Submerged: Hidden Depths

Submerged: Hidden Depths

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Submerged: Hidden Depths Translated Diaries
By EddieK74
The purpose of this page is to have an uninterrupted reading flow without having to memorize a cryptic alphabet or flipping back and forth through pages of notes and drawings.
Spoilers ahead. Don´t read before you´ve seen the credits roll.
Our History
City History
All written text is the creation of the developer, all images were taken ingame.
The creator of this page added an additional layer of characters of the english alphabet to match the cryptic characters.
swoo703 23 Aug, 2023 @ 10:30am 
Thank you for your input. Here's what my mind produced out of it:

- "NTES" being "NOTES" seems obvious now that you said so
- Same for "LSTN" being "LISTEN". I feel dumb not having thought of that
- I agree that the sign to the left of the last "LIFE" could very well be a "3", according to your logic (expressed on the comments section from here: , although, on the book's page, one can clearly see there's a "( )" surrounding each digit. So, if these "parenthesis" are part of the signs for the digits, why are they absent from this message?

- Looking back at your pic of that long cryptic message, I noticed 3 things:
1) "FALL" could be "FALY". Yet, can't think of any word that "FALY" could translate into. I'm just saying that, as it's a bit incomplete, it could be a "Y" and not a "L".

swoo703 23 Aug, 2023 @ 10:30am 
2) Doesn't it look like, to you, that there's another character after "CHIF"? Unfortunately, I can't have it match any of the symbols we already know...
3) Same thing after the last "RCRD". There seems to be something there. Maybe another "+" sign?

In the end, we probably shouldn't rule out the possibility this message is incomplete. There may be a whole half missing. Maybe this was an early attempt from the devs to create a full message using their coding but ended up giving up the idea and just reused part of the message purely as decoration for when the player discovers a diary page? The very fact that this message stays the same for all diary pages might indeed indicate that, for the developers, as it is presented in the final game, it has really no significance at all (anymore)?

EddieK74  [author] 22 Aug, 2023 @ 2:05pm 
ntes - notes
dstr - no idea that makes sense, duster? disaster?
lstn - listen
,, - no idea
+ - in the previous game, this symbol was also used in relation to health, but I don´t see it making sense here.

After thinking about your dicovery, I came to the conclusion that the symbol to the left of the last LIFE has to be a 3, but I can´t prove it. Also no idea what it could mean. The whole thing looks like a radio message. More survivors?
swoo703 22 Aug, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
@EddieK74 You're very much welcome! :-)

Btw, I'd be interested to read you about what you think the last message on your guide means (if it means anything, that is).

My guess is that it says:
please remember villager
daily *???* from chief???
life record after destruction??? fall
listing??? about tale record
heed past life

But I can't make head nor tail of what it could actually mean.

I should add 2 more signs which you’ve not translated but which we might actually know:
- the one at the very beginning and end, which looks like a "+" sign. If it's the same one as on the first Submerged game's cover, it should mean "&", as the cover reads "Miku & Taku" (Check it for yourself: .
- the one at the left of the last "LIFE" and which looks like a Chinese sign, I believe it's the same sign as the one for "5" on my little Easter Egg page.

But it only seems to make this message even less understandable.

swoo703 22 Aug, 2023 @ 1:11pm 
There might actually also be an additional sign on the left of "HEED". It's like two parallel vertical bars. But I don't have a clue what it could be for... Unless it's a double dot (like this . . ). Because my guide also shows the sign for the dot and it looks like half this sign... Although it is hard to see exactly how it looks like on the game's books' pages, I admit.

But then again, makes it worse to understand any sensible meaning to this message.

Do you have an idea yourself? What did you think when you got this weird message translated?

And how long did it take you to realise the part on the right of the diary image (which your screenshot has cropped out) is the mirror of the left one? :steamhappy:

It took me way longer than I would admit, honestly. I remember I was scratching my head as I could only make out a few characters like the "V" (which was actually a mirrored "R"), and the symmetrical letters "A", "O" and "T".

Until it stuck me... :steamfacepalm:

EddieK74  [author] 22 Aug, 2023 @ 10:47am 
@swoo703 indeed, all the fading and zooming made it extra difficult for me, in the end I had to chose from over 400 screenshots to pick the most readable ones.
Thank you very much for your contribution!
What a surprising gain of knowledge!
swoo703 19 Aug, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
Fantastic work! This must have taken you a very long time! Especially because the 8-character bits underneath each image from the City History disappear when you have found all 4 pages from a Seed place. But there's some text you've missed, mate! ;-) And it's quite a funny one, actually. :steamhappy: Ever wondered what was written on the book's pages when they quickly flip as you collect them? I did. And here is what they read:
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-Sun 1 Apr, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
You´re welcome Eddie. :-)
@Sharon I think #24 is the Moment where they put one Spheres from it´s natural place into the technical place to use the power of the Sphere for the machines i think.
I agree with Eddie for the Word "defile". :-)
EddieK74  [author] 1 Apr, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
In context with the narration below that group of pictures, I think "defile" could make sense.
Wyvern, thank you very much, I must have missed the notification.
sharondornhoff 1 Apr, 2023 @ 5:17am 
Any guesses what City Story #24 (DFLE) means? Most of the words are pretty obvious, but I'm not getting that one.