Milo and the Magpies

Milo and the Magpies

119 ratings
Milo and the Magpies 100% Text Walkthrough
By stranger1982
A quick, no-nonsense step-by-step text guide to help you through the game while getting every achievement.
Chapter One
Click on Milo, as prompted by the tutorial.
Click on the laptop you can see through the window.
Click on Milo to get the "a game of hide and seek" dialogue.
Click on Milo again to hide behind the fountain.
Follow the prompt and click the lawnmover, it'll reveal a rock.
Keep following the prompts and drag the stone on top of the fountain.
You can see a small green frog right where the stone was, click on it to get THE ENCHANTED PRINCE achievement.

Now click on Milo two times to attack the magpie, it'll leave.
Click on Milo again to meow and be transported (literally!) to the next level.

Chapter Two
Click on Milo to jump in the garden.
Click on him again to go into the dark green high grass.
Click on the painting the artist is working on to see it.
In the lower left side of the screen, click twice on the sunflower facing the artist for the HIS LOST LOVE achievement.

Click on Milo to notice the fence and have a small scene with the magpie.
Click on the shed window to get a smaller screen.
Now click the cracked window to break it and exit this screen.
Click on Milo, who is now on a chair, to enter the shed.
Click on the jacket, then click on the key inside it in the zoomed view.
Drag the key to the door of the shed, the magpie'll drop it in the fountain.
Click on the bike, it has a combination lock, you need to find the numbers by clicking around the scene.

Here's what to click:

-Apple on top of shed.
-Bottle on the table, click it twice for a zoomed view.
-Artist: click him and then his paintbrush.
-Frog statue near the fountain.

This gives you all the numbers you need, the combination is: 8263

Once done click the bike to free it and move it.
You'll see a faucet behind where the bike was, click to zoom and click again to open it.
Exit the zoomed view and wait for the fish to move, click the key.
Drag the key to the shed door again.
Click the door to open it.
If you look at the door we just opened you'll see wire cutters inside the shed, click them.
Drag the wire cutters to the fence to the right of where Milo is sitting.
Click on Milo to exit the level.

Chapter Three
There's on the tree brach on the right of the scree, right below an old woman, click it three times.
A small slowing object will fall from it and sit on the grass, click on it for THE FIREFLY achievement.

Click on the blue helicopter in the middle of the screen, the magpie will move.
Click on the boy on the trampoline three times to make the magpie move again.
The old woman will turn left when the magpie moves, you have to click on her before she looks down again so that she frees the ball stuck nearby.

Here's how she looks when clickable.

If you miss your chance simply click the helicopter again, then the boy on the trampoline to have the magpie move again.

Click the helicopter again, the ball'll roll down.
Click the boy on the trampoline once to have him jump down, then click him again to have him kick the ball, this'll hit the box Milo is in.
Click on the girl to have her go on top of the slide.
Click on the boy to kick the ball, then click on the girl so she's sliding down while the ball is near her, this'll cause her to kick it offscreen.
This is how it looked when I did it:


Again, if you miss your chance no sweat, simply repeat till you get it.

Once done click the batteries near the box to the left of Milo.
Drag the batteries to the boy near the helicopter.
Click on the helicopter, the magpie will leave.
Click on Milo once to reach the branch we clicked for the achievement, click him again to finish this level.
Chapter Four
Click on Milo, the magpie will leave.
Click on the note to the left of the man with the binoculars.
We now have to attract all the birds in that note.
Here's all you need to do, plus a screenshot:

1-Click on the apple near Milo, drag it to the bird platform.
2-Click on the snail that's chilling on the platform pole.
3&4-Click on the darker sunflower.
5-Click the trashcan to open it, click the garbage inside then drag the bread slice to the bird platform.
6-Click the garden gnome, click the worm that was beneath and drag it to the bird platform.
7-Click on the top right window, click on the green watering can and drag it to the bird bath (it's on the tree on the right).
8-Click on the bird food hanging from the right tree, drag it to the bird platform.


We're done but BEFORE YOU LEAVE click on the worm that is now wriggling beneath the bird platform, now drag the poor thing back to the top of the platform. This gives you an achievement, THE HOOPOE.



We're done here, so click on Milo to finish this level.
Chapter Five
Click on Milo three times to follow the frog and make the ducks scatter.
A girl will appear at the window, click on the window to the right of her to see several types of food on a table.
Now, every time you click on the girl she'll bring a type of food, you need to click on the duck that matches its colour.
Basically see what colour the food the girl gets is and match it to a duck, click the duck to make it move closer and right after click on the girl to throw the food so that it's fed.

Here's the solution:

Once done the ducks and the girl leave.

Click on the fisherman four times, you'll see a boot near Milo.
Click on the fisherman again, a crab will appear inside the boot.
Click on the crab, ok that was funny XD
Follow the prompts by clicking on Milo several times, then, once you're on the other side, click him once again to free yourself and land safely on the deck.

Click on Milo to get carried inside.
While Milo is inside a kingfisher will arrive at the left bank and stay there a bit, click on it before it leaves to get an achievement.
You'll get THE KINGFISHER achievement for your trouble.
If you miss it you'll have to replay the level again from start.

Milo is now outside again, click on him twice to reach the next level.

Chapter Six
Ohh,cool piano!

Click on the cat you can see peeking through the cat flap in the green door.
Click on Milo, then click on him again to get a scene with a magpie.
Click the man on the top right.
Wait for the pianist to get up, while he's occupied click the sheet music on the floor and drag it on the piano.


Now click the man on the top right again.
New piano music starts to play. Jeez this is great!!
Click Milo.
Click the Cupid statue.
Click the right tree once, where the arrow landed, so that a devil appears then click said devil, this nets you the LITTLE DEVIL achievement.

Now click the collar that's near Milo and drag it on him.
Click on Milo again to reach the next level.
Chapter Seven
Cllck on the hearts postcard pictured here.
Click on Milo a total of three times until you get a small scene and he's under the table.
Now click the hearts postcard that's on the floor, you'll get the MILO'S CHILD achievement.

Click the black key on the right.
Click the litter box that's under where the key was.
Now click the key and drag it to the lock on the left bookcase, where the hearts posctard was.
This reveals a few objects, which is your clue to the next puzzle.

You basically have to lead the other cat around the room following said items in order.
Here's the solution:

-orange ball on the right
-teacup on the table
-black switch on the floor
-sock on the floor
-orange ball on the right
-teacup on the table
-flowery pillow
-white cat portrait
-Beethoven statue
-pendulum clock
-wall mirror, near the left door
-handle of the right door

Screenshot with things to click on, in order:

You can now click on Milo to exit this area.
Outside simply click him again to finish the level.
Chapter Eight
Click on the door of the shed to have the dog bark and cause it to open, when it opens click the bottle.
Drag the bottle to the man at the top of the screen.
Click on the broken bottle to have the dog bark.
Click the photo frame that's in the window above the broken bottle, notice the clothes.
See the hanging clothes on the right? Drag and drop them to match what's on the photo you clicked in the step above.
It's easy, here's the solution: flowery, white, red, black, black and yellow stripes
Once done the flowery dress will fall down, click on it to have the dog bark.
Click the broken bottle top seen here.
Drag it to the black rubbish bag in the lower left of the screen.
A rat appears from it, click it once to free it, then click it again to have the dog bark and a small scene.
Click the destroyed piece of mail, put it back together: be sure to remember the name of each family member.
Now click on the hard to see panel just above the torn mail.
Press the green button in the zoomed view.
Click on the shed door, an insect will fly out.
Click the insect to gain the DEATH'S-HEAD HAWKMOTH achievement.

Now click on the safe that's just below the picture frame you've clicked before (looks like a brown box in the middle of the screen, tbh).
The combination to open it has two clues, the family picture in the torn mail and the number of times the dog barks for each object representing a family member.
A clue: Yvonne is first in the picture and has a pet rat, Xander is in the shed, Marjolein is wearing a flowery dress and Peter is the one who drank that beer
Solution: 7 5 1 3
Once the safe is open click on the black remote.
Drag the remote on the window with the photo frame, just above the safe.
Click on Milo once for a small scene, then click him again to exit the area.

Chapter Nine
It's barely noticeable, but there's a shingle dangling in the wind, near the left window.
Click it, then click the bat that comes out once it stops. This nets you the BATCAT achievement.

Click on the left window, when zoomed in click the latch (on the right, where the red curtain is) to open it.
Click the white mouse.
Click the key, drag it towards the diary.
Click the diary, then both pages to read them.
Zoom out until you're on the main screen again.
Click the fallen pot, drag it to the nest on the right.
Click the nest.
Click the plant that the magpie is holding.
Click the piercing.
Drag the piercing to the magpie on the left of the nest.
Click on Milo, wait for a small scene then click on Milo again.
Click the nest.
You'll see magpie chicks, each one has a roman numeral on their chest, visible if you click them.
Now click on them in order, following the numerals: they are from left to right 1-4 -2-5-3 so pick them accordingly.
If done correctly they'll all be up.
Now click them one by one, going from left to right, so that they peck each other and one leaves.
Click on the chick that's now right of the nest for a scene.
Click Milo once to move closer, then click Milo again for another scene.
Click on Milo for some thoughts and to zoom in.
Click the magpie chick.
You'll get the last achievement, BYE! after the credits, they're short but you can make them go faster if you hold left click!

Thank you and a request
I hope you've found this guide helpful, if you did please give it an upvote to make it more visible to others!

If you spot any mistakes or wrong info please lemme know in the comments.

Also follow this link for my other guides, maybe one of em will catch your fancy:

Stay safe and happy gaming.
stranger1982  [author] 17 Apr @ 7:12pm 
@krana very welcome mate :ravenbird:
krana 17 Apr @ 4:02pm 
Thank you!
stranger1982  [author] 13 Apr @ 8:43am 
@Hunt - Waschpaste Happy to help, ty! :dd2burn:
Hunt - Waschpaste 13 Apr @ 7:53am 
Thank you that guide is really good.
questionable 1 Jun, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
@stranger1982 No problem! I loved the game.
stranger1982  [author] 28 May, 2023 @ 7:32pm 
@questionable Thank you, I hope you enjoyed the game! :Pizza:
questionable 28 May, 2023 @ 2:47pm 
Thank you so much! I really needed this for some of the levels, and it takes a lot of effort to make such a detailed guide like this.
Unistav.Luna 4 May, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
Cuttest game ever:steamthumbsup:
stranger1982  [author] 12 Sep, 2022 @ 9:43pm 
@Stormwalker36 Glad it helped!
And that sounds like an interesting detail.
Stormwalker36 12 Sep, 2022 @ 7:17pm 
Thank you for the guide! I noticed an extra detail you may want to check out: In Chapter six, if you mess around clicking on the butterflies in the tree on the left, sometimes, a little ghost image briefly appears of Milo and his girl. I have yet to figure out exactly what triggers it's appearance, but it happened several times