Talk to Strangers

Talk to Strangers

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Talk to Strangers 100% Achievement Guide + Endings
By 🍀🍀🍀
A guide showing you how to get all endings/achievements in Talk to Strangers!
Endings are categorised by location.
*This guide includes spoilers. Read at your own discretion*
100% Achievement First Section
Talk to the door
Fail to make a sale.

You should get this achievement just by playing. By any chance that you don't though:
Go to the Nice House.
- (Knock)
- (Knock again)
- Ok. Wanna buy something?

''I don't like me when I'm angry''
Reach rage level 10.

Easy enough to do, just max your rage bar to 10, either by house interactions or items. Here is one way of achieving this:
Go to the Trashy house at midday.
- (Any option) [+2 Rage]
- Anybody home? [+2 Rage]
- I just wanna sell you some stuff! [+2 Rage]
- Dude, chill out. I like to party too! [+2 Rage]

Following this, you should have 8/10 rage. After, go to the Rich House during the afternoon.
- (Any option)
- We at sunny Morning don't have time to lose, are you willing to buy something? [+2 Rage]
- I don't know much and even if I knew I wouldn't tell you! [+2 Rage]

Baby, we're going down.
Reach depression level 11

Same as ''I don't like me when I'm angry'', you just need to get your depression bar to 11.

First, you want to go to the Mansion midday.
- (Knock)
- Wanna buy some stuff?
- Well screw you then! [-1 Depression]
- I said let's buy... two? [+2 Depression]
- That's mean. [+2 Depression]
- Hmm, maybe this is not about me.
- I believe in the god of sales.
- ... I don't want to talk about it.
- Ok ok, here's a flyer!
- Well, the gods of sales speak in mysterious ways. [+2 Depression]

You should be left with 5/10 depression total. Now you'll want to go to the Poor House in the afternoon.
- (Ring)
- (Use your hidden lockpicking skills and open the door while feeling guilty)
- Wait, no. I shouldn't do this. That's wrong... or is it?
- If you think about it, this is just a regular transaction. With a twist.
- (Close the door. You don't wanna go to jail again after all)

If done correctly, the next house you go to will tell you that 'your depression is too high'. Don't use any items and go back to the motel when given the option.

Lenin was right
Get a negative balance with your finances

I'd recommend failing as many sales as possible, then buying as many items in the catalogue as you can after your first day, as to not accumulate too much money later on from potential successful sales.

Salesperson of the Week!
Make 16 sales in multiple playthroughs.

As the description says, make 16 successful sales. Can be done by going to multiple houses and doing multiple routes or by choosing the same house and route through 16 different playthroughs. It's up to you how you unlock this achievement!

"Veni, vidi, perdidi"
Reach at least 5 different endings.

*Read sections below for endings*

Darwin Award
Be electrocuted on a bell.

*This achievement can be unlocked at two separate houses. The Trashy House and the Broken House.*

Go to the Trashy house.
- (Any option)
- (Insist on the doorbell. Why not?)

"Nothing bad can happen, right?"
Survive five days.

Avoid all endings/getting fired for five days and this achievement will unlock.

"I ain't getting fired today!"
Reached the daily goal 10 times.

Following your first day, you will be given a sheet telling you about how you performed. It will also have a quota for the next day. Achieve the quota 10 times (Can be done through multiple playthroughs) to unlock the achievement.

100% Achievement Second Section
"This is it!"
Reach the ending.

When you've reached Friday, don't make any sales. This should unlock "This is it!".

I'm your friend, pal!
Make a sale to the Unemployed.

Go to the Poor House at night.
- (Ring)
- I want to improve your life!
- Just look at these prices!
- You clearly are having a bad day.
- Damn. What if I sold you 2 for the price of one?

I can get used to this.
Make one of the happy endings.

One of the easier happy endings to get is the Pet the dog ending. To do this, go the the Loud House during the afternoon.
- Hello there! Anyone home?
- No problem! Take your time!
- Hey there, boy!
- So, is there anyone with you at home?
- You're all alone now? Really? How did you open the door?
- So, how about you help me out here, boy?
- Actually, I was thinking. You're a good boy, aren't you?
- I really wanna pet you... And maybe I will. I don't care about the company rules!
- If I pet you I won't be able to do this job anymore, that's for sure... Well, I hate this job anyway.

The Avatar of Sales!
Sale at the Mansion during the morning or noon.

Go to the Mansion in the morning.
- (Knock)
- Wanna buy some stuff?
- Well screw you then!
- I said screw you.
- Hey, you can't talk to me like that!
- Hmm, maybe this is not about me.
- I believe in the god of sales.
- Got your attention now, did I?
- Ok ok, here's a flyer!
- Yup. Drew it myself. Bet that's something even you didn't have!

No rest for the weekend!
Make a sale at the house where time is not a constant.

During the Afternoon, it should give you the option to rest in the Square. There's a chance that a public toilet will be behind the bushes. When you go to the bathroom, you will meet a time-traveller.
- (Knock)
- (Wait)
- You look attached to... time. I have some time related products.
- So... I have these to sell? Want some?

Friendly neighborhood salesperson
Visited all "houses" in the map in one playthrough.

You don't have to sell to each house, you only need to visit every location on the map. Not sure if the public toilet is included, but I'd recommend visiting just in case!

Lenin was wrong
Use all items at least once

You will need to have collected 160$ total, which can be achieved on the first day.
First, go to the Loud House midday.
- (Knock)
- Take your time!
- Say, do you like deals?
- Tell me, what do you need right now?
- Oh, of course! You ask her to wipe your butt too?
- So what. You're clearly a coward who can't even buy what he wants.
- Hmm, I don't think so anymore. You are not worth it.
- I'm not convinced he can make his own decisions.
- Yeah! Buy something, Mr!
- If you do I'll throw and extra one for free.

After, you'll want to go to the Rich House in the afternoon.
- (Any option)
- Are you interested in Sunny Morning Products?
- I can't say anything about the company. They have eyes everywhere!
- It's nothing like it seems. But I won't give away the details for free!
- Have you ever heard of the God of Sales?
- No need for words, I have a flyer!

Finally, go to the Mansion at night.
- (Any option)
- Are... are you drunk?
- I could use a drink.
- Okay. I'm here to sell stuff and be nice. And I'm all out of nice.
- I am not! I'm an honest and diligent worker!
- Ehr... I work... hard? So I can party hard?
- (Cry)
- Ha! This was but a clever ruse! Now let's make a deal or I will have a full mental meltdown here!

Doing so should net you 169$. Now you can buy every item without going into overdraft. It is up to you whether you use all your items immediately or through out your play through.

Natural born seller.
Make a sale in every home at least once.

Sell to every location (including the public toilet) at least once. If you are struggling with this achievement, use the True Ending section as a guide as it includes information on getting sales for every location in the game.

True Ending + That Wasnt It! Achievement
"That wasn't it"
[No description.]

I'm not completely sure if 'That Wasn't It!' is only achieved through selling to every house in one play through including the briefcase or if it only requires you to beat the briefcase but using this guide below will get you 'That Wasnt It!'.

Along side this achievement, you can also unlock 'I'm your friend, pal!', 'Friendly neighborhood salesperson', 'Natural born seller', 'Salesperson of the Week!', '"Nothing bad can happen, right?"', 'I can get used to this.', 'The Avatar of Sales!' and 'No rest for the weekend!'.

Go to the Trashy House (midday)

- (Despite the risk of injury or death, ring the doorbell)
- (Knock on the door)
- Hey, just open the door a bit so we can talk face to face!
- You think I'm a pig? ♥♥♥♥ this. I'm not selling to you.
- Nope. I don't even wanna sell to you anymore.
- ...Maybe if you ask very politely.
- See, that's some proper manners.

Go to Regular House (afternoon)

- Hello there!
- Are you hesitating? Why?
- That's right! Come on! I sell, you buy!
- I still have my products, you still have your money... This sale can still happen!
- Wait a second! Rehearsing all day? What's happening here?
- You must be one of the supervisors doing my review!
- Yeah! You shone so bright during that conference three years ago...
- You should keep on shining. I bet you would feel more confident about yourself!
- Release it! It's gonna be fine!
- Fantastic! You're doing great. Maybe this new god can afford a purchase, hey?

Go to Nice House (night)

- (Ring doorbell)
- Hello Mrs! You have a beautiful house! Now let's take a look at these?
- They are very cheap. If you buy two, you get a third one for free!
- If you buy them now, you will thank me by the morning!
- I think it's late and I'm tired. Please help me out!
- Yeah... I just wanna go to bed...
- No more dangerous than being jobless.

Now that you are done for the day, buy the items 'End Daylight Savings' and 'Sunny Capacitor'. Set the alarm, then eat breakfast when you are given the choice after waking up. We will also want to use the 'End Daylight Savings' item we previously bought.

Go to the Enviable House (morning)

- Hello there! Is anyone home?
- Just passing by to show that I'm doing my best here!
- What are you doing in this town?
- I was thinking. Have you ever thought about making an on-line store?
- I just want more success for us!
- And do you use our products? Do you believe in your brand?
- Actually boss, I don't know if I trust our products.
- Man... This one kinda looks bad... Do we really sell this crap?!
- It still looks like trash!

Go to Broken House (midday)

- Hey! Somebody home?
- ...Ehr, wanna buy something?
- Well, whatever. I'm selling this. Want one?
- (Wait)
- Mr? Are you okay?
- Dude! That's worse than before!
- Mr, please drop the wires on the floor and call an electrician.
- Oh, and there he goes again.
- ♥♥♥♥ it. I'll take check or credit.

Go to the Poor House (night)

- (Knock)
- I want to improve your life!
- Just look at these prices!
- You clearly are having a bad day.
- I know the feeling. It just... It wasn't supposed to be like this, right?
- I'm not your pal, friend.

Go to the Loud House (night)

- (Knock)
- Ehr, are your mother and dad home?
- Great! I have some useless crap to sell!
- Are you sure you should be fighting in front of her?
- These products are sturdier than your parent's relationship.
- Sorry. That was way out of line.
- Alright, alright, alright. How many do you want?
- Okay, mum. How many?

When you are back at your hotel, set the alarm then get breakfast.

Go to the Creepy House (morning)

- (Knock)
- You sure look like a good buyer!
- We have everything you can possibly want!
- (This dude is freaking me out. Maybe I should bail out?)
- (Oh crap, I didn't answer him. What should I do now?)
- (Become more and more awkward every second)
- (Have a full breakdown. Release some of your demons)

Go to the Mansion (midday)

- (Knock)
- Wanna buy some stuff?
- Well screw you then!
- I said screw you.
- Hey, you can't talk to me like that!
- I don't, actually.
- I believe in the god of sales.
- Got your attention now, did I?
- Okay, okay. Here's a flyer!
- Yup. Drew it myself. Bet that's something even you didn't have!

Go to the Rich House (afternoon)

- (Knock on the door)
- Are you intested in Sunny Morning products?
- I can't say anything about the company. They have eyes everywhere!
- It's nothing like it seems, but I won't give away the details for free!
- Have you ever heard of the God of Sales?
- No need for words. I have a flyer!

Go to the Cabin in the Woods (night)

- Hello there! Is anyone home?
- You... You're a spider? Who can talk?
- Can I at least show my products?
- Do you live with your family or something?
- You know, I make a living on talking. I could work something out with your roommates.
- Yeah. I can help you. For a price.
- Listen to this. What if I infiltrate your group?
- I mean it! I can stay in your place. No one would notice!
- You know, now that I'm thinking about it, this doesn't seem like a good plan.
- You know, if you buy enough stuff maybe they will kick you out for not handling money well?

Now back at the hotel, set the alarm and get breakfast again. You will now want to buy 'Nicotine Patches' and 'Wine' then use both of them.

Go to the Sewer (morning)

- (Knock)
- You seem to have a good life, but with my help, we can improve it a lot.
- Come on guys! There must be something I can offer you!
- Are you suggesting that life down there is really better than life up here?
- The thing is, you know what I love the most about living on the surface?
- It's not like this! My life isn't so bad you know!
- You know what, you can go play badminton or video games or whatever you do in the ♥♥♥♥!
- Well, I AM pretty good at being bad, ehr, I mean at badminton!
- Well, that was a nice chat, but I gotta go sell some stuff...
- Really? You're actually interest in me? No one else was! Ever!
- Nope. Not for me. I simply can't.

Go rest in The Square to get The Toilet. If it's not there, exit and reload the game until you get it.

- (Knock)
- (Wait)
- What's the thing with your outfit?
- What?
- You're time travelling in a public toilet?
- And in the future are there still some of these beautiful products?

Go the the High Tech Residence (afternoon)

- (Knock)
- (Wait)
- But is everything okay? It's not dangerous, is it?
- Well, I have a great offer for you.
- Hell, I'll get you two for the price of one!

Go to The Crypt (night)

- I got all you need for body and soul!
- Have you ever wondered how lucky we are to live in this day and age?
- If you only knew how it is to go from house to house to work...
- Holy ♥♥♥♥! You're... You're Death! THE DEATH!
- Then... Are you going to kill me now? My time has finally come?
- Is there any way to help me? To save me?
- Can you at least enjoy the rest of my days with me?
- Okay! Let's play hide and seek! I'll count and you'll hide!
- ...98, 99, 100! Here I go!
- He... Hey. Where did she go?
- It's over! You're behind the door!
- Okay, you can count!
- I'm going to hide behind my insecurities! The only way to find me is by buying some stuff!

Back at the hotel, make sure you alarm is NOT SET this time. Buy 'Nicotine Patches' and '"legal" drugs', then use both.
True Ending + That Wasnt It! Achievement
Go to the Big Hole (midday)

- Hello?
- You know what, I don't even care anymore. Wanna buy something?
- Do you even have any money?
- Then show me.
- Come on! Show me the money!
- I'm talking to an abyss. I think I can fall a lot more.
- What was that?
- Dude, pretending something didn't happen is not a healthy way to deal with things.
- Everyone is tired. That's what being an adult is like.
- Nah, dude. I won't leave you. You gotta talk about this.
- Really? Are we going back to the shouting tactics?
- No need to apologise. Tell me, what's been bugging you?
- I hate it too and you don't see me complaining. No, actually you do. You do a lot.
- What about sales?
- I am actually. It's not that hard.
- All you need is proper training. Hey, I can train you.
- Well, first you gotta truly understand the sales process. Here, buy something.
- Yeah! That's the spirit! So, money or credit?
- Well, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah. Are we making this sale or not? I gotta fill the order, you know?

Now that you've sold to every location on the map, you will be sent back to your hotel with a screen showing your briefcase.

- What the hell!?
- I finally have gone full crazy, then.
- I don't need to open you. I've opened you all week!
- I guess I never really took a look at what I was selling.
- No... I... I know what you are doing!
- You are just a voice inside my head!
- ...What?
- Naw, you were doing fine. Just keep at it! I was almost taking a little peek!
- Nope. ♥♥♥♥ you, I'm outta here.

You should now have completed the true ending and gotten the "That Wasn't it" achievement along with multiple others depending on your completion rate.
Nice House
This house looks nice. I can smell some baked cookies. I think this one is gonna be easy.

▣ ⠀Nice Lady. Let's make some small talk to ease her up.
▣ ⠀At night she's a little sleepy. Gotta use finesse.
▣ ⠀She can be a little condescending sometimes.
▣ ⠀In the afternoon she's eager to buy. Should push her a bit.

Cookie ending:
- Anyone home?
- Hello? Anyone there?
- Are those... Cookies?
- Can... Can I have some?
- Please?
- Document?
- (Keep being patient)
- Huh?
- Is this the real life?
- Is this just fantasy?
- This has been quite the landslide of information. Is there any escape from this reality you're showing me?
- I accept these terms and conditions! Let me eat those cookies and be happy forever!
Trashy House
Another house. A bit dirty. But hey, what's that smell?

▣ ⠀Awful kid. But it seems he's way more relaxed at night.
▣ ⠀I hate teens. He's so impatient during the day.
▣ ⠀He's clearly on... something. Do I turn a blind eye?
▣ ⠀This kid has some issues with authority figures.

Darwin Award ending:
- (Any option)
- (Insist on the doorbell. Why not?)

*This ending unlocks the Darwin Award achievement*

Rich House
Whoa! That's a nice one! Seems expensive!

▣ ⠀She makes me mad. Especially in the day time.
▣ ⠀She makes me sad. Especially at night.
▣ ⠀A mix of confidence and subservience works.
▣ ⠀Almost all information has value!

New sales job ending:
- (Use the intercom)
- Hello! Just take a look at these!
- Yeah yeah. Gonna buy something or not?
- No no. Not at all! Just... eagerness?
- Just these things. They aren't much.
- No... No way! Let's make a deal!
- Buy me and you won't regret it!
- Or at least hire me!

Love ending:
- (Use the intercom)
- Hello! Just take a look at these!
- Yeah yeah. Gonna buy something or not?
- No no. Not at all! Just... eagerness?
- Just these things. They aren't much.
- No... No way! Let's make a deal!
- Buy me and you won't regret it!
- I'm so desperate to sell anything. I thought it was worth trying!
Poor House
I can't see anybody inside. Should I knock?

▣ ⠀He can be a very depressing guy.
▣ ⠀There's no one at home until evening.
▣ ⠀Venting to a closed door can soothe my mind a little.
▣ ⠀Everytime God closes a window, I open a door.

New home ending:
- (Knock)
- (Use the key you just found under the mat to open the door and don't feel guilty at all)
- I should totally do this.
- I can sell to anyone. And anything! Even an empty house!
- (Open the door a little more, just to know your ''client'' better)
- (Think about leaving some products on the floor but stop and question yourself)
- (Open the door a bit. Question capitalism and the concept of private property)
- Hell, it's not property trespass if there's no property! I'm going in. Forever.
Loud House
There's a nice house. Finally. I think I can hear someone talking.

▣ ⠀Three people at the same time. Gotta focus.
▣ ⠀They fight and bicker way more during the night.
▣ ⠀Gotta be polite while telling the hard truth.
▣ ⠀I can resist anything except temptation.

Pet the dog ending:
- Hello there! Anyone home?
- No problem! Take your time!
- Hey there, boy!
- So, is there anyone with you at home?
- You're all alone now? Really? How did you open the door?
- So, how about you help me out here, boy?
- Actually, I was thinking. You're a good boy, aren't you?
- I really wanna pet you... And maybe I will. I don't care about the company rules!
- If I pet you I won't be able to do this job anymore, that's for sure... Well, I hate this job anyway.

*This ending unlocks the I can get used to this achievement*

Woah! These people are loaded! They even have a pool!

▣ ⠀Sober in the morning. Drunk in the evening.
▣ ⠀Almost impossible to make a sale during the morning.
▣ ⠀There are a few ways to trick her.
▣ ⠀It's easier when she has some company.

True love ending:
- Hello?
- So... are you interested in these incredible products?
- Hey, how about you give your girlfriend a little treat?
- Sorry man, but I'm not buying that. I mean, don't you work for her or something?
- I don't know... She's loaded and you're a struggling handsome man in need of quick money, right?
- The truth is, I've never actually seen a working relationship in real life.
- Wait, what?
- Hell yeah! I mean, this is the closest I'll get to experiencing real love.
Enviable House
That's my boss' home! Today is the day that I'm gonna prove my worth!

▣ ⠀My boss responds well to teasing during the day.
▣ ⠀My boss is very busy with his own problems at night.
▣ ⠀Talking to our bosses is stressful and depressing, no matter.
▣ ⠀Sometimes it's good to put some faith in the company!

Fired ending:
- (Ring the doorbell)
- Just passing by to show that I'm doing my best here!
- What are you doing in this town?
- I was thinking. Have you ever thought about making an on-line store?
- I just want more success for us!
- And do you use our products? Do you believe in our brand?
- What if today is the day you will finally get one of your own products?
Broken House
This hou... is that a body on the ground?

▣ ⠀This guy's gonna make me crazy.
▣ ⠀In the afternoon, things take a turn for the worse.
▣ ⠀If I cast aside my conscience things go well.
▣ ⠀I don't wanna go back to jail!

Jail ending:
- What. What happened here officer?
- I don't. I'm new in town actually.
- Yeah. I'm just passing by. Can I help you with anything?
- You know... Here. There... I don't know...

Pied Piper ending:
- What. What happened here officer?
- I don't. I'm new in town actually.
- Yeah. I'm just passing by. Can I help you with anything?
- Right now it's the Roadside Hotel.
- You can call me whatever you want.
- Young in mind. Old in body. Dead in soul.
- ...
- This... doesn't look right. Real police work isn't this sloppy.
- You're talking about the Pied Piper killer? Those were copper pipes. This one is iron!
- Detective! Ha! You finally got me then. Ok. You've won. I'll confess...

Darwin Award Ending:
- (Ring Doorbell)

*This ending unlocks the Darwin Award achievement*

Regular House
Looks normal for a change. Maybe too normal?

▣ ⠀She's a wage slave like me. I can appeal to that.
▣ ⠀She's only polite when she's on the clock.
▣ ⠀She can be manipulated.
▣ ⠀She could use some encouragement.

Shine bright ending:
- (Knock)
- Are you okay, miss?
- That's right! Come on! I sell, you buy!
- You did fine. It was a bit awkward, but it was okay. We can keep going.
- Wait a second! Rehearsing all day? What's happening here?
- You must be one of the supervisors doing my review!
- Yeah! You shone so bright during the conference three years ago...
- You should keep on shining. I bet you would feel more confident about yourself!
- Release it! It's gonna be fine!
- More! There is much more power within you!
Public Toilet
There's no bad time for a sale. Let's go.

▣ ⠀Every tourist loves a souvenir.
▣ ⠀It's not in good manners to joke about what isn't yours.
▣ ⠀I can't wait for the weekend!
▣ ⠀If I don't know what it does then it's better not to touch it.

Future ending:
- Hello there!
- (Wait)
- What's the thing with your outfit?
- What?
- You're time travelling in a public toilet?
- Isn't the future like a spider apocalypse, or a robot one, or worse?
- Tell me, what this future is like?
- Sunday? Are you a time traveler from the weekend?
- Not as amazing as my time, I bet. You should go for a walk and check it out!
- She left the time machine empty! I should use it.
- Even if it's my end, I need to know the ''Sunday''! I'm going to the future.

Past ending:
- Hello there!
- (Wait)
- What's the thing with your outfit?
- What?
- You're time travelling in a public toilet?
- Isn't the future like a spider apocalypse, or a robot one, or worse?
- Tell me, what this future is like?
- Sunday? Are you a time traveler from the weekend?
- Not as amazing as my time, I bet. You should go for a walk and check it out!
- She left the time machine empty! I should use it.
- (Despire being a terrible idea, travel to the past)
The Sewer
Guess I can always reach new lows.

▣ ⠀It seems the cheapest meat on the market is my own!
▣ ⠀Sewage teens just want to tease you.
▣ ⠀No one can follow a strict diet!
▣ ⠀I don't sell products. I sell unique experiences.

Music ending:
- Hello!
- I'm offering these GREAT things for you to buy!
- Actually, nobody knows any of these products...
- Yeah. It's cooler when it's exclusive, right?
- So you're in a band? Can I listen to it?
- You think I'm not ready? Want to test me? Bring it on!
- Hamster Collective Project. Pigeon Teen and the Cockroaches and Robots Against the Machines!

Let's eat ending:
- (Perfectly imitate the sound of a doorbell)
- Sorry, but I don't know if I can feed... whatever you are?
- Yes! It doesn't matter what! I will sell you any kind of food!

Sewer mutant outcast ending:
- (Perfectly imitate the sound of a doorbell)
- Sorry, but I don't know if I can feed... whatever you are?
- Dude. I have a great recipe here. Beef steak with potatoes.
- But of course I have some potatoes on me all the time! That's basic etiquette!
The Crypt
Death lives here? Really? Y'all must be kidding!

▣ ⠀Death loves games, but it sucks at them!
▣ ⠀You can not barter with Death!
▣ ⠀Death is dead tired.

Death ending:
- (Ring)
- I've always wondered... Is Death... dead?
- I know the feeling. My job is way worse.
- What? You think I'm overstating? Wanna trade places?
- Maybe? Can you show me how you do it?

Job swap ending:
- (Ring)
- I've always wondered... Is Death... dead?
- I know the feeling. My job is way worse.
- What? You think I'm overstating? Wanna trade places?
- I don't know. Maybe? Whatever. I just wanna prove to you that my job is the worst!
- Yes!
Creepy House
Yeah... This looks like trouble.

▣ ⠀It's a trap!
▣ ⠀Appearances can be deceiving.
▣ ⠀It seems that there are some career options here.
▣ ⠀Silence speaks it all.

Dark ritual ending:
- (Knock)
- You sure look like a good buyer!
- All this can be yours for a low price!
- I shouldn't. But sure! Let's make a deal.

Awkward ending:
- (Knock)
- You sure look like a good buyer!
- All this can be yours for a low price!
- (This dude is freaking me out, maybe I should bail out?)
- (Oh crap, I didn't answer him. What should I do now?)
- (Become more and more awkward every second)
- (Accept the situation and try for maximum awkwardness)
- (Achieve awkward limit. Push it farther.)
- (Become one with the awkward state. Consume all of the third dimension)

Necromancer ending:
- Ehr... anybody home?
- Is this, ehr... cosplay?
- Wh... What? You killed someone?
- (Stop this nonsense and leave right now)
- You know what. You actually don't seem like an evil guy.
- So... can anyone become one? A necromancer?
- I work in door to door sales. Of course I do.
- Yeah. It can't be worse than what I do now.
Cabin in the Woods
Weird house. But not the strangest thing I've seen today.

▣ ⠀Everyone needs help. Even a swarm of spiders!
▣ ⠀More spiders, more chances to sell!
▣ ⠀It's better to be alone than in bad company.
▣ ⠀It's a bad idea to become too close to a client.

One human ending:
- Hello there!
- Er... It's only gonna take a minute!
- Sorry to point it out, but what are you doing with this guy?
- Let's find this price! A ton of spiders... for a single human... Wait, it's cash or credit?
- Ok! And that would be all for today?
- I get you only one human, but that's a big life decision.

Spider takeover ending:
- Hello there!
- Er... It's only gonna take a minute!
- Sorry to point it out, but what are you doing with this guy?
- Let's find this price! A ton of spiders... for a single human... Wait, it's cash or credit?
- Ok! And that would be all for today?
- I can sell every human on Earth, but you'll have to pick them yourselves.

High Tech Residence
This is a beautiful house. I would live well in a place like this.

▣ ⠀Robots just want a better artificial life!
▣ ⠀In the afternoon, it becomes clear that the robot is evil!
▣ ⠀Some things are better unknown!
▣ ⠀Human naivety is a gift!

Take me to your master ending:
- (Ring the doorbell)
- You seem anxious. Is everything okay over there?
- Still. Something looks out of place here...
- You don't fool me! I can see you're a robot! I demand to speak to your master now!

Butler ending:
- (Ring the doorbell)
- You seem anxious. Is everything okay over there?
- Still. Something looks out of place here...
- So, human. Do you have a name?
- And what's your name then?
- You're named after your father or mother?
- ...About your early days as a robot?
- To be frank. I've never met a robot before. Have you?
- And why don't you just buy another one?
- Hire a human butler. They have no maintenance costs! Hell, I can do it!
Big Hole

▣ ⠀So, here is where I die. Probably.
▣ ⠀It's speech changes sometimes. Interesting.
▣ ⠀I think there's some secret at the end of this. But where?

Giving up ending:
- (Imitate perfectly the sound of a doorbell)
- You know what, I don't even care anymore. Wanna buy something?
- I don't want to. I give up. Eat me, destroy me, whatever.

Don't look back ending:
- (Imitate perfectly the sound of a doorbell)
- You know what, I don't even care anymore. Wanna buy something?
- Do you even have any money?
- Then show me.
- Come on! Show me the money!
- I'm talking to an abyss. I think I can fall a lot more.
- What was that?
- Dude, pretending something didn't happen is not a healthy way to deal with things.
- Yeah. I know the feeling. What's been eating ya?
- Na dude. I won't leave. You gotta talk about this.
- Really? Are we going back to the shouting tactics?
- No need to apologise. Tell me, what's been bugging you?
- Hey. Let's just, leave. You and me. We take the road and don't look back. What do you say?

Greatest monster ending:
- (Imitate perfectly the sound of a doorbell)
- You know what, I don't even care anymore. Wanna buy something?
- Do you even have any money?
- Then show me.
- Come on! Show me the money!
- I'm talking to an abyss. I think I can fall a lot more.
- What was that?
- Dude, pretending something didn't happen is not a healthy way to deal with things.
- Yeah. I know the feeling. What's been eating ya?
- Na dude. I won't leave. You gotta talk about this.
- Really? Are we going back to the shouting tactics?
- No need to apologise. Tell me, what's been bugging you?
- Yeah... I can understand that feeling. Have you ever thought about quitting?
- What about sales?
- Of course I'm not. Who woulda thought an endless open space as an abyss could be so dense.

Perfect Salesman ending:
- (Imitate perfectly the sound of a doorbell)
- You know what, I don't even care anymore. Wanna buy something?
- Do you even have any money?
- Then show me.
- Come on! Show me the money!
- I'm talking to an abyss. I think I can fall a lot more.
- What was that?
- Dude, pretending something didn't happen is not a healthy way to deal with things.
- Yeah. I know the feeling. What's been eating ya?
- Na dude. I won't leave. You gotta talk about this.
- Really? Are we going back to the shouting tactics?
- No need to apologise. Tell me, what's been bugging you?
- Yeah... I can understand that feeling. Have you ever thought about quitting?
- What about sales?
- I am actually. It's not that hard.
- All you need is proper training. Hey. I can train you.
- Well, first you gotta truly understand the sales process. Here, buy something.
- Yeah! That's the spirit! So, money or credit?
- Well, yeah.
- Alright. This one was quite easy, actually.
Well, that's done for the week. Time to go... huh. Is someone there?


By my own hands ending:
- Are... are you talking to me?
- I finally have gone full crazy, then.
- Guess it won't hurt to take a look just to see if it's all in order...

Purgatory ending:
- Are... are you talking to me?
- I finally have gone full crazy, then.
- I... It's better not to mess with the company's property.
- I guess I never really took a look at what I was selling.
- No... I... I know what you are doing!
- You are trying to kill me!

See ya ending.
- Are... are you talking to me?
- I finally have gone full crazy, then.
- I... It's better not to mess with the company's property.
- I guess I never really took a look at what I was selling.
- No... I... I know what you are doing!
- You are just a voice inside my head!
- ...What?
- Yeah. It wasn't good.
- Nah, you're on your own, buddy. See ya.
There may be more efficient ways of getting these achievements or errors in my guide that I am not aware of. If so, feel free to message me and I'll update the guide to accommodate insufficient/missing information!
vrstyan 31 Jul, 2023 @ 1:50am 
tysm :waytohell:
churro 21 Apr, 2023 @ 4:46pm 
this is awesome thx for the help!