RaySupreme 3D

RaySupreme 3D

Low Poly Fantasy Sword 01 - Tutorial and free game asset preview
"This is a preview of what you will learn to make fro mstart to finish in my video tutorial series I am currently recording for RaySupreme 3D. I have so far managed to record the entire modelling process and will work on the UV section and then texturing and I may add a bonus video on how to import into certain game workshops.

The texture style will be stylized hand painted with 1 diffuse texture, that style seems to be pretty popular and I myself like it.

I will work on uploading these videos soon, I tried to be as detailed and step by step as I could while explaining a few things along the way. I look forward to seeing some feedback from the videos as soon as I am able to get them uploaded :)

PS - The asset will be uploaded as a free to use personally or commercially game asset on OpenGameArt (a friendly heads up)

Kind Regards,
Patrick Griffiths"