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Hotkeys for belt, pouch and gestures (with AHK)
By FM Helldiver Radio
This is a script for AutoHotKey to help mouse & keyboard player in Eldenring.
What is it?
This is a script for AHK to define hotkeys for the use in Eldenring.

It defines hotkeys for the belt, the pouch, gestures and 1h/2h-switching.
Default Hotkeys
Tab = switch right hand weapon 2-handed / 1-handed
p = switch left hand weapon 2-handed / 1-handed

1 = use pouch slot 1 (up)
2 = use pouch slot 2 (right)
3 = use pouch slot 3 (left)
4 = use pouch slot 4 (down)
5 = use pouch slot 5
6 = use pouch slot 6

F1 = reset belt to item 1
F2 = reset belt to item 2
F3 = reset belt to item 3
F4 = reset belt to item 4
F5 = reset belt to item 5
F6 = reset belt to item 6
F7 = reset belt to item 7
F8 = reset belt to item 8
F9 = reset belt to item 9
F10 = reset belt to item 10

shift + F1 = gesture 1
shift + F2 = gesture 2
shift + F3 = gesture 3
shift + F4 = gesture 4
shift + F5 = gesture 5
shift + F6 = gesture 6

You can change all keys in the script if you like.
Don´t press any of the hotkeys while inside a menu, inventory or anything like this.

If you do so, unwanted results could happen like selling your favorit weapon of throwing away a great rune or something like that.
Belt hotkeys are a little bit special
The belt hotkeys are a little bit special.
They count items, not slots.
So F3 will select the 3rd item in the belt no matter how the items are placed. If you fill the 2nd, 3rd,6th and 7th slot in belt, F3 will select the 6th slot as it holds the 3rd item.
It may also take some parts of a second to get there.
To select the 9th item the hotkey has to reset to item 1 and then scroll 8 times left.
This process takes 0.7 seconds so don´t place items down there you need to access fast.
For fast needed items use the six pouch hotkeys. They activate in 50 milliseconds.
How to use this / requirements
  • Download AHK at https://www.autohotkey.com/ and install.
  • Use notepad to save the script in a text-file and name the file "Eldenring.ahk" (or any name you like)
  • compile the script (right-click the file and and compile)
  • or just run it like it is (double-click)

  • Ingame the E, R, Up, Down, Left and Right keys need to be unchanged.
  • resolution ingame has to be set to 1920x1080 (will improve this later if needed)

The script
#SingleInstance Force #NoEnv #Warn SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. SendMode InputThenPlay SetTitleMatchMode 2 MsgBox Eldenring Script started. press Ctrl+Alt+X to stop. ^!x:: MsgBox Eldenring Script terminated. exitapp #IfWinActive ahk_class ELDEN RING™ ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;----- ----- ;----- Chance your hotkeys here if you like ----- ;----- usa a ; to disable a key. ----- ;----- ----- ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Tab::gosub 2H-Right ; right hand weapon twohanded p::gosub 2H-Left ; left hand weapon twohanded 1::gosub Pouch_Up ; use pouch up 2::gosub Pouch_Right ; use pouch right 3::gosub Pouch_Left ; use pouch left 4::gosub Pouch_Down ; use pouch down 5::gosub Pouch_5 ; use pouch slot 5 6::gosub Pouch_6 ; use pouch slot 6 F1::gosub Belt1 ; reset belt to slot 1 F2::gosub Belt2 ; reset belt to slot 1 F3::gosub Belt3 ; reset belt to slot 1 F4::gosub Belt4 ; reset belt to slot 4 F5::gosub Belt5 ; reset belt to slot 5 F6::gosub Belt6 ; reset belt to slot 6 F7::gosub Belt7 ; reset belt to slot 7 F8::gosub Belt8 ; reset belt to slot 8 F9::gosub Belt9 ; reset belt to slot 9 F10::gosub Belt10 ; reset belt to slot 10 +F1::gosub gesture_1 ; gesture 1 +F2::gosub gesture_2 ; gesture 2 +F3::gosub gesture_3 ; gesture 3 +F4::gosub gesture_4 ; gesture 4 +F5::gosub gesture_5 ; gesture 5 +F6::gosub gesture_6 ; gesture 6 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----- don´t touch anything below unless you know what you are doing ----- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------scripts-2H------------ 2H-Right: send {e down} sleep 25 send {LButton down} sleep 25 send {LButton up} sleep 25 send {e up} return 2H-Left: send {e down} sleep 25 send {RButton down} sleep 25 send {RButton up} sleep 25 send {e up} return ;--------------scripts-Belt---------- Belt2: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down return Belt3: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt4: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt5: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt6: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt7: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt8: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt9: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt10: gosub Belt1 gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down gosub P_Down return Belt1: send {Down down} sleep 550 send {Down up} sleep 25 return ;--------------scripts-Pouch--------- Pouch_Left: send {e down} sleep 25 send {Left down} sleep 25 send {Left up} sleep 25 send {e up} return Pouch_Right: send {e down} sleep 25 send {Right down} sleep 25 send {Right up} sleep 25 send {e up} return Pouch_Up: send {e down} sleep 25 send {Up down} sleep 25 send {Up up} sleep 25 send {e up} return Pouch_Down: send {e down} sleep 25 gosub P_Down send {e up} return Pouch_5: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1750, 470 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return Pouch_6: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1840, 470 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return ;----------scripts-Gestures---------- gesture_1: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1750, 620 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return gesture_2: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1840, 620 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return gesture_3: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1750, 710 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return gesture_4: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1840, 710 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return gesture_5: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1750, 800 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return gesture_6: gosub P_Esc MouseMove 1840, 800 sleep 25 gosub P_E gosub P_Esc return ;-------------------Keys------------- P_E: send {e down} sleep 25 send {e up} sleep 25 return P_R: send {r down} sleep 25 send {r up} sleep 25 return P_Down: send {Down down} sleep 25 send {Down up} sleep 25 return P_Esc: send {Esc down} sleep 25 send {Esc up} sleep 25 return