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Longer Battles Mod
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Longer Battles Mod

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Volcano
Warhammer 3++
Item 5
This mod is intended to lengthen battles so that the large battles are not a frantic click-frenzy. This mod makes changes similar to my Longer Battle Mod created for Troy, Three Kingdoms, Rome 2, Attila and Shogun 2. It is save game compatible and also works with all expansions.

***The changes are intended to be minimal in nature. No unit values are adjusted - its all done through math by changing the combat rules.***

Tired of having your entire battle line routed before you have a chance to give orders to all your units? Tired of constantly jumping from unit to unit to give orders, making battles feel like they are an exercise to see how fast you can click the mouse? Don't want a mod that changes much of the original game? Then this mod is for you!

Note that this mod has been carefully adjusted so that battles are longer, but just by 1.5x to 2x longer, not extremely longer. There are several reasons for this: to prevent missile units from becoming too powerful and out of balance, and to still allow for numerous battles to be fought in a single session.

👉 If you want even longer battles then see my "Extra Longer Battle Mod" here:

(Despite this, it is not intended that battles remain exactly 1:1 identical in every way in regards to "balance" (how could it be identical?), however any shift in balance should be negligible and acceptable, for what you get out of this mod. But if you are someone who worries about the exact "balance" of every single unit, then this mod is likely not for you. That said, ask yourself: who says that the stock version of the game is balanced for the best in the first place? What if I told you it wasn't? --if it was perfect then you wouldn't be here looking for a longer battle in the first place, right?)

This mod...
✅Is save game compatible
✅Is compatible with all future DLC
✅Works in multiplayer campaigns (as long as your friends also have it activated)
✅Should work with practically any other mod; for siege overhaul mods just put this mod above it in load order (so that the siege overhaul mod overrides the small changes to gate health here)
✅You may turn the mod off and on whenever you want

Unique changes:

-Base "to hit" percentages have been carefully adjusted to lengthen battles slightly but significantly, to give you more time to react to the action and observe the carnage. Additionally, increased the base melee attack interval by 1.5x. These changes increase battle length by 150%, average, and as much as 200%, depending on the variables and the situation.

-Carefully adjusted fatigue levels and thresholds to create a little more realistic situation and to reward the side that intelligently keeps and uses a reserve force. Also, missile units have a slightly lower rate of fire the more fatigued the missile unit becomes.

-Shields are slightly more effective at blocking missiles (when facing forward).

-Adjusted the reinforcement time to take a little longer (to accommodate for the longer battles).

-Adjusted Battle AI priorities so that they are more likely to flank if given the opportunity, and less likely to "blob up", which helps make battles more fluid (which helps with the longer battles).

-Reduced the Winds of Magic recharge rate in battles (for you and the AI), to account for longer battles (magic recharges at 40% the original rate). This helps mages from being able to blast apart the other armies so easily while both armies fight their longer melee combat. Also, on a general level, this is a very important change because the standard recharge rate was such that you could charge up all your pool of magic from the reserve in as little as 13 and a half minutes (as long as you had no negative penalties applied). This made the Items, Skills and Abilities that increased your recharge rate, nearly completely pointless (such as Arcane Surge, Locus of Conjuration, or the item Forbidden Rod).

-Gate strength increased by 2x, to account for longer battles and to make battering rams actually useful.

Also consider trying my Less AI Cheating (campaign) Mod here:

...and if you think Ranged Units are now too effective, try my Realistic Accuracy Mod:
280 Komentar
Volcano  [pembuat] 1 jam yang lalu 
Thanks for the compliment! It helps with the motivation. :steamhappy:
Happy gaming! :WH3_clasp:
Blubbles 1 jam yang lalu 
Hi Volcano,

Just leaving a comment to thank you for your hard work with this mod.

There is no glory in the effort you do - but you have made thousands of players feel included I'm sure.

Take care!
Volcano  [pembuat] 9 Jul @ 2:38pm 
I believe the reload rate was increased by 1.5x longer there in that mod (so not quite 2x longer). For mana, its a bit tricky, it's accumulates something like 40% of the normal rate here, and in the Extra Longer Battle Mod its even slower. I was trying to time it all just right with the melee, but of course not everyone is happy or will agree. :steamfacepalm:

Ah I see you found it in the following reply.
Thanks for the compliment, happy gaming! :steamsunny:
Lampros 9 Jul @ 4:41am 
Finally, once again, my thanks to you for both mods, and I hope you never give up modding. Your mods and the tabletop cap mods are the three most indispensable WH3 mods for me.
Lampros 9 Jul @ 4:40am 
Never mind. I identified the values you changed on the tables on my own. So it seems roughly the same rate as melee attack intervals. Awesome! And yeah, the projectile readjustment must've taken a while! ;)
Lampros 9 Jul @ 4:13am 
I sse. How much were the reload time of projectiles and magic/mana accumulation rate reduced, may I ask? And thanks in advance!
Volcano  [pembuat] 8 Jul @ 11:04pm 
Not globally, no. In my Realistic Accuracy Mod I lowered ranged attack interval by adjusting the reload time of projectiles, but this can get messy.

The magic interval was adjusted here in the only global way I know how: by adjust the magic/mana accumulation rate. Anything else would require adjustments to the spells themselves. Which would become a huge mess.
Lampros 8 Jul @ 9:15am 
Hey, Volcano: Is there a way to globally decrease ranged attack intervals and spell casting intervals the way you did with melee attack intervals? Thanks in advance!
Volcano  [pembuat] 2 Jul @ 9:38pm 
Hmm, no, don't think there is way to do that. I believe the unit as a whole is suffering hit point losses when hit by arrows, and then eventually when that entity is out of heath, it dies. Of course you have armor playing a role too, and it could be that some arrows aren't penetrating in the first place.
Typhoon 2 Jul @ 9:05pm 
are you able to make the arrow to get deflected and once its hit it deals more damage, i've seen many cases where a body is decorated with 5-10 arrows and still alives, it breaks the immersion for close up combat