Fallout 76

Fallout 76

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How to avoid fall damage (stagger) in Fallout 76
By Penguin
In this simple guide, I will tell you how to avoid the stagger you get when falling in Fallout 76! Whether in power armor, or on foot!
Be in First Person for this
This glitch worked in Fallout 4, but doesn't in 76 due to new netcode. So you're gonna need to be in First Person Perspective (FPP) mode for this.

Hit V on PC - if using controller, click your analog stick or press Select to go into first person if you're in 3rd person view.
Step 2: JUMP!
Jump from a high height. Doesn't matter if you're in power armor or not. Just JUMP!
Step 3: The Big Secret
When you are about to land, equip or holster your weapon.

You will completely avoid stagger while doing so, and can hit the ground running without any stagger at all (This includes the power armor "hero" landing, too!)
Please like and share if this helped, thanks <3