall
  4. Use the monkey on the pump to turn off the waterfall
  5. Go to the base of the waterfall
  6. Enter the newly discovered gaping hole
  7. Go through the tunnel until you come to the small island
  8. Go to the cottage on top of the hill
  9. Open the left window’s shutters
  10. Enter the cottage
  11. Skip the cutscene
  12. Use the mirror on the mirror frame
  13. Wait for the man to put down your mug of grog on the table
  14. Pick up the mug of grog
  15. Use the mug of grog on the tree in the upper left corner of the room
  16. Use the bottle o’ near-grog on the empty mug
  17. Wait for the competition to start, Guybrush starts by drinking his non-alcoholic grog, the man then drinks his real grog and passes out
  18. Leave the cottage
  19. Use the telescope on the grotesque statue
  20. A light beam shines through the telescope, goes through the left window on the cottage and bounces off the mirror on the wall
  21. Enter the cottage
  22. Go to the left side of the room and push the brick that has been marked by the light beam
  23. Pick up Rum Roger’s map piece
  24. You have successfully found the third map piece
Part 2.4: Rapp Scallion's Map Piece
  1. Sail to Scabb Island
  2. Go to the cemetery
  3. Use Stan’s key on the locked crypt
  4. Look at the book of famous pirate quotations to learn Rapp Scallion's quote
  5. Look at the coffins until you find the one inscribed with Rapp Scallion's quote
  6. Open the coffin
  7. Pick up the ashes
  8. Leave the cemetery and go to the swamp
  9. Go to the Voodoo Lady’s shack
  10. Look at the jars in the first shelf on the left, until you come across “Ash-2-life”
  11. Pick up the jar, the Voodoo Lady says that it’s a display model and asks you to talk to her
  12. Tell her that you would like the potion, she tells you that she has none left but can make more – since you i) have the ashes of Rapp Scallion, and ii) got the voodoo recipe book she makes the potion for you
  13. Leave the swamp and go to the cemetery
  14. Enter the crypt
  15. Use the “Ash-2-life” on the coffin to temporarily resurrect Rapp Scallion
  16. Talk to Rapp, skip through the dialogue until he says that he thinks the gas was left on in his restaurant
  17. Tell Rapp that you are willing to check the gas for him, he gives you the key to the restaurant
  18. Leave the cemetery and go to the beach
  19. Use the key on the shack’s door
  20. Enter the shack
  21. Use the knob on the gas stove to turn off the gas
  22. Leave the beach and go to the cemetery
  23. Enter the crypt
  24. Use the “Ash-2-life” on the coffin to temporarily resurrect Rapp Scallion
  25. Tell Rapp that he was right, and that the gas had been left on and that you've turned it off
  26. Rapp thanks you for shutting off the gas and gives you his map piece
  27. You have succesfully found the fourth and final map piece
Part 2.5: Restoring the Map
  1. Leave the cemetery and go to the town
  2. Go to the cartographer’s office
  3. Give the lighthouse lens to Wally
  4. Give all four map pieces to Wally, he tells you to go to the Voodoo Lady and check if his love potion is ready, and that the map will be restored when you return
  5. Leave the town and go to the swamp
  6. Go to the Voodoo Lady’s shack
  7. Talk to the Voodoo Lady
  8. Tell her that Wally sent you, she gives you a juju bag
  9. The Voodoo Lady says that she senses that Wally is in danger, and that you should go look
  10. Leave the Voodoo Lady’s shack
  11. A box has appeared at the edge of the swamp
  12. Open the box
  13. Use the box
  14. You have successfully completed part 2
Part 3: LeChuck's Fortress
  1. Go to the right side of the room and go up the stairs to the passage
  2. Go into one of the back passages
  3. Look at the spit encrusted paper in your inventory, the lyrics to a song is written on it
    The song looks something like this:
    Verse 1:
    The RIB bone is connected to the ARM bone
    The ARM bone is connected to the LEG bone
    The LEG bone is connected to the RIB bone
    Verse 2:

  4. Look for the “ugly bone thing” that corresponds to the first verse, in the example used above the “ugly bone thing” would depict ribs in the upper position, arms in the middle position, and legs in the lower position
  5. Push the “ugly bone thing” and enter the gap
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until you've gone through the remaining three verses
  7. Open the door
  8. Enter the room
  9. Pick up the key, LeChuck traps you in a cage
  10. Pick any dialogue option, LeChuck will take you to his torture chamber
  11. Skip the cutscene
  12. Use the straw on the green drink
  13. Spit on the pan in the bottom centre of the room
  14. Spit on the shield on the right side of the room, the spit bounces and hits the balloon
  15. Spit on the same shield again, the spit bounces and hits the candle
  16. Skip the cutscene
  17. Open the juju bag, you receive a love bomb and some matches
  18. Use the matches
  19. You have successfully completed part 3
Part 4: Dinky Island
  1. Pick up the bottle on the beach
  2. Go to Herman Toothrot’s camp on the right side of the beach
  3. Open the barrel
  4. Pick up the cracker from the barrel
  5. Use the cracker on the parrot, remember the directions it gives
  6. Pick up the martini glass under the still
  7. Use the martini glass on the ocean
  8. Use the martini glass of salt water on the still, you get a martini glass of distilled water
  9. Pick up the crowbar next to the still
  10. Go to the left side of the beach and enter the jungle
  11. In the fork go left until you reach a tree with a bag hanging from one of its branches
  12. Use the crowbar on the bottle
  13. Use the broken bottle on the bag, a box falls to the ground
  14. Pick up the box
  15. Open the box
  16. Use the martini glass of distilled water on the box, you receive two crackers
  17. Go to the right until you reach a pond with a roped up box next to it
  18. Pick up the rope
  19. Use the crowbar on the box
  20. Pick up the dynamite
  21. Follow the directions that the parrot gave you
  22. Use another cracker on the parrot, follow its directions to the next area
  23. Use the last cracker on the parrot, follow its directions until you reach the large X
  24. Use the shovel on the X
  25. Use the matches on the dynamite
  26. Use the lit dynamite on the hole
  27. Skip the cutscene
  28. Use the crowbar on the rope
  29. Use the crowbar ‘n’ rope on the twisted metal rods
  30. Wait for the cutscene to end
  31. Use the light switch
  32. LeChuck starts talking to you, pick any dialogue options
  33. Wait for the cutscene to end

At this point you will be teleported around different rooms at random, as such you can lose quite some time here. The main objective is to create a voodoo doll that you can use against LeChuck. You will have to gather the same ingredients gathered in part 1.
The optimal route to take is the following, but you will likely have to improvise:
  1. Go to the first aid room
  2. Pick up your dad’s skull – Ingredient #1
  3. Open the medical drawer
  4. Pick up the hypodermic needle
  5. Open the trash can
  6. Pick up the surgical gloves
  7. Go to the storage room that is filled with boxes
  8. Open the box of balloons and pick up a balloon
  9. Open the box of voodoo dolls and pick up a voodoo doll
  10. Go to the storage room with the broken grog machine
  11. Use both surgical gloves on the helium canister
  12. Use the balloon on the helium canister
  13. Pull the coin return lever on the broken grog machine, a coin falls to the floor
  14. Wait for LeChuck to enter the room
  15. As LeChuck enters the room, he bends over to pick up the coin, exposing his underwear
  16. Pick up LeChuck’s exposed underwear – Ingredient #2
  17. Before LeChuck is able to use his voodoo doll on you, give the white hanky to LeChuck
    Note! This can sometimes be a bit tricky, and you may not be able to give it to him in time. If that is the case, give it to him the next time you encounter him (but note that you cannot give it to him while in the elevator).
  18. LeChuck blows his nose into it and then hands it back to you – Ingredient #3
  19. LeChuck teleports you out of the room
  20. Go to the elevator
  21. Push the button on the wall outside of the elevator to open it
  22. Enter the elevator
  23. Wait for LeChuck to arrive, then pull the elevator’s control lever – since you have three balloons of helium, the elevator closes and goes up
  24. As the elevator closes, LeChuck’s beard is jammed between the doors and gets ripped off
  25. Pick up the beard – Ingredient #4
  26. Use the voodoo doll on the juju bag
  27. Use the skull on the juju bag
  28. Use the underwear on the juju bag
  29. Use the beard on the juju bag
  30. Use the hanky on the juju bag
  31. Guybrush creates the LeChuck voodoo doll
  32. Go back down into the tunnels
  33. Wait for LeChuck to arrive, then use the hypodermic needle on the doll
  34. LeChuck runs away
  35. Go into random rooms until you find LeChuck again
  36. Pull the leg off the voodoo doll
  37. LeChuck collapses to the floor and asks you to come near him, agree to do so
  38. Skip through all dialogue
  39. You have successfully completed Monkey Island 2
9 comentário(s)
dumb bitch  [autor(a)] 7 de jul. às 6:53 
@slathe, true, but this is glitchless.
slathe 12 de jun. às 20:59 
Could be less instructions if applying the tree glitch and the trap door glitch. - it shaves off a lot of time as well.
bronze_aged 15/nov./2023 às 18:58 
Thank you! Followed this and got it in 1:18, and I had made a couple of mistakes and didnt use hotkeys as much as I should of. Great guide.
Kristen 13/nov./2023 às 19:10 
This guide was great, appreciate the conciseness.
Employee 427 16/ago./2023 às 0:21 
you can give him the hankie while in the elevator, i did it
dumb bitch  [autor(a)] 5/jul./2023 às 8:38 
@underpantsgnome, I just played through this again to verify. When you saw the pirate's peg leg off in step 79, the carpenter leaves his house and does not return unless you leave the town. You can only pick up the hammer and nails when he's not in his house.
UnderpantsGnome 27/jun./2023 às 23:07 
Part 2.1 87 and 88 doesn't work. Carpenter wont let you take them
dumb bitch  [autor(a)] 2/out./2022 às 14:26 
Mirth 2/out./2022 às 12:14 
A+ lots of effortin this guide