Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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MvM: How to play Engineer on 'Empire Escalation'
Par Burrito Fingas! et 1 collaborateur(s)
This is a complete guide on how to properly play Engineer on 'Empire Escalation' in a very effective way; most of it related to a support-attack playstyle and focused to help provide tips and tricks for new players.
This guide includes important topics and game mechanics, such as loadouts, upgrade paths, specific building placements, list of tasks to do on each wave, dealing with Spybots and Sentry Busters, and most importantly... sentry-blocking.

As said before, this guide primarily targets newer players to MvM itself, and to those newcomers: This is not a Bible, do not treat it as such. This is what we have learned in our time of playing the game and has been very effective for us. Adapt and play how you'd like to, and most importantly, have fun!
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What you should know before playing
Before you start playing Engineer in MvM, there are some things you need to know and consider.
Engineer is a class that takes a long time to master and might not be very friendly to nearly clueless or completely inexperienced players. If you decide to main it for a certain amount of time, you'll find out that the Engie is a very easy, powerful, versatile and helpful class to play.
On the other hand, new players tend to ignore some things and usually make mistakes they should not be making. Playing Engineer isn't only about placing your buildings in only one point while you're guarding it from behind like a turtle: a proper positioning and having both optimal upgrades and wave knowledge also take good participation at the moment of playing this class... and this is very important to know.

Move your buildings if the situation demands it
This includes your Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter exit and it's very important.
On certain waves, there are times when the robots only come from a specific area of ​​the map (for example, the balcony of ​​Mannhattan or the hill on the right side of Rottenburg). In this case, it's important to move your buildings and place them in a spot close to the area where the bots are spawning, so your team can have a stronger and more solid defense.
Also remember that buildings can have plenty of different placements on different spots around the map; all of them fitting with different playstyles. On this guide, we are going to cover most of the different and most effective building placements you can have on this mission.

Don't turtle with your Sentry
Don't stand behind your Sentry all the time. Be aware of your other buildings and repair them if they're about to be destroyed. You can also use the Rebuild Canteens to fix or rebuild all of them instantly.

Your Sentry can block Giants: make use of it
This is a game mechanic known as "Sentry-block" and is based on blocking giant robots (especially Giant Scouts) with the Sentry if the building is properly placed on certain and specific spots around the map. If your team fails to keep a good blocking against Giant Scouts, try solving that issue by doing a good and reliable sentry-block.

Is this a hard mission to play?
Empire Escalation is a very easy mission to play if you pick Engineer (not to say THE easiest featured in 'Two Cities') thanks to its simplicity related to what tasks you need and have to do while playing with such class.
Playing Engineer on Empire is a basic introduction to sentry-blocking, soloing some sections of the mission on top and having very specific building placements. It's by far, the most recommended mission to start playing Engie, so if you're looking to something simple to start practicing, this one is for you.
Weapon loadout: Options to consider
Generally and based on the classic MvM meta and regarding to weapon choices, Engineer has certain options which can be very effective to equip and use; ignore this section if you already know about what weapons can be used in this gamemode:

Primary: The Rescue Ranger
The Rescue Ranger allows players to move and place any building instantly by pressing right-click in case they want to keep them safe from enemy robots, and also can repair them by using left-click while aiming to the building that needs such fix. In terms of support-only, the Rescue Ranger is an excellent tool for the Engineer and makes the class easier to play.
It's by far, the most reliable tool for beginners.

Primary: The Widowmaker
This other option doesn't take too much action for a support-only play style but we didn't want to exclude it from this guide... at least to show players that this primary also exists and can be used properly if they're good enough.
The Widowmaker is a very reliable and good damage dealing tool. It doesn't require ammo to shoot and will use your metal instead - all the damage dealt with this primary is returned as metal, basically giving you infinite shots if you have a very good aiming. An Engineer with Widowmaker is a good choice to help destroy giant robots.

Secondary: The Wrangler
The Wrangler allows players to control the Sentry manually, featuring an extended range when using this secondary, this being very effective in case you need to kill Sniperbots on the balcony or leaving the Über Medics to the Demoman or Sniper of your team. Also and as important as the other features we mentioned, a wrangled Sentry gains a shield that protects the building and reduces damage by 66%, this working perfectly as a good tanking method against giant robots. This secondary also allows players to Sentry jump in case they want to go to certain places faster (especially when they're leaving the upgrade station) and/or help a teammate Medic to build an Übercharge faster by shooting themselves.
On this mission, the Wrangler can be used from wave 1 to 4, since those are the only ones that have Über Medics and not popping them are part of your priorities.

Secondary: The Short Circuit
A good counter to explosive spam from robots because the electricity orbs that can be fired by pressing right-click will destroy any kind of enemy projectiles.
On this mission, this secondary can be equiped on Waves 4 and 5, since you'll have lots of blast robots on these waves.

Melee: Default Wrench

Using the default Wrench is a good melee option because it doesn't have any downside that can affect your gameplay. It's good enough to keep your buildings working.

Melee: The Jag

Unlike the default Wrench, using The Jag will increase the building deploying time with each hit you give to it. Otherwise, it will slow down by 20%.
You'll also have to hit 3 times to a building to take out the sapper from a Spybot, making your job "harder" in some cases.
Know the map
A little chapter made for new players about map knowledge. This is a must when you're playing Engineer and any class that demands certain and specific positioning.


The frontline is the place where all the teams start playing at the start of a mission and can divided into 2 places: Bottom and Top
- Bottom is known as the main robot spawn and features the ramp area and that's where most part of the team is going to be playing

- Top is the secondary robot spawn and that's where certain groups of robots will spawn in all the waves; it's also the main spawn for Support Sniperbots. Top is divided in 3 places:
  • Balcony: Where the robots start spawning
  • Catwalk: The bridge that bots use to leave the balcony
  • Top Stairways: The place they use to leave the catwalk and take the Bomb or Gate A path, depending on the type of robot (Bomb carriers or GateBots)
In this guide, you're going to learn how to handle top by yourself without requesting help from your teammates.

Gate A

First, we show the outsides of Gate A, which are divided in:
  • GateBot-only Entrance: Door exclusively used by GateBots to capture this gate
  • Gate A Exits 1 & 2: The places that robots use to leave the gate once they captured it and continue with the bomb or the next gate path

Once A is lost and opens his gate, robots will spawn from the left or right.

Gate B

Once B is lost and opens his gate, robots can spawn from the left or right.
Building placements
Standard Teleporter entrance with 2-Way, always pointing at the nearest upgrade station. In this guide, Teleporter placements are only focused if the player buys the 2-Way upgrade.

Standard Teleporter exit with 2-Way, always placed close to the frontline. The robots DON'T attack the teleporter exit unless someone is standing on it, so an exposed position is much better than a distant one in most cases. The 2-Way Teleporter placed close to the frontline can be used by players who tend to upgrade or buy canteens midwave (Instakill Demoman, Canteen sharing Medic or Damage Scout as some examples). If you're the Engineer, you can also use your teleporter in case you need more canteens or just to buy additional upgrades during a wave.

Passive Dispenser spot behind the white barrel. It's the most recommended spot in case you're playing with random people. A Dispenser behind the barrel is safe from possible spam and splash damage but its range is limited in case you're in a game with teammates who like to play aggressively.

Semi-aggressive and exposed placement. Offers a more extended range and players are able to get supplies from it while standing on both the upper platform close to the stairways on top and close to the ramp on bottom. Only use this placement if you trust your teammates won't be hugging the Dispenser. As you can see, the Teleporter exit now takes the place behind the white barrel, being a very good spot for those players who are very lame to walk.

Aggressive and exposed placement. Allows players to have a more aggressive playstyle if they play on the ramp. We suggest to use this placement if you have some Building health upgrades. Otherwise, your Dispenser can be very weak.


Only at the start of Wave 1. Deploy your Sentry next to the crate showed on the image above leaving a distance of a body between the crate and the building in order to sentry-block the first robot that will spawn, which is a Giant Armored Sandman Scout. You can have this placement in case the team runs without an instakill Demoman (Demoman that can one-shot giant robots). Otherwise, place the Sentry ON the crate.

*Defending from Gate A
Sh*t happens...

Standard Teleporter exit with 2-Way. Can be safe from spam as long as the team is having a good crowd control.

Standard Dispenser placement, passive. Can be safe from spam too.

At this point, the Sentry doesn't really have lots of placements, but this one works to kill robots safely while also giving time to your Demoman or Sniper to kill Über Medics.

*Defending from Gate B
Trying to play if you lost both gates can be a little bit painful but stills playable.

2-Way Teleporter exit placement. Can be safe from spam as long as your team is making a good defense.

Passive-aggressive placement for Dispenser.

Passive-aggressive spot for Sentry, offers a good bomb guarding if your team is having a solid crowd control.
Wave 1
For new players, Wave 1 can be seen as "intimidating" if they're playing this mission for the very first time but isn't really like that. The wave has a considerable amount of robots but it's very easy to complete if you're following certain standards of building placements and upgrade paths. Also remember that you'll have teammates that are going to kill the robots as well, so you're not going to be the only one.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Sentry-block and kill the first Giant Armored Sandman Scout on bottom
  • 2) Sentry-block and kill the second and last Giant Armored Sandman Scout on the top stairways
  • 3) Kill 36 of the 60 Bowmen spawning at the top balcony
  • 4) Take out 6 of the 24 Pyrobots spawning at the top balcony (These are going to be GateBots)

Upgrades at the start
From the Wave 1 to Wave 6 chapter, all of the upgrades shown will be cumulative and can be bought without any issue; there's no need to do refunds on each wave.

  • 3 points of +100% of Dispenser Range: A bigger Dispenser range will give ammo, health and metal to players without requiring them to touch or "hug" the building. If the Dispenser doesn't have this upgrade, players will be forced to hug it and stay very close to the building, making it weak against splash damage
  • 2-way Teleporters: An excellent option in case you want to buy additional upgrades and canteens midwave or at the end of the wave. This upgrade allows everyone to get back to the base very quickly without having to walk all the way back to the spawn or using a killbind, and can also be used during a wave to get more upgrades and canteens. Usually, a canteen sharing Medic or players with aggressive playstyles tend to do this thing very frequently, so a 2-way tele should do the trick
  • 1 point of +10% of Sentry Firing Speed: Only one tick of this upgrade is required, since the other ones aren't working properly. 1 point of this upgrade increases Sentry's firing speed while it's shooting automatically and also while being wrangled on the first wave. Then, on wave 2, the 2nd will be required if you want to have a faster firing speed while using the Wrangler. A Sentry with this upgrade can kill robots faster and the difference is even more notorious if they're spawning in big hordes at the top balcony. The 3rd tick of Sentry Firing Speed doesn't show any difference at all, so try to ignore it and save some credits
If you get these 3 upgrades, then you won't have money to buy Rebuild canteens, so if you feel unsure about your results at the start of the wave you can ignore 1 point of the Dispenser range upgrade only for the beginning and buy at least one or two canteens to use them as a backup plan in case things don't go as your team planned. Once you get 100 credits during the wave, you can buy the last tick of dispenser range if you want.

How to play
- Firstly, a Giant Armored Sandman Scout will spawn on bottom at the start of the wave. In case you're not playing with an Insta-kill Demoman, you can help your team by sentry-blocking this giant on the crate position we mentioned above. Use the Wrangler while you're blocking to increase the Sentry's firing speed and kill the giant faster.

Next, 24 Shotgun GateBot Heavies will start spawning on bottom when you've destroyed the first giant and your team will have to take them out before they get to Gate A; these robots won't be a problem at all.

- Another Giant Armored Sandman Scout will spawn from the balcony while your team is killing the Heavybots on bottom. If you see nobody's going to be on top to deal with this giant, you can sentry-block it down the stairs close to the catwalk area. Place the Sentry just like the image down below shows and use the Wrangler to kill the giant.

Once the 2 Giant Armored Sandman Scouts and the 24 Shotgun GateBot Heavies are destroyed, 3 Giant GateBot Pyros with 3 groups of 5 Über Medics will spawn from bottom. Your team can take them the giants easily, so as the Engineer the best thing you can do is use the Wrangler and wait for your Demoman or Sniper to take the Meds out and then continue attacking the Giant Pyros. If you don't have a "Medic picker" (classes that kill Über Medics without popping them) on your team, prepare to pop them as soon as they fall so you don't waste time.

- After the first Giant Pyro is destroyed, 24 Bowmen will spawn at the top balcony. Place your Sentry on the top catwalk and let it kill them until they stop spawning. While your Sentry is on top killing the Bowmen, your team will have to deal with the other 2 Giant Pyros with Über Medics on bottom.

- Following the Giant Pyros, 3 Giant Scouts will spawn on bottom and your team will have to deal with them.
After the first Giant Scout is down, 6 GateBot Pyros will spawn on the balcony, so you'll have to apply the same strat as showed against the Bowmen: Placing the Sentry on the catwalk and let it kill the bots. IMPORTANT: The safest way to take out these 6 Pyros on top is by buying 1 point of +10% of Sentry Firing Speed. Otherwise, they'll destroy your Sentry on the catwalk and this can give them time to reach Gate A.
This Pyros can reflect projectiles, so don't ask help from a Soldier or Pipe Demoman; better get firing speed for your Sentry and don't make things difficult.

After you completed all of these tasks, just place the Sentry on bottom and help the team kill the rest of the robots until you win the wave.
Wave 2

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Sentry-block and kill 3 of the 7 Giant Crit GateBot Bowmen with 3 Über Medics at the top stairways in case the Demoman of your team isn't helping you to kill them
  • 2) Take out 2 of the 4 Giant GateBot Heater Heavies on top after you killed the 3 Bowmen


  • Buy 2 points of +100% of Building Health. This is going to be applied with the 2 Giant Heater Heavies at the top balcony
  • (Optional) Buy 2 or 3 Building canteens because you're going to need them if you have to deal with the robots coming from the balcony

How to play
The start of this wave can be a problem if you don't understand the concept and utility of different Sentry placements and sentry-block.

- When Wave 2 starts, Demoknights will spawn on bottom, while on top you'll have 3 Giant Crit GateBot Bowmen with 3 Über Medics spawning in 3 groups, so consider having a Demoman on your team to take them out with the stickybomb traps. If in the worst cases you don't have a Demo with you or the player who is picking the class is subpar or inexperienced, there's a way to assist them : You'll have to do some sentry-block.
Same thing as explained with the 2nd Crit Armored Sandman Scout on Wave 1: Place your Sentry down the stairways close to the catwalk and wait for the Bowmen; your team will be killing the Demoknights on bottom, so don't worry. When the first group spawns, wait for them to come through the stairs and start shooting while using the Wrangler until the Über Medic pops its charge.

Now, the Bowman will be blocked for a few seconds and will try to jump and evade the sentry-block.

Once the Bowman jumps over your Sentry, it will lose the Über Charge effect, and then continue shooting until you take it out. Repeat the same steps with the other 2 Bowmen. Keep a distance between you and the Bowmen becuase they can randomly switch targets and can shoot you instead of trying to destroy your Sentry. These robots have crits, so they'll kill you instantly if you're not careful.

If you're lucky enough and you have a Demoman who is placing the sticky traps on the catwalk for the start of this wave, then you won't have to do any of the 3 steps we just taught you, just place your Sentry focusing on bottom and leave the Bowmen to your teammate Demo. Don't place the Sentry on the wood crate spot showed on Wave 1 because it can shoot the Über Medics pocketing the Bowmen and they can pop their charges.

- Following with the list of jobs to do, after you destroyed the 3 Bowmen, 2 Giant GateBot Heater Heavies will spawn at the balcony while the team is killing the Crit Flare Gun Pyros on bottom. It's strongly suggested to have at least 2 points of +100% Building Health because you'll have to place your Sentry on catwalk to deal with these giants. You'll have a few seconds before the giant Heavies spawn, so take that time to use your 2-Way Teleporter and buy building health and at least 2 Building canteens. Place your Sentry looking at the catwalk and once the first GateBot Heavy spawns, use the Wrangler and start shooting while keeping some cover so you don't get hit. If your Sentry is getting damage and is close to get destroyed, use a Building canteen and keep shooting until it runs out of ammo.

First giant.

Second giant.

When the Sentry runs out of bullets, let the giant destroy it and rebuild another one with a canteen close to the stairways or use the Rescue Ranger to save the building and use your wrench to refill it with ammo and continue attacking the giant Heavy until you kill it. Repeat the same steps with the last giant and everything will be done for you.

Written by Burrito: First giant. In this case, I let the giant destroy my Sentry and I rebuilt another one down the stairs while using the Wrangler.

Written by Burrito: Second giant. Unlike the first one, here I rescued my Sentry and placed it down the stairsways and gave it some ammo with the Wrench and used the Wrangler.

- After you completed all of these tasks, just place the Sentry focusing on bottom and help the team kill the rest of the robots until you win the wave. The last 2 giant robots will be pocketed by Über Medics, so make sure to use the Wrangler and don't shoot until your Demoman or Sniper takes them out.
Wave 3

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Take out the 6 Support Engineerbots spawning behind the team close to Gate A at the start of the wave
  • 2) Take out the 26 GateBot Demomanbots at the top balcony
  • 3) Take out 48 of the 84 Force-A-Nature Scouts at the top balcony
  • 4) Take out the Support Bonk Scouts on the stairways close to balcony


  • Buy the last point of +100% of Building Health: Good counter against big amount the Demomen and Scoutbots on top
  • 1 point of +50% of Max Metal Capacity: 1 point of this upgrade gives you 300 of Metal and you can deploy the Sentry, Dispenser and Teleporter exit at the same moment without searching for external metal packs in case you need to replace all of those buildings
  • Buy 2 or 3 Building canteens in case you need to rebuild something quickly
  • (Optional) 2 points of +20% of Jump Height: If you want to reach the catwalk quickly and have a good shortcut, you can buy 2 points of this upgrade so you can crouch-jump over the white barrel close to ramp (a.k.a. the passive Dispenser spot) and then do another crouch-jump to reach the platform close to the top stairways

How to play
The start of this wave can be a little bit tricky for new or inexperienced players.

- Wave 3 starts with a Giant GateBot Shotgun Heavy (and 36 Force-A-Nature Scouts) and as soon as it gets destroyed, 2 groups of 3 Engineerbots will spawn from behind close to the Gate A area; you'll have to deal with them while you're team is handling the front line. Place your Sentry in the spot showed on the image down below on the setup timer in order to have everything ready to kill the Engiebots.

After getting rid of the first group of Engineerbots, the second and last group will instantly spawn using the same or different spawns but they'll be close to each other anyways, so don't worry and keep the Sentry on its spot until you kill the remaining Engies. Sometimes, the Scout of your team won't notice about the money they drop after being killed, so try to collect it if you don't want to lose the money rating and the bonus at the end of the wave.
If you don't deal with the Engineerbots, they will set up their Sentries and it's going to be a big problem if you or your team tries to reach Gate A. This task is always a must, so don't and never forget it.

- After dealing with the support Engiebots, you will have to place your Sentry at the top to take out the 26 GateBot Demomen that will spawn on the balcony area; your team will be killing 8 Samurai Demomen on bottom. Wait until the Demomanbots start spawning and let the Sentry kill them - Use the Rescue Ranger or Building Canteens to repair the building so it has a solid crowd control until the robots stop spawning.

- Following the GateBot Demomen, 48 Force-A-Nature Scout bots will spawn on the balcony while your team is on bottom killing 21 of the 33 GateBot Pyros. Leave the Sentry in the catwalk and let it kill the Scouts. While you're waiting for them to start spawning, you can take the 2-way Teleporter back to the base and buy some additional upgrades or canteens in case you want. Dealing with these Scoutbots is going to be very easy, so there's nothing to be worried about, as long as you're keeping your Sentry working.

- After dealing with the Scoutbots, the last task you'll have to do is taking out the groups of support Bonk Scouts that will spawn at the balcony as well. These robots have unlimited spawns, so you'll have to keep your Sentry close to their spawn point until the end of the wave.
Once the last Giant Shotgun GateBot Heavy with Über Medics is destroyed and the first Giant Blast Soldier (pocketed by Über Medics too) is leaving its spawn, the Bonk Scouts will start coming. Since you can't kill them on the top catwalk due to the Bonk's damage immunity effect, you'll have to place the Sentry close to the stairways and just wait for them to walk through. In that moment, they'll lose their immunity effect and the Sentry will kill them. Keep the Sentry looking at the stairways while killing the Bonk Scouts until the team kills the last giant and the wave ends.
Wave 4
This is another wave that can be problematic for players who don't know about specific Sentry placements. The main and only key as the Engie on this wave is to take care of all the robots coming from top.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Take out 12 of the 56 GateBot Demomen at the top balcony in case your Demoman isn't going to kill them
  • 2) Take out the 10 Heavybots at the top balcony
  • 3) Sentry-block and kill 2 of the 6 Giant GateBot Force-A-Nature Scouts at the top balcony


  • 3 points of +30% of Crit Resistance (From Wave 4 to 6): If you see the Wave 4 statu bar on the HUD, you'll notice that this one has a lot of crit spam (especially coming from the normal and giant Demomanbots), so we strongly suggest you to buy 3 points of this specific resistance in order to increase your survival and be more safe from the crit pipes. We also recommend to equip the Short Circuit at the start of the wave to destroy the pipes while shooting the electricity orbs at groups of Demobots by using Right-Click; this one can be taken as a very specific strat for this wave
  • (Optional) Equip The Widowmaker and buy 4 points and +10% of Firing Speed and Projectile Penetration: This can be used against the 2 Giant Soldiers and 2 Giant Medics that will spawn after the first 2 groups of Demomanbots. Optional upgrade and loadout but works perfectly as a damaging tool on teams with poorly aggressive players
  • Buy 2 or 3 Building canteens in case you need to use them as a backup plan

How to play
The start of this wave will feature 2 groups of 12 Demomanbots: 12 will spawn on bottom as bomb carriers and the other 12 will spawn at the top balcony as GateBots.
You'll have to focus on the top GateBots, so place your Sentry close looking at the catwalk and let it kill them until they stop spawning; the rest of the team should be on bottom dealing with the other 12 Demos. If the Demoman of your team is placing the sticky traps on top, then you'll have to place the Sentry focusing on bottom. Using the Short Circuit and shoot the orbs against the crit pipes here is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged.

- Following the Demomanbots, 2 Giant Soldiers and 2 Giant Über Medics will spawn on bottom divided in 2 groups. This giants aren't really a priority for the Engineer, but if you want to help your team to deal with these robots, you can equip The Widowmaker and upgrade it with full Firing Speed and Projectile Penetration, or just shoot the orbs from the Short Circuit to destroy the rockets.

If you want to help your team to kill these giants try shooting the electricity orbs with The Short Circuit.

Once you see the Soldier is reloading its weapon, start shooting it with The Widowmaker.

...or try shooting from their backs too if the giant is focusing on another teammate.

- After the 2 Giant Soldiers and Giant Medics are destroyed, 10 Heavybots will spawn on top, so place the Sentry on the catwalk to take them out quickly. As we explained before, make sure to use Rebuild Canteens if the Sentry is getting lots of damage. While you're killing the Heavybots on top, the rest of the team will be dealing with 9 Samurai Demos on bottom - You can also switch the Short Circuit back to The Wrangler since you won't need that weapon anymore.

- Once you and your team have finished with the Heavybots and the Samurai Demos, 2 groups of 16 GateBot Demomen will spawn on bottom. Once the first group of these Demos is destroyed, 2 Giant GateBot Force-A-Nature Scouts will spawn at the balcony - Place the Sentry in the middle of the catwalk door before they spawn and block them while using the Wrangler or shoot them with the Widowmaker in order to kill these giants before they evade the sentry-block.
First GateBot Scout.

...and the second and last one.

- After you killed the 2 Giant Scouts, the wave is pretty much over. Just place the Sentry focusing on bottom and help the team kill the remaining robots until you win the wave. You're free to switch your secondary weapon back to The Wrangler and remember to use it and remember to not shoot the remaining Über Medics and leave them to the Demoman or Sniper of your team.
Wave 5

A wave without Über Medics, so if you see that the player who was playing Demoman is picking another damage class like Soldier, Heavy or Pyro, you'll have to know that Medic pickers aren't required on waves with no Medics.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Sentry-block 10 of the 12 Giant Force-A-Nature Scouts on the bottom ramp
  • 2) Take out the 9 Crit Hyper League Scouts at the top balcony
  • 3) Help the team fighting against the 10 Giant GateBot Black Box Soldiers
  • 4) Help the team killing the 54 GateBot Crit Heavies on bottom
  • 5) Sentry-block the 8 Giant Bonk Scouts on the bottom ramp


  • 3 points of +25% of Blast Resistance: Since most part of the Wave is based on explosive damage, getting a full resistance to counter it's good help when the Giant Black Box Soldiers start spawning
  • Buy 2 or 3 Building canteens in case one of your buildings gets destroyed and you want to rebuild it instantly
  • (Optional) Buy 3 Crit canteens to use them with the 10 Giant GateBot Black Box Soldiers if your teammates aren't playing aggressively. If you want to do this thing, then you'll have to use The Widowmaker with its respective upgrades

How to play
- Wave 5 will start with 5 groups of 2 Giant Force-A-Nature Scouts spawning on ramp. You'll have to Sentry-block them by placing the Sentry on the ramp just like the image down below shows. You can use the Wrangler while blocking the Scouts or The Widowmaker with its full firing speed upgrade. Leave the 5th and last group of these giants to the rest of your team and move your Sentry quickly and place it on the top catwalk.

- Once the last group of giant Scouts is destroyed, 9 Hyper League Scouts will spawn on the balcony divided in 3 groups and your Sentry will take them out. After you kill all of them, move the Sentry back to bottom.

- Now the whole team will have to deal with 10 Giant GateBot Black Box Soldiers, which are divided in 5 groups of 2 giants. If you're playing Engineer, use your Widowmaker and just shoot the giants while dodging the projectiles. Remember that these robots gain health if they hit players with the rockets, so the main goal in this part of the wave is to kill the giants as soon as possible before they heal themselves. If you decided to purchase Crit canteens, you can use them with this giants; it's good help in case you're playing with players who don't do enough damage to keep the robot crowds under control.

Don't stay in one place while shooting them, move in circles around them while jumping so the projectiles don't hit you so easily. You can place yourself and attack them behind their backs while they're targeting on another teammate.

- After you and the team killed the 10 giant Soldiers, most part of your job will be done and the rest of the wave is very easy to complete; just keep the Sentry focusing on the ramp area and help your team killing the 15 Crit Shortstop Scouts, 35 Blast Soldiers and 10 Fist of Steel Heavies.

- Once the 10 Fist of Steel Heavies are destroyed, 54 GateBot Crit Heavies will start spawning divided 3 of groups of 18 robots. In case your team isn't playing aggressively, you can take your 2-Way Teleporter and buy 3 Crit canteens to use with these robots; you can place yourself behind them before they spawn and use the Crit canteens to kill the Heavies quickly.

If you want the Heavybots to not aggro you, then you'll have to stay behind their backs before they spawn. Otherwise, your crit resistances might not save you at all because you'll have lots of them.

When the second group of Heavybots gets destroyed, 2 Giant Armored Sandman Scouts will spawn on bottom too; sentry-blocking isn't really required because they're very easy to kill. After that, the last group of Heavybots will spawn and you will have to do the same thing as explained with the other groups.

- At the end of the wave, 2 groups of 4 Giant Bonk Scouts will spawn on the ramp. Place the Sentry in the ramp so it creates a temporary barrier when the first group runs out of Bonk. Then, use your Widowmaker and shoot them until you take them out. Repeat the same thing with the second and last group and you'll win the wave.

First group of Giant Bonk Scouts.

Second and last group. If some teammates are also staying on the ramp with you, the Scouts will be locked for longer, making it easier to kill them before they get another Bonk effect.
Wave 6
And finally, the last wave. At this moment, you'll have enough credits to perform an attack-support playstyle without any problems, as long as you use your brain while playing.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Sentry-block and kill the 4 Giant GateBot Force-A-Nature Scouts at the top balcony with The Widowmaker and Crit canteens
  • 2) Help the team to finish the Giant Heal-On-Kill GateBot Heavy boss in case it stills alive after you killed the Giant Scouts
  • 3) Leave the Sentry guarding Gate A to kill the Direct Hit GateBot Soldiers pocketed by Über Medics
  • 4) Place the Sentry looking at the stairways close to the balcony and let it kill the infinite waves of Engineerbots until you win the wave

Before the wave starts
The last wave will start with a boss coming from main spawn: The Giant Heal-On-Kill GateBot Heavy. As its name says, this Heavy will gain health if he kills a teammate. so the main and most important goal here is "DON'T LET IT KILL YOU!" (i.e. use a killbind if the giant is close to kill you so it doesn't gain health if you die). This giant will also try to capture the gates A and B, so it's very important to kill it as soon as possible before it starts causing problems. Approximately 42 seconds after the boss spawned, 4 Giant GateBot Force-A-Nature Scouts will come from the top balcony and you'll have to sentry-block and kill them before they try to elude the blocking. Equiping The Widowmaker with Firing Speed and Projectile Penetration is a must if you're going to do this task by your own.


  • 3 points of +25% of Bullet Resistance: A good way to be safer from the main Heal-On-Kill Heavy boss and the rest of giants
  • (Optional) 3 points of +10% of Movement Speed: We recommend this upgrade in case you don't want to waste credits on a Disposable Sentry and want to have a faster movement while carrying buildings instead. Note by Burrito: Since I'm not really fond of mini Sentries or full wrench attack speed, I prefer going with max movement and even jump upgrades too.
  • Buy 3 Crit canteens: A must to deal with the 4 Giant Scouts on top on your own, so the rest of the team can focus and kill the Giant Heavy boss on bottom without having to worry about losing the gates

How to play
- At the beginning, once the Giant Health-On-Kill GateBot Heavy and 25 Concheror Soldierbots spawn, keep your Sentry focusing and shooting it from bottom for no more than 30 seconds.

- Then you'll have to move the Sentry and place it in the middle of the catwalk door to sentry-block the 4 Giant GateBot Scouts coming from the balcony. They'll come in a single group, so it's highly recommended to use The Widowmaker with its full firing speed upgrade and Crit canteens to kill them quickly before they manage to jump and evade the sentry-block.

Once you destroyed the 4 giant Scouts at the top and the team successfully managed to kill the Giant Heal-On-Kill Heavy and the 25 Concheror Soldierbots, 20 GateBot Direct Hit Soldiers with 20 Über Medics will start spawning on bottom. You WON'T have to deal with them, so leave that task to your team: A Soldier or Demoman with Crit canteens can instakill them. If the Über Medics pop their charges, place your Sentry guarding at Gate A so it can shoot and kill them once they run out of Übercharge and repeat this thing until they stop spawning.

Medics that popped in the ramp will lose its charge when they're close to Gate A and that's where the Sentry is going to kill them.

- And now, following the final stage of Wave 6, once all the Direct Hit Soldierbots and Medics are destroyed, 10 Giant Heal-On-Kill Heavies will spawn on bottom (the first 4 are going to be GateBots and the other 6 as normal giants) followed by Crit Heavies and groups of Melee Scouts, while at the top you'll have groups of Engineerbots. As Engineer, place the Sentry looking at the stairways close to the catwalk so it kills the Engiebots quickly while the rest of the team is handling the frontline. At this point is just very simple: Use the Sentry to kill the Engineerbots on top and your Widowmaker to attack the Giant Heavies on bottom; using Crit canteens is also a good option for this final part of the last wave.
Keep your Sentry close to the stairways in order to kill the Engiebots.

Attack the Giant Heavies with the Widowmaker on their main spawn.

- When you kill the last giant, you'll win the mission.
Sentry Busters: How to deal with them
Engineer's most common enemy in MvM.
There are plenty of ways to "trigger" (detonate) Sentry Busters and here you'll learn all of them, so you can have different options to take in case you need to deal with these robots.

Passive triggering
Passive triggering refers to a way to detonate Busters without having to attack them. It can be done by 3 possible ways:
  • Using the Rescue Ranger: The most simple method. If the Buster is about to explode next to your Sentry by using the detonation animation with its beeping sound, point at your main building with the Rescue Ranger and press right-click so you can pick it up away from the robot and the big explosion it will make. Rescue Ranger's alt-firing costs 100 of metal, so make sure you have enough of it before trying to rescue your building.

  • Detonation baiting: Another variation of passive triggering but this time it doesn't require the use of the Rescue Ranger. In case you want to trigger a Buster quickly, just pick your Sentry and walk towards the robot or you can wait for it to come to you. Once the Buster collides with you, it will make the animation to detonate itself, so you'll have to walk away from it in order to avoid the explosion.
    This can be very obvious but in case you're asking, do this baiting away from your team and the rest of your buildings.

  • Destroy-Rebuild: Another possibility in case you don't like to deal with multiple Busters if your Sentry is doing a considerable amount of damage. Some players will find easier and more simple to just let the Buster destroy the Sentry and then rebuild another one instantly by using a Building canteen.

Aggressive triggering (Damage farming)
Attacking the Buster before it reaches the Engineer's Sentry is also another way to deal with this robot. Stickybomb traps, blast and bullet damage and also assisting by milking and slowing the Buster (only if the Scout has the -35% Speed on Target upgrade of The Mad Milk), all of them can be applied if teammates want to give the Engineer a little break from these enemies. Attacking Busters is also a good way to farm damage.
One important thing to follow here is that attacking and killing Busters is ok as long as you don't destroy them close to any building, so make sure that your Dispenser and Teleporter exit are in safe spots from detonations. Buildings can resist rockets, bullets and pipes but one single explosion from a Buster will instantly destroy them.

Special trick: Sentry Buster glitch
It's possible to insta-detonate the Sentry Buster before it reaches the Sentry and it's also possible to lock it into one place without triggering, working as a helpful "Übercharge "dispenser" in case you're playing with a teammate Medic.
If you want to learn more about this special trick, check this guide. All credits go to its creator:
Dealing with Spybots
There's not really a special way to kill Spies, just be aware from where they're spawning and take them out quickly before they try to backstab you.
On this mission, Spybots spawn on Wave 2 and Wave 5.
  • On Wave 2, 2 Spybots will always spawn on top

    2 Spybots disguised as a Pyro and an Engineer.

  • Meanwhile on Wave 5, they'll spawn in groups of 2 Spybots behind the team on bottom, close to the Gate A area

    2 Spybots disguised as the same Heavy.
Try asking for a teammate (we suggest a Soldier or Pyro) to kill the Spybots quickly when they spawn so they won't be a problem for the rest of the team.
Additional tips?
Don't be scared of using multiple canteens on a single wave
Especially if you're using Building canteens. They only cost 50 credits each and are an excellent option to insta-repair deploy your buildings in case they're getting a lot of damage or got destroyed.

Move your buildings!
Use the Sentry to watch and secure the bomb if the robots dropped it far away from the frontline.
Place the Dispenser on the area where the team is defending; you have plenty of possible placements around the map.
Be reactive to building relocation requests, especially when they come from experienced players; don't be unteachable

Don't ignore Spybots
They can be very annoying for you and the whole team if you don't kill them quickly. When you hear the Spybot alert by the Administrator, watch your back and be aware.
If the team has a Soldier or Pyro, try asking them for help to deal with Spies because they're good classes for this task in particular, or you can also do it by yourself by playing aggressively (hitting them with your primary or your wrench).

Don't place your Sentry at the top if the team already has top takers
If one of your teammates is on the top balcony killing some of the robots marked in your things to do, then placing the Sentry on the catwalk won't be necessary. Place it on bottom instead and think about moving it if the top taker gets killed, so you can keep with the crowd control at the balcony with your Sentry as a backup plan.
In conclusion
  • Learning how to properly play this and any mission as Engineer will require map knowledge and wave memorization
  • Know which robots will and won't be your priorities on each wave. Having or not having a good Demoman or Sniper on your team can make a big difference at the time of playing
  • The Rescue Ranger is the best primary for new players. If you're good enough, try using the Widowmaker for a different game experience
  • Know how to Sentry-block; this shows the difference between a good and a bad Engineer
  • Use the Wrangler to not pop Über Medics and leave them to the Medic pickers of your team
  • Apply aggressive or passive building placements according to your teammates playstyles
  • If you want a solid and easy-going game, buy and make use of the 2-Way Teleporters
  • Know how to deal with Sentry Busters
  • Request your teammates to kill Spybots when they spawn or try doing it by yourself; don't ignore them
  • On this mission, Engineer can be very independent by means of needing help from other teammates. His Sentry can solo handle big groups of robots at the top balcony without any problems while the rest of the team is taking care of bottom
We hope this guide can benefit the plethora of beginner Engineer players in MvM, and we hope to see you using our tips and tricks in a future game!
If you have questions related to this mission, we'll be more than happy to answer them on the comment section down below, cheers.
More guides available
For those who are interested in maining Engineer in the Two Cities operation, check the rest of our guides:
-- We appreciate any kind of feedback or comments related to the guide. Off-topic comments will be ignored/deleted/blocked. --
12 commentaires
Burrito Fingas!  [créateur] 14 mai 2023 à 23h31 
We appreciate your comment!
Davey 14 mai 2023 à 15h34 
Your guides are extremely informing and well done. I've been searching for them and I'm glad I found them. Thank you!
Burrito Fingas!  [créateur] 19 mai 2022 à 19h56 
@soot Thank you for the award and the extra points. Anyways, I can't really judge people who like joke guides; I even dare to say I red some very good ones which I still remember.
As long as this guide (and the others we're planning to post soon) is useful to someone, we're good.
Cheers x
soot 19 mai 2022 à 5h50 
Seriously why is the joke guide more popular than a guide with so much effort in it I actually had to use the Index
Good guide, here's an award
Burrito Fingas!  [créateur] 18 mai 2022 à 18h10 
@Kendal Personally, I always place my sentry on the wooden crate in front of the ramp. You can use this placement without any problems as long as you don't have robots coming from top.
Thank you for asking, cheers x
Mezmerize 18 mai 2022 à 17h21 
Where do you normally put your sentry to cover bottom ramp. Is it different for each wave?
soot 13 mai 2022 à 7h36 
Why is this not as popular as "How to become happy again" fucking joke guide
Burrito Fingas!  [créateur] 11 mai 2022 à 7h21 
@Simon I appreciate your comment, thanks to you for doing that Buster exploit guide too! Cheers x
Simon 9 mai 2022 à 12h00 
Thats a really detailed guide, good job with creating it. And thanks for linking my guide, appreciate it :LIS_pixel_heart:
bw-jack 8 mai 2022 à 4h06 
As always good useful guide gets almost zero attention, stupid how to move guide gets hundreds of awards and likes.