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Akashic Guide (EXP, Engrave, Hidden Fusion)
Av Naughty_One
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Hello, welcome to my akashic guide.
Here i will show you how to make most of your akashic records with help of EXP Fuse, Engrave and Hidden Fusion.
Difference comparision
In this tutorial i will work on active akashic record, Colossus Asphalt Golem. there is basic version, +2 version, and hidden +2 version to compare, for you to see how much can proces of engraving (adding +1 and then +2) and hidden fusion power your akashic up.

How to start
To power up your akashic, visit Eo.
She can be found on every city area. It is easy to recognize her thanks to her unique appearence.

To begin, select Fuse/Engrave
EXP Fuse
We begin with EXP Fuse. For this, u have to sacrifice akashic records in proces. I personally recommend to use 1, 2 and when theres not enough, some 3 stars for EXP, since those are not as rare. As u can see, 2 and 3 stars gives more EXP than 1 stars.

To top up EXP, just place sacrifice records in window, confirming action by "EXP Fuse" button. Progress can be seen under akashic that is worked on, in this case Asphalt Golem. Depending on stars of sacrifices, u will need to do this more than just once.

Here is result of maxed EXP. This have no effect on records powers themself, but is necessity for level/grade up.
Next step is Engrave, which grants us already mentioned record level/grade up. for that, just place MAX record in, and choose 2 akashic records of same star amount as sacrifice and press "Engrave". Now you have +1 akashic record, which you need top up with EXP once again for next grade up (this time it will need even more EXP fusion).

After topping up EXP again, we will go for another engrave, this time sacrificing 3 same stars amount akashics and more zenny. Now we have +2 form (which is max grade up at time of making this guide), and only thing left to do for more power is Hidden Fusion
Hidden Fusion
While hidden fusing, we will combine 2 same akashic records into one more powerful, which can be recognized by pink stars. To hidden fuse, place two same akashics in,
(! Remember, place grade up one on main window, or else you will lost all engrave progress !)
and press "Hidden Fusion". As you can see, its most expensive process.

And done, now we have maxed akashic record, in this case Hidden Ash Colossus Asphalt Golem +2